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Hezbollah & Lebanon

Hezbollah & Lebanon



Creature of Iran


Since the early 1980s, Hezbollah has been one of the most powerful and prominent terrorist groups in the world.  According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, “Hezbollah quickly established its strength and prominence through a string of major terrorist attacks in the region, including the suicide truck bombings of the U.S. embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983, the 1984 car bombing of the U.S. embassy annex in Beirut, and the hijacking of TWA Flight 847 in 1985. Hezbollah, often working with Iran, also launched terrorist attacks on France and U.S. Arab allies.”

Hezbollah also played a key role in the kidnapping of more than 100 American and Western European hostages between 1982 and 1992.  Among the more than two dozen American hostages taken were CIA Bureau Chief William Buckley and Marine Colonel William Higgins, who were both killed.  This led to the arms for hostages program where the Reagan Administration provided weapons to Iran through Israel, in exchange for which three of the American hostages were released.

Following the conclusion of the Israel-Lebanon War in 1985, Hezbollah played a key role in the Lebanese Civil War.  They partnered with the Assad dictatorship in Syria to gain effective control over the country.  They branched out from paramilitary and terrorist activities into politics, becoming one of the most powerful parties in the Lebanese government.  Despite only holding ten percent of the seats in Parliament, Hezbollah has used their influence to prevent the replacement of Lebanon’s president whose term expired in 2022.  Their ally Najib Mikati has been acting as president ever since.

The terrorist roots of Hezbollah cannot be denied.  The CSIS noted, “Hezbollah is a radical Shia organization, embracing the teachings of Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Since its founding, Hezbollah has subscribed to the doctrine of wilayat al-faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists), which advocates a guardianship-based political system centered on one qualified Islamic jurist, the supreme leader of Iran.”

The BBC described Hezbollah as “one of the most heavily-armed, non-state military forces in the world.”  It is funded and equipped by Iran.  Its leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has claimed that Hezbollah has 100,000 fighters.  Estimates of the stockpiles of missiles and rockets provided by Iran for use against Israel vary widely, but it is believed that they have at least 150,000 hidden and ready to fire at a moment’s notice.  Iran has invested heavily in setting up manufacturing operations in both Lebanon and Syria to provide even more weapons for the war against Israel.

The weapons Iran has provided Hezbollah are far more sophisticated than those possessed by Hamas.  Iran’s proximity to Lebanon and its partnership with Syria make it far easier for them to supply advanced missiles to Hezbollah.  Despite Israel’s best efforts to halt these shipments, Hezbollah’s rocket stockpiles continue to grow.

It is estimated that they have fired more than 1,500 rockets and missiles into Israel since the Hamas invasion in October of last year.  Most of these have been fairly short range, unguided weapons.  But they have much more deadly weapons in their arsenal.  Virtually the entire country of Israel is in range of Hezbollah rocket attacks.

And Hezbollah is not just a threat to Israel.   In testimony before Congress in 2023, FBI Director Christopher Wray stated, “FBI arrests in recent years also indicate that Hezbollah has tried to seed operatives, establish infrastructure, and engage in spying here domestically—raising our concern that they may be contingency planning for future operations in the United States.”  A 2024 Treasury Department report said that Hezbollah “members and sympathizers have long been involved in an array of large-scale criminal schemes, including sophisticated money laundering, smuggling, and trafficking networks that have involved the U.S. financial system.” 


Nation of Sorrows


There was a time when Lebanon, and especially Beirut were renowned for their beauty and culture.  Lebanon’s capital was often referred to as the “Paris of the Middle East.”  The nation had come under French control following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I.  The victorious British and French governments divided much of the region and took responsibility for the establishment of new governments in the nations they oversaw.

Because the population of Lebanon was divided among Christians, Sunni Muslims, and Shia Muslims, a power-sharing agreement was put into place whereby the president of the country would be a Christian, the prime minister would be Sunni, and the speaker of parliament would be Shi’ite.  This arrangement worked relatively well until the influx of Palestinians in the 1960s and 1970s following their expulsion from Jordan after a failed attempt to overthrow the government there.

The Palestinians under Yasser Arafat allied with radical elements trying to overthrow the Lebanese government and seize power.  In 1975, a civil war began that would devastate the nation.  For the next 15 years, rival groups fought a bitter and brutal war that saw at least 150,000 killed and more than a million people flee the country.

In addition to rival religious groups, there were also a number of secular militias with allegiance to different foreign countries.  Rather than a war fought between armies on a battlefield, the Lebanese Civil War was waged from town to town and street to street.  Simply living in the wrong place became a death sentence for many.

In 1976, thousands of Syrian troops crossed the border to intervene in the war on behalf of their favored groups.  Eventually Syria would have 40,000 soldiers in Lebanon, giving them effective control over most of the country.  Fighting continued in Beirut along the “Green Line,” which divided the Muslim and PLO controlled western part of the city from the Christian controlled east. 

Along with their fighting in Lebanon, the PLO continued attacks against Israel, leading to the creation of a security zone along the border by Israeli forces.  IDF soldiers crossed the border in force in 1982 as part of Operation Peace for Galilee.  They were not fighting the Lebanese army, but the PLO.  

In 1982, the Islamic Republic of Iran established a base in the Syrian-controlled Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. Marine Col. Timothy Geraghty in his book Peacekeepers at War recalled that from that base, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) “founded, financed, trained and equipped Hezbollah to operate as a proxy army” for Iran.  Hezbollah quickly became the iron fist of the Islamic regime, carrying out the war against Israel and the West. 

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Remembering the Exodus

Remembering the Exodus


In March of 1947 the Exodus set sail for Israel. Aboard was a Christian Zionist Methodist minister, John Stanley Grauel. He was closely connected with the Haganah, but was there on the ship ostensibly as an undercover correspondent for the Churchman, an Episcopal journal. With that designation, he secured a visa from the British Consulate in Paris, enabling him to legally enter Palestine. His assignment was to make certain the world knew of the events surrounding the ship.

Once he had arrived in Europe, Grauel’s job was to arrange for the transfer of refugees from displaced persons camps to the Exodus. His tasks were many and varied—cook, distributor of supplies, administrator, and contact person between the refugees and the crew. The ship steamed toward Palestine with more than 4,550 refugees packed aboard. Just as she neared Haifa on the Mediterranean coast, the ship was rammed by the British Royal Navy cruiser Ajax, in a convoy with five destroyers, and was boarded by sailors.

This was not an easy task, as the SS Exodus had been fortified with barriers and barbed wire to discourage such actions. The British reportedly bombarded the ship with tear gas grenades in order to subdue the passengers. Captain Ike Aronowicz and his crew challenged the boarding party. One crew member, First Mate William Bernstein, a sailor from California, and two passengers were bludgeoned to death. The ship that had brought such hope to so many had been attacked by the British navy a mere seventeen miles offshore, in international waters. It was a wanton act of piracy for which the Royal Navy commanders were never charged. Grauel later reported that, as the Exodus staggered into the port at Haifa, those still able to stand gathered on the deck of the ship and sang “Hatikvah,” the hymn of hope.

Grauel, the only passenger onboard with a valid visa, was arrested but soon escaped with help from none other than the future mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kollek (who would become a very dear friend of mine years later) and the Haganah. He was approached by a reporter, who was a member of the Jewish organization. The unnamed reporter shepherded Grauel to the men’s room, from which he was whisked out a back door into a waiting car displaying American press credentials. The Jews on board the Exodus were then forced to disembark in Haifa and were eventually and unwillingly returned to British-controlled camps in Germany.

Grauel was summoned to Kadimah House in Jerusalem to give a firsthand account of his experiences during the voyage with the refugees to the United Nations Committee on Palestine. As he stood before that group, he leveled his heartfelt accusations regarding the treatment of the Jewish passengers on the Exodus. He later said of his testimony: “There was great gratification for me in knowing that my eyewitness report was now a matter of record. Inherent in the nature of the relationship between Christians and Jews was the fact that because I was a Christian, in this situation my testimony would be given greater credence than that of a Jewish crew member.”

Grauel’s witness proved to be an effective means of gaining compassion and support for the Jewish cause. His eloquent speech to the UNSCOP later earned him the moniker of “the man who helped make Israel possible.” Prime Minister Golda Meir believed it was Grauel’s recounting of the events surrounding the Exodus that persuaded the UN to support the creation of a Jewish state.


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In the mid-1980s I was rushing through an airport in Rome with a friend of mine who was a television producer.  Suddenly, I spotted at the opposite end of the tunnel a short, stooped woman wearing a familiar robe.

“Paul,” I called to my friend, “Watch our stuff.”  I threw my bags at his feet and ran to her.  “My name is Mike Evans,” I said as I approached, offering my hand to shake hers. Mother Teresa’s dark eyes twinkled as she grasped my outstretched hand and said, “Mr. Evans, it is very nice to meet you.”

All the love of the universe seemed to drain from the atmosphere at that moment. It was as if that love was concentrated within her tiny frame and radiated through her. My flight and my friend no longer existed. Like a schoolboy, I stammered a few words about my current mission to Israel, then collected myself and asked about her recent trip to the United States. I thought I would sympathize with her for returning to the suffering in India after enjoying the comforts of the States for a short time.

“No, no,” she said with a sad smile. “It is in the United States that I am sad. I believe it is the poorest country on earth.”  “But why?” I asked, stumbling in my attempt at small talk with this giant of faith.  “Ah,” she said, “the United States is poor in spirit, and that is the worst kind of poverty.”

I have meditated on Mother Teresa’s profound statement in the years since that encounter and have come to understand it more each day. In a land of wealth and opulence, with every opportunity afforded us—from time-saving gadgets to life-enhancing luxuries—our nation as a whole seems devoid of true fulfillment and lasting contentment. Even with all our computer-age technology, state-of-the-art communications satellites, multi-million dollar universities, and Internet-ready cell phones, we still don’t seem able to rise to a level of greatness equal to our level of wealth. Like a good dream that doesn’t last until morning, personal peace is fleeting and achieving a fulfilling purpose for living eludes us. We seem to be a nation of people who, while struggling to know our divine destiny, settle instead for complacency, missing God’s power and purpose in our lives.

The great failure of God’s people in our days is that we do not come into His presence through prayer as we should.  When we live our lives spending time with God to get to know Him and His purposes, opening ourselves to consider and be part of manifesting His kingdom on the earth, then we should have constant joy within, welling up and spilling out. It should be an infectious joy that makes others want to partake. It should be in us as it was in Jesus and should attract people to us as it did to Him. Just as people should know we are Christians by our love, so should they know we are different because of our joy. If we are truly walking with Jesus, allowing Him to guide our steps, then we should be constantly experiencing the benefits of His Holy Spirit. Just as those who were healed when Peter’s shadow fell across them, we should be more fully experiencing the benefits of the Holy Spirit as we follow closely behind Jesus.

God’s presence changes things, so if He is truly in us and we are abiding in Him, then His life-changing power should shine through us. Yet, instead, we are often indistinguishable from the rest of the world. Some might call themselves undercover Christians, but the truth is we’re not under cover; we’re unchanged!

Nothing can blind us to that more than ego or self-deception.  Sometimes it appears that those who seem to be doing the most for God are the most deceived. In the past three decades, scandals have rocked the Church on an international scale with every vice from greed to adultery to child molestation. Then, as if that were not enough, on the other side have been those of us who stand in judgment over these people, erring on the side of stiff religiosity and driving more away from God because of our unforgiveness and self righteous demeanor. Believe me, I know what I am talking about here; I have experienced this fleshly pride first-hand.

During the scandal surrounding the demise of the PTL television network in the mid-80s, I was invited on television news programs—Crossfire, CNN, Nightline, and so forth—to debate the various attorneys involved. Charles Gibson on “Good Morning, America” continued one such show through two extra segments because we were having such an insightful discussion. I thought I was doing a service to the Body of Christ. But instead I was engaging in what Evangelist Doug Stringer called the “Spiritual Immune Deficiency Disease”—cells eating other cells within the Body.

Consider all the energy I’ve wasted over the years seeking the approval of others, becoming intoxicated by someone else’s power, working as an unofficial arbitrator in big-name church cases, engaging in media fist-fights all over the nation. I thought I had arrived and was finally really doing something to help Jesus. But Jesus doesn’t need such help—He needs my humble obedience. I wasn’t carrying out His ministry on the earth—I was blindly exalting Self! I was seeking validation and justification for my flesh. I was allowing it to fight other flesh—and all under the Christian banner!  That realization drove me to my knees.

When great saints pray, a flame of the Spirit is stirred up from within. Instead of praying, “God, send revival,” they all discover the same thing: The Person of Jesus Christ revealed by the Holy Spirit is revival. We need to stand up at His command and declare His presence. Declare God’s Glory! It’s all about Jesus! When we ultimately become acquainted with Jesus, we are drawn into the presence of the Father which leads us to His glory!

I was at a church outside New Orleans many years ago when, before I preached, Jesus softly instructed, “Stand up and declare a spirit of salvation.” I thought, How odd. But I obeyed.  When you say what Jesus says, you will see what Jesus sees and you will do what Jesus does.  When I spoke Christ’s words, instantly the power of God fell on that congregation. The large chandelier began to shake; then the building shook. I was told later that the pastor’s wife called the police to ask if there had been an earthquake. There had not been, but 62 people who did not know Christ, rushed from their seats to the altar for salvation.

The visitation of God’s glory is a heaven-sent revival, the Holy Spirit power within us manifesting the present-day ministry of Jesus Christ. All we need are hearts hungry enough to believe His Word and act upon it in His wisdom.  The Church in the Book of Acts caused demons to tremble.

Christians preached the Word with fire and glory; there was nothing they wouldn’t do for God. There were no territorial rights, no spirit of competition, no power plays, no arrogance and no big egos.

The great teacher E. M. Bounds said, “Programs, techniques, cam-paigns are utterly useless unless people are under the control of the Holy Spirit. Men are God’s methods. While men look for better methods, God looks for better men.” You and I can be among those for whom God is looking!

At the age of 31, I faced one of the greatest crises of my life. I had been working 18 hours a day, seven days a week, striving to be the best I could be. I had no comprehension that I was competing for acceptance among my peers. I was addicted to work in the same way an alcoholic is addicted to alcohol, or a drug addict is addicted to drugs.  That addiction began to break my health.

An undiagnosed neurological disease began to manifest itself.  It caused all the muscles in my neck to spasm. I began to experience panic attacks and tachycardia. My heart rate would jump from 80 to 200 beats in a matter of seconds.  In the midst of the darkness, I became depressed, discouraged, and physically drained. I cried out to God from the midst of that cardiology ward, “Lord, I’ve never wanted to know You in the fellowship of your suffering, but I do now.” As I said that the Lord said, “Then you shall know Me in the power of My resurrection. Because you are willing to admit what you are not, I will empower you with what I am.  Where those two points meet, destiny will be manifested in your life.”

Little did I know that several months later, the soft, gentle voice of the Holy Spirit would speak to me to read the following: “Remember not the former things, neither consider the things of old, behold I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth. Shall ye not know it; I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18-19).  Through this Scripture, it was as though a drop of water had fallen on my parched spirit. Next the Holy Spirit instructed me to go home, send a fax to Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and ask if he would meet with me. I argued, “No Lord, there’s no way. He doesn’t even like me, so why would he want to see me?”

Eventually, I obeyed His voice and sent the fax telling Prime Minister Begin I’d be in a Jerusalem hotel for six days and desired to meet with him. I flew there, checked in, and began to pray.

On the second day, I found myself in the Prime Minister’s office. I approached him with “Hello, how are you?” He then talked for almost 30 minutes, which was good because I had nothing to say.

Finally, he asked, “Why did you come?”  “I don’t know why I came.”  “You don’t know?” he said with astonishment. “What do you know?”  “God sent me,” I said.  “God sent you but didn’t tell you why?” he asked, becoming amused at the situation.  “No, He didn’t tell me why,” I said, somewhat embarrassed.  He called for his secretary to come into his office.  “Eight thousand miles, Kadashai, to meet with me, and he says nothing except God sent him. Kadashai, shake his hand. We have finally found an honest man!”

Then he turned to me and said, “When God tells you why, will you come back and tell me?”   After leaving the Prime Minister’s office I still didn’t know why I’d gone, so I prayed and waited for an answer. Finally, Jesus softly spoke one word to me, “Bridge.” Once I had that, I called the prime minister’s office and we met again.  As before, after our greeting, he asked, “Why did you come?”  I only had the one word, so I said, “To build a bridge.”

“A bridge? Like the Brooklyn Bridge?” the Prime Minister asked.  “What kind of bridge?”  I had no idea what to answer, but as I opened my mouth, out popped, “A bridge of love.” Immediately, Jesus’ soft voice became clear on the inside of me as to what He intended for my life through this meeting.  “A bridge of love,” he mused. “For whom?”  “Between Christians in America and Jews in Israel,” I answered.  “I like that,” Begin said again. “I will help you.”

That was the start of more than four decades of a Jesus-blessed ministry to the nation of Israel. It revolutionized my life and helped develop the bridge Jesus wanted to build.  By my not caring about my reputation, God was able to use me.  Somehow I fit into His plan, allowing my imperfections to draw me closer to Him.


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You and the Lord of Hosts

You and the Lord of Hosts


Over 200 times, the Old Testament describes God as the Lord of hosts. David used this term more than anyone, and with good reason. David said, “The Lord of hosts is with me.” The Word of God is true—trust it more than anything else. Believe me when I tell you that your Good Father is much closer than you think. Believe that He is more committed than you think. And believe that God is more ambitious than you think.

Believe in God’s mighty Word. At times, you may have problems with words. You may get into disputing other people’s words. Did you ever hear anyone call someone else a liar? It is easy not to have a lot of confidence in people’s words. However, your mistrust of others will desensitize you to the words of God, so when you hear His words, you don’t trust them as you should. Before you go to sleep at night, let the last words that go into your spirit be the words of God. David declared: “The Lord of hosts is with us” (Psalm 46:11, KJV). In Hebrew, the word host means “an army ready and poised for battle.” David also said, “I am kept. The Lord keeps me.” The word kept in Hebrew means “to hedge about as with thorns, to guard, to protect, to attend to.”

What is God saying to you today? Can you hear Him? Listen, He is saying, “Will you allow Me to be the Lord of hosts in your life?” Many Christians do not have a philosophy by which they live—no objectives or goals. One positive thing I can say about my life is that I am focused. When God tells me to do something, nothing in this world can persuade me not to do it. Why is that important? Because many people miss the blessings of God by allowing themselves to be distracted. They stop focusing on God and turn their attention to something else.

Encourage yourself in the Lord. In 1 Samuel 30:6, we read that although David was greatly distressed, he encouraged himself in the Lord. Let me ask you this: Who says we must depend upon each other for encouragement? The world around us is totally co-dependent; it knows nothing of the Good Father’s Word and His ability to encourage and strengthen us. There is a dynamic truth in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His word that you learn when you are discouraged. Let me give you an example: When you die, I can’t do anything about it. No one can carry you through the valley of the shadow of death, except Jesus. This is a private matter between you and Him. You can reach out to people for support, but there is a great difference in having a support system and being co-dependent. Encourage yourself in the Lord.

Ephesians 3:16 says, “That he would grant YOU, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man.” Verse 20 says, “Now unto HIM that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us” (capitalization added). One of the main reasons some Christians live in continual defeat is because they are ignorant regarding the sovereignty of Christ. They have not developed an intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ. They do not walk and talk with Him. How can you encourage yourself in the Lord? The only way is to spend time with Him.

You cannot be encouraged in the Lord if you are not nurturing your relationship with Him. You encourage yourself when you are walking with the Lord. If you are going to walk in the kingdom of God on a daily basis, you cannot make the church or any individual your source. You cannot make your wife or your husband your source. No one can be your source but the Lord. If you make the Lord your Source, you will have a breakthrough. Encourage yourself.


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A recent survey showed a majority of young people in America—54% in one survey—favor abolishing Israel and giving all the land to Hamas.

Only nine countries voted with Israel at the United Nations against the resolution to move forward with Palestinian statehood.  Imagine much of the Holy City, including the most sacred sites of both Christianity and Judaism, under control of radical Islamists.  The Palestinians demand Jerusalem as their capital, and that is what most of the world just voted to support.

The International Criminal Court prosecutor is seeking arrest warrants against Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders on the false charge of genocide and war crimes. He is equating Israel’s defense of itself and its people with the Hamas terrorists who attacked them.

The charges are completely false.  Israel is not starving the people in Gaza.  They have put in over half a million tons of food and medicine.  Food prices in Gaza have actually declined!  That’s not what happens when people are starving.

The sad truth is that 80% of the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria (the so-called West Bank) support the October 7 attack.  If they are given a state, it will reward the evil of terrorism and ensure further attacks on innocent Jewish people.  Rewarding terrorism will never bring peace—only more war and bloodshed in the future.

The Jewish people are more alone than they have been at any time since the Holocaust.  The United States is foolishly turning its back on Israel.  The Biden Administration even held up arms shipments vital to Israel’s struggle to survive.

While I was in Israel on my most recent trip, family members of the hostages wept in my arms. They were saying, “We love America.  Why is America turning her back on us and siding with our enemies?”

What America is doing right now is sending a message —not just to Hamas but to terrorists around the world— that we will not stand firm against them.  Our weakness is encouraging them to strike—not just at Israel, but here in our own country.  Just 19 radical Islamist terrorists shook our country on 9/11, and we must stop this evil before it happens again.

This turn away from Israel will bring a Genesis 12:3 curse on America like nothing we have experienced before.  I don’t want to see that happen. I don’t want the country where my children and grandchildren live to fall under God’s curse.

And I’m writing to you today because America’s support of Israel is crumbling as never before. As the war has gone on and the liberal media lies spread—blaming Israel for the murder of innocent Jewish people—more and more people are speaking out publicly against America standing with Israel.

When David walked into the Valley of Elah to face Goliath he asked, “Is there not a cause?”  Today God has given us the great cause of defending and blessing His Chosen People.  Your generous gift for the Jerusalem Prayer Team is your declaration that you have heard God’s voice and are responding. Please let me hear from you right away so that this vital outreach can continue.  God bless you. 



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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.