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wendy from US

April 1 at 8:39 am
I have became very full of debt. I maxed out my credit cards to pay for my stepdaughters funeral. Her biological mom has paid me nothing. I paid for my stepdad final expenses with credit cards. I need financial healing.

Lonnie from US

April 1 at 8:37 am
Lord I pray for those hungry, suffering, and lost.  I pray for our country that it remain a Christian free country. I pray for our leadership.  I pray for our family. Let your will be done.  Amen

wendolyn from US

April 1 at 8:35 am
My mother in law has lung cancer, my uncle has lung cancer, my friend donnie has stage4 pancreatic cancer, my friend dina has a bunch of health issues, my father in law has a heart condition, my friend faron has a heart condition, my mother has dementia starting, pray for all my family. Thank you.

Lucy wellman from US

April 1 at 8:35 am
father we come you you in the na sme of your son Jesus.  Please  protect this Nation and bring peace.  Spare the lives of the people your people.  Blessing to them  I pray.  I give thanks for all you do.  You are my God .  I love you

Anointed7 from US

April 1 at 8:32 am
Please pray for peace between my adult children and me. Pray for my adult children will have the life that Father God call them to have, in Jesus name. Pray for me to have a 3 bedroom beautiful house in safety nice neighborhood for I start my childcare business IN JESUS NAME

William from US

April 1 at 8:32 am
That God give me strength to be patient and restore my family. Give strength to me to forgive those who have wrong me. Help me rid myself of all my debt.

Oray sinaga from US

April 1 at 8:29 am
bantu doakan kesembuhan anak saya yg bernama Yoseph solskjaer sinaga yg mengidap penyakit cerebral palsy... Juga doakan negara israel dan tempat tinggal kami di indonesia tetap dalam perlindungan Tuhan Yesus..... Haleluyah

Terri Jernigan from US

April 1 at 8:26 am
God, please heal my friend’s daughter, my daughter, and my sin’s Thyroid. Please watch over my family as they travel to Israel and my son as he travels and endures DS school. Heal my body as well. Please heal my country. Keep my grandchildren in your wing and save them at a young age. In your name I pray! 

Grace from US

April 1 at 8:26 am
I pray for the restoration of my daughters relationship with each other, that they learn to respect their differences and reconcile with one another, financial breakthrough  for all my family members and peace not only in Jerusalem but worldwide as well. Amen 

Patricia from US

April 1 at 8:25 am
I lost my job last week. I am good at what i do and this blindsided me. I have a call today and hopefully more soon.  I need some prayer that i will do well in interviews and God willing will get a job. I always get so nervous during interviews. Thank you for your  prayers.

Victor from PH

April 1 at 8:23 am
With your kind indulgence please do pray and intercede in behalf of my brother Henry Marie Alcantara Cuyos needs healing protection, miracle and provisions, wisdom and his safety. May The Hands Of The Almighty One, Bless us and expand our territory and may I Victor, be a Blessings unto other bless us in JESUS Name amen 🙏 

Yeshwant from IN

April 1 at 8:20 am
We are old age parents(husband/wife)of our 2 sons and daughter's in law living alone, they do not cooperate us morally instead the make evil plan with our rivals. We do not want any money support from them instead we support. One son and his wife follow Jesus but they ignore 5th commandment of bible. Kindly pray for our peace.

Rhonda from US

April 1 at 8:20 am
I was in a abusive marriage of 24 years and had to leave fast with just the clothes on my back basically...please pray i find a good job and a place to live so i can be independant again and to help my daughter through college and find peace. This has almost killed me.

Rachel Wilson from US

April 1 at 8:19 am
Dear Lord please open the eyes of my husband's heart so that he may know you. Help me to be a witness to him and everyone who doesn't know you.

Samuel Chweya from US

April 1 at 8:16 am
Remember me when the day of rapture arrives , as you look at this note from heaven Holy spirit please help me prepare for the wedding super of the lamb . Let me be among the few who enter into heaven on the day of rapture .

Paul from US

April 1 at 8:16 am
Lord, please rain overwhelming success. I ask to partner with COTA. And be the worlds largest exotic car dealer.  I want to thank you for all my blessings and answered prayers. 

Kim Johnson from US

April 1 at 8:11 am
Please pray that the Lord heals my body and ride it of all infirmity and casts out the spirit of anxiety from me. Thank you! God bless. In Jesus name I am healed.

Angie from US

April 1 at 8:07 am
Pray for my daughter Leslie, who is not feeling well. Pray for God to heal her. Pray for my daughter Lyndsey, who is soon to have a new baby girl - Pray God to protect them both now and during birth. Prayers for Abby, Lucas, Carsen, Ellie, Mom, Lyndsey, Leslie, Laken, and me. Thank you Lord and may God Bless you all

Lover of Jesus Christ from US

April 1 at 6:21 am
1 Chronicles 4:10 Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. Amen.

April from US

April 1 at 12:59 am
Prayer for the Lord to save, protect & deliver all my children from alcohol, drugs, ungodly friends, sexual sins, biosexual, any & all sins that God hates & for God to protect us all. prayer for God to save them all before its to late.

April from US

April 1 at 12:57 am
Prayer for God’s protection for me, my children & grandson, protection at our homes, vehicles, jobs, schools, church, city or anywhere we are, may go or be. Prayer for God to save, heal, deliver, comfort, guide, provide, bless, favor & anoint all my family & fill us all with His Holy Ghost, prayer for more of God’s wisdom, knowledge & understanding of Gods word & prayer my family & I to always have a hunger & thirst for truth & righteousness & to learn, obey & forever live Gods will, teach Gods will in everything that we do that God gets the glory. Prayer for Jesus Christ Blood covering protection & His Angelical Anointed family protection angels protecting me & my family to God be the glory. Prayer for the Lord to fight my battles & to fight my children & grandson battles as we do His will. Prayer for the Lord to remove all ungodly relationships & ungodly friendships & relationships from my children, grandson & I & restore & connect us with godly saved, anointed Holy Ghost filled tru

Nelson Velardo from US

March 31 at 8:47 pm
On November 27th, 2016 A weather phenomenon occurred at 8am Thursday on the other side of the Syrian border, in the same place where ISIS attacked Israel. This strange storm of what appears to be dust, cloud/rain did NOT cross the border into Israel ... The time has come, prophecy will be fulfilled ... The third Kingdom of Bronze rules the Earth, and his severed head will be healed. We are in the days of the Anti-Christ and he rules the world right before us! 22-30-39-40-49 (11) 22- He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him. 30- Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego ... 39- "After you, another kingdom will arise that is inferior to yours, and then a third kingdom of bronze will arise to rule all the earth. 40- Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron ... 49- Moreover, at Daniel's request the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Summary: 11: What the king asks is

Gloria from US

March 31 at 8:37 pm
Thank You Father, for such a marvelous gift..of your only begotten Son Jesus Christ the Lord of Lords and King of Kings....may I seek first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and have unwavering faith to be a light for your glory as darkness approaches the land. May I have the faith of a mustard seed, when high or low, the passion of Your love keep me in peace that surpasses all understanding the joy of the Lord be my strength and may I overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony and not love my life unto death. May I know who Christ the Messiah is in me and who it is that I am in Christ the Messiah alone, Father glory be to You for the gift of eternal life in Christ, glory belongs to You, who makes all things possible, nothing is to difficult for You Father, send laborers send them by the hundredfold to work in You fields, to sow in the True Vine, send forth labors to break the parched soil and water the ground Father, forget me not, in Jesus name amen

Fe from US

March 31 at 8:29 pm
God I confess my sins and thank you for your forgiveness. With all my heart I ask you please save my son for his adiction. Save his soul and body in Jesus name I ask you and thank you .Amen 

Nelson Velardo from US

March 31 at 4:53 pm
22-30-39 That the prophecy be fulfilled. 40-49 that this be the means to it's fulfillment! Adonai/Elohim. Tetragrammaton (11) As Above, So Below, the time has arrived!

Hafeni from NA

March 31 at 4:48 pm
My Lord Jesus. You are a true God and You are not a man that lies. I want you to give a condition to pay off my debts. I cannot pay my expenses and my daughter school fees. my business is doing very bad, rise up my business. Give my wife a nice job in MTC. My lord I trust you and I know that you will do what I ask you in Jesus name. Amen

Helena from NZ

March 31 at 2:46 pm
Dear Lord, I know you know my health issues of the Cancer that is within my body. I ask that if it be your will that you will heal me. I trust in you and know what ever is your will so shall it be done. Lord you know the desires of my heart and what I wish to do in your name, you have promised to hear our prayers and so shall it be done. I love you and trust in you. Amen

Deborah R. from US

March 31 at 1:02 pm
Land to sell at great price, suddenly. Cherie healed and a great job for her. Deborah promotion and increased salary with advancement. Restitution of all taken from me. Logan, kaylin, shanna, lane, jody Barbara, chris. The Lord to remove ungodly from jobs and replace. His choice. Cherie self-confidence restored. God to choose her friends and spouse.

judy johnson from US

March 31 at 12:57 pm
I pray for the entire nation of Israel. Please Lord, you will touch them and give them your peace! your protection, and your provision. It is my prayer to visit there one day in my life.Now I pray to do only Your will and fulfill the purpose You have for my life.I ask you to bless the work of my hands, help me to sell my house, to heal my daughter's body,mind,and life.Thank you for all prayers You have answered and those You choose not to answer at this time.Bring blessings to the Jerusalem Prayer Team and to Mike Evans and his family.Give them strength to do Your will in Israel.In Jesus Name.The Name above all names.Shalom.Psalms 139.Hebrews 4.

Schari from US

March 31 at 10:47 am
God heal and deliver my son Hayden from all his addictions and negative behaviors. Heal him from alcohol and drugs once and for all. He would have positive thoughts and self esteem. He would be a wonderful father to his son Bentley. And a wonderful partner to Destiney. Remove all negative influences from his life. God bring godly people and friends into his life. Bless him financially. God that he would re-commit his life to you. God that both he and his girlfriend will be godly parent to Bentley. In Jesus mighty name!

Yolonde from US

March 31 at 9:46 am
Father help me to return to my first works in to be able to focus on you your word and walking doing and believing to uphold your purpose and plans to be an end times warrior.  Father release my end time financial and relational blessings  Thank you Lord 

Rob from US

March 31 at 7:46 am
Pray for my difficult situation at home as a difficult relative moved in last summer. He has discussed moving back out. please pray this situation will be resolved very soon. Please also pray for my financial distress as I am almost bankrupt. Please also pray for the career path and new employment I am seeking.

ericka from CR

March 31 at 7:32 am
Please pray for me My name is ericka Pray for me so that God almighty in the name of grant me the wishes of my hearth in a miracles way total victory over powerful enemies that am confronting please grant me by your mercy total victory over them. Please pray to God in the name of Jesus so that He touch the hearth of a family dear Powerful and wonderful God put their hearts, minds, and will in my favor and also that I may find grace in front of them and my mother and daughters as well. Please pray for me that God grant me the desires of my heart, supernatural wisdom to manage all the situations that I am confronting, and total victory, Intelligence, perspicacia, grace, economy blessings Thank you God I praise you in advance for granting me and giving me all of this thank you Lord, I praise your name oh Lord in the name of Jesus....... Father thank you. atte ericka

Hollie from US

March 31 at 7:02 am
Dear Lord, please watch over my family and friends. Place your healing hands upon them and ease their troubles and help them find peace. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Richard Raymond Arthur from US

March 31 at 5:27 am
I Richard Raymond Arthur pray that God cleans me from all my sins and bless my hands with financial,wealth,spiritual,protection,favour breakthroughs in my life and family,also l pray for my son and wife that God bless them with all that they need to be God's children with protection God l pray that you give me a job to do and also help me to feather my education in China and all other things from him.Amen

Monica from US

March 31 at 4:44 am
I first repent in Jesus name & ask for forgiveness of all my sins known & unknown. Also repent & ask in Jesus name for forgiveness for my family from the eldest to the youngest of their sins known & unknown. I pray for salvation & deliverance for myself & my entire family. For healing in our bodies in Jesus name. I pray for a Blessing of an instant financial miracle this week for myself & entire family. Favor in all legal matters. Favor on our jobs, in our schools, with our neighbors, friend's & stranger's, our foes. Traveling mercies, Protection, Provision, Peace & Joy for us all. Cover our homes. All these things I pray in Jesus mighty name. Thank you Jesus for your word shall not return void. Hallelujah to the Father God of Israel and Son Jesus Christ the Messiah and the Holy Spirit.

Faatupu Malauulu from US

March 31 at 3:54 am
Dear Lord our Heavenly Father, I come to you to give thanks for all thy blessings in my life. Thank you for keeping my family safe and healthy. Grateful for Your Grace and Mercy upon us all. Please keep my sons livng in the mainland safe from harms way. Bless them with encouragement and determination to work hard and reach for the stars. Continue to keep my family under Your wings and thank you for everything. Please Lord, I need help with my finances and hoping that all the planning will go smoothly with no problem. Be with all those who are needing you the most at this time. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer, AMEN.

Gloria from US

March 30 at 10:17 pm
Dear Blessed Father. Thank you for every blessing especially this prayer wall is a breakthrough to allow prayers to bring connections between your throne and your flock. My prayer for my husband is From 1 Peter 5:7 cast all your cares upon the Lord. Lord help my husband cast his fear, weakness, stress, and fleshly ways upon You, In Jesus name. Developers the fruits of the Spirit in my husband that he may jump for joy and dance in victory!! Amen.

Marly from US

March 30 at 10:08 pm
Thank you God, for all my many blessings. Please bless Curtis, that he's happy and safe. I love him so much. Please bless me, Canyon and Buddy, that we will somehow make it in this world and I will get the strength and desire to do that which I am,suppose to do. Right now my feet and ankles are in pain, please bless that it goes away so I can function better. Please bless and protect America and President Trump. Please bless all those babies that are being killed in abortion and other crimes. Please bless the world, we seem to be in chaos. Please bless all the women that are being abused in every way by their partners. Thank you for all your love, protection and guardian angels. In the name of jesus Christ amen!

mary from US

March 30 at 9:28 pm
Our Father, O'Lord God of heaven and earth,please healing my sons Walter of chronic lymphocytic leukemia-b-cell cancer and bring salvation. Heal Maurice of alcohol,the desire,taste and effect,and bring salvation,Father,Lord I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Father look upon all that is sick with all kind of diseases in the name of Jesus Christ, Father for give us all in the name Jesus Christ, Amen.

naveed from PK

March 30 at 9:16 pm
amen paryr for my jobs sepasli haji manzor uoor ahsan elhahi nab ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi apney bda naveed pitras se door rakh ameen god ameen paryr for samin javed ke leya khodwnd uos ko apni panah me rakhe god bless uoor m.javed ke zuolam se hamesa ke ley najat de uor javed se door kar de amen ameen prayr for my job sepsliy adedt ofesar saeed ahmad and ahdeett pera pak khodawnd yasuo mahshi apny band naveed pitras ko cahleyar kary gha ameen paryr for my job sepasliy helth shfhiy tem of lahoar my hasopital g.s.b.t.h sialkot cti God belas amen PARYR FOR CEF SHCTRE PONJAB AND DR FHROQ IQBHAL DR AZEAM IBHRAHEM CH NAVEED CH AZHAR MERA KHODWD YASO MASHI APNA DEYNA HATH BHRA KAR BHCYGHA ameen parry far my jobs sepasliy my bhoos Ms Dr Azeem Ibrahim no odther mr Rizwan tariq junior / mr mohammad Aref incharge contest mr Rizwan tariq no contest of G.S.B.TH NO FHWAR MR ARSHAD BHATTI and mery pak khodwnad shomena javed

naveed from PK

March 30 at 9:14 pm
ameen parry for medya rapotar rana khlil ke zoban zehan bande mera khodwnd yaso mashi apna deyna hath bhrar kar apney banda naveed pitras ko bhcye gha uoor shtan ke bhori nazera uoor ghnde shocsey hamesa ke leya in se door rakhey ga god belss ameen thnks juss 0 Responded

naveed pitras from PK

March 30 at 9:10 pm
amen paryr for my jobs sepasli haji manzor uoor ahsan elhahi nab ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi apney bda naveed pitras se door rakh ameen god ameen paryr for samin javed ke leya khodwnd uos ko apni panah me rakhe god bless uoor m.javed ke zuolam se hamesa ke ley najat de uor javed se door kar de amen ameen prayr for my job sepsliy adedt ofesar saeed ahmad and ahdeett pera pak khodawnd yasuo mahshi apny band naveed pitras ko cahleyar kary gha ameen paryr for my job sepasliy helth shfhiy tem of lahoar my hasopital g.s.b.t.h sialkot cti God belas amen PARYR FOR CEF SHCTRE PONJAB AND DR FHROQ IQBHAL DR AZEAM IBHRAHEM CH NAVEED CH AZHAR MERA KHODWD YASO MASHI APNA DEYNA HATH BHRA KAR BHCYGHA ameen parry far my jobs sepasliy my bhoos Ms Dr Azeem Ibrahim no odther mr Rizwan tariq junior / mr mohammad Aref incharge contest mr Rizwan tariq no contest of G.S.B.TH NO FHWAR MR ARSHAD BHATTI and mery pak khodwnad shomena javed

naveed pitras from PK

March 30 at 9:09 pm
ameen parry for medya rapotar rana khlil ke zoban zehan bande mera khodwnd yaso mashi apna deyna hath bhrar kar apney banda naveed pitras ko bhcye gha uoor shtan ke bhori nazera uoor ghnde shocsey hamesa ke leya in se door rakhey ga god belss ameen thnks juss

naveed pitras from PK

March 30 at 9:06 pm
amen paryr for my jobs sepasli haji manzor uoor ahsan elhahi nab ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi apney bda naveed pitras se door rakh ameen god ameen paryr for samin javed ke leya khodwnd uos ko apni panah me rakhe god bless uoor m.javed ke zuolam se hamesa ke ley najat de uor javed se door kar de amen ameen prayr for my job sepsliy adedt ofesar saeed ahmad and ahdeett pera pak khodawnd yasuo mahshi apny band naveed pitras ko cahleyar kary gha ameen paryr for my job sepasliy helth shfhiy tem of lahoar my hasopital g.s.b.t.h sialkot cti God belas amen PARYR FOR CEF SHCTRE PONJAB AND DR FHROQ IQBHAL DR AZEAM IBHRAHEM CH NAVEED CH AZHAR MERA KHODWD YASO MASHI APNA DEYNA HATH BHRA KAR BHCYGHA ameen parry far my jobs sepasliy my bhoos Ms Dr Azeem Ibrahim no odther mr Rizwan tariq junior / mr mohammad Aref incharge contest mr Rizwan tariq no contest of G.S.B.TH NO FHWAR MR ARSHAD BHATTI and mery pak khodwnad shomena javed

naveed from PK

March 30 at 9:06 pm
amen paryr for my jobs sepasli haji manzor uoor ahsan elhahi nab ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi apney bda naveed pitras se door rakh ameen god ameen paryr for samin javed ke leya khodwnd uos ko apni panah me rakhe god bless uoor m.javed ke zuolam se hamesa ke ley najat de uor javed se door kar de amen ameen prayr for my job sepsliy adedt ofesar saeed ahmad and ahdeett pera pak khodawnd yasuo mahshi apny band naveed pitras ko cahleyar kary gha ameen paryr for my job sepasliy helth shfhiy tem of lahoar my hasopital g.s.b.t.h sialkot cti God belas amen PARYR FOR CEF SHCTRE PONJAB AND DR FHROQ IQBHAL DR AZEAM IBHRAHEM CH NAVEED CH AZHAR MERA KHODWD YASO MASHI APNA DEYNA HATH BHRA KAR BHCYGHA ameen parry far my jobs sepasliy my bhoos Ms Dr Azeem Ibrahim no odther mr Rizwan tariq junior / mr mohammad Aref incharge contest mr Rizwan tariq no contest of G.S.B.TH NO FHWAR MR ARSHAD BHATTI and mery pak khodwnad shomena javed

naveed pitras from PK

March 30 at 9:03 pm
amen paryr for my jobs sepasli haji manzor uoor ahsan elhahi nab ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi apney bda naveed pitras se door rakh ameen god ameen paryr for samin javed ke leya khodwnd uos ko apni panah me rakhe god bless uoor m.javed ke zuolam se hamesa ke ley najat de uor javed se door kar de amen ameen prayr for my job sepsliy adedt ofesar saeed ahmad and ahdeett pera pak khodawnd yasuo mahshi apny band naveed pitras ko cahleyar kary gha ameen paryr for my job sepasliy helth shfhiy tem of lahoar my hasopital g.s.b.t.h sialkot cti God belas amen PARYR FOR CEF SHCTRE PONJAB AND DR FHROQ IQBHAL DR AZEAM IBHRAHEM CH NAVEED CH AZHAR MERA KHODWD YASO MASHI APNA DEYNA HATH BHRA KAR BHCYGHA ameen parry far my jobs sepasliy my bhoos Ms Dr Azeem Ibrahim no odther mr Rizwan tariq junior / mr mohammad Aref incharge contest mr Rizwan tariq no contest of G.S.B.TH NO FHWAR MR ARSHAD BHATTI and mery pak khodwnad shomena javed

Lynn from US

March 30 at 9:02 pm
Please pray for healing for an older lady friend & family friend with cancer. 'Miss S'. Please also pray for my dream of moving into family home to come true and to regain this home my Dad built.

naveed from PK

March 30 at 9:01 pm
ameen parry for medya rapotar rana khlil ke zoban zehan bande mera khodwnd yaso mashi apna deyna hath bhrar kar apney banda naveed pitras ko bhcye gha uoor shtan ke bhori nazera uoor ghnde shocsey hamesa ke leya in se door rakhey ga god belss ameen thnks juss

naveed pitras from PK

March 30 at 9:00 pm
ameen parry for medya rapotar rana khlil ke zoban zehan bande mera khodwnd yaso mashi apna deyna hath bhrar kar apney banda naveed pitras ko bhcye gha uoor shtan ke bhori nazera uoor ghnde shocsey hamesa ke leya in se door rakhey ga god belss ameen thnks juss sepasliy pti all palti ke hamesa key ley apney bhnd naveed pitras key leya shf ho jey auoor khodawnd yasuo ka lho ke bhar mangta hon ameen sepasliy pastor sahad gill hi fever and stomach problems and mousa shkeel hi fever uaso ke nam mey aj hi shfa pa jey god belss ameen

naveed pitras from PK

March 30 at 8:58 pm
amen paryr for my jobs sepasli haji manzor uoor ahsan elhahi nab ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi apney bda naveed pitras se door rakh ameen god ameen paryr for samin javed ke leya khodwnd uos ko apni panah me rakhe god bless uoor m.javed ke zuolam se hamesa ke ley najat de uor javed se door kar de amen ameen prayr for my job sepsliy adedt ofesar saeed ahmad and ahdeett pera pak khodawnd yasuo mahshi apny band naveed pitras ko cahleyar kary gha ameen paryr for my job sepasliy helth shfhiy tem of lahoar my hasopital g.s.b.t.h sialkot cti God belas amen PARYR FOR CEF SHCTRE PONJAB AND DR FHROQ IQBHAL DR AZEAM IBHRAHEM CH NAVEED CH AZHAR MERA KHODWD YASO MASHI APNA DEYNA HATH BHRA KAR BHCYGHA ameen parry far my jobs sepasliy my bhoos Ms Dr Azeem Ibrahim no odther mr Rizwan tariq junior / mr mohammad Aref incharge contest mr Rizwan tariq no contest of G.S.B.TH NO FHWAR MR ARSHAD BHATTI and mery pak khodwnad shomena javed

naveed from PK

March 30 at 8:55 pm
ameen parry for my son shkeel anjom and aqeel anju m ko khodawnd uaso mashi sofena habib somena habebib smron nasir sey aj sey hi jan charwey ga god belss amen

Latasha from US

March 30 at 7:26 pm
My whole family not just two of us become saved but all of us and healing of my husband mind and body as well as me. We become closer as a family and closer to God and financial blessings so we can get out of all this debt and for people that mean our family no go to go away. Healing so we can go out as a family and have fun as a family. My marriage to be better and our live to be how God attended it to be. My family read the word, pray more faith in my house. My husband have a divine experience of of our living God as well as our older son too so they can be saved and they truly know who God is and live and feel peace. We get stronger in our anointing and use it to edify our God. We get to know and have Godly friends. Protect us from evil spirits. My husband eyes to be open on these people that is playing with feelings and lie to him. My husband and I get closer and talk more and him and the kids get closer and talk more and stop been negative and a know it all and understand or feel

Marla from CA

March 30 at 7:01 pm
A better stronger relationship with Jesus My teeth jaw throat ears are healed Financial freedom  Healing forgiveness from my past and a better future at 53 years  A home of my own  To spend as much time with my grandsons and great nephew as I can  My mom healed and out of hospital cancer and stroke My dad healed. Gout arthritis kidneys  Salvation for all people in my life who do not believe  Essential oils /Valentus/horses

Dorothy from US

March 30 at 6:50 pm
For mother Ruby of my friend Grace...she has rectal cancer & been operated. I pray for her recovery & be free from cancer. May she enjoy life in her senior age.

Dorothy from US

March 30 at 6:46 pm
For our house..may it be redeemed and be our shelter forever. For my Carmelle, may she will be a good person as she is, a good follower of God & will have a good future ahead. Good health, protection, security, happy and good provisions of living for me & my family.

Sweety from US

March 30 at 5:31 pm
Lord thank you for all your blessings lord please give me your peace joy and happiness in my heart lord please forgive me and bless me lord in your son’s precious name name I asked lord Amen 😘

Isaac from EG

March 30 at 4:52 pm
Thank you Lord for you are developing my relationship with Andrea , Thank you Lord for you are preparing everything for our Marriage in September , Thank you Lord for you are opening her heart day after day with deep love , I am so grateful Lord for all what you have done in our relationship since we got acquainted , I ask you Lord to continue your miraculous work in our relationship and our future home to be for your glory , I ask you Lord to make me and Andrea in complete understanding always , Facilitate our way together , I ask you Lord to provide us all the tools and facilities for more and more success in our relationship and our marriage in September , Lead our talk and our steps in your Kingdom , I am Happy My Lord that the coming feast of tabernacle ( Sukkot ) we will celebrate as a married couple , give us the good righteous offspring and our future kids live for your glory , In Jesus Mighty name I prayed, Brothers and sisters continue Praying with me .. Amen , Isaac

Ronne from US

March 30 at 4:50 pm
For my niece/nephew, my sister in law in coma state Terminal Cancer, May they have the peace of HaShem with them every breath they take, and give to him their lives and thanks for his care n love. Shalom

Esther from US

March 30 at 3:51 pm
Lord  I pray for my son ( Shannon) to serve the lord , overcome his anxiety, fears and finish his studies , I pray for us to have our own place to run our business ( Strabane gardens) for the price you are going to give us, full occupancy in our 3 places , favour from residents, relatives, Social workers, government authorities and staff , unity in our families !salvation for our residents and family ! Thank you Jesus for answering all my prayers !!!

connIe from PH

March 30 at 1:33 pm
Thank you for all the blessings that you have given us. Please help me in my everyday struggle. Help me to solve all my financial issues. Please guide me in the right path and lead me to the right people. Please always protect my family especially my children. Guide me always please.

Solveick from US

March 30 at 12:50 pm
Desde Chile, pido por el bienestar de mi familia y mío. Hemos vivido mucha tristeza y pido con mucha vez, que comencemos tiempos mejores, en todos los aspectos.  Que nuestr Padre, nos envuelva en su manto sagrado y nos proteja de todo mal. Amén.

Darciana Martins de Araujo men from BR

March 30 at 12:30 pm
Peço Oração por mim darciana Martins de Araujo Mendes e família Rosana Martins de Araujo Silva e família Osvaldo Pereira da Silva e família Luan Martins de Araujo Silva e Letícia e família Cristiano Martins de Araujo e Sonia Caetano de Oliveira e Yasmin Martins de Araujo Oliveira e Lorena Martins de Araujo Oliveira e família Luís Martins de Araujo e Juliane Martins e luiz Emanuel Martins de Araujo e Pedro Isaque Martins de Araujo e João Miguel Martins de Araujo e família Felisberto Leandro fransolin e família João Martins de Araujo e Cleusa evangelista e família Adriana VIOTTO e Guilherme Viotto e família Adriano Martins de Araujo e família Alex Martins de Araujo e Alexandre Martins Rosana Camargo e família Rafael Alberto da Silva e família Andrea e Antonio Alberto da Silva Jovino Alberto da Silva e família Maria Célia Silva Salomão e Alex Silva e família Peço a vossas lamentações por todos está tá vidas em Oração no muro da lamentação Deus os abençoe

Fe from US

March 30 at 12:18 pm
Please please pray for my son Andy to find favor to God and be saved and be deliver from alcohol addiction. Thank you God In Jesus name I pray.Amen 

Judy from US

March 30 at 12:04 pm
Lord I pray for healing comfort,strength, peace and encouragement for Linda Elsenpeter,Tim Laman and Tony Trimmer all fighting cancer. Thank you LORD!!!

Masa Bah from US

March 30 at 11:16 am
I pray for country Sierra Leone and Israel, God let your will prevail in these countries. I pray for my family that we love you with all our hearts, soul and body unto the end. Let my family be lost in Christ Jesus totally.

Danielle from US

March 30 at 11:03 am
I ask for health in my new situation. I ask that he bring my children closer to him. I ask that he look after us and place his loving hand on us. I ask that he be with our nation. I love you! In Jesus name I pray

Joseph Rojas from US

March 30 at 11:01 am
 Pray for wisdom in my decision-making as a parent, as a husband and  as a business owner. 2019 will be the opening door for the best year of my life and going forward 

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.