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Budi samodro from US

March 3 at 5:58 am
Aku memohon didalam nama Yesus, akan sukacita dan damai sejahtera dicurahkan senantiasa dalam hari tuaku..dilepaskan dari segala rasa kecemasan dan ketakutan akan hari depan...amohon Yesus senantiasa menyertai hidup kami...diberkati dan menjadi berkat bagi lingkungan kami...amin haleluyaaa

Brenda from US

March 3 at 5:41 am
Lord, I pray for the Body of Believers to unite together in God's love. May we have the Spirit of discernment to reach out and help one another. I pray we will relinquish the spirit of pride and pray for one another. I pray that families and our children will forgive one another as Christ has forgiven us. The lost prodigal sons and daughters all over the world will return to Christ. I pray that Israel will be blessed and protected. Nations will come together in Christ standing beside Israel. Jesus is coming we do not know the day nor the hour of His return. Lord we want to be ready when you come. We love you Jesus.

John from IN

March 3 at 4:05 am
Heavenly Father, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I earnestly implore Your mercy to bless my Dan and heal her completely for we totally surrender her to Your loving care. Every infection and pain be removed and let her be strengthened with Your power and protection. Also we plead Your mercy to give us a break through in our financial struggle and bless us all in plenty as You have promised. all May all Your promises be fulfilled from this moment onwards we pray. Kindly bless our ministry and all our

Veneeta from AU

March 3 at 4:00 am
Thank you 🙏 lord for everything you have given me.  I do remember and pray for people who have much less than I.  I pray you give me and my family guidance and healing and blessing on what we do everyday.   I lift my daughter somly for prayer.   Please god give her guidance on choices she makes with friends and men.  She reverts to drugs.  She suffers from anxiety and depression.  Lord protect her and guide.  Shine the light 💡 on darkness of her life.   I really don’t know what to do.  I am so worried.  Lord please help.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ.  🙏 Amen 

Veneeta from AU

March 3 at 3:45 am
Heavenly Father please bless and heal me and my family.  I pray especially for my daughter somly who suffers from depression and anxiety. She turns to drugs and makes wrong decision when it comes to men.  Lord father give her guidance and make her turn away from these things.  Give her guidance if he steps she takes every day. Thank you lord I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ.  

Steven from PG

March 3 at 3:09 am
Glory Honor & Praise to the God of Israel! My family in PNG have established a fellowship group and we are in need to build a church. Please help us pray for Gods blessing. Also I am a heart patient diagnosed with A Grade Heart blockage and lately was directed by my doctors to do an angioplasty surgery overseas. Please pray for Gods miraculous healing and I could be a testimony to the brethren of Christ for my hope and life is in the God of Israel! Please pray for Gods blessing on my business, work and finances & the safety and protection of my family. My dream is to build a big modernized church with modern technology in my country. Thank you Jerusalem prayer Team and Dr Mike Evans. Glory Honor and Praise to the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, Our God of Israel. Shalom Shalom, Amen!

Alice from US

March 3 at 2:31 am
Please pray that God Almighty continue to bless me and my family, heal us, renew our daith, and bless me with a loving, God fearing husband and bless me with a job so i can help take care of my family…

Matelita Taulongo from AU

March 3 at 2:19 am
In the name of Jesus forgive me my sin and rebuke all evil workin g my life and my kids you tie up in your name what ever I'm suffering with all my problem and my situation you set me free from evil is working in my life and kids and protect my family from enemies and blessings my finance and heal me from sickness and bless my house and family in Jesus name.

Gloria Jean from US

March 3 at 1:46 am
My prayers Blessed and exalted be the name of the Lord forever My sins be forgiven and thrown into the sea of forgetfulness Shalom wrap Jerusalem in Jesus name Shalom wrap the church, the bride in Jesus name Shalom wrap JPT family friends and members Shalom give grace to me and family today, tomorrow and forever Shalom bless USA and shine the light of justice, truth and Psalms 20:7 in Jesus name, and may signs miracles and wonders overwhelm us as a testimony of the power, providence and prosperity of the Lord with us so unbelievers may witness the favor of the Lord and repent and seek the Lord as Lord and King. May our family tree seek first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness. May the Lord empower and grant wisdom to our leaders worldwide, and nationally that we may receive benefits as children of the Lord and religious rights be supported. May the Lord bless all who are oppressed for their Christianity and make them the head and not the tail, bless the next generation amen

Albertina from ZM

March 3 at 1:41 am
Hello. i fret you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.. Please help me pray that God Almighty may heal me, bless me with a husband and bless me with a job so i can help take care of my family... Help me pray pray also that the God of Israel may review himself to me more in every area of my life and that he may grant me the grace to lead praise and worship in church and the sweet spirit of God my remain with me to teach me and to guide me always. In Jesus ' name.  God bless you all

Ambrose from US

March 3 at 1:38 am
May God almighty have mercy on me and let and the Heavens above open, let my USA citizenships be granted without delay in Jesus name amen  Thank you Lord.

GJR from US

March 3 at 1:07 am
Dear heavenly Father bless be your name, thank you for Ecclesiastics 4;12 (the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit who wrap me up with the DNA of Jesus Christ, transforming me to completion, fulfillment, whole, unbroken, undamaged into the image of Jesus, yes it is a painful transformation from old sinful nature, and into the new perfect DNA, shape like a ladder leading upward,, and a twisted coil which causes the rotation of something to remain stationary, in pairs a set of 2 things together or regarded as a unit, (Jesus in my Heart) and a helix 3 cords the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 3 in 1, and me as 1 with the Lord, eternity x eternity feeding my faith, hallelujahs, unbroken, Matthew 19:30 the first shall be last and the last shall be first, completion, fulfillment, whole, unbroken, a circle. The alpha and Omega, hear church the Lord says you are within the circle of my flock, eye, beginning, end, life, death and resurrection. His eternal life, shalom, amen.

Judy from US

March 3 at 12:34 am
Please pray for my son that his social security benefits are restored. Please pray for my marriage finances and my husbands health so he can go back to work. Please pray for restoration with my daughter and me and our family Amen 🙏I claim it and receive it and speak it into existence in advance in Jesus Mighty Name for a Mighty Miracle blessing. Standing on Mark 11:24 by Faith Hope and Belief Amen 🙏 Thank you for your prayers God bless you abundantly always amen 🙏 Also please pray for our housing situation Amen 🙏 

Henrietta from ZA

March 2 at 11:53 pm
Please pray for revival in South Africa, God's wil, Godly wisdom and peace concerning elections in May 2018. South Africa is at a tipping point .

Augusto from PE

March 2 at 11:12 pm
Amado Yahweh te ruego que bendigas a Dora y a mi junto a toda nuestra familia...y te pedimos por nuestra salud que quites de todos nosotros las enfermedades y toda clase de acechasas del maligno . Amen.

Deric from US

March 2 at 11:05 pm
It's STILL THE DAY OF JUBILEE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST- THE RIGHTEOUS GREAT HIGH PRIEST!!! "Ye Men of The Lion- of the Tribe of Judah and Ye that dwell at New Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words "Cursed is he that twists the rights of the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow. And all the people shall say, Amen.(Deuteronomy 27:19) Therefore, [a]holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, [thoughtfully and attentively] consider the Apostle and High Priest whom we confessed [as ours when we accepted Him as Savior], namely, [b]Jesus; (Heb 3:1) My Sheep hear MY Voice! Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it (Luke 17:33) Jerusalem Prayer-Team Kingdom Projects works is Upon us my Beloved Church AND WILL BE COMPLETED SHIGIONOTH! Shalom from Zion- THE HEAVENLY JERUSALEM

Evelyn Turner from US

March 2 at 10:50 pm
Please pray for me to have a great breakthrough financially and be completely out of debt and not have to struggle as I have done all these years. Also, that God Almighty will give us a good and better house that is paid off, or has very low affordable payments for us, that is in our hometown and soon. Also, that God will redeem me for all the houses and land that I have lost and that enemy has stolen from me. I am not young and need and would like to have a comfortable home to live in now.

D.H. from US

March 2 at 10:46 pm
Prayer that The Lord would greatly use the book “ The Rabbi the Secret Message and the Identity of Messiah “ to help open the eyes of the Jewish people’s understanding of who yeshua is.  That ALL Israel will be saved !!’ ✡️✡️✡️

Eva from US

March 2 at 10:41 pm
Please pray for my 24 year old daughter, Michelle for total healing. She has Hypereosinophilic Syndrome, a rare blood disorder. Too many eosinophils produced in bone marrow measured in WBC.

Evelyn Turner from US

March 2 at 10:39 pm
Complete and total Deliverance forever for my son, D. T., from all addictions and cravings, anxiety, and all other bondages and healing from the root causes and restoration. Also, for a great encounter with Jesus Christ and to be transformed by Him. Also, for the right and good job for him soon.

Suzanne from US

March 2 at 10:15 pm
Salvation for my 2 adult sons Justin & Gregory & daughter Jennifer grandsons Riley & Christian Grandaughters Audrey & Alivia. Healing & restoration  of their relationships. God’s financial provision & financial support from those here in the US  in order to be able to return to Uganda to live & support my ministry of inner healing to abused women in the villages.  For God’s divine  favor,  wisdom & direction for my ministry. Divine health & strength to continue my work in Uganda. 

Robert from AU

March 2 at 9:58 pm
Dear heavenly father, thank you for who you are & the precious gift of your son, our saviour Jesus our Lord. My prayer is for my daughter-in-law (35yrs with 2 ch under 10yrs) to know Jesus. Also prayer for healing. She had major spinal surgery (2016) to remove her crumbling L5 vertebrae. She still suffers intense pain, insomnia & limited mobility

Patricia from US from US

March 2 at 9:53 pm
Thanking God for all he has done! For a closer relationship with our Lord. Protection for God's chosen people around the earth. Salvation for all my family members, along with complete healing for myself and other family members. Full healing and restoration for all marriages in our family and around the world. That the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. For those he calls to obey his voice. Favor for health and finances for our family.

Amber from US

March 2 at 9:35 pm
Please pray that my husband and I have favor in the courts of heaven and the courts on earth for exoneration and complete restoration of our family. Thank you! Be blessed a 1,000 times...Deuteronomy 1:11

Balinda from US

March 2 at 9:28 pm
Please pray for my country to turn back to God. Pray for the safety and success of President Trump and his family. I pray for my whole families salvation. That each of us know Jesus Christ as our salvation. And last but not least I pray for Israel and it’s people. We love you all. May God bless us all. 

Susan from US

March 2 at 9:19 pm
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the salvation of my children and grandchildren I’m in need of a car for my health pray for our country God Bless all

Barbara from US

March 2 at 9:10 pm
I have been living with my daughter for the past 4 yrs. I am nearly 64 yrs old. We had a "falling out", and she is moving out next weekend. This leaves me in a bind. I am on SS ($720 a month). I need a place to rent asap on assistance. I am trying to trust the Lord in this, but this is very worrisome, for I fear winding up living on the streets.......

David from US

March 2 at 8:48 pm
Praying for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to return, the peace of Jerusalem, all the lost souls in the whole world, I pray that the Lord hears and answers the prayer of all my brothers and sisters in christ prayers , for my wife and I to find the church the lord wants us to be at, for our health and our finances to blossom. I love you all.


March 2 at 8:42 pm
Please pray for my employment. I was trying for last 2 years. Also for my marriage n finance. I want to take holy trip to Jerusalem. Please pray for me.

Don from US

March 2 at 8:29 pm
To have a closer and more intimate relationship with Christ. To please bless Israel, U.S., and my family. To save those lost, gone astray, and fallen.

Debbie from US

March 2 at 8:11 pm
Dear Heavenly Father we are grateful for all of our Blessings and I pray for the gift of health for Cory, Don, Bryan, Nonny & Chris and all who are hurting.....In JESUS name........Amen

Robert from US

March 2 at 7:37 pm
Pray for my daughter Shiloh 10 years old - she has a call of God on her to be a worshipper but is becoming a rebellious child even at 10 - pray she encounters the divine love of Jesus and for us as parents to parent her rightly and teach and train her to be a woman who loves the lord with all her heaet.

Manuel from US

March 2 at 7:10 pm
Pray for my brother Al that he will have an encounter with Jesus and be saved. God has him where He can deal with him and heal him from nerves. For him to be freed from traditional religiosity and guilt. To be made a new creation of God. To be born again. He is my brother and the last of my brothers and sisters left to be saved. .

Glenda Thomas from US

March 2 at 7:01 pm
I ask you to believe with me first I must thank God for what he has already done I have my life today and I thank him right now .I want my own home, and i want to be a part of development of the rural homeless community and battered women believe with me that it will happen and God house of worship come about first and all these things follow.

Sheila Weaver from US

March 2 at 6:55 pm
My of her is that I will learn to trust my God in all things, blessings for my home, my husband, one of my girls has an clot in her aorta, bless her n all my family, bless our country, our President n all the ones who are trying to harm us, God is good!!

Charlot from US

March 2 at 6:47 pm
Please pray that God will heal Kathryn from migraine headaches and a continual bladder infection. She has seen several doctors and has different meds but nothing is helping. She is a Christian. Please pray for Brian that God will heal him. He had a tumor in the pituitary gland and now has visual problems. He cannot drive nor work now. He has been a chief of police and a private investigator. He needs a miracle of healing.

Karen from US

March 2 at 6:41 pm
My prayer is for a Godly husband who is God’s best for me! A three strand cord is not easily broken. I have waited patiently and want to be a Godly wife! A man who finds a wife finds a good thing, iAM thankful that God is preparing me! Amen! I want to be a wife not a feminist!

leighgh from US

March 2 at 6:38 pm
my kidneys have failed and now I have the dialysis for the rest of my life and recently lost my right leg please ask god to heal me and my broken soul

joan from US

March 2 at 6:36 pm
Pray for my daughter to have wisdom and patience in dealing with her 2 special needs children, bless her marriage, give her husband WISDOM ( he needs it big time) and patience in dealing with all their 4 children. Pray for him not to yell to get his point across, he has issues. thank you and God bless you

Jenny from US

March 2 at 5:59 pm
I would like prayer for my two daughters .  They have both cut off all communication with me , I don’t know why . I have not seen or heard from them in years and now I have a grandson I’m not allowed to see .  Please pray that my family will return to me ,  I truly miss them !

David Masua from UG

March 2 at 5:55 pm
I work outside home away from my wife and three children. Our prayer request is that God makes a way I get a job where I can live together with my family in one place and together we serve His Church.

Nanette Smith from AU

March 2 at 5:52 pm
I asking all prayer warriors world wide if you would pray unanimously together for my Niece Joanne Walkerden. She has been a Breast Cancer survivor only for it to come back in other places. She is a very strong & determined young woman.Which is why she is alive, be wise she chooses to be. The doctors have told her after this round, as it's her fifth in 12 years, that they can't do anymore fore her. God's Will will be done in accordance to His plans I know. I ask for His grace to allow Joanne to enjoy her 40th birthday celebrations in June. This ask through His Power & His authority. I also ask you prayer warriors too.

sharon from US

March 2 at 5:47 pm
I first pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May the Lord bless Israel and his people and bless the leadership of this great nation.  I seek almighty God to provide all sufficiency in all things that I may abound unto every good work. I need additional income to have money to tithe and give offerings as my debt is so great due to lack of income. So I need to pay on debt and pay all bills.  May this be a blessed year and the Lord return soon. 

Beulah. Simms from US

March 2 at 5:45 pm
Please pray for open heaven over my life. I need a car and financial blessings.for unity in the marriage of Kevon and Neeka Alleyne .for success in the lives of Matthew Mark Jabez Jacob Joshua Steven Judah Devon Isabella Jason and Josanne.

Joan from US

March 2 at 5:34 pm
Prayers for my son Jesse needs to get right with Jesus & needs a job & a place to live, my daughter cricket, brittle diabetic 48 yrs old, has issues w 1foot now has mursa in it, another daughter rose 41, has diverticulitis & is sufferingits effects, also had a stroke at 28  & has a friend Wanda is suffering w a bad knee is heavy but has to work they want to do a knee replacement but she can’t take off of work., granddaughters jordan, Bri, kearstyn, Teresa  TO GET THEIR LIVES TOGETHER & put Jesus 1st...& last but not least our financial situation, & health issues ty & God Bless 

Daisy from US

March 2 at 5:09 pm
Please help pray for me that God Almighty will save my husband's soul and spiritually, bless my marriage and make my marriage very strong, successful, prosperous, healthy, and faithful, bless us with great health, bless us with twin boys, make us successful at work and bless us with a good promotion and increase. Bless us with a good and better home. Above all, God please draw us close to you and show us how to love you even more. Amen. Thank you!

Esther from US

March 2 at 4:57 pm
I try not to focus on myself too much, but it is hard with Parkinson’s symptoms that are not in control. I take my mom to doctor’s appointments and also my husband who recently had a light stroke. They need me To be available for them. My neurologist recently retired and I need a physician that will listen and help me with these symptoms. Better yet, If he sees fit, I need the Great Physician to heal me. Thank you so much for your prayers. Shalom!

Derek Button from US

March 2 at 4:15 pm
I definitely need prayers for my uneven mental state. Recently I’ve been in despair about my life circumstances. I’ve been relying on worldly comfort more than God and I need more spiritual strength and wisdom for that. I’ve been feeling really discontented lately and I really need prayer for peace and contentment in all circumstances. Thank you. God bless! 

Kevin from US

March 2 at 4:03 pm
We are a home mission church plant in St. Ann,  Mo. in need of a building since our home is rather small. St. Ann is in the St Louis metro area and the cost of a place is more than we are able to make at this time. I am praying and believing for a miracle that God is going to open up doors for is. Thanks and God Bless  Kevin Cook  New Beginnings Apostolic Fellowship St. Ann, Mo.

Nancy from US

March 2 at 3:47 pm
Prayers for family members some of whom are insaved; soften their hearts and send ministering angels in their paths.Health issues involving fsmily members. Addictions and curses to be negated. Prayers for caregivers, evangelists, and fellow Christians worldwide.

Brenda from US

March 2 at 3:45 pm
For the power of the Holy Spirit on our church and for revival.  For the salvation of Sandy, Preston, Jamie, Udeshika, DePaul, Ovini, Sandra, Kim and Bobby.  For Our granddaughter to return to the Lord.  For safety and guidance for our grandson who is a Marine,

Sonny brown from US

March 2 at 3:42 pm
please pray for God to give me his favor in what I am believing him in my heart desire in something I have been praying for a while now it about my I can have more than enouch to be a blessing to help the poor and food for the poor.and to help the Jewish people God said and Isaiah 58.God already know what am believing him for.l need y'all to pray for me ln this in Jesus Christ name Amen

Donna from US

March 2 at 3:39 pm
I Pray that God Reveals His Will to Me and that It is Done. I Pray that I am Healed from Past Hurt and Pain. I Pray that I am Blessed with a New Career and Business. I Pray for a New Home and Peace of Mind. God Have Been Faithful and He Still Is. I Pray that my Law Suite is Settled from an accident I had a year ago, Let Gods Will Be Done. I Prayer for my Lawyer that is Ill that she is Healed and is in Good Health. I Pray for my Family and Children that they are Protected and Directed By God and That Everyone is Saved and are the Righteousness of God. I Pray that I am delivered from Anger and Low Self Esteem. I Pray for Gods Strength and Temperament in my Life and Healing in my Body Nothing Missing and Nothing Broken. I ask Prayer for All Gods Children that we are Bold, More than Conquers, Leaders, Soldiers for Christ. I ask for Prayer for America. Thank You for Standing with me in Prayer and May the Grace of God Be with You All and All is Well with You and Your Family.

Donna Henderson from US

March 2 at 3:33 pm
Healing for my husband, Mark, there is prostate and bone cancer that has spread throughout his body. In the natural the doctor says he has only a few months to live, but we know God is our great healer.

Barbara from US

March 2 at 3:32 pm
July 31; 2018 I had Bunion surgery (no complications).  February 2019 bone has not fused. March 8, 2019 surgery scheduled to re-enter: clean area, attach longer plates, clip Achilles Heel, move it a few cm, and build up arch.  I’m looking for a miracle.  God can!   In addition, pray to reverse this nonstop chronic inflammation.

nancy from US

March 2 at 3:18 pm
Please pray for healing for my son Billy. He has been very ill for over five years. Please pray for relief from pain and for the ability to sleep well and for healing. Thank you!

Shirley from US

March 2 at 3:14 pm
Please pray for me to be healed in my body of ear problems and insomnia also a bad fungus on my toenails. My husband Danny needs salvation. Blessings on my ministry as a small group leader of women who I have in my home twice a month. I'll be ministering at a Women's retreat in April. God's special blessing and anointing on me as I lead a small group. thank you!

Sharron from US

March 2 at 3:13 pm
Pray that God strengthens our oldest son as he continues to go through immune therapy for melanoma - continues to be the husband he needs to be - the dad to two boys ages 16 and 12 his heart wants him to be - work for UPS AND the pastor our Lord and Savior has called him to be - God is so good and loving to us - our son just sounds tired and discouraged when I talked to him - pray that God will do for him what he needs - pray also for our other son that God will awaken a love and a want that he’ll realize only God can fulfill - let him become the man, husband, dad that God made him to be - let it become a burning fire in his life - be with my husband as God awakens the man he made him to be - 

Jeffrey from US

March 2 at 3:11 pm
Pray that Yahveh will defeat and destroy Islam in these dark last days. Pray that Yahveh will give the Jewish People victory over all their enemies in these dark last days. Pray that Yahveh will provide for and protect me and my loved ones in these dark last days. Pray that me and my loved ones will live to see Yeshua return to earth in his second coming without being physically attacked, being concentration camp prisoners, being jailed, and being martyred.

Patty from US

March 2 at 2:57 pm
Please pray for me. I am believing God for my healing in my body. I have back issues, and I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. My husband Tim and my son Olan Ray need healing in their bodies also. I know by faith we are already healed and I pray for the manifestation of our healing  to come quickly, in Jesus name. Thank you and God Bless! 

Regina from US

March 2 at 2:52 pm
That addictions would be broken off of each family member. That God would bring each one to himself and salvation. That He would bring each one to living a life of faith in Him. That He would provide for them and prosper them. Thank you and thank you for your ministry.

Deedee Breeden from US

March 2 at 2:49 pm
Father, we pray that You open the hearts, eyes and ears of all the people of this world to accept You, to see You and to hear You. Give their lives to You so they will be ready and watching for Your return. In Jesus Name (Yeshua) we pray. Amen!

Stas from US

March 2 at 2:48 pm
Release of my prophetic gift and the gift of healing! P.S After USA going to Israel for a ministry, I’m Jewish, Jesus came to me in dream...He will send me there later  Bless

Deb Lynn from US

March 2 at 2:48 pm
Continued physical healing & healing for my marriage. Restoration for my sons vision. Peace for my daughters anxiety & a house & job near us if it is Gods will.


March 2 at 2:34 pm

KIM from US

March 2 at 2:30 pm
I am on disability for Lupus, please pray I can get a online job, I need money desperately to buy a home for me and my daughter, disability payment are not much at all I barely have enough to pay my bills, I keep praying about it it just does not seem like he is hearing my prayers, thank you and God Bless.

Philomena from US

March 2 at 2:30 pm
Kindly pray for me as there is witchcraft operating in my life. Many of my things have gone missing for no reason. Just last week I found soap on my toothbrush. I'm fighting an unseen enemy.

Philomena from US

March 2 at 2:30 pm
Kindly pray for me as there is witchcraft operating in my life. Many of my things have gone missing for no reason. Just last week I found soap on my toothbrush. I'm fighting an unseen enemy.

margaret from US

March 2 at 2:29 pm
God has been so good and I know in his time he will fill my husband with the Holy Spirit . Pray for my daughter, son, and grandchildren that they will have victory over the world and the flesh and be used by God , serve God and love God with all their heart , mind, and soul. Pray for me God will meet my needs to hear and see, I have severe hearing loss and macular degeneration. and God is my healer . He knows what I have need of and will be with me every step of the way as I serve. Prayers for Israel, God be with them. and protect them.

Manuel from US

March 2 at 2:27 pm
Please pray for me and my wife, children and grandchildren that we all continue to live by God's Truth & Spirit as He ministers to us through His Word in our journeys of Marriage, Family, Business and Relationships with others around us. May we continue to LOVE JESUS and be a BLESSING to others. To be DEBT FREE! Blessings to you and thank you for your prayers.

Jody Foster, Jamaica W.I. from US

March 2 at 2:19 pm
Praying for a Godly Husband, and Family firstly and secondly to open my own business within this year, 2019.  Thank you all for joining me in these my Prayers while I also join you all in your Prayers.  Looking forward to sharing our many Praise Reports! 

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.