Remembering the Exodus
In March of 1947 the Exodus set sail for Israel. Aboard was a Christian Zionist Methodist minister, John Stanley Grauel. He was closely connected with the Haganah, but was there on the ship ostensibly as an undercover correspondent for the Churchman, an Episcopal...
You and the Lord of Hosts
Over 200 times, the Old Testament describes God as the Lord of hosts. David used this term more than anyone, and with good reason. David said, “The Lord of hosts is with me.” The Word of God is true—trust it more than anything else. Believe me when I tell you that...
How to Hear and How to Respond
To hear God, you and I must listen with our entire being—mind, soul, and body. It is difficult to hear His voice over the cacophony that constantly surrounds us—traffic noise, television blaring, electronic devices beeping. Parents sleep with one ear tuned to the...
Undercover or Unchanged?
In the mid-1980s, I was rushing through an airport in Rome with a friend of mine who was a television producer. Suddenly, I spotted at the opposite end of the tunnel a short, stooped woman wearing a familiar robe. “Paul,” I called to my friend, “Watch our stuff.” I...
God Has Big Plans for Your Family
The Word of God has so much to say about the future of our family members, the blessing of our children and grandchildren, and the legacy of faith we can build and leave behind. Let me share just a few of these passages with you: Isaiah wrote, “For I will pour water...
Fighting a Spirit War
A spiritual battle is raging in Israel and around our world. We see the other wars covered on the news day after day. In addition to the physical war being fought with guns and planes and tanks, there is an economic war, an ideological war, and a media war. Those are...