anonymous from India
February 10 at 2:17 am
praise the lord, please pray for below concerns, thank you
*husband's deliverance from extra marital affairs, salvation
*work-from-home approval, to look after my son.
*grand parents salvation
*mom's healing from lung infection and spondylitis
*brother's job, salvation and marriage
*all men salvation in the family
*spiritual, emotional, physical well-being
Joseph Salim Ouseph from India
February 10 at 1:59 am
O give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever towards Israel and Jerusalem prayer team.
Thank you LORD for this wonderful day thank you LORD for your grace thank you LORD for your mercy thank you LORD for your faithfulness thank you LORD for your wisdom.
Thank you LORD for the exams Alex Abner Joseph and Nivedh is having today, bless them to do their exam's well.
Thank you LORD for the right leg knee pain Grace Joseph is having, thank you LORD,we are going to meet Dr, Ayyapa regarding this pain, trust in you everything will be in favour of Grace Joseph.
Father in heaven I come to you in the name of Yeshua our Messiah,I plead the blood of Jesus Christ for the redemption from any sin or curse upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander from any source whatever. LORD Jesus Christ,we surrender ourselves into your hands, bless us when we go out and come in.In Jesus'name
Petra from South Africa
February 10 at 1:39 am
By the power in the name of Jesus Christ I cancel every negative word /curse that Alettie has uttered/ written/ thought against me. God, I forgive& release Alettie. Thank You God for protecting me against Alettie. Thank You God for shutting her mouth against me. In Jesus' name AMEN
ER Fuerte from the United States
February 9 at 9:44 pm
Dios mio ven a nuestro socorro. La situación es difícil pero no es imposible. Gracias Dios amén.
Ind from India
February 9 at 9:44 pm
I am tired and exhausted physically and mentally. After having fight with my husband yesterday. Please pray he would come out of extra marital relationships soon. That lady is getting married next month, and he is sending gifts to her still. I was broken after seeing this yesterday. My son was having fever, I was looking after him and he was doing this to us. please pray for us.
Gloria Jean from the United States
February 9 at 9:37 pm
Father, bless the earth underneath my feet in Jesus name.
Anonymous from the United States
February 9 at 8:59 pm
For Faye Taylor, a citizen of Cheshire, England, to get saved by Jesus. And for negative and demonic ties, affiliations, and connections will be cut of from her.
Anonymous from the United States
February 9 at 8:57 pm
For salvation of the souls in China for their government to destablize and loose their oppressive grip on its citizens and for their citizens to experience freedom. And for the same in North Korea.
Anonymous from the United States
February 9 at 8:51 pm
For Rutherford, Jinks, Bay, and Merrit Brown Schools to be excorcised of bad Spirits and for souls to be saved. For small drugs to stop circulating there and between students.
JOSE from Brazil
February 9 at 8:21 pm
I need revelation on the kingdom of god, the inheritance of God.
Roger from the United States
February 9 at 7:56 pm
Pray for the healing of my overactive bladder. Pray that I will get off of the afternoon shift so I can do ministry in the evenings once again. Pray that I will get my driver's license back from IL. Thanks & God bless you.
Kashif from Canada
February 9 at 6:56 pm
God bless Israel more abundantly. Peace be unto Jerusalem. Some body say Amen.
Tom from the United States
February 9 at 5:08 pm
Heavenly Father. Thank you for inspiring particular state legislature members to join Donald Trump’s cabinet. Please bestow confusion and disorder upon your critics in the special elections for replacement legislature. The same applies to the enemies of your servant, Donald Trump. Only your upholders can win the special elections in the various states. Amen.
Naveed from Pakistan
February 9 at 4:09 pm
Please paryr my daughter zunaira naveed in cthmeh pain
Jonathan from the United Kingdom
February 9 at 4:04 pm
Please Lord give President Trump great wisdom about your Land of Israel and City of Jerusalem. Please let him qualify fully for Genesis 12 verse 3 blessing and none of the curse. His heart is in the right place. Help him get the best advice from bible experts.
Jonathan from the United Kingdom
February 9 at 3:59 pm
Please bless my brother's family and household Lord Jesus Christ.
Jonathan from the United Kingdom
February 9 at 3:56 pm
Please bless my health and income Lord Jesus Christ.
Joseph Salim Ouseph from India
February 9 at 10:41 am
Blessed are you O LORD our GOD King of the universe you have sanctified us by your word you have commanded us to be a light unto the nations and given us Yeshua our Messiah who is the light of the world.
The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and Tanya Fernandes and keep you.
The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you.
The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening. In Jesus'name
brother from the United States
February 9 at 10:25 am
Please pray for my daughter Valeria for wisdom to understand all subject materials in school. That the Holy Spirit may manifest in her to speak in tongues and be filled with the Holy Spirit! That I may obtain full custody of her so that we can serve the Lord together. I am also praying for all of you.
Anonymous from the United States
February 9 at 10:18 am
For jeran Scott's girlfriend to stop being nasty and to keep a better house and for her soul to get saved.
Anonymous from India
February 9 at 10:13 am
Please pray for my marriage restoration and my husband's salvation and deliverance from extra marital affair. Thanks
Sherry from the United States
February 9 at 9:58 am
Please intervene for me and save my life please! Dear God !😭😭😭😭Please Dear God save me and send me a complete healing of my entire body. Please send me the miracle of health that I've been praying for 38 years. Non stop suffering burning on fire in my cranial nerves supplying my entire mouth throat and neck into my digestive system, breathing ...causing paralysis. Please save me please!!😭😭😭😭 Only you HaShem can help me and I'm begging you to please intervene for me. I cannot keep suffering like this and keep begging. I beg not to be forsaken. Please send Moshiach Now for all life on earth bringing health and peace to all life on earth please!! Save me , help me, intervene for me , don't forsake me and my family and pets who need me and I need them please!!! I beg of you with tears!!I love life so much! I love you HaShem so much! I beg for a second chance at life please!! I have so much to give and will!! Please save me!!😭😭😭😭
Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha
Julie from the United States
February 9 at 9:19 am
🤰🤱🤞🙏My deepest prayers that I'm desperately seeking for is prayers for my baby inside my womb for god to place his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance healing hands upon my womb for a healthy growing full term nine month healthy successful baby for god to cover my baby under the shadows of his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance healing wings to keep my baby safe and secure and protected from all evil eyes for a safe healthy birth delivery for god to blessed my baby with all his or hers ten fingers and ten toes with a healthy perfect baby for gods hands to permanently cover my womb and my baby inside with his holy spirit and his holy ghost and his holy blood with God's mercy and grace I'm desperately seeking for God to blessed me with my perfect beautiful miracle blessings baby to walked with me throughout my pregnancy journey's and be with me health wise and a safe birth delivery (JULY -10-2025)🤰🤱🤞🙏
Julie from the United States
February 9 at 9:19 am
🙏😭I'm desperately seeking for prayers for my mother ROSETTE CASTEL for her high blood pressure 🙏 😭 I'm desperately asking for powerful prayers for my mothers health for god to place his powerful almighty miracle healing blessings deliverance hands upon my mother ROSETTE CASTEL Entirely my mother is going thorough health issues and I'm asking and seeking for God's powerful MIRACLES HANDS completely on my mother entire physical health for god to cover my mother woth his holy spirit and his holy ghost and his holy blood to rebuke and remove all negative energy's and complications interpretation blocklish with my mothers health for god to send my mother angel's to permanently walked with my mother completely for God to place his entire hands upon my mothers heart problems her acid reflexes, for god to permanently rebuked and removed my mothers lightheadedness and to give my mother a clean health 🙏 for god to walked together with my mothers mind body soul spiritually 🙏 😭
Chaplain Gloria ✝️ from the United States
February 9 at 8:44 am
Father God, rewire the hearts and mindsets of our prodigal children in Jesus name to return to you. Thank you and be glorified amen.
GJR from the United States
February 9 at 6:57 am
My God!
Prayer was meant to pray that my spouse is not a burden to me.
That I am not a burden to my spouse.
I invite the Holy Spirit to come into our marriage in Jesus name amen.
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 6:52 am
Thank you, God, for vindicating my name& for redeeming me &vindicating me in every area of my life. God, as it is written in Isaiah 54:17, let no weapon formed against me prosper, and for every tongue that rises against me, I ask that You, Lord God, would show them that they are in the wrong. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 6:50 am
By the power in the name of Jesus Christ I cancel every negative word /curse that Jaco has uttered/ written/ thought against me. God, I forgive& release Jaco. Thank You God for protecting me against Jaco. Thank You God for shutting his mouth against me. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 6:36 am
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving me Your Holy Spirit's fullness, according to Luke 11:13. Holy Spirit, I love You and I welcome You into my heart. Please fill me Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name. God, please heal my broken heart, especially after things did not work out with Jaco. God, please help me to move on with my life. Thank you for healing my soul, my spirit, my brain and my mind. Lord, I trust in You to give me a better relationship than I would have had with Jaco, with someone else who is right for me and who WANTS to be with me. In Jesus’ name,
GJR from the United States
February 9 at 6:36 am
Good morning God, thank you for the blessing to open my eyes to the light of a new day. Your mercies are new every morning. This day marks the 40th day of 2025.
I pray this day is a day that expands the peace of Jerusalem. Lessens the burden in the hearts of millions who have yet to come to peace with with their past, present and future. By the your mercy and grace gifted to humanity. The greatest gift mankinds hearts would ever have is the love of Jesus. To embrace that love is to live a new life. Thank you God the Father for God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. Come, come, come make humanity whole again amen.
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 6:35 am
Thank you, God, for vindicating my name. Thank you for redeeming me and vindicating me in every area of my life. Lord, as it is written in Isaiah 54:17, let no weapon formed against me prosper, and for every tongue that rises against me, I ask that You, Lord God, would show them that they are in the wrong, Thank you, God, for permanently delivering me from the spirit of rejection. I declare Ephesians 1:6–7 over my life. It says – “You are accepted in Christ, the Beloved, and well-pleasing to God.” I declare that I am accepted in Christ, the Beloved, and I am well pleasing to God. In Jesus’ name
Eric from the United States
February 9 at 6:08 am
Please pray Eric finds a christian nursing home where he can feel safe and live out the rest of his life happy and in God`s hands. Also, kindly pray my mom lives out the rest of her life, hopefuly many years ,happy and in God`s hands at my sister`s house.
Naveed from Pakistan
February 9 at 5:51 am
Amen paryr for my daughter Zonera kalim and hazbend Mr kalim and son solaman kalim Thanksgiving
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 5:04 am
Thank You, God, for releasing me from any bondage to Faan & for setting me free from Faan's lies, control, manipulation & witchcraft. Lord, I declare that I belong to Jesus Christ & NOT to Faan. In Jesus' name I break every chain that Faan has tried to put on me. I declare John 8:36 that "Who the Son sets free is free indeed" and I declare that Jesus has set me free from Faan. In Jesus' name AMEN
Larnette from the United States
February 9 at 4:30 am
I am a partner with Jerusalem Prayer Team. My sister Margaret was released from a rehab that helped her after a brain bleed. However we discovered they did not do everything to make her stronger and restore her mobility and we found wounds on her feet. Please pray for her full restoration, recovery and miraculous cure & for creative miracles. She needs to walk & have full mobility restored. Also prayer that strokes will NOT come again. I have suffered enormous financial losses for a long time now. I must provide for her financially and I do not want her in any long term care. I need huge financial blessings to pour in and also upon my work.
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 4:17 am
Thank you, God, for vindicating my name and redeeming me in every area of my life. Lord, I stand on Psalm 40:3 and declare: “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what God has done in my life and be amazed" In Jesus' name I pray AMEN Lord, thank You for surrounding me with You favour and love like a shield, as it is written in Psalm 5:12. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 4:12 am
Thank You God for vindicating me in every area of my life. Lord as it’s written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favour, that those who dislike/rejected/mocked me, who wished me ill /gossiped about me may see it &be ashamed of themselves, for You, God, have helped &comforted me. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 4:03 am
Thank You God for creating a hedge of protection around me, my office, house& car. Please send me a million times the amount of angelic protection that I normally receive. In Jesus' name AMEN
Bholi from the United Kingdom
February 9 at 3:44 am
I come before you in heavenly father in Jesus mighty name,i pray for Bholi Kaur we rebuke all evil spirits and cures to leave her body and spirit, what ever any person who is sending this Evil spirits or doing anything against Bholi Kaur using her Name or pictures or in everything against her finercial life we rebuke all evil spirits and cures to leave and send it back to the sender be broken right now in Jesus mighty name or evil spirits and cures to leave right now and never ever come back in Jesus mighty name Amen let Bholi Kaur be free free free right now in Jesus Christ Amén thank you Jesus Christ always right now Amen 🙏
Gregory from the United States
February 9 at 2:57 am
Dear , Ministry , I'm requesting Prayer to God , for The Lord to Bless our marraige and our future with complete freedom and deliverance and financial security and protection and wellness as we are now older in age , Thank You for your Prayers , May God Bless You As Well .
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 2:06 am
Lord, thank You for surrounding me with You favour and love like a shield, as it is written in Psalm 5:12. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 2:02 am
Thank You, God, that You have clothed me with the garments of salvation and wrapped me in a robe of righteousness, as it is written in Isaiah 61:10 and Isaiah 45:24. In Jesus’ name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 2:01 am
Thank You, God, for releasing me from Faan & for setting me free from Faan's lies, control, manipulation & witchcraft. Lord, I declare that I belong to Jesus Christ & NOT to Faan. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 9 at 2:00 am
By the power in the name of Jesus Christ I cancel every negative word, curse or death wish that Faan has uttered or thought or written regarding me OR ANY ASPECT OF MY LIFE. Thank You, God for protecting me against Faan. In Jesus' name I declare that NO WEAPON that Faan has formed against me shall prosper. In Jesus' name I silence Faan's lies & accusations against me. In Jesus' name & by the authority in Isaiah 54:17 I thank You, Lord, that this is my heritage as a servant of the LORD and my vindication comes from You, God. Thank You God, for vindicating me and redeeming me. I declare Psalm 118:17 over my life that I shall NOT DIE, but LIVE, and declare the works of the LORD in the land of the living. In Jesus' name AMEN
Anonymous from the United States
February 8 at 11:01 pm
For William Lerhman to get saved.
Evans kanoka from Zambia
February 8 at 10:58 pm
Shampa from India
February 8 at 10:36 pm
Dear Prayer Minister,
Please urgently pray that our Lord Jesus will supernaturally remove the squatter, Akhilesh Singh, ASAP from our property especially as he gets drunk, has access to our main gate, has stolen ₹ 3 lakhs from our 91 year old ground floor neighbor and illegally taken possession of a room in our ground floor on the pretext of looking after him and also meddling with the water pump switches; in Jesus' mighty Name, Amen and Amen. Praise the LORD! Thank You Lord Jesus. To God be all the glory!
Thanking you,
With love and regards,
Anonymous from the United States
February 8 at 9:21 pm
For bad spirits to be drove out of the household of John Wayne. That he will have peace at his house and for his brother, Eric, will be cleaned up.
Anonymous from the United States
February 8 at 9:13 pm
For John Wayne's brother, Eric, to change and get saved. And for his household to be exorcised and cleaned.
Jana from the United States
February 8 at 7:17 pm
Sending Prayers for general glen vanherck to be released from the Taliban in Afghanistan now to be able to come to state today.
Stephen from Australia
February 8 at 7:06 pm
Favour with Hannah Elizabeth Neilson Holman
Robert from the United States
February 8 at 5:01 pm
Pray for God to Cleanse my entire home of Beelzebub & all evil, and for the protection for my pet cat (GoodGirl) & myself (Robert Dusharm Jr.) from Beelzebub & all evil, inside my home & wherever we go. In the mighty name of Jesus
Tokuto from India
February 8 at 3:27 pm
Please pray for me , I am schizophrenic.
Trygeania from the United States
February 8 at 2:31 pm
Please keep my son Dakota in prayer. He is developmentally delayed and he will be 26 this month. His reading level is elementary. Pray for God to heal his mind mentally. He wants to do a YouTube channel, which I am trying to help him learn about. The process is slow. My concern is if anything was to happen to me who would take care of him. If you have read my other prayer requests you will see that two of his siblings are not mentally capable of helping him. Krystal has told me that she does not want to take care of another child. She has not seen or spoken to her brother in 6 years. She does not see how much he has grown. He has come a long way from where he was 6 years ago. I would like him to be able to take care of himself, but at this time in his life he would not be mentally capable of managing a budget, managing a household, or managing his finances. I do have devotions with him and teach him about God. However, he gets bored of it and really is not committed to God either.
Trygeania from the United States
February 8 at 2:22 pm
Please pray for my daughter, Katie Dowell. I don't know what is fully going on with her because she does not communicate with me correctly. When she does communicate it sounds like she is on some kind of drugs. The only reason why she was communicating with me was so that she could get something from me, which I would not help her with because of her disrespect to me. Every time she talks to me she is cussing at me. One message she sent me she told me I was ugly. I am thankful that she has started getting some help. Someone else is helping her. I think she needs to be in a home for people who are mentally ill. Please keep her in prayer. She needs salvation. She needs to be delivered from any drugs she might be on. She needs to be delivered from her mental issues. I believe they are demonic.
Anonymous from the United States
February 8 at 12:10 pm
For Tristan G. to receive better sight in both eyes and for his arm to be miraculously restored.
Ben from the United States
February 8 at 11:37 am
For my sister to move back to Panama City, FL and stop cohabitating in Georgia.
Robert from the United States
February 8 at 11:30 am
In need of a suddenly for new clients at Polgar Tree in Michigan
Petra from South Africa
February 8 at 10:01 am
God, please give me joy unspeakable and give me a reason to laugh again. Lord, give me a cheerful song of praise. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 8 at 9:43 am
In Jesus' name I declare and decree Isaiah 54:17 over my life: “No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.” God, I declare that no weapon formed against me will prosper. God, I ask that you silence every accusing voice against me. Thank you, God, that this is my heritage as a servant of the Lord. Thank you, God, that my vindication comes from you. Thank you, God, for vindicating me and redeeming me in every area of my life. In Jesus
Petra from South Africa
February 8 at 9:00 am
In Jesus’ name, I cancel every plot/ attempt of the enemy to distract me from my purpose or my destiny that God has called me into. God, thank you for sending your Angel armies against anyone who tries to distract me from my purpose/ destiny that you created for me to do before time began. God, give me discernment to notice when something is trying to distract me and will help me to simply ignore it.
I declare and decree Isaiah 54:17 over my life: “No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.” God, I declare that no weapon formed against me will prosper. God, I ask that you silence every accusing voice against me. Thank you, God, that this is my heritage as a servant of the Lord. Thank you, God, that my vindication comes from you. Thank you, God, for vindicating me and redeeming me in every area of my life. In Jesus
Stephen from Australia
February 8 at 5:41 am
Where there has been distance, let there be closeness. Where there has been silence, let there be meaningful communication. Where there has been uncertainty, let Your wisdom shine through. Me and han
Joseph Salim Ouseph from India
February 8 at 5:34 am
O give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever.
Thank you LORD for your grace thank you LORD for your mercy thank you LORD for your faithfulness thank you LORD for another day.
Through the blood of Jesus Christ Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander Tanya Fernandes am redeemed out of the hand of the devil all our sins are forgiven we are continually cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ we are justified and sanctified.
LORD Jesus Christ,I pray for David Devsayyam heal him from his sicknesses and make provision for the hospital bills to be paid,heal Ian Sunil and Chandu from their sicknesses.
Thank you LORD for restoring my finances, business, 10cents in Kuruppampadi behind the Kuruppampadi bus stand belonging to Joseph Salim Ouseph and family,B203 Megha group Mega 75 new alloted flat. Thank you LORD for the marriage between Tanya Fernandes and Alex Abner Joseph.In Jesus'name
Launa from the United States
February 8 at 4:56 am
Healing for my skin, nose, ears from EMF radiation, radio wave frequency. Group that are targeting me get dealt with legally so I can be safe in my home and even while I drive. I get my victims compensation and they get the fines or jail as required by law. It had been 13 years. They partially destroyed my home inside and out. Justice soon. Thank you for praying.
Petra from South Africa
February 8 at 1:09 am
By the power in the name of Jesus Christ I cancel every negative word, curse or death wish that Faan has uttered or thought or written regarding me. Thank You, God for protecting me against Faan. In Jesus' name I declare that NO WEAPON that Faan has formed against me shall prosper. In Jesus' name I silence Faan's lies & accusations against me. In Jesus' name & by the authority in Isaiah 54:17 I thank You, Lord, that this is my heritage as a servant of the LORD and my vindication comes from You, God. Thank You God, for vindicating me and redeeming me. I declare Psalm 118:17 over my life that I shall NOT DIE, but LIVE, and declare the works of the LORD in the land of the living. In Jesus' name AMEN
Chase from the United States
February 8 at 12:47 am
Me and my fiance found out that we. Have a child on the way.. id like us both to be healed and supported by God in becoming ready parents. Also that our relationship would be repaired in any damaged areas, and that She would be protected during this time of her pregnancy.
John from the United States
February 8 at 12:47 am
Pray for my Gretta. She is limbing in her leg. Pray that it shall be healed and restored today In Jesus Name
Chase from the United States
February 8 at 12:45 am
Requesting prayer for a man named Nate, who's grandfather is dying. That it would be less painful, and that his grandfather would be prepared.That Nate would called by and supported by God as he grieves.
Petra from South Africa
February 8 at 12:31 am
Holy Spirit, please give me wisdom & clarity about whether I should leave South Africa for good. Please, Lord, You know what is the situation. Please, God, give me clarity about what to do and where to go& please open the right doors at the right time. Thank You Lord for sending me divine connections& appointments. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 8 at 12:12 am
Thank you, Father God, for cancelling every fiery dart, and evil plot of the enemy against me. Thank you, God, for protecting me emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for giving me discernment. In Jesus’ name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 8 at 12:08 am
Thank You, God, for releasing me from Faan& for setting me free from Faan's lies, greed, idolatry, control, manipulation & witchcraft. Lord, I declare that I belong to Jesus Christ & NOT to Faan. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 10:32 pm
God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me may see it &be ashamed, because You, Lord, have helped me &comforted me. In Jesus’ name AMEN
S from the United States
February 7 at 7:36 pm
Please pray for me God bless me with housing of my own and please pray for my son hameed will have favor with God in every situation or problem please pray for me and my son will be covered under God protection 🙏 and please pray for me God would bless me with big money to buy a house for people that don't have a house and money to feed people that don't have any food to eat
Kashif from Canada
February 7 at 7:02 pm
I need divine wisdom to expand the kingdom of God on earth by reaching unreached with the good news of Christ. Please pray for me.
Kashif from Canada
February 7 at 7:01 pm
God bless Israel more abundantly. Peace be unto Jerusalem. Some body say Amen.
Kashif from Canada
February 7 at 7:00 pm
May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels." For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, "Peace be within you.
Ben from the United States
February 7 at 6:49 pm
Ran into a problem with getting hired on in the APD (Agency for Persons with Disabilities).
Siona Vaelaa from Australia
February 7 at 6:43 pm
Please pray for our kingdom service in our church tomorrow morning that will be fill by the anointing of the holy Spirit, let his kingdom come let his will be done as it is in heaven. pray for the manifestation of Jesus power, to healing the sick save souls encounter the people and touch every lives who are coming tomorrow.
pray the mighty anointing of the Holy Ghost on me to enable me to pray for people to bless heal and deliver them in Jesus name.
Randall from the United States
February 7 at 6:01 pm
Pray for our protection. And tjat God will bless us with his love and support. Pray God will safe me for my enemy. That are trying to destroy my life. Pray he showers us with his love
S from the United States
February 7 at 5:59 pm
Thank you Father in heaven for your sweet blessings and the miracle of kindness. And for touching Ray's heart for I was worried about his charges. Bless Ray bountifully I ask it of you in Jesus' precious and Holy name.
Kingsley from Nigeria
February 7 at 5:45 pm
praying for the mercy of God upon my life and my twin brother and also praying for financial breakthrough and increase in our finances and also praying for sound health and sound mind and also praying for a right life partner for each of us and finally praying for long life and prosperity to us and also to members of our family.Amen
Nunda from the United States
February 7 at 4:02 pm
Dr lencinas will sign the paperwork for nunda nurse and return it that he renews her rx for nurse every year . That nunda her pictures cracks on her heels will heal up seal up close recovered with new skin. Nunda diabetes will be reversed gone her a1c goes to number 2.0 her blood glucose goes to 89 it's. Her blood pressure stays at 120/80 even if she has mask on or off its always 120/80 her meds will continues ly works 24-7 to keep b.p. at 120/80 . Nunda constapation is gone for ever
Joseph Salim Ouseph from India
February 7 at 11:10 am
O give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever.
The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander Tanya Fernandes and keep you.
The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander Tanya Fernandes and be gracious to you.
The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander Tanya Fernandes and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming in your weeping and rejoicing He is for you He is with you He is for us.In Jesus'name
Larnette from the United States
February 7 at 9:37 am
I'm a partner with Jerusalem Prayer Team. I took care of my beloved mother for 10 1/2 years until she became critically ill & I had to authorize physicians to take her off life support. I put my writing career on hold. God spoke to me to write humor to make people laugh, especially sick people. Would appreciate prayers that my humor The Hallelujah Nuns would sell like hotcakes so we can bless sick people.
Danelle from the United States
February 7 at 9:10 am
Prayer for part time job after interview
S from Australia
February 7 at 8:58 am
Faith and favor era Hannah
Tim from the United States
February 7 at 6:43 am
Healing for jasmine fainting God's wisdom Long life
petra from South Africa
February 7 at 6:40 am
Thank you, God, for permanently delivering me from the spirit of rejection. I declare Ephesians 1:6–7 over my life. It says – “You are accepted in Christ, the Beloved, and well-pleasing to God.” I declare that I am accepted in Christ, the Beloved, and I am well pleasing to God. In Jesus’ name AMEN.
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 6:27 am
Please pray that God would cancel any and all witchcraft or curses that my mother has uttered/spoken regarding my marriage. I am still single and have never been married. My mother has been divorced twice. In the past, my mother would, out of jealousy, curse anyone who I got into a relationship with and that person would start to become sick, nearly lose their job or experience some calamity. I would eventually break up with the person to protect them from my mother’s curses and ill wishes. My mother would even at times, shamelessly flirt with the person I was in a serious relationship with, causing us to break up. Her behaviour is demonic, narcissistic and unnatural.
Please pray that God would protect me against her and that God would cancel all her witchcraft, manipulation, curses and ill wishes against me. In Jesus’ name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 5:12 am
Thank You God for redeeming me and vindicating me in every area of my life. Lord as it’s written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favour, that those who dislike/rejected/mocked me, who wished me ill /gossiped about me may see it &be ashamed of themselves, for You, God, have helped &comforted me. In Jesus' name AMEN
S from Singapore
February 7 at 4:46 am
Pray that I will be a multi millionaire and have the wisdom of God to steward the money in accordance to His will.
Pray God will always help me to over exceed on the sales quota given to me in all roles and positions ! Receiving high commissions .
Pray God give me a good husband , wealthy, healthy, wise, compatible with me, looks good, we enjoy life and have purpose tgt.
Pray God give me a good reputation amongst all, favor, positions, influence, authority, finances , beauty, health &wisdom
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 3:53 am
Thank you, God, for vindicating my name. Thank you for redeeming me and vindicating me in every area of my life. In Jesus’ name amen
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 3:51 am
Father God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected/ mocked me may see it &be ashamed of themselves, because You, Lord, have helped me & comforted me. In Jesus’ name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 3:15 am
Lord God, thank You that, according to Psalm 139:5, You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way& in kindness You follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. Thank You that with Your hand of love upon my life, You impart a Father’s blessing to me. I receive Your blessing, God. In Jesus' name Amen
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 3:10 am
Thank You God for protecting me against L Morton. Lord, please DO NOT let L Morton increase my rent. Lord, I already feel that she is cheating me, because she is not honouring our agreement from 5 years ago. Please God protect me against L Morton & protect me from her greed& selfishness. In Jesus’ name Amen
Ha-young from South Korea
February 7 at 2:19 am
Dear friends,
I humbly ask for your prayers for Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Eun-tae, In-sook, and your beloved ones. May God lead us, not on the paths we desire or know, but on the paths that He desires and delights in.
Please pray that while we are still in the flesh, we may cast away all idols, come to know God according to His written Word, and truly taste His goodness.
May this entire journey be guided by God's peace and protection, and may the undeniable transformation in all of us come solely through the one and only God.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer.
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 2:01 am
In the name of Jesus Christ I cancel and renounce Faan’s murderous, jealous, witchcraft, controlling spirit against me. In Jesus' name I declare that no weapon that Faan has created against me shall prosper, as it is written in Isaiah 54:17. In Jesus' name I silence and condemn Faan’s lies & accusations against me & I declare it null and void. Thank You, God, for vindicating me and redeeming me in every area of my life. In the name of Jesus I declare Psalm 118:17 over my life that says: "I shall NOT die, but LIVE, and declare the works of the LORD in the land of the living." In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 1:54 am
Thank You, God, for working all things out for my good (Romans 8:28). I love You, God. Thank You, Lord, that I have been called according to Your purposes. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 1:32 am
Thank You, God, for releasing me from Faan& for setting me free from Faan's lies, control, manipulation & witchcraft. Lord, I declare that I belong to Jesus Christ & NOT to Faan. John 8:36 says: “Who the Son sets free is free indeed." Thank You God for releasing me from Faan. In Jesus' name AMEN
Petra from South Africa
February 7 at 1:27 am
Lord, thank You that You are a generous God. Lord, I stand on James 1:5 and ask You for wisdom in every area of my life. Guide my steps and my decisions, Holy Spirit, so that it will be in line with God's perfect will and plan for my life. Lord, let me be known as a person of wisdom, good judgment and good discernment. In Jesus' name AMEN
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