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Gloria Jean from US

July 22 at 10:58 pm
Father God, thank you for this day. You are holy and worthy to be praised. Forgive me of all my sins known and unknown today. Please set the captives free. Grant them a rapid release in Jesus name amen.

Rita from US

July 22 at 9:53 pm
Thank you for my Husband’s new license for my position as a mentor for our prosperity and abundance my weight loss journey for health snd longevity for my marriage in God’s name amen for our friend in the hospital

Sandeep from IN

July 22 at 1:49 pm
I have been falsely implicated in a Criminal case by a women name Sonia Verma. She was in relationship with me,I am separated and she is a widow. We came close while working for a Christian ministry in India. WE NEVER HAD ANY PHYSICAL RELATION. She hide our relation from her family and forced me not to inform about us to her family. she had two grown up sons, who came to know about our relation and they objected. Sonia just want to safe her image lied to her family that we are colleagues. She betrayed me and to save her image she with the help of other man lodged a Police complaint (FIR) against me of outraging her modesty by Texting her with vulgar messages etc. Now I am in big trouble. On 24 July (Wednesday) I have my court date. Please trust me I never outrage her modesty. My only mistake was that I admitted our relation before her family and in foolishness kept texting her with romantic messages. Lord knows the truth. Please Pray for me to come out clean.

Candace from US

July 22 at 1:16 pm
I am concerned about Prime Minister Netanyahu as he visits Washington DC on 24th as there is a plan to get him arrested on a citizens of dissidents may cause serious trouble...

Rejoice from NG

July 22 at 12:44 pm
Dear God, May I be a blessing to my husband to be and his family. I pray that I will find that parents that I don't have in his parents. Let them love me and may I love them back. Help me to be respectful. In Jesus name I pray AMEN.

Rejoice from NG

July 22 at 12:38 pm
Dear God, I commit ThankGod into your hand. Please deliver him from depression, give him wisdom, wealth and long life. May he never be influenced negatively. Lord I pray for clarity and sound mind. Remember him oh Lord, visit him direct his part. Lord he is a hug responsibility to me please I hand him over to you. Please Lord listen to his plead. Amen.

Abraham from US

July 22 at 9:56 am
To forgive me and my mother and father for divination and witchcraft. As well as my wife for old practices.. I’m being convicted of such sins; I want and need a closer relationship with G-d. As a new Father myself I’ve been seeing the world differently and I know I need to change some things drastically for my future generations. Thank you Abba. Halleluyah. Amen.

Teresa from GB

July 22 at 8:59 am
Lord I lift my son Seb up to you with a history of serious mental health . He has finally got a job bit has to pas an induction week . Lord give him strength and confidence and surround him with your protection and wisdom . Possess him Lord with the knowledge and skills to perform his tasks and Lord I pray for financial help at this time with food and travel costs . In Jesus Christ . Amen

Miguel from US

July 22 at 8:08 am
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, restoration,repentance , blessings,and deliverance for Gene,Wilnor,Shannah,,Hannah and family.Pray for good believers to visit and minister to this family.

Joseph Salim Ouseph from IN

July 22 at 7:33 am
Blessed are you O LORD our GOD King of the universe you have sanctified us by your word you have commanded us to be a light unto the nations and given us Yeshua our Messiah who is the light of the world. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming.Jesus'

Rosemarie from US

July 22 at 7:13 am
For GOD to finalize sorting out the issues that should have been resolved before I sold my Home in California July 2023 with the everyday people I have an established relationship with instead of broadcasting, presentations, surveys, and an unknown audience of viewers to listeners. I was an established military issue since Fall 2021 I should never be left hanging being recorded to figure out issues solo from health, life, and more. I can never have a normal life from the choices people made to do stuff this way.

Glenny from DO

July 22 at 6:00 am
Papito Dios gracias por tu misericordia, perdóname todo lo que te ofendido te ruego que tengas misericordia de mí y escuche mis oraciones y la conteste conforme tu santa y bendita voluntad. Papito Dios te entrego mi carga académica de la Universidad autónoma de Santo Domingo ayúdame con mis asignaturas ponme gracias Y permite que los estudiantes seleccionen las asignaturas mías, tú la conoces mi Dios por favor no permitas que se me caiga ninguna asignatura por falta de estudiante y que tampoco ningún maestro Y ninguna autoridad directiva me la puedan quitar ayúdame mi Dios que mi carga académica permanezca con mi 40 crédito siempre y ayúdame a que sea tú que me pongan en tu en la Universidad autónoma de Santo Domingo ábreme las puertas de los cielos a mi favor y bendice En el nombre de Jesucristo te lo pido mi Dios gracias gracias bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos los que bendigamos tu tierra en el nombre de Jesucristo amén

Glenny from DO

July 22 at 5:58 am
Papito Dios perdóname en todo lo que te ofendido, y por por favor escucha mis oraciones hasta el trono de tu gracia y contéstame conforme A tu santa y bendita. Papito Dios mira el proceso que estoy haciendo para cambio de trabajo en el Ministerio de Educación haz tu voluntad Dios te lo presento a ti ,si es tu voluntad abre todas las puertas de los cielos a mi favor y permite que yo pueda entrar antes de iniciar el año escolar 2024-2025 Te ruego papito Dios que me ayude a que me salga de una vez en este mismo año 2024 el nombramiento como técnico Nacional, ayúdame papito Dios en el nombre de Jesucristo te ruego misericordia por mi vida todo eso te lo pido en el nombre de Jesucristo amén papito Dios bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos los que Bendigamos tu tierra en el nombre de Jesucristo amén.

Glenny from DO

July 22 at 5:55 am
Papito Dios perdóname todo lo que te ofendido ten misericordia de mí te ruego que escuches mis oraciones y me conteste conforme a tu santa voluntad, estoy pasando por una situación que tú conoces y que solamente tú me puedes ayudar Te ruego que me dé sabiduría y me ayudes te lo ruego papito Dios mi finanza está en tus manos en el nombre de Jesucristo amén papito Dios bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos lo que bendigamos a tu tierra en el nombre Jesús amén

Glenny from DO

July 22 at 5:53 am
Papito Dios te pido que me perdones y tengas misericordia de mi vida, te ruego que escuche mi oraciones te amo mi Dios, ten misericordia mi Dios te entrego la vida de mi hijo Isaac Pineda Veras en en nombre de Jesucristo te ruego que le de salud y larga vida que tú presencia lo acompañe en donde quieras que él se encuentre, mi hijo Isaac está en tus manos por el poder de tus palabras cancelo toda agenda del enemigo en contra de su vida y declaro en el nombre de Jesucristo que ninguna alma forjada prosperará contra su vida, quita de su lado las amistades que no son de tú agrado mi Dios y trae a su lado personas de bendiciones para nuestra familia, ayúdanos a servirte y honrarte con en todo momento que mi hijo sea prosperado en tú camino y un ángel tuyo este asignado a mi hijo siempre protegiendo su vida lo pongas en gracias delante de sus jefes, compañeros y maestros, que nada malo le pase bendícelo siempre mi Dios en el nombre de Jesucristo 🙏 amén. Papito Dios bendice a tu pueblo

Rosemarie from US

July 22 at 5:37 am
For GOD to reveal what a TON of people have been working on sitting watching me for something GOOD for themselves leaving me hanging with nothing and no one even being served an in-justice of being trashed all over the place with presentations, surveys, broadcast, and left for dead still trying to come up with new stuff to sink me with an audience of unknown people watching and listening 24-7 that are not government employees.

Rosemarie from US

July 22 at 5:29 am
For GOD to settle all of the ongoing unsettled matters that have been revolving around me. A government investigation opened July 2021 was a national security issue Fall 2021. We are now into July 2024 no government employee has been permitted to speak to me at all. I have been broadcast to an unknown audience to be trashed and made into a shame. I have no idea who is watching and listening to me at any given time especially inside of my apartment. For GOD to appoint the right attorney to represent me ASAP. People are working on cases, lawsuits for themselves and sharing my information that is good to get a movie, books, and more for themselves or anyone except for me.

Eleazar from NG

July 22 at 4:57 am
praying for sound mind and sound health and also praying for grace of mercy and finally praying for prosperity of hope, peace, riches, material wealth, Joy, financial breakthrough upon my life and my twin brother.

Teresa from GB

July 22 at 3:25 am
Lord I come before you and bring my broken relationship at your feet. Help me Lord to accept this break up and I ask you Lord to give me wisdom for the future . I pray in Yeshua’s name that if we are ever meant to be reconciled that you will wok in Sam ‘s heart and mind and awareness . I pray for his heart Lord and his wisdom . Give is wisdom and endurance if we are meant to one day reunite . Until then Lord help me to let go and build resilience and strength . Give me he confidence Lord to move forwards and embrace life and not the wounds which hold me captive . Lord you know who is right for me , you know where we went wrong and you know our fears . Help us Lord on our walk to keep reaching for you and have the strength to not be afraid of the live you offer us . Amen

Miguel from US

July 22 at 3:00 am
Please pray for healing and restoration for my health.Pray for vibrant and good health for me.And pray for healing in my eyes,stomach,intestines,feet,and upper bak.

Anynonymous from ZM

July 22 at 12:51 am
Greetings in Jesus Christ Name please pray for my connections to remember me today financial breakthrough favor divine blessings my partner to start treating me well and not to cheat on me he should be protected when he travels today not to see or be in contact with any of my friends or colleagues he shouldn’t be attractive to anyone career excellency to my child and full sponsorship to forgive all my enemies whatever I have eaten from the enemy to be flashed out healing from migraines to stop lacking of anything doors of favor to open permanently to stop being broke and to be prosperous my partner to miss me and start respecting me he should think of my good side and start appreciating my helper not to want any of my enemies as he travels today may God protect him to sell all the machinery and get a commission all those who promised to send me money to send for me today thank you

Sony from US

July 21 at 11:19 pm
Pls pray that my husband vinod gets plenty of business work to do ( he’s out of work) and is healed from the depression he is going through. Thankyou

Miguel from US

July 21 at 11:09 pm
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, restoration , protection and deliverance for Yanick.Please pray for healing in her heart, kidneys,,lungs,and memory.And pray for good believers to visit and minister to her.And pray for salvation for her grown daughter Natasha and family

Miguel from US

July 21 at 10:56 pm
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, blessing, restoration,and deliverance for Renette .And pray for Renette to get treatment for get mental issues.And pray for her family or friends to help get to get treatment soon.

Miguel from US

July 21 at 9:39 pm
Please pray for a hedge of protection and covering for the condomium tower and me tonight.And pray for me to have divine favor and blessings with the bosses, coworkers, residents, guests, etc.

Namrata from IN

July 21 at 6:06 pm
Lord thank you for this day and forgive us our sins. Lord protect us on this new day fill this day with all your blessings and help us in our work. Lord my prayer to you is I'm pregnant and August month is my delivery, please help me in my normal delivery and and we both me and my child meet soon. Lord pray for my baby for safe and health and also when my child will come in this world i and my husband can take care of my child and give good upbringing lord help me, I ask this in your name Jesus Christ, Amen

Candace from US

July 21 at 3:30 pm
Please believe God with me that before President Biden leaves office in America that he will stand full force with Israel to destroy the demonic terrorists who are out to destroy Israel and America also. This could be the greatest legacy that he could possibly leave. Blessings, my dear friends 🧡!!!!

Janet from US

July 21 at 2:47 pm
I would like to ask for prayer for Ginger she had surgery on her nose for melanoma and fell and broke her nose and messed up her surgery.Please pray for a healing.

Teresa from GB

July 21 at 2:31 pm
Lord , You say All things are possible with You . I luff my broken relationship up to you I pray in the power of the Holy Spirit that will intervene and come between us . I love this man and I felt so much that it was if God . Something has intervened and broken us . Through the almighty power of Jesus Christ I ask for healing and reconciliation and signs over the next weeks . Show me this mans heart Lord and let him see mine . Amen 🙏

Emily from US

July 21 at 10:54 am
Please pray for my family that God place his hands over my family with his protection and safety and financial healings and financial blessings and healings of the mind body spirit Amen 🙏🏼

Joseph Salim Ouseph from IN

July 21 at 10:45 am
Give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever towards Israel and Jerusalem prayer team. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming in your weeping and rejoicing.He is for you He is for us He is with us.In Jesus'name

Miguel from US

July 21 at 8:23 am
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, repentance, protection and prosperity for John, Barbara, Natasha, Andro,Esea, Peggy, Vanessa, Joyce, Roberto,Kia, Chris, Gloria, Steve, Jessica, Jeremy,Victor, George, Raphael,Theresa, Connie,Racquel,Abiel,Nilda,George, Renette,, Annette, Claudette,Moneice,Makeda, Renette, Ricky,Lenora, Donnely,,Jeremiah,and David.

John and Sylvia from US

July 21 at 7:35 am
Saints of the living God, please touch and agree with us, pray J.F. Computers will have windfalls and breakthroughs with laptop and computer sales, Pray J.F. Computers will have many new open doors and many new opportunities for success and computer sales, Pray we will have many new streams of income, pray many unexpected blessings and surprise blessings will happen this day, pray God is sending J.F. Computers many a Financial Boaz. Thank you so much, May God bless you and your family with more than enough

Jerome from US

July 21 at 4:48 am
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that you for forgive all my sins of last night and this morning sins and My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that healing all my body head to toe of my body now and forever and that you for healing my kidney stone left side of my body my kidney will be My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the knot on my body be completely healed and all my body head to toe is completely healed and My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will let me live till I'm 120 years old in perfect condition of my body head to toe of my body in My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ name I pray amen this prayer requests

Anynonymous from ZM

July 21 at 12:50 am
Greetings in Jesus Christ name please pray for me to have peace in my heart and joy financial breakthrough my partner not to cheat on me with any of my friends or coworkers he should even come in contact with them whatsoever financial breakthrough divine blessing my partner to start respecting me and miss me today all the properties I’m trying to sell to be sold Tommorow witchcraft and charms not to work for me and my partner he should realize that I have been there for him In Jesus Christ name may god provide for me and my daughter all those that abandoned us to remember us today favor upon my life I don’t want to be taking part in gossiping I should pure at heart and focus on my goals thank you

melissa from US

July 20 at 11:42 pm
I am asking for prayer for my health for no cancer please.i also need prayer because I believe there has been a hoax put on me and my luck has been taking away nothing but bad stuff keeps happening to me please pray for removal of negative and bad spirits from me and my place of dwelling and pray for my grandpas upcoming surgery his name is Edwin grigsby,thank you

Emily from US

July 20 at 9:59 pm
Prayer warriors please pray for my husband Martin that God places him under his wings and keeps him protected from all evil and protected daily don’t let no harm come to Martin and keep my family together in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🏼

Emily from US

July 20 at 9:57 pm
Prayer warriors my family is need of God full armor daily and healings and financial blessings and healings blessings in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🏼

Anthony from US

July 20 at 5:28 pm
Hallelujah Jesus, Heavenly Father thank you LORD Jesus for helping me, Anthony Joseph Smith, Stephen White, and Joel Lyons, live together and have a good life Amen in your name Jesus Amen. Hallelujah. Bo Yeshua. Hallelujah.

Wayne from US

July 20 at 5:09 pm
Please join us in prayer for out grand-daughter. Gabrielle Walker. She is due to have her third baby next month by caesarian due to the baby being so large. Her liver has been effected by this pregnancy and her liver counts are very high. We ae asking God to intervene and touch her in a way that her live will be restored to perfect health and that her and the baby will have a hedge of protection around them at all times. Thanks so much.

anonymous from US

July 20 at 2:00 pm
Please pray w/me to receive the H.S- speaking in tongues.I was abuse and harden my heart to protect myself and find it difficult to receive my prayer language. In Ezekiel The Lord said he would give me a new heart w/ his spirit.God bless!

Yogeswaran from LK

July 20 at 12:49 pm
Praise the lord... Please pray for my family. I am y.shelton my wife s.jenertra my daughter s.sherin heleena and we have twins baby boys. We need holy, joy, peace, happy, blessing and protect from Jesus christ. I need bank of ceylon government permanent job. Please pray our parents . Praise the lord... amen amen amen...

Daniel from US

July 20 at 12:34 pm
Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters at the Jerusalem Prayer Wall!Please say a prayer for me i will be 78 this week and i am saved yet homeless in NYC !Thanks to your prayers a wonderful church had an empty bed in a hotel for 3 nights and the person it was for could not use it and they asked me if i would like it i and i said yes oh my GOD peace and quiet and a hot shower clean clothes and a hair cut!When i was lying in bed at night for the first time in i do not know how long i was able to look at what i had been going through and yes it was a lot and then it hit me even more clearly what a friend you have been to me all these years because your prayers have carried me though so many days and nights so please don't stop i am too close to the prize to give up now!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 7/20/21

Erica from US

July 20 at 10:28 am

Andrew from US

July 20 at 10:23 am
Success in losing weight the weight is causeing me health issues pray God gives me supernatural weight loss and God to draw himself close to me uplift my spirit and concentrate better focus and more energy through my body mind emotions so I'm awake more often praise God

ER Fuerte from US

July 20 at 6:06 am
Mi Dios, me siento feliz y contento y agradecido por un nuevo día. Bendigo su santo nombre hoy. Perdón por mis pecados de ayer. Dame lo que yo y mis hijos, hijas, nietos, nietas, necesitamos hoy para estar bien de relacion contigo, sano de mente cuerpo, espíritu y corazón, ser fiel en no desmayar de la fe, ser prosperado en paz, en gozo, en amor por mi prójimo, avanzando con Jesucristo y El Espíritu Santo en la labor para la salvación de nuestras almas y de todos los que están por entrar a la salvación. Envíame las riquezas de reino de los cielos y dirige nuestros pasos por el buen camino estrecho en el nombre de Jesucristo te suplico y doy gracias. Te doy gracias y eterna gloria por siempre de ante mano amen.

Gloria Jean from US

July 20 at 5:41 am
Lord God, praying for the peace of Jerusalem, the unity of Israel 🇮🇱. To include the rapid rescue of all Sons, Daughters and children worldwide 🌐 that need to be set free. Lord God, you see the truth and know what needs to take action and what needs to change. I place all my trust and faith in You today seeking a blessed rescue result. Thank You Lord God bless be your sovereign holy name Jehovah in Jesus name now and forever amen.

Joseph Salim Ouseph from IN

July 20 at 4:10 am
Bless the LORD O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy name. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming in your weeping and rejoicing He is for you He is with you He is for us.In Jesus'name

Daniel J.(Apostle: Rev: Dr: Pa from CA

July 19 at 10:43 pm
I need a miracle for my medical report from the doctor stating I have damaged kidneys also for my eyes ears feet legs, Thank You G_d Bless!

Siona from AU

July 19 at 7:29 pm
Please pray for Gods visitation to our Sunday service tomorrow morning, pray that the Holy Spirit moving powerfully in our service, his anointing will bring liberty and freedom in the lives of his people. pray that the Holy Spirit shall come to save souls for Jesus, heal the sick, bring deliverance to people from demonic spirits, breakthrough and restoration in the lives of his people. pray that the Holy Spirit will bring new people to worship Jesus with us and encounter Him. pray for the Hands of God on every parts of his service, to bless everything, for his glory, pray that people experience the touch of God I. their lives in Jesus Name for his glory. Pray for the love and the unity of the spirit in our service tomorrow. pray for new families, pray that God destroy every attack of the enemies against his service and his church. Pray for the mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit on my life to enable me to fullfill my calling and responsibilities, to pray for people to heal.

Theresa from US

July 19 at 4:32 pm
Praise God that He is the true Living God and on the throne! He Loves us! Please pray for investigation be positive outcome towards us. Expose the town employees and neighbors evil doing against us. Restore friends and peace. Pray for safe.

Dereck from US

July 19 at 10:28 am
God bless you guys in all that you do...I pray for peace over God's choosen people that they'll be protected. I also pray for the nations that they'll turn back to God ..I pray for Revival to hit the nations and as for me I pray for strength to overcome addictions and to keep my eyes focused on the Lord and that I stay on that narrow path and I pray that I draw closer to the Lord...Thank you and God bless you

Joseph Salim Ouseph from IN

July 19 at 8:59 am
To GOD be the glory. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming in your weeping and rejoicing He is for you He is with you He is for us.In Jesus'name

Joseph Salim Ouseph from IN

July 19 at 8:40 am
Give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever. Thank you LORD for another day thank you LORD for your grace thank you LORD for your mercy thank you LORD for your wisdom thank you LORD for your faithfulness. Thank you LORD for my Son Alex Abner Joseph, bless all the work of his hands protect him from all evil, bless him when he comes in and goes out bless him when he joins the new company PG shipping. In Jesus'name

D from CA

July 19 at 7:52 am
Son Curtis is on 24/7 antibiotic IV after another infection. With GI disease on electrolytes & nutrients. Trying to eat food by mouth. Continued prayer for salvation, mental health, emotional, psychological & physical body & be set free of all addictions.

Connie from US

July 19 at 7:21 am
Please pray for a financial miracle. My husband Gary needs signups and print sales. And my grandson Caleb needs healing from autism. He is 11 and getting more aggressive. My daughter Robyn is thinking of giving him medication. And healing for Connie Alicia Erica Sandra Glenda Linda Marie salvation for John and Chris

Abraham from US

July 18 at 10:02 pm
Seeking urgent prayer. My Father and I have had a very bad rough 15 years with each other. Lots of physical and verbal abuse…. Anyways today I fought my Father.. I feel horrible. I don’t want to fight my Father; I don’t know how to fix or speak to my Father and neither does he know how to speak to me. We’re both lost in translation with each other. I love my Father. I feel sad. I don’t want to fight my Dad. This is so confusing. Forgive me. Pray for Our Healing and Forgiveness between us. Thank you and God Bless.

Sara from US

July 18 at 9:55 pm
Asking prayers for my seven year old grandaugther Evelyn Sara she has a uti and her little heart was racing And asking yall to help me pray for her in the name of Jesus by his stripes we are healed , And asking for prayers for self healing for my body too.

Archie from AU

July 18 at 7:54 pm
Pray for America and President Donald Trump and Israel and Bibi Netanyahu and Israel and IDF and hostages Keep praying for them Says IAM that Iam Amen and amen 🙏

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.