Who is on the throne of your life? Many Believers would automatically reply, “God.” But is that really true? Men of integrity and honor, who dare to speak out against sin, too often become targets for egotistical men who place themselves above the will and call of God.
Is your heart a place devoted only to God, or has He been crowded out by worldly endeavors and enticements? Too often we begin our walk with Him filled with good intentions; we petition God wholeheartedly to occupy the first place in our lives, but eventually, the world begins to intrude. Our focus shifts to jobs, friends, or our family. These are all essential parts of life, but just remember that Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (See Matthew 6:33, NKJV.) If your priorities are in order, your motivation will be about pleasing God, putting Him first and foremost in your life, and then He will add His blessings.
We can’t limit Jesus to our timetable; we have to get on His. God is not going to consult with us to determine His plan or purpose in our lives. It’s our responsibility to determine if we are in His will. We have not taken over the world, because we have not been with Jesus. God has drawn the battle line and is sending angels on assignments to gather saints who are hungry and thirsty for Jesus.
In general, today’s Christians have no sense of destiny. But if we discover Christ within us, the hope of glory, we will be more excited about the Christian life than anything the world has to offer. (See Colossians 1:27, KJV.) Such enthusiasm kills inferiority, destroys the paralysis of the past, and gives a brilliant view of eternity. When Christ resides in His rightful dwelling place on earth, the heavens will open for the one in whom He dwells.
We have, leading the way for us, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to consume the Enemy of our souls. He is in full battle gear and demons are trembling. He is clothed with the robe of righteousness and His eyes are as a flame of fire. He upholds all things by the word of His power. (See Hebrews 1:3.)
When we become convinced that this Christ dwells within in us, we will be a power that causes the enemies of the cross to quake and cower. When we’re gripped with a sense of the destiny of Christ’s mission and His present-day ministry, we will want to see it being operational in our lives. Who on earth has a greater sense of destiny or a greater plan than the Lord Jesus Christ? When we allow the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world” to function through us, it will completely change our outlook.