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God’s Steadfast Love

God’s Steadfast Love


The little Old Testament book of Hosea doesn’t just tell us of God’s love for Israel; the prophet lived it out in a way that would be difficult, if not impossible for many. Hosea was instructed to find a wife, and not just any wife, he was to marry a prostitute, the basest of women. Hosea was to love with a God-like love a woman who perhaps would
not reciprocate his affection. The prophet was to enter into a one-sided marital relationship. Jehovah wanted Hosea to love the wife he would choose with the same love that He had for Israel. This was to be about Hosea’s unconditional love for her.

Ready to fulfill God’s instruction, Hosea set out to find God’s choice for him. He settled on a woman named Gomer—not a name we hear a lot today. Oddly, it means “complete.” Much to Hosea’s surprise and chagrin, he fell deeply in love with this woman. They married and had three children together. But one day the ordinariness of being a wife and mother got the better of Gomer, and she abandoned her family only to return to the life of prostitution. Like many men—and women—today who have been betrayed by a spouse, Hosea took up the reins of parenthood and raised the children alone, all the while desperately lonely for the wife who had abandoned him.

God allowed this for a time, but one day He instructed Hosea to go out and search for Gomer who by then had been abandoned by her lover and had sold herself into slavery. He searched all the back alleys and houses of ill-repute until he found his beloved wife—even though still an adulteress. How was it possible for Hosea to love Gomer that much—to love her desperately? We find the answer in Hosea 3:1, “Love her as the Lord loves.” The account of Hosea and Gomer is a remarkable illustration of God’s great and gracious love, an outstanding biblical example of sacrificial love.

Hosea had finally found Gomer—dirty, unkempt, ill, and wretched, a mere shadow of her former self, yet he still loved her. He offered far more than she might have been worth on the auction block—fifteen shekels of silver and thirteen bushels of barley (see Hosea 3:2.) I like to picture Hosea wrapping her in his cloak to protect her from prying eyes and then leading her home. Once there, he gave her specific instructions (verse 3): You shall stay with me many days; you shall not play the harlot, nor shall you have a man—so, too, will I be toward you.

Was it easy for Hosea to offer that kind of forgiveness to the one who had so betrayed him? Marriages are destroyed by far less than Hosea endured. But God had a lesson for Israel: He loved them with an everlasting love. It was a mirror of God’s constant love which reaches far beyond our sinfulness all the way to the Cross where Love hung between heaven and earth. God loves you so much that He was willing to send His Son to die so that we could become part of His family…and that love never changes no matter what we do. I encourage you to rejoice in God’s love for you today.


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Rise & Shine: Living in God’s Favor

Rise & Shine: Living in God’s Favor

For many decades now, I’ve traveled the world as an ambassador for Christ and a herald of His life-changing favor.  In every continent and nation, I’ve met people in search of new beginnings, and they yearn to live in the Favor of God (F.O.G.).  They see the marvelous promises the Lord has given them in the Scriptures, but often they’re frustrated because they don’t know how to activate those promises.

When I talk with people in my travels, they tell me of their desire for breakthroughs in their life.  Some need God’s healing touch in their body or their emotions.  Others are desperate for a financial turnaround.  Many are seeking a breakthrough in their marriage or their children.

It grieves my heart that many of these precious people can quote Bible verses about the promises of God, yet, they often are missing some crucial ingredient of implementation and activation.  They lack the necessary tools to bridge the gap between the doctrine of God’s favor and the actual experience of that favor.

I want to help YOU experience more of God’s favor
so you can receive the breakthroughs you need.  As you learn how to implement these truths, your life will never be the same!

If you’ve spent any time reading God’s Word, you’ve surely seen that your Heavenly Father loves you and wants to bless you with the good things of life.  Jesus makes this absolutely clear in Matthew 7:11: “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

As much as your earthly father may love you, your Heavenly Father loves you more…so much more.  Your Father in heaven longs to show you His kindness, approval, and favor.  However, it breaks God’s heart—and breaks my heart as well—to see so many of His children missing out
on the abundant life He wants them to have (John 10:10).  Often they are trying hard to do the right things, but something is missing.

My friend, if you are frustrated today in some area of your life—such as your finances, your relationships, your emotions, or your health—I have good news for you: The Favor of God (F.O.G.) can reverse your losses and turn things around for you!  Living in the F.O.G. will help you turn the head of God, touch the heart of God, and move the hand of God.  It’s a place where you can gain affirmation from the Father and His Word rather than from those around you—at home, at work, or wherever else you may be.  As God’s favor releases emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial success into your life, you will no longer have to allow people or problems to define you.

When you’re living in God’s favor, you will attract His blessings like a magnet.  He will also activate the gifts and tools you need to BE a blessing to others, and you’ll be equipped to fulfill your calling and perform His work on earth.  However, I’ve discovered that while many people have heard about God’s favor, they still don’t understand how to activate His favor in the practical areas of their life.

The Favor of God (F.O.G.) is released in your life when you learn how to activate the promises in His Word.  Peter writes that you’ve been given “exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4).  This means you must study the promises of His Word and wait for Him to speak to you by His Spirit.  And when God has promised you something, you can’t let anyone talk you out of receiving it!

The Bible describes specific attitudes and actions that touch God’s heart and release His favor.  In order to unlock the amazing treasures He has given you in Christ, you must learn to practice Radical Obedience, Forgiveness, Humility, and Generosity.  The Bible is filled with stories of people who changed their entire destiny through one step of faith, obedience, forgiveness, humility, or generosity.

The story of a blind man named Bartimaeus is a beautiful illustration of how to unleash more of God’s favor in your life—even when your situation appears hopeless.  One minute this man was begging along the roadside, just as he had done for much of his life.  But in a moment’s time, everything changed for him.

Suddenly he could see! He had received a new beginning beyond his wildest dreams.

Bartimaeus had stumbled upon the secret to unleashing God’s miracle-working power, and his life would never be the same.  When he went to sleep that night, his life was completely different than it was when he had awakened that morning. So, what can we learn from this amazing story, told in Mark 10:46-52? Let’s take a look…

When Bartimaeus encountered Jesus, he “sat by the road begging” (v. 46). This man had learned to depend on the favor of PEOPLE to give him his daily sustenance.  However, even though God wants to give you favor with other people (Luke 2:52), you must look to HIM as the main source of your favor and provision.  That’s why King David wrote, “those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing” (Psalm 34:10).

You see, the Favor of God (F.O.G.) is all you really need. Everything else will follow when you seek Him and His kingdom (Matthew 6:33). Bartimaeus started his day seeking favor from anyone passing by on the road, but then he heard that Jesus of Nazareth was coming by.  Faith began to rise in the heart of this blind man, for he knew that Jesus was no ordinary man.  “‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’” (v. 47) Bartimaeus cried out.  At that point, people in the crowd told him to be quiet, but he “cried out all the more” (vs. 48).

If you need some kind of breakthrough in your life today, it begins when you recognize that Jesus is nearby and you begin to call out to Him by faith.  And a crucial principle here is to not let anyone talk you out of your plea to the Savior!  There will always be naysayers, trying to discourage you and undermine your faith, but you need to keep crying out to Jesus for your miracle.

Something stunning happens at this point in the story: “So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called” (v. 49).  If not for the impassioned cries of Bartimaeus, Jesus would have passed right on by.  But sensing faith in the voice of this blind beggar, Jesus “stood still.”  If you’ve been crying out to Jesus for some kind of turnaround in your life, I encourage you to take a moment to picture Him stopping…pausing…standing right in front of you.  Yes, the Lord of all creation is taking time to stop and hear your petition, ready to meet your need!

Those near Jesus told Bartimaeus, “Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you” (v. 49).  Some other translations say, “Cheer up!”  In other words, your negative words or attitude can block God’s favor.  Bartimaeus had an attitude of expectancy, and that was a vital factor in the miracle he would soon receive.  He was also told to “rise” and hear Jesus’ voice.  Without a hint of hesitation, this desperate man sprang into action: “Throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus” (v. 50).

Notice that if you want to activate the Favor of God (F.O.G.) in your life, you often must take action of some kind.  It’s likely that Bartimaeus never would have received his healing if he had remained seated on the side of the road.  OBEDIENCE is one of the most important ways to unleash God’s favor, and we see that principle here in the story of the beggar who needed a breakthrough.

Another thing Bartimaeus did was throw aside his old garment.  If you are going to start a new life, you need a fresh set of clothes!  We see this in passages such as Isaiah 61:3, where God promises to give us “the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”  In order to enter into a new dimension of God’s favor, you will need to cast off any old garments of fear, depression, unbelief, or unforgiveness.  It’s a new day!

Jesus next asks Bartimaeus one of the most important questions in the entire Bible—and it’s the same question He is asking YOU today: “What do you want Me to do for you?” (v. 51).

Let that sink in for a moment.  Jesus is right there with you, and He wants you to tell Him what your greatest need is.  What, exactly, do you want Him to do for you?  This is a critical component of what it takes to unleash the F.O.G. in your life:

You must be able to define the miracle you are seeking from God.  To no one’s surprise, Bartimaeus told Jesus that he wanted to receive his sight.  I’m sure Jesus already knew this, just as He already knows the desire of your heart today.  However, He wants you to pray it and say it, letting your specific request be known before His throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16, Philippians 4:6).

When Bartimaeus’ breakthrough came, it was sudden and amazing: “immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road” (v. 52).  Of course, Jesus could have told the blind man that his healing would come gradually, over a long period of time, but that was not the case with Bartimaeus. Jesus had unleashed the miraculous, and the results were instantaneous.

How did this happen?  What secret had the blind beggar discovered? Jesus told him plainly: “your faith has made you well” (v. 52).  Through faith and obedience, Bartimaeus had activated God’s supernatural favor and healing power.

You must understand that God created you in His image for a purpose.  Jehovah God wanted to have an intimate relationship—friendship—with you.  There is a DNA component of God that is within us.  When He is magnified, this mysterious “X” factor activates His Word.  The Bible says in Luke 2:52: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”

Are you increasing in favor, or are you decreasing?  The revelation of Living in the F.O.G. will help you to focus on His image and not yours.  Once you know how to activate God’s Words, you will find yourself starving your fear and feeding your faith.  You will see the Enemy’s attacks from a king’s perspective—as an opportunity for a heavenly promotion.

Fasten your seat belt.  You are about to begin a wild heavenly ride that will change your life forever, as it did mine.  I wear a bracelet inscribed with the words Living in the F.O.G.  I’ve been asked repeatedly what that means.  F.O.G. is an acronym for Favor of God.

What is God’s favor and how can you live in it?  Favor is “unmerited grace; regard shown by another, especially a superior; an act of kindness; a token of love; effort on one’s behalf.”  Because you are His child, God, in an act of kindness and as a token of His love, extends unmerited grace, and works tirelessly on your behalf.  Not only does He bestow favor on you, He blesses you with favor and affirmation from those around you.  God acknowledged His Son when He said: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

Living in the F.O.G. will help you reach the place in life where you can turn the head of God, touch the heart of God, and move the hand of God, a place where you can gain affirmation from the Father and His Word rather than from those around you—at home, at work, wherever you may be.  You can learn to refuse to allow people and problems to define you.  The one thing that has the power to release emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial success in your life is “F.O.G.”

To have the Favor of God in your life, you must focus on the image of God and not your own.  Any image that comes before His is a graven image.  When Moses delivered the Ten Commandments to the Children of Israel, the second one was: “Thou shalt not make thyself any graven image, or any form of what is in the heavens above, or what is in the earth beneath, or what is in the waters under the earth” (Exodus 20:4).

The Bible says we were created in God’s image.  What does that mean?  God emotes; He hears; He sees; He feels; He has personality.  He created you for friendship, relationship.  Knowing that, how can you live in His image?  First, surrender your life to Him.  Then, you magnify His image in four ways that represent His DNA. 

The Favor of God means that He will give you the resources you need to develop His image in your life, to do what He has called you to do—whether it is to be a missionary or an evangelist, a pastor or teacher, a salesman or chief executive officer, a doctor or a stay-at-home parent ministering to your family. 

Whatever you need, He will supply, and all because of the Favor of God.

In Matthew 6:33 (NKJV), Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Since my encounter with Jesus at the age of eleven, He has spoken to me again and again—through His Word.  I’ve heard His still, small voice through prayer, and I’ve applied the four principles that define God’s very DNA in my life. 

This is what Jesus did; He was Radically Obedient, He forgave, He humbled himself to the Father’s will, and He lived a life of Radical Generosity.  Those four traits are in His DNA—the same DNA as the Father.

When you magnify the image of God, you are manifesting the DNA of God in your own life.  Then, and only then, can you live in the Favor of God and activate the Word of God. 

What is DNA?  I could give you a long, scientific explanation about deoxyribonucleic acid, the molecule that contains your genetic code, but I like to use the definition, “Divine Nature Acquired.”  Paul wrote that “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old life is gone; a new life has begun” (2 Corinthians 5:17).  I know this is true because it happened to me.  And I know that once you experience God’s favor, your life will never be the same. 



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The Little Town of Bethlehem

The Little Town of Bethlehem

For most of us, the name Bethlehem immediately summons images of a manger and shepherds and a star shining brightly in the night sky, guiding visitors from far-away eastern lands.  Many hear the words that Phillips Brooks, rector of the Holy Trinity Church in Philadelphia, penned in 1868, following his return from a visit to the Holy Land:

              O little town of Bethlehem

              How still we see thee lie

              Above thy deep and dreamless streets

              The silent stars go by

              Yet in thy dark streets shineth

              The Everlasting Light

              The hopes and fears of all the years

              Are met in thee tonight.

Few places in all of Israel better illustrate the lengths to which the enemies of the Jewish people will go to deny the truth of their heritage in the land for thousands of years than the fate of Bethlehem.  This obscure village in Old Testament days became famous because it was the home of King David.  In fulfillment of prophecy, Bethlehem is where Jesus was born about 1,000 years later.

The name Bethlehem means “house of bread” in Hebrew, and it is located not far from Jerusalem.  It is fitting that the Bread of Life would be born there to a young virgin named Mary who had made the lengthy and difficult trip from Nazareth with her espoused husband, Joseph, because they were both descendants of David.  The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem marks the spot where, according to tradition, Jesus was born.

But today most visitors to Israel, who go desiring to see the places where the important events of Scripture happened, do not visit Bethlehem.  The city is in territory controlled by the Palestinians, and the danger of attack is so high that many tours of the Bible lands no longer include a visit to the birthplace of Jesus.  Many of the Christians who once lived there and in other areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority have been forced to move because of the threat of violence.

In fact, the number of Christians of various denominations living in Palestinian areas is estimated to have declined approximately 90% in the last century, with most of the change happening in the recent past.  Today the letter “N” painted on the outside of a house (symbolizing the residents are followers of Jesus of Nazareth) is often the precursor to vandalism or even a violent attack.

Yet because Bethlehem is currently under Palestinian control, the claim is often made that Jesus Himself is a Palestinian rather than a Jew.  This outrageous falsehood is declared publicly without shame (and too often without rebuttal from those who know better) by Palestinian leaders.  At the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference—a gathering of liberal religious groups that harshly criticize and oppose Israel—earlier this year, Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said that Jesus would not have been allowed to attend “simply because he was a Palestinian.”

Those who deny historical Jewish links to this land that God promised to Abraham thousands of years ago are either ignorant or deliberately deceitful.  This land is essential for Israel’s security and self-defense.  It is not part of a historic Palestinian state, for there has never been one.  Israel did not conquer Palestine—it defeated the forces of Jordan during the Six-Day War in 1967, after Jordan had illegally seized the land during the War of Independence that was started by Israel’s Arab neighbors in 1948.    



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The Little Town of Bethlehem

The Little Town of Bethlehem


For most of us, the name Bethlehem immediately summons images of a manger and shepherds and a star shining brightly in the night sky, guiding visitors from far away eastern lands.  Many hear the words Phillips Brooks, rector of the Holy Trinity Church in Philadelphia penned in 1868 following his return from a visit to the Holy Land.

O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless streets
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The Everlasting Light 
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight. 

Few places in all of Israel better illustrate the lengths to which the enemies of the Jewish people will go to deny the truth of their heritage in the land for thousands of years than the fate of Bethlehem.  This obscure village in Old Testament days became famous because it was the home of King David.  And in fulfillment of prophecy Bethlehem is where Jesus was born about a thousand years later. 

The name Bethlehem means “house of bread” in Hebrew, and it is located not far from Jerusalem.  It is fitting that the Bread of Life would be born there to a young virgin named Mary who had made the lengthy and difficult trip from Nazareth with her espoused husband, Joseph because they were both descendants of David.  The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem marks the spot where, according to tradition, Jesus was born.

But today most visitors to Israel who go desiring to see the places where the important events of Scripture happened do not visit Bethlehem.  The city is in territory controlled by the Palestinians, and the danger of attack is so high that many tours of the Bible lands no longer include a visit to the birthplace of Jesus.  Many of the Christians who once lived there and in other areas of controlled by the Palestinian Authority have been forced to move because of the threat of violence.  

In fact, the number of Christians of various denominations living in Palestinian areas is estimated to have declined approximately 90% in the last century, with most of the change happening in the recent past.  Today the letter “N” painted on the outside of a house (symbolizing the residents are followers of Jesus of Nazareth) is often the precursor to vandalism or even a violent attack.

Yet because Bethlehem is currently under Palestinian control, the claim is often made that Jesus Himself therefore is a Palestinian rather than a Jew.  This outrageous falsehood is declared publicly without shame (and too often without rebuttal from those who know better) by Palestinian leaders.  The Nativity scene at the Vatican this year featured the baby Jesus lying on a keffiyeh, the traditional checked Palestinian headscarf.  

Those who deny historical Jewish links to this land God promised to Abraham thousands of years ago are either ignorant or deliberately deceitful.  This land is essential for Israel’s security and self-defense.  It is not part of a historic Palestinian state, for there has never been one.  Israel did not conquer Palestine—they defeated the forces of Jordan during the Six-Day War in 1967, after Jordan had illegally seized the land during the War of Independence launched by Israel’s Arab neighbors in 1948.

Israel has a divine right to the Bible lands of Judea and Samaria, what the world calls the “West Bank.”  The Jewish people who live there are not occupiers of enemy territory.  They live in Israel.  Land for peace has been proven to be folly because so many of the Palestinians do not want peace.  They want Israel destroyed.  Every friend of freedom and every friend of the Jewish people should stand with Israel when it comes to control of the Bible lands.  


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A Double Portion of God’s Grace and Favor

A Double Portion of God’s Grace and Favor

In the Bible, the number five is often associated with God’s grace and favor and blessing.  Fifty-five is the number of the double portion.  This month, Carolyn and I are celebrating our 55th wedding anniversary, and 55 years of ministry together.  Truly we have seen God do so many amazing things through the years. 

God’s favor and blessing is not just for a select few.  It is available to everyone who reaches out to Him in faith.  In His Word God promises those who are thirsty that they can find their longing satisfied in Him.  His grace rests on those who humbly seek His favor.

God’s Plan for You

God has a plan for your life, and it is far more than you can even imagine.  His thoughts are beyond ours, and provide much more than we could ask.  Looking back now I see how God worked to bring the great global prayer movement of the Jerusalem Prayer Team to life.  God knows your name.  He knows who you are.  He knows where you are.  And He knows what you need.

Our Father shows unconditional love. “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities.” (Psalm 103:8–10)

He is integrity personified. “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” (Numbers 23:19)

He is compassionate. “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.” (Psalm 103:8)

God has tremendous wisdom. “For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” (1 Corinthians 1:25)

Seed for the Sower

God is more than able to meet every need that we have.  When we trust in Him, He provides for us.  It is a wonderful cycle.  When we obey His instruction to give generously, He gives to us so that we can give even more.  He blesses the generous with His bounty—our gifts turn His head and move His arm to action in our lives.

Through the years I have seen God richly bless those who have given generously to His work.  When we give we are not meeting a need God has.  Everything already belongs to Him.  When we give we are expressing our faith.  When we cling to everything we have, it really says that we do not trust God to meet our needs. A hoarding heart robs the owner of the opportunity to see God’s power displayed.  It is only when we open our wallets and our hearts…both are vital…that we put ourselves in position to see God do things that are impossible to explain apart from His power.

When Carolyn and I started out in our ministry, we had almost nothing.  But we believed in what God wanted us to do.  We were working with Jewish young people who were struggling with addiction and other issues.  Many of them came from New York, and God began to burden my heart to work with them there rather than waiting for them to come to Texas.  I went home one day and told Carolyn, “God has told me to buy a training center in New York City to assist Jewish kids coming off of drugs.  I believe it will cost a million dollars, and I don’t know where we will get the money.”

Our total income the year before was $4,500.  When I said I had no idea where the money would come from, I meant it.  I didn’t have any resources.  We were barely surviving.  But we were happy in serving the Lord!

Our oldest daughter Michelle was five years old.  She heard this conversation and she said, “Daddy, I’ve got a million dollars in my piggy bank.”  She went to her room and came back with her little bank.  “I will give you the money.  It’s here in my piggy bank!”  I had tears in my eyes as we broke that bank open and counted out what was inside.  It was $3.26.

Faith rose up in my heart.  I took that money to the bank and opened an account to buy the training center.  The teller asked me if I were crazy.  He thought I had mental problems.  I told him what God was going to do, and he laughed.  He assured me the money would not be coming in.  “You can’t pray money in Reverend.  You need to see a counselor!”

Every day I went to our center in Texas and prayed and fasted for a miracle.  Sixteen weeks later, we deposited the final funds in the bank to reach the total of one million dollars so we could buy the building we needed.  The banker apologized to me, but I knew the real secret.  Michelle’s holy offering—her childish act of faith and Radical Generosity—had touched the heart of God and moved His hand to action.  



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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.