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naveed pitras from PK

March 29 at 8:17 pm
amen paryr for my jobs sepasli haji manzor uoor ahsan elhahi nab ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi apney bda naveed pitras se door rakh ameen god ameen paryr for samin javed ke leya khodwnd uos ko apni panah me rakhe god bless uoor m.javed ke zuolam se hamesa ke ley najat de uor javed se door kar de amen ameen prayr for my job sepsliy adedt ofesar saeed ahmad and ahdeett pera pak khodawnd yasuo mahshi apny band naveed pitras ko cahleyar kary gha ameen paryr for my job sepasliy helth shfhiy tem of lahoar my hasopital g.s.b.t.h sialkot cti God belas amen PARYR FOR CEF SHCTRE PONJAB AND DR FHROQ IQBHAL DR AZEAM IBHRAHEM CH NAVEED CH AZHAR MERA KHODWD YASO MASHI APNA DEYNA HATH BHRA KAR BHCYGHA ameen parry far my jobs sepasliy my bhoos Ms Dr Azeem Ibrahim no odther mr Rizwan tariq junior / mr mohammad Aref incharge contest mr Rizwan tariq no contest of G.S.B.TH NO FHWAR MR ARSHAD BHATTI and mery pak khodwnad shomena javed

naveed pitras from PK

March 29 at 8:17 pm
ameen parry for medya rapotar rana khlil ke zoban zehan bande mera khodwnd yaso mashi apna deyna hath bhrar kar apney banda naveed pitras ko bhcye gha uoor shtan ke bhori nazera uoor ghnde shocsey hamesa ke leya in se door rakhey ga god belss ameen thnks juss

naveed pitras from PK

March 29 at 8:16 pm
ameen parry for medya rapotar rana khlil ke zoban zehan bande mera khodwnd yaso mashi apna deyna hath bhrar kar apney banda naveed pitras ko bhcye gha uoor shtan ke bhori nazera uoor ghnde shocsey hamesa ke leya in se door rakhey ga god belss ameen thnks juss sepasliy pti all palti ke hamesa key ley apney bhnd naveed pitras key leya shf ho jey auoor khodawnd yasuo ka lho ke bhar mangta hon ameen sepasliy pastor sahad gill hi fever and stomach problems and mousa shkeel hi fever uaso ke nam mey aj hi shfa pa jey god belss ameen

Mig from US

March 29 at 8:01 pm
I pray for my family husband sons friends grandkids and all the children of the world. I pray for a good job for my husband and son. I pray for all the people that do not know Jesus yet that the Lord gets His Word to them so they could have salvation in His name. In Jesus name I pray amen and I pray for the holy land of Isreal in Jesus Mighty Name amen

C. D Beckwith from US

March 29 at 7:38 pm
Father in the name of Jesus. I pray for my family, friends , pastors and ministers. I pray your blessings over Israel’s people and Jerusalem protect them and provide there every need. Give this world peace and your love. Father I lay down all that I need. Supernaturally restore to me double fold. Give  me strength, strengthen my faith, give me your wisdom, knowledge and guidance to help Bless your kingdom to bless others. I pray for goodness to the world. Let good overcome evil. Bless all the sick and heal them especially the children, if they lack anything. Amen and Amen🙏🏽🙏🏽😇👩🏽

Rowan from US

March 29 at 7:19 pm
Dear Lord, please help the ones that need it the most. Please stop wars, save endabgered lives, no matter the race or specied. Please forgive all our sins and cleanse us. Thank you, dear Lord for all you've done. Amen

Terrie from US

March 29 at 6:11 pm
Lord I pray for the world to have peace and love ! That's all you ask from us is to love you with all our heart and love one another. I will be ready lord when you decide it's time to return and save us. More love less greed ! Jesus name amen.

Christopher from US

March 29 at 4:56 pm
That GOD will give me Supernatural Revelation, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and the increased ability to navigate and function in the PROPHETIC ! Also that GOD will use THE HOLY SPIRIT to help me develop the habit of Studying and Growing in prayer and reading of THE WORD daily ! Ephesians 3:20; Daniel 1:17-20; Revelation 19:10; James 1:5; Luke 2:52; 1 Corinthians 2:16; Proverbs 4:7

Lorena from US

March 29 at 4:44 pm
I’ Tired of the verbal abuse from coworkers and people in general.  I need the Lord to fight my battles pls.  Thank you 🙏 

Radell H Scott from US

March 29 at 3:35 pm
I pray for a daily bow movement, and also that the olive oils, 100 percent juices, honey, and butter that I buy, all works. In Jesus name amen.

Miguel Ângelo Costa Dias Alves from US

March 29 at 2:47 pm
Para restaurar Teu Coração, perdoa-nos, Senhor. Para reparar as nossas faltas, perdoa-nos, Senhor. Para dissipar a ignorância, desperta-nos, Senhor. Amém.

Miguel Ângelo Costa Dias Alves from US

March 29 at 2:45 pm
Pela chaga aberta no Coração de Deus pela ignorância e pela indiferença dos homens para com a perfeição do Projeto Divino, Senhor, faz renascer no coração humano o amor pelo Universo Celestial. Amém.

Miguel Ângelo Costa Dias Alves from US

March 29 at 2:42 pm
Pela chaga aberta no Coração de Deus pelo abandono e pelo martírio das crianças, pela tortura, pela fome e pela dor que padecem os pequeninos, Senhor, envia-nos Tua Restauração Universal, dissipa e cura a ignorância dos homens. Amém.

Miguel Ângelo Costa Dias Alves from US

March 29 at 2:42 pm
Pelo sofrimento de Deus no ultraje que vivem os Reinos e elementos da Natureza, Senhor, purifica o mundo inteiro com Tua Piedade e Misericórdia. Amém.

Miguel Ângelo Costa Dias Alves from US

March 29 at 2:40 pm
Senhor, para reconhecer Tua Presença em tudo o que criaste e aliviar o sofrimento que vives neste mundo, pedimos Tua Misericórdia, clamamos por Teu Perdão, invocamos Teu Sagrado Raio de Restauração. Amém.

Sandra from US

March 29 at 2:08 pm
God, I pray for each and everyone on this planet. Touch their hearts and souls and let them know you are God. I pray for myself, please Father give me peace in my heart and mind. Father, You know my heart, you know what I want but I know that You know what is the best for me. Please help me to accept that it is not what I want. That whatever happens, You are in control and want the best for me. Help me to be strong for my family. Be with my family, keep us safe from all the evil and please also hold my children in Your arms and keep them safe. Amen

Miguel Ângelo Costa Dias Alves from US

March 29 at 1:29 pm
Senhor, meu verdadeiro tesouro encontra-se no vazio de tudo, porque Teu Espírito Bondoso me preencherá de Bens Divinos. Que meus pés não se cansem de caminhar e de abandonar o passado. Que Tua Luz Suprema derrame as Graças Celestiais de que meu coração necessita. Sábio Criador de todas as coisas visíveis e invisíveis, hoje me abandono em Ti e confio minha pequeníssima vida à Tua Grandiosa Vontade, porque em Teu Eterno Reino viverei para sempre. Amém.

Miguel Ângelo Costa Dias Alves from US

March 29 at 1:27 pm
Que o despertar se dê nos corações e nas consciências dos que se comprometeram com a renovação do Amor de Deus. Que a oração seja a Água Viva que mantém os corações limpos, as mentes em paz e os espíritos puros para responderem ao Chamado Celestial. Que o serviço seja a tocha levada para acender os corações que perderam a esperança, e que ele os renove no amor, na fé e na alegria de estarem em vida. Que o conhecimento seja o motivo da constância dos seres no Plano de Deus, porque a Sabedoria os vivifica e fortalece, com bases verdadeiras para chegar ao Pai. Que a vida fraterna seja o sustento e a fortaleza dos que aspiram a participar do Novo Mundo, pois sabem que tudo apenas se constrói amando o próximo, em unidade. Que o amor aos Reinos da Natureza seja um sinal de que a Redenção se cumpriu e de que os Mil Anos de Paz começam a se manifestar na Terra que, digna de um novo nome, retorna ao Coração de Deus. Que assim seja.

Miguel Ângelo Costa Dias Alves from US

March 29 at 1:24 pm
Ó amado São José, Pai da infinita castidade, deposita em meu espírito Tua sagrada humildade e a caridade eterna para que surja, através de minhas vidas, a nova humanidade. Amém.

Amy from US

March 29 at 12:45 pm
I pray softened hearts & opened eyes to the love of Christ leading to their salvation for my loved ones. I ask help submitting myself & my desires to You Lord. You ARE my fortress & defender Lord. Jesus Help me rest in You & Your finished work

Trisha from US

March 29 at 12:42 pm
Please pray for my marriage.  Please pray that the Lord would strengthen our love and trust for each other.  Please pray that the Lord would give me the strength and tools that I need to be a better wife.  Thank you so very much!  May God Bless you greatly.

Ada from US

March 29 at 12:34 pm
God bless,I ask for prayers for my husband he has an Aneurysm on his heart artery in which he has to get surgery done soon,He has to have a CT scan done on April 18 to check his heart valve to make sure it’s not leaking.Please pray for him.Thank you

Francis Michael from PH

March 29 at 11:54 am
Heavenly Father please give me a job, good health and food in our everyday life. Please forgive me that i masturbate on thursday. thank you so much that you give me another life today, thank you for the food that you give us this day, thank you also for the good health that you give me this day. I pray this in Jesus Christ name amen.

Claudia from US

March 29 at 11:29 am
Giving Praise and Thanks to the Almighty God for all that he's doing in my life. For restoring great health, finances to cover past debt, love and unity amongst my immediate and extended family. Thanking him most of all.for making a way and providing for my children, especially those that are away in College...that they not fall of the straight and narrow path but stay focus and keep looking ahead with his guidance and protection. I pray and ask if it is your will LORD. Amen.

Grace from US

March 29 at 11:23 am
May the Lord continue to give strength to my mother. Lord we always know that You are our provider may Your blessing of breakthrough touch again our family.

Jacqueline from US

March 29 at 10:58 am
For protection, healing, and peace for me & my kids, For increase finances a new job or to be able to start my own business I am facing a horrible financial crisis I'm a single mom of 2

nikki from US

March 29 at 10:58 am
My dear friend is a 29 year old mother who was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. She is sooo young. Angela Galicia needs healing in Jesus name. Thank you and God bless.

nikki from US

March 29 at 10:56 am
My son, Dylan, was diagnosed with extreme anxiety and cyclic vomiting syndrome. Please stand in agreement with me for his complete healing. In Jesus name.Amen

Jay from US

March 29 at 10:55 am
To be able to conceive, I had a dream a long time ago that God put in my heart He even gave me his name but today I am 42 years old and the doctors say that my condition is so severe I need an operation and that means no baby

Solaman Saleem from US

March 29 at 10:39 am
Prayer for my life and future, my daughter Shiloh and son Michael for their future and studies and blessings for my wife Annica and also for her health she has diabetes. Please also, prayer to cancel all financial debt. Also for parents in Pakistan and my wife's parents in the USA. Please pray for our marriage to become stronger and example for our kids. Protection blessings, good health, and financial peace in JESUS name. Thank you 🙇 

Ilyas from US

March 29 at 10:33 am
I am ilyas Samuel born again Christian from pakistan, plz pray for my work and business, I have my real estate business but I am sick coz I have problem in my spine from 3 years after some accident, plz remember me in your prayers, thanks . OUR ALMIGHTY GOD BLESS YOU, SHALOM

Ingrid from US

March 29 at 10:22 am
Padre nuestro que habitas en la eternidad, te damos gracias por tu hijo Jesucristo que lo embiste como sacrificio único y suficiente por la umanidad, declaró hoy tu reino tu sabiduría tu amor que llene en todo momento a cada uno de tus hijos, ministros, líderes, pastores, misioneros, y que proveas el pan nuestro de cada día, danos salud mental, salud física y que amemos a nuestro prójimo así como tu lo amas, amén 🙏 

Russell from US

March 29 at 10:09 am
Dear Lord I pray for the peace of Israel, and that your mighty hand protect her from those who seek her destruction. That her enemies will fall by the power of your hands as they did in the days of Jerricho and David.

Christine from US

March 29 at 9:42 am
Good morning, my family I would like you to pray for my daughter Ruth Ann who is in college to bless her in health and well-being and her school work and also her walk with the Lord, and for myself my status still pending health and well-being and a very very good job and also for my Pastor, families, and friends God bless you. 🙏

- Letitia wardle from GB

March 29 at 9:29 am
Please intercede to Adonai, for my children Christopher and Jason,for a closer walk with Yeshua and for my health and insomnia, having a very difficult time with pain of arthritis and not sleeping is aggravating the condition..Thank you ,And may Adonai Bless you Always..Shalom..


March 29 at 9:17 am

ANGENOR de la Côte d'Ivoire from US

March 29 at 9:12 am
Merci mon Dieu pour la vie, la santé et pour tous ce que tu fait dans ma vie et celle de ma famille, mes amis, mon travail et mes patron. Bénis soit tu Seigneur et que ta grâce soit toujours abondante dans ma vie et celles de ma familles ainsi que mon entourage. Je veux que m’élève dans mon service et que m'aide à accomplir mes rêves de sortes a prendre soin de ma famille et aider aussi ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Gloire, Honneur, Élévation te soit rendues ceux pour des siècles et des siècles. En tout Saint non que j'ai prié. Amen

Helen from US

March 29 at 9:08 am
I pray for my friend Douglas that was just diagnosed with prostate cancer and also for my friend Kathy that she resolves her financial issues and Gary for his continued recuperation from his bycicle accident and Anthony that he finds his Kidney donor. In the name of the Lord. Amen🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. And for me that my results come back negative 🙏

FEl from US

March 29 at 9:07 am
I pray for receiving this year the blessing of God in my life and my family Also I want to receive the visitation of holy spirit in name of Jesus Christ

Banabas from ZA

March 29 at 9:07 am
Please i pray for Financial breakthrough and my family welfare and also God should turn my life around to be bless and serve him forever with my family as we live.Amen

FEl from US

March 29 at 9:06 am
I pray for receiving this year the blessing of God in my life and my family Also I want to receive the visitation of holy spirit in name of Jesus Christ

Suzan from UG

March 29 at 8:45 am
I pray that God will grant me wisdom and favor. I also pray for the salvation of my parents and my siblings. I pray for divine connections. I pray for a big financial break through. And i pray for the protection over the Nation of Israel. Shalom

edward from US

March 29 at 8:39 am

Darciana Martins de Araujo men from BR

March 29 at 8:38 am
Peço que Deus na oração da lamentação no muro Acrescentem os anos de vida e de saúde para Osvaldo Pereira da Silva que faz anos hoje de vida E abençoe sua esposa Rosana Martins de Araujo Silva e família Luan Martins de Araujo Silva e Letícia e família seu filho e nora Eu Darciana Martins de Araujo Mendes e família E Aparecido Donizete Mendes e família E Felisberto Leandro fransolin e família sua mãe filhos irmãos primos DEUS te agradeço por essa oportunidade amém.

Genny from US

March 29 at 8:30 am
Please help me pray that my daughter comes back to me. I haven’t seen her in several years and it’s breaking my heart. I have 2 grandkids one I have never seen. I just want her back in my life.

dixie from US

March 29 at 8:22 am
two prayers to fill up my daycare having openings is causing money problems and 2nd my granddaughter has Chiari malformation is having brain surgery on May 15th she is 6 pray all goes well pain level low and no more surgeries

Renee Newkirk Avery from US

March 29 at 8:17 am
Please pray for peace in my family,that all the in- fighting, hate, envy, jealousy, greed, would stop and love, the love of God over take them. Father God I forgive everything that has been said about me or against me. I love all my sister's and brothers. In Jesus name amen.

Nancy from US

March 29 at 8:13 am
Please pray for my family.  We have a rift right now.  I bortowed money on some land that we all own together but it is in my name.  My brothers are angry with me.  Please pray for a solution to this problem so I can pay them their share.  I actually thought only the house was left in my name but the land is in my name also

Sheila from US

March 29 at 8:10 am
I honor you as Lord and Savior over my life. Please open a door for a financial breakthrough. Prayer for continued hedge of protection around the Peacock Family, Ross Family, & Williams Family.


March 29 at 7:50 am
Please Can You Please. 🙏 PRAY For The SHAME Of Lack of Burdens Of Not Having Finances ....Money For. TRUE......Reality....OF FREEDOM TO MANIFEST in and Through AGNES Life. Appreciates All who. 🙏 PRAYING For Me....Blessings to You All. AGNES From. 🇺🇸 USA.

Siona Vaelaa from US

March 29 at 6:32 am
Please pray for the Anointing of the holy spirit on my life as I'm going to preach in our combined service this Sunday night. Pray that God poured out his Holy spirit on everyone, to heal the sick delivered the people and set them free. Pray for the word to go out with power and fresh Anointing. Pray that God increase his grace and favor on my life. Activate the gifts of the Holy spirit in my life to edifying and encourage people in the Lord. Healing, miracle, discernment and word of wisdom gifts in Jesus name. Pray for my wife and childrens. Abraham, Joshua, Shalom n Daniel.

Lydia carranza from US

March 29 at 5:38 am
Please pray for my daughter Angela Sainz to go back to Australia and be a care giver in helping those in need. I am.a widow of a 30 yr abusive marriage. I have been abused all my life even as a child. I am loving and caring and would love to have a loving and caring partner to love and be loved. I know my heavenly father loves me. I would love to find love on earth before my time on is over. These are my golden yrs to enjoy. I would love to enjoy them in love for my 1st time on earth. My faith is strong I am a strong believer anything is possible if you believe. The words of God are true

Sherene from US

March 29 at 5:06 am
Financial miracle. Healing in body. Favor. Divine intervention.  Salvation of son. Restoration Manifestation of marriage. God fearing, honest spouse. God will expose all counterfeit persons. Total Restoration.

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.