In your State of the Union address, you said, “Most people in Gaza are not Hamas.” You’re wrong. Most people in Gaza are Hamas. The Palestinians in Gaza voted Hamas into power 17 years ago, and during the last 17 years, Hamas has instituted the most antisemitic educational system on the planet, teaching the children that Jews are born with tails and horns and are the seed of Satan and that the greatest honor in life is to kill a Jew.
One example is a book that IDF soldiers found in a home in the Alfarkan region of Gaza called “The End of the Jews” written by Hamas co-founder and former PA foreign minister Mahmoud al-Zahar. The book’s cover shows swords and daggers piercing through Stars of David, and Jews drowning in blood. The book mainly hails that first of all, we should not recognize the fact that there are Jews and Jewish people, but most predominantly it hails the Holocaust, embraces what the Nazis have done, and calls for nations to follow what the Nazis have done.
You also said, “The last five months have been gut-wrenching for the Israeli people and the Palestinian people.” President Biden, how is it possible that you could form a moral equivalency between Jew-hating, October 7-celebrating Gazans and innocent Jewish people in Israel? Your words are not helping Israel win the war; they’re helping Hamas.
Hamas is already winning the media war. Every lie they release to the media is reported as truth. To criticize Israel during their 9/11 war is outrageous. How many times did Israel criticize America when it was fighting its 9/11 war in the Middle East? The answer is never. They did just the opposite. They showed unconditional support for the United States. Now, sending a signal that there is daylight between the U.S. and Israel will not help in the release of the Israeli hostages. It will do the opposite.
Radical Islamic terrorists only step back when they fear us. Sending a signal of sympathy towards them does not achieve that objective at all. If America surrenders to radical Islam, then a fanatical, dictatorial fascist Islamic State with 80 million people will have an atomic bomb and most likely a nuclear umbrella of Russian planes flying over Iranian airspace. Iran has already made it very clear what they intend to do with that atomic bomb: to wipe Israel off the map.
You scolded Israel, saying they must allow more aid into Gaza and ensure humanitarian workers aren’t caught in the crossfire. Tell that to the humanitarian workers in the hospitals that were embedded with Hamas terrorists, or the U.N. “humanitarian workers” who were involved in the October 7th attacks. Tell that to the Israeli hostages who are starving to death. Only God knows what Hamas is doing to them in those tunnels as the U.S. military is airlifting aid into Gaza knowing full well that a lot of that aid will end up in the hands of Hamas terrorists as does the aid you’re also sending the U.S. military to provide.
You refused to support a bill that would provide $17.6 billion of aid to Israel, and yet you lobbied for a bill that gives over three times that amount, $60 billion, to Ukraine. You said that the solution is a state for the Palestinians so they can live in peace and dignity. So, when have the Jews in Israel lived in peace and dignity since the Palestinians began demanding a state? Would you tell it to the families that had been blown up by suicide bombers? Are you forgetting the Palestinian state myth was created by the terrorist Arafat and his terrorist organization the PLO?
You said there’s no other path that guarantees peace between Israel and its neighbors. President Biden, you’re wrong. The Abraham Accords came about despite the Palestinians. Once Saudi Arabia makes peace with Israel, the Palestinians are going to be hard-pressed to fund their terror business anymore. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman said in a private meeting I was at, “The Palestinians should not be fighting Israel; they should be copying Israel.”
You said, “Israel has a fundamental responsibility to protect innocent civilians in Gaza,” but how about protecting innocent civilians in Israel? Does Israel have the right to protect innocent civilians? And how in heaven’s name can they do that if a terror organization is allowed to survive and thrive? You were even caught off the record with a hot mic in the House of Representatives saying that Netanyahu needs a “come to Jesus” meeting on the issue of humanitarian aid for Gaza. You attack Israel over human rights. Mr. President, fighting terrorists is a human right. Hamas is a proxy of Iran. They were funded by Iran, and many of them were trained there.
Israel is facing an existential threat from Iran and its proxies. Your rhetoric to the State of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu is just like what came out of the mouth of Neville Chamberlain on the 13th of September 1938, when he ceded the German-speaking Sunderland region of Czechoslovakia to Hitler’s Nazi Germany.