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Cathy from US

April 5 at 9:36 am
Dear Lord wrap your arms around Israel and the United states to keep us safe from evil doers and harm! Please let my husband find a new job, and wrap my family in grace and I plead the blood of jesus over us all! I ask in jesus's name amen!

Joseph O from US

April 5 at 9:28 am
I want to request a prayer for the Lord Jesus give directions on my minestries wisdom knowledge and annoyting to my wife open her eyes to understand Gods purpose for her life my son to continue with God serving him and for one more baby to come in our family finally to provide someone to cover all my debts to serve the Lord freely

Tamba from SL

April 5 at 9:28 am
Shalom, thieves broke into our house on Sunday whilst we were away in Church and stole loads of things. Please pray that we recover those stolen items. Thanks 

Susan from US

April 5 at 9:27 am
Dear Lord I pray for good health for my husband, my son Cory, my daughter Stacy, granddaughters Azlee, Darby and myself. I thank the Lord for all are blessings, for forgiveness, and to always show us the way to your eternal peace.  Love you always. Amen

Isaac from EG

April 5 at 9:22 am
Heavenly Father , In Jesus mighty name i ask you Lord to break any kind of warfare from the enemy against my relationship with Andrea , I cover my relationship with her with the blood of Jesus , I trust all the miraculous things you made in our relationship , and i trust your guidance in our relationship , I ask you the blessings of the Month of Nissan that you promised your people to come upon my relationship with Andrea , May The blessings of the fruitfulness and deliverance of the Month of Nissan come upon our relationship , May all the Plots of the enemy which formed against our relationship be null and void , I ask you Father by the Mighty name of Jesus , By the Power of the blood of Jesus to do miraculous things in our relationship , May all the enemy's resistance formed against our marriage be broken and scattered , facilitate our way together Lord , recommend your angels to fight on our behalf and protect us from what all the enemy weaving against our marriage , Amen , Isaac

Akeila from US

April 5 at 9:16 am
Oh dear Lord, please cause me to do Your will and I thank You for everything that you have done for us all. You know the requests of our hearts , please have mercy upon us and keep us in Your Will, in Jesus name ,Amen

Juliana from US

April 5 at 9:11 am
Dear heavenly father, I come to you today to ask for protection for our president. Mr. Trump. Please protect his life and decisions as he tries to move our country back into your Grace. Father please forgive us for opening the door to evil. Our President is trying so hard and needs you to lift him up as we all do. Please bless us father and hold us in the palms of your healing hands. In the name ofc Yashua Massiah, Amen

Felicienne from US

April 5 at 9:00 am
Lord I pray that you open my eyes ears and my mouth finally to even hear and talk to you day and night I want to go into the depths of your holiness to be your intimate so that I may see glory in my life forever I Will have a good husband and children aLSO a Good djob Amen

Edith Williams from US

April 5 at 8:59 am
Oh Heavenly Father I come to you asking for favor in my life and my family life, Lord keep us under the blood and keep us safe and protected. Lord you know our needs before we even ask, in your name Jesus I’m coming to you for favor in Jesus name  I pray Amen.

Carmen from US

April 5 at 8:50 am
Please pray for my son Chad he has diarrhea for 3months can’t stop had a colonoscopy done and it was negative now he is going to do his stomach.

Mary from US

April 5 at 8:48 am
Lord, I come to you in the name of your precious son Jesus, thanking you and praising you for all that you have done for me and for sending your precious son to die on the cross to save all of us from sin. Thank you my God. My Father, Lord you know the situation with my precious grandchildren who live with me. Father, I ask you to heal their hearts and help them to overcome every obstacle in their life. Strengthen them and show them favor. Father I ask you to heal my dear sister's body. Take away her pain and discomfort, and give the doctors who are caring for her the wisdom and knowledge to take the proper actions so that you can heal her. You are our mighty healer Lord. Father, I ask you to destroy every cancer cell in Emily's body. Heal this precious child. Destroy every cancer cell in everywhere. Just destroy this disease my God. Bless each one of my children and their spouses, give them favor, bless them with good jobs and educational opportunities. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

Shirin from US

April 5 at 8:39 am
Please pray for complete healing from cancer, and lung clots and heart problems for sister Gwen Moffat Davis who is heading a children's ministry and is critical. Thank you.

Janet from US

April 5 at 8:39 am
That All my descendants  u til Jesus’ return live ready and watching go Him.    Also that their ministries will be fruitful.     Please also add our Pastoral  Care Ministry that salvations and healings will be abundant.

Taiwana from US

April 5 at 8:36 am
My Father God, in the name of Jesus, I just want to thank you for your goodness, grace and mercy. I thank you for your Word that is holy and for your unconditional love. You are the Creator of this universe and in control of ALL things. I do not fear because you are my God. Father, I pray that you fill me the knowledge of your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding andthrough the Holy Spirit to live a life worthy of you and to please you with everything I say and do. I lift my children, Ya'Lisha, Erik and Ethan and grand baby, Erin to you and ask that you cover them, give them favor, I ask that you will give them the desire to know you more and to honor you in everything they do. My grandbaby Erin, I give her back to you and I pray that you anoint her little body. I pray that she grows to be the person you have called her to be. Order their steps, Father. Lastly, I thank you for the husband you are preparing for me. Prepare me to receive him, in Jesus name, Amen!

Lawrence from US

April 5 at 8:36 am
Father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I ask that you remember my mother and father in their business ventures and that they may prosper through your grace, I also remember my sisters Lord I ask that you guide them as they pursue their desired careers, remember me also Lord Jesus in my new working environment I pray that you keep blessing me, God , I also pray divine healthy in the family, protection from the devil and demons, household security, security wherever we are and divine prosperity. Remember also my girlfriend in her job hunt and grant her what she desires Father and may what we share find your blessing in the name of The Father , The Son and The Holy Spirit.AMEN.

Rebecca from US

April 5 at 8:32 am
Heavenly father, I pray for the forgiveness of my sins. I pray to have a closer relationship with you and Jesus. And to read my Bible daily and to attend church intentionally. Please father help my mom. Ever since dad died she can afford anything financially. Her health is declining. The doctor can't help her. Thank you father for my trials and tribulations. And for always being there in the midst of my storms. Praise you Lord . In Jesus name Amen

Catherine from KE

April 5 at 8:24 am
Lord remove this shame from me.I have been in a relationship for ten years. God has blessed us with a daughter and am expecting the second one.The man has not honoured thus relationship by officiating the marriage. He has changed to an extent that he does not provide.He values his work more than the family. Pray for me that,Gods will be done.I don't want to raise the children as a single mother.

Gayle Tangen from US

April 5 at 8:19 am
My Heavenly Father. Thank you for the mercy and patience you have shown for your children. I know that we are failing to show your love for others. Please help us to see your path to forgiveness and compassion in this violent world. Help us to bring the wonderful message that You sent Your Son to save us from total despair. Help us to be better and do better. Teach us your ways and continue to love us through our failures. I love you with my whole heart and soul. Amen

Carrie from US

April 5 at 8:14 am
Father in heaven heal our family of division. Save all the unsaved in our family, and bring peace. Please in addition forgive our country and let our hearts turn to you for salvation in the name of your son Jesus Amen

Candace from US

April 5 at 8:11 am
Prayer for my son Grayson, he is 2 years old. Was a preemie baby, 5 weeks early. Pray for strength, continue growth, Talking more this year and over all excellent health. Thank you God Bless Candace

John from GH

April 5 at 8:11 am
Pray for me to hear God clearly and walk in faith at all times Pray for me to get a car for my work and ministry.  Pray for my marital to be filled with joy and peace 

Brenda from US

April 5 at 8:09 am
Father God I'm lifting my son and daughter in law up in prayer. They are having a hard time conceiving a child Lord. I pray that it is your will to plant that miracle of life for them..the miracle that only comes from you Lord. I pray this in Jesus's name. Amen

Mary Ann Franco from US

April 5 at 8:09 am
Please Pray for My daughter Almendra. For a job for her. For My economy. For blessings for My son Miguel and is. Thank you Lord. God blusa you 

Mary Ann Franco from US

April 5 at 8:06 am
Please Pray for My daughter Almendra. For a job for her. For My economy. For blessings for My son Miguel and is. Thank you Lord. God blusa you 

Oli from US

April 5 at 8:05 am
I just got into my new job for second week. Please pray for me to be able to perform my job what's ahead of me. Let me focus on my job. Give me all that I need to carry out my tasks. Give me the knowledge, courage and protect me over my career, safety, health, relationship, family and finances. In Jesus Almighty name I pray, Amen.

Deon from ZA

April 5 at 7:36 am
Jesus please help and bring Christine and I back together as a family, I ask in Your name I seek Your blessing for us. Send Your Angel's to help Christine see me and break down the enemy walls and plans, we pray in Jesus Name please send Your Holy Spirit and it will be, we will be back together, please break all other influences that prevent us to come back together, I ask as Your Child Father in Jesus name Amen

Deon from US

April 5 at 7:35 am
Jesus please help and bring Christine and I back together as a family, I ask in Your name I seek Your blessing for us. Send Your Angel's to help Christine see me and break down the enemy walls and plans, we pray in Jesus Name please send Your Holy Spirit and it will be, we will be back together, please break all other influences that prevent us to come back together, I ask as Your Child Father in Jesus name Amen

Ted whitehead from US

April 5 at 7:06 am
I pray for the peace and protection for the Jewish people in Israel and elsewhere especially the chaos going on now in Israel. They are surrounded by the enemies, please God surround them with your love and protection.

April from US

April 5 at 5:48 am
Prayer for God’s protection for me, my children and grandson, protection at our homes, vehicles, jobs, schools, church, city or anywhere we are, may go or be. Prayer for God to save, heal, deliver, for Lord's grace, mercy, love, help, complete healing, full-household salvation, leadership, truth and light, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment, peace, comfort, rest, joy, presence and favor, impenetrable protection, and anoint all my family and fill us all with His Holy Ghost, prayer for more of God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God’s word and prayer my family and I to always have a hunger and thirst for truth and righteousness and to learn, obey and forever live Gods will, teach Gods will in everything that we do that God gets the glory. Prayer for divine healing for my daughter and I to be healed from high blood pressure. Prayer for help to get my children teeth fixed. Prayer for Jesus Christ Blood covering protection and His Angelical Anointed family protection

Aditya Bag from US

April 5 at 4:29 am
My father (Nabin Bag) admitted in Patnagarh (Odisha) medical from last 5 days for his weakness, now he feeling very weak and not able to eating and walking, it's requested that please uphold him in your valuable prayer for his early recovery"

Lover of Jesus Christ from TW

April 4 at 10:14 pm
1 Chronicles 4: 10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. So, my dear Heavenly Father, bless me indeed to land a wonderful online business or job, and avoid any evil temptation in searching. In the name of God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Amen.

naveed pitras from PK

April 4 at 8:10 pm
amen paryr for my jobs sepasli haji manzor uoor ahsan elhahi nab ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi apney bda naveed pitras se door rakh ameen god ameen paryr for samin javed ke leya khodwnd uos ko apni panah me rakhe god bless uoor m.javed ke zuolam se hamesa ke ley najat de uor javed se door kar de amen ameen prayr for my job sepsliy adedt ofesar saeed ahmad and ahdeett pera pak khodawnd yasuo mahshi apny band naveed pitras ko cahleyar kary gha ameen paryr for my job sepasliy helth shfhiy tem of lahoar my hasopital g.s.b.t.h sialkot cti God belas amen PARYR FOR CEF SHCTRE PONJAB AND DR FHROQ IQBHAL DR AZEAM IBHRAHEM CH NAVEED CH AZHAR MERA KHODWD YASO MASHI APNA DEYNA HATH BHRA KAR BHCYGHA ameen parry far my jobs sepasliy my bhoos Ms Dr Azeem Ibrahim no odther mr Rizwan tariq junior / mr mohammad Aref incharge contest mr Rizwan tariq no contest of G.S.B.TH NO FHWAR MR ARSHAD BHATTI and mery pak khodwnad shomena javed

naveed pitras from PK

April 4 at 8:09 pm
ameen parry for my son shkeel anjom and aqeel anju m ko khodawnd uaso mashi sofena habib somena habebib smron nasir sey aj sey hi jan charwey ga god belss amen ameen parry for my family and job sepasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems and sepasliy pti palti all warkar ch.ahklaq mpa ch ialyas sh mhosen uomar dar usoman dar amer dar uosman pa ajmal bhtt key zehan uoor zobaz khodawnd yasuo mashi hamesa key leya bhnd uor shf kar dey amen god bless my offs and my son offs tma offs all staf s.s h all staf h.g .s all staf g.s.b.t.h all staf dr shokat dr shzad sh uosma sh ased m dalwar all sialkot meydeya ke zobhan bndi ho jey god belss

naveed pitras from PK

April 4 at 8:07 pm
amen paryr for my jobs sepasli haji manzor uoor ahsan elhahi nab ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi apney bda naveed pitras se door rakh ameen god ameen paryr for samin javed ke leya khodwnd uos ko apni panah me rakhe god bless uoor m.javed ke zuolam se hamesa ke ley najat de uor javed se door kar de amen ameen prayr for my job sepsliy adedt ofesar saeed ahmad and ahdeett pera pak khodawnd yasuo mahshi apny band naveed pitras ko cahleyar kary gha ameen paryr for my job sepasliy helth shfhiy tem of lahoar my hasopital g.s.b.t.h sialkot cti God belas amen PARYR FOR CEF SHCTRE PONJAB AND DR FHROQ IQBHAL DR AZEAM IBHRAHEM CH NAVEED CH AZHAR MERA KHODWD YASO MASHI APNA DEYNA HATH BHRA KAR BHCYGHA ameen parry far my jobs sepasliy my bhoos Ms Dr Azeem Ibrahim no odther mr Rizwan tariq junior / mr mohammad Aref incharge contest mr Rizwan tariq no contest of G.S.B.TH NO FHWAR MR ARSHAD BHATTI and mery pak khodwnad shomena javed

naveed pitras from PK

April 4 at 8:06 pm
ameen parry for medya rapotar rana khlil ke zoban zehan bande mera khodwnd yaso mashi apna deyna hath bhrar kar apney banda naveed pitras ko bhcye gha uoor shtan ke bhori nazera uoor ghnde shocsey hamesa ke leya in se door rakhey ga god belss ameen thnks juss ameen parry for my family and job sepasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems and sepasliy pti palti all warkar ch.ahklaq mpa ch ialyas sh mhosen uomar dar usoman dar amer dar uosman pa ajmal bhtt key zehan uoor zobaz khodawnd yasuo mashi hamesa key leya bhnd uor shf kar dey amen god bless my offs and my son offs tma offs all staf s.s h all staf h.g .s all staf g.s.b.t.h all staf dr shokat dr shzad sh uosma sh ased m dalwar all sialkot meydeya ke zobhan bndi ho jey god belss

naveed pitras from PK

April 4 at 8:01 pm
ameen parry for my job sepasliy my pastor sahad gill hi fever and stomach problems god bless ameen my job problems medya news paper kabary jo naam hea mera khudawand yasomashi apna deyna hath bhara kar apney bhnd naveed pitar ko aj bhcy gha auoo ables ko shar menda kary gha ameen and god bless

naveed pitras from PK

April 4 at 8:00 pm
ameen parry for my job sepasliy my pastor sahad gill hi fever and stomach problems god bless ameen my job problems medya news paper kabary jo naam hea mera khudawand yasomashi apna deyna hath bhara kar apney bhnd naveed pitar ko aj bhcy gha auoo ables ko shar menda kary gha ameen and god bless

naveed from PK

April 4 at 8:00 pm
ameen parry for my job sepasliy my pastor sahad gill hi fever and stomach problems god bless ameen my job problems medya news paper kabary jo naam hea mera khudawand yasomashi apna deyna hath bhara kar apney bhnd naveed pitar ko aj bhcy gha auoo ables ko shar menda kary gha ameen and god bless

naveed from PK

April 4 at 7:59 pm
ameen parry for my job sepasliy my pastor sahad gill hi fever and stomach problems god bless ameen my job problems medya news paper kabary jo naam hea mera khudawand yasomashi apna deyna hath bhara kar apney bhnd naveed pitar ko aj bhcy gha auoo ables ko shar menda kary gha ameen and god bless

naveed pitras from PK

April 4 at 7:58 pm
ameen parry for my job sepasliy my pastor sahad gill hi fever and stomach problems god bless ameen my job problems medya news paper kabary jo naam hea mera khudawand yasomashi apna deyna hath bhara kar apney bhnd naveed pitar ko aj bhcy gha auoo ables ko shar menda kary gha ameen and god bless

naveed pitras from PK

April 4 at 7:56 pm
ameenparry for my job and sepasliy my pastor sahed gill hi fewar and stomach porablams and my fhmliy shkeel aqeel zonera jomela kalem mosa duod soleman abnir my shops and homs god belss my offs porablams ms azeem mr razwan taraq arshed bhtti ali raza nadem zoheab saheed rased ki zobhan uor zehan bandi mera khodawnd yasomashi apna deyna hath bhra kar apny band naveed pitars ko apni pana mey rakhey gha ameen god belss my son ofss tma poralbms mr ahtar mr nadem mr arshed wa all staf ofs ameen god bels all staf mr yaser mr saed mr arshel bhtt mr shfer parensipal ameen god belss p t i palti sialkot cti ch ahklak mpa ch alyas sh mushen uoer dar usoman dar amer dar tepo ajmal bhtt jomel anshri uosma pa sey apney bnda naveed pitras ko apna dhna hath bhra kar apni pona mey rhkhey gha amen god belss 4 moter c and all medeya sialkot cti god bells ameen almonir and kalem k

naveed pitras from PK

April 4 at 7:54 pm
ameen parry for my job sepasliy my pastor sahad gill hi fever and stomach problems god bless ameen my job problems medya news paper kabary jo naam hea mera khudawand yasomashi apna deyna hath bhara kar apney bhnd naveed pitar ko aj bhcy gha auoo ables ko shar menda kary gha ameen and god bless


April 4 at 6:31 pm

kim from US

April 4 at 5:05 pm
Please PRAY Gospel outline in Spanish, Arabic Countries and ENGLISH outline would be used for sharing and salvation it is there daily, so can any add to Daily Prayer lists.

Christopher Layog from US

April 4 at 2:09 pm
האשם, אתה המקור של כל הצלחה וברכה, ואתה ברא את העולם שלך עם middah של rachameem. ב rachameem שלך ב z'chut של אבותיו, אברהם, יצחק ויעקב, בבקשה לברך כריסטופר בן ברברה לייג עם שחזור, ברכות שפע, טובה והגנה בחייו, עכשיו ותמיד, בבקשה לספק את הכספים הדרושים כדי לו להלל את שמך בעולם, כמו גם לסייע לאלמנות, יתומים ואת פחות בר מזל. אנא גם סלחו, אהבו, הגנו, הצילו וספקו לו, ואת כל שבטו, במיוחד עבור אמו ברברה לאוג, האחיות מא. תרזה, לואיזה, ליאונורה לאיאוג והאח רגינו ליוג והוציאו אותם מן החושך אל אורו, בדרך הקלה והמתוקה ביותר האפשרית, "עם קול ישראל", טודה. בשם ישוע המשיח. השם שמעל לכל השמות האחרים. בשם ישוע מנצרת, אור העולם, התהילה של ישראל ואריה שבט יהודה. בשמו הקדוש אני מתפלל. אָמֵן.

Roopali Sharma from US

April 4 at 12:33 pm
Hello brothers and sisters, Praise the lord, Please for my govt. job confirmation, for my marriage with my soulmate his name is Rishu Kumar Pathak, health, wealth, peace, finance crysis, and hppy family.

Elba from US

April 4 at 11:59 am
Thank you,Lord for your loving kindness. Thank you for healing me from a digestive issue that had me very ill.  Thank you for your mercy. It  has been over a month since you healed me in answer to prayer in church. Thank you! Father, I lift up my family that you may draw them into your path and your borders. Send your Holy Spirit to convict them of sin, righteousness and of judgment. Your promises are yes and amen.  In my state it’s legislators have turned their backs on you. Help the people in this state vote these unrighteous people out and while we wait, turn their hearts to you. Bless Israel. In Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Marie from US

April 4 at 11:32 am
Lord please I want a miracle. July of 2020 my term ends to receive housing assistance, my family cannot pay regular rent for the house we living in. Also, Lord, a baptism of the Holy Spirit for El, Shammah, n Vaealii Vae. Lord, solve all of my family financial problems. Thank You for the cross, the body of Christ and the blood Jesus, the new convenant. Amen 

Peggy mooney from US

April 4 at 11:23 am
Please be with my sweet granddaughter as she starts visitation with people she doesn’t know,she’s only 6 months old,God you know how frightened she will   be l ask that you surround her with your calming presence. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus .amen

Linda from US

April 4 at 11:19 am
Healing for massive hernia, arthritis, digestive issues, my knees so I can walk and have mobility again, peace in Israel and revelation knowledge so it's people will come to salvation in Jesus.

naveed pitras from PK

April 4 at 11:10 am
ameen parry for my family and job sepasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems and sepasliy pti palti all warkar ch.ahklaq mpa ch ialyas sh mhosen uomar dar usoman dar amer dar uosman pa ajmal bhtt key zehan uoor zobaz khodawnd yasuo mashi hamesa key leya bhnd uor shf kar dey amen god bless my offs and my son offs tma offs all staf s.s h all staf h.g .s all staf g.s.b.t.h all staf dr shokat dr shzad sh uosma sh ased m dalwar all sialkot meydeya ke zobhan bndi ho jey god belss

Hannah from US

April 4 at 10:58 am
- pray that Jesus will gives me a new stomach - pray that Jesus will bless my business - pray that Jesus will release salvation upon my family - pray that Jesus heals my body n emotional - pray that Jesus will reveal Himself to my relative n family

Tammy from US

April 4 at 10:41 am
Father please cover your children that are persecuted and send the Angels to surround and protect them.  Please bring the lost to you to serve and follow you.  I pray for my children and grandchildren that their hearts be softened and they will seek you.  Where there is any distraction please bind it up in the name of Jesus. 

Kenward and Tiffany Goosby from US

April 4 at 10:00 am
Hello, God bless u all for praying for me. I'm praying for God favor to get pregnant and caary to full term and birth my twins kenndy and kenalice, also praying for favor enterprises inc and iyanla doggett graduation and party In jesus name amen

Rae from US

April 4 at 9:50 am
Please pray for my oldest Grandson in his everyday struggle for happiness an please let no one hurt him anymore guide him back to his Mi-Mi an auntie where his happiness awaits him 🙏

Mega from ID

April 4 at 9:35 am
please pray for our current household in the struggle, so that God blesses our household and is kept away from things that is not wanted. Please pray also for my husband so God opens the door of his heart so that wherever he goes and is he always remembers me and my child and our household. I beg your prayer so that my husband immediately contacted me to say I and my child must soon followed him in Timika Papua so we could gather together and become Christian homes that grow in faith and trust in the Lord Jesus. For me to be able to carry out my obligations as a wife to my husband as in the Word of God that what God unites cannot be divorced Humans. God blesses

Mary from US

April 4 at 9:31 am
Prayers for my dearest friend Christine who hasn’t felt well for appromately a year...please give her direction so that she can find the right doctor who can figure this out and cure her sickness.... in the name of Jesus....God Bless

Sylvi from ID

April 4 at 9:26 am
Please pray for safety for Indonesia election day 17 april 2019.. pray for financial blessing, new business and please help us from people that don’t like us.. amin

Becky Eppert from US

April 4 at 9:23 am
Please pray for my family to surrender their hearts and lives completely to the Lord and for the healing and restoration of my marriage and family!!  

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.