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Jeff Chance from US

May 15 at 5:55 pm
Be in agreement with me that 2 investments that I'm invested in will come to full fruition soon. Exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think in JESUS Name!!! And that the LORD continues to help me be a good father and husband and that he would bless me and all of my family in all areas of our lives in JESUS name.

GeraDessiel from US

May 15 at 5:55 pm
Please FATHER,in Y'Shua's holy name,give relief concerning being extremely singled out as Your holy apostle,no true fellowship,friends,no family on earth! Many thanksgivings,all thankfulness for Your will,wisdom & truth according to YOUR timing! Amen.

Trisha Petithomme from US

May 15 at 5:54 pm
Father i pray for My son to Speak that his mind is the mind of christ that acceleration begin to take place in his life. So that he may do all that God place and call him for that he may excel in school in Jesus mighty name. I pray for every delay and set back to be broken from his and mine life. Please pray that provision and finances are suddenly released that the wealth transfer take place in our lives that everything that was held back be released in Jesus Name. Please pray for my family. Pray that God fight those who are fighting us and destroy those that come against us thatnhe continues to destroy every evil force that rises up against me and my son and mother. I thank you all in advance. In jesus name

Tracy from US

May 15 at 5:52 pm
God please completely and totally heal my mother in law from cancer and prolong her life in good health. Please lead my oldest daughter on where to attend college and what to study and provide scholarships and finances to cover the cost in abundance! Thank you for blessing my younger daughter with an abundance of friends! Continue to give her good friendships and bless her socially academically physically and in every area of her life. Continues to protect Randy and bless him and give him favor at work. Promote him according to your perfect will. God lead and guide me and open doors next for me in my career. Let your perfect will be done and give me great favor everywhere I go in Jesus name.

Marilynn from CA

May 15 at 5:51 pm
Pray for me to be miraculously from Arthritis in my hips and knees/spinal stenosis/osteoporosis/ stoppage of bleeding behind my left eye. Jehovah healer. In Jesus name Amen.

Myrna from CA

May 15 at 5:50 pm
Please pray for my work situation which I would like to quit or be totally favoured and vindicated but if I quit I would need my alcoholic unsaved narcisistic husband to financially support me without the constant arguments about money and control. He needs salvation but sees no need and I am at the end of my rope and exhausted from all the stress. Also having a battle with the senior home where my Mom who has dementia and that has been difficult. I need prayer for my health as well for healing from diabetes and high b/p as it keeps going up (both) and I eat mainly very healthy and I cannot live in fear like this anymore. They want to give me more and more pills. Thanks

anna from US

May 15 at 5:50 pm
Dear precious Father - please help us have victory over relatives who are stealing our inheritance and keeping the money -we declare victory in court case - we give you all glory and praise -- also my daughter to move forward as her husband has a drug and other problems -- keep our family walking in love and truth and may we serve the most high God for His glory -- forgive us our sins and thank you for saving our souls - in Jesus name we pray - God bless America and the body of Christ we ask for breakthroughs and testimonies that claim the mercy and goodness of God <3

Laurie Ann from US

May 15 at 5:49 pm
Please pray for total Love, happiness, peace, & Unity & healing in my family alone with the Church family's that we may Prosper and be grateful and in good Health for Ourselves and Others in the Body of Christ and the world that The Father may be Glorified in It and Souls will be drawn into Salvation Amen

Susan from US

May 15 at 5:48 pm
Abba Father, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem & ask that You bless Israel. Israel has been on my heart since I was a little girl. I know that one day my Lord will open that door & I will have the privilege to walk where Jesus walked. I want to see the place that is dear to my Lord's heart & the place where God's promises are still be for filled. I cannot wait to see the Wailing Wall where people pray daily for God to guide them & lead us in the direction we should go. I want a heart like Jesus that is obedient in doing God's will. I pray for wisdom and discernment. I pray that God will bless me with a husband that is a man after God's own heart. I pray that God will bless us with children & that we will raise our children to love God with all their heart, soul, body & mind & one another as Jesus loved us. I pray that God will teach me His ways and I will love the way Our Lord loves. I pray that Jesus will be so alive in my heart that when people meet me they encounter Jesus

Charloy from US

May 15 at 5:48 pm
Please pray that God will heal Brian of psoriasis, a skin disease, and that God will provide him a new job. He has not had work in almost a year. This is an urgent request.

Tom from US

May 15 at 5:48 pm
Our prison ministry is having a large fund raising event on Thursday May17th.. it is an outside event and the forecast call for 70% chance of rain. Pray for no rain on Thursday in Ormond Beach, Fl.

Eden Tunstall from US

May 15 at 5:46 pm
Pls. pray for me and my children and grandchildren to unite with me. Also, pray for my financial situation, and my career, right now I am unemployed can't find any job here in Virginia. That's my personal prayer. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalms 122:6.

Brenda from US

May 15 at 5:45 pm
For God's will to be done in the merging of the church where I am a member and another church nearby. For my grandchildren to regain their joy in the Lord and start serving Him.

Colleen from US

May 15 at 5:44 pm
Please pray that my sister will find full time employment that she loves. My mom(83) and I have tried to help her for several years, but both of our health is failing and our finances are just about gone. Our roof leaks, the appliances are worn out and there are so many things going wrong. She prays continually and the doors remain shut. We need this season of famine to be over and for God to pour out His blessings above all that we could ask or think. Thank you.

Em from US

May 15 at 5:43 pm
Prayer for : favor, breakthrough, and Victory over court case. Please remove all distrations and delays . Please remove all people who have slandered,lied and made false accusations for their own gain. Praise God for all He has done and all He will continue to do . Amen !

Elizabeth from US

May 15 at 5:43 pm
Dear Heavenly Father, please be with my family and keep them healthy, happy, and safe. Be with my husband and keep him healthy he's had some health bumps and needs you in his court. Thank you for all you have help me with. Love to you

Jacqui from US

May 15 at 5:43 pm
Prayer for my son, Michael who has turned away from the Lord. Please pray that his heart turns back to the Lord and that the Holy Spirit will speak to him.

Robert from US

May 15 at 5:43 pm
Heavenly Father, Thank you so much for all you do, and all that your going to do. Thank you Lord for your blessings, for your love, grace, and mercy. Lord I pray that people everywhere will come to know you. Thank you for your sacrifice on the cross for my sins, for the blood that washes away my sins. Although I still fail sometimes, you always comfort me knowing that your love is forever, you loved me before I was ever born. Thank you for the life I now live. Give me wisdom Lord.. Thank you in Jesus Name Amen

Sonia from JP

May 15 at 5:41 pm
Asking the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for complete restoration in my physical body so that I may serve Him well. Thank you for agreeing with me in prayer. "For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the LORD." Jeremiah 30:17

Cecilia from CL

May 15 at 5:41 pm
Amados hermanos necesito oración por mi madre de 88 quien padece de un cáncer al colon. Ella está sufriendo mucho y ruego a mi Dios que se apiade de ella. También quiero rogarles por mi hijo que hace casi nueve meses que no ha podido conseguir trabajo y eso conlleva una gran cantidad de problemas de relaciones, salud y grandes deudas. Muchas gracias por sus oraciones. Que El Señor les bendiga mucho.

Wanda from US

May 15 at 5:41 pm
Salvation, drug and alcohol use free sister, brother , nephew, daughter and free demonic step son. And there lives change soon. Lord help my husband and l to stand strong as a tree planted.

Janeta Antonio Misa from PH

May 15 at 5:40 pm
Glory to God alone for his great provision and His great love, protection and His presence to all of us. His chosen people will always be blessed. His promises will always remain faithful to all of us. Bless and cover us always by your precious and Holy blood that shed on the Calvary for our salvation and to have an eternal life with Him. I am praying for my family. Dodong Louie, Janica and Dondon and all my loveones in blood and in Christ. Bless us all body, soul and spirit. May our words, actions and mind will make you be exalted and praised at all times. Healing from all kinds of illness body, soul and spirit in JESUS name. You are our Jehovah Rappah the Lord that healeth thee. traveling mercy be upon our kuya LOuie and all his companions in their journey, wherever they may go. Your great provision, presence and protections be upon them all. The chaos and present problems we are facing in our dear corporation PHILHEALTH I pray this will end. this I pray in JESUS name Amen.

Aliceiah from CA

May 15 at 5:40 pm
Prayer for my family deliverance from generational idolatry and healing for my stepdad, kidney problem, dieabetis ,artritis, and financial break though and spiritual healing. Thank

Michael from US

May 15 at 5:39 pm
Wife - healing mind and body Peace of Jerusalem. Mike Evans' marriage and family, JPT, FOZ Heritage Center. Persecuted Christian refugees in non-asylum countries who have fled Islamism, communism - safe and protected where they are and safely resettled in willing host countries Provision for the vision for these refugees, and for the ministry we have to homeless families in the USA VICTORY with Nova, Fluen, Brightleaf, H Webb, Ross Q, and other private sector supporters

Jovana from RS

May 15 at 5:39 pm
Molite se za moju decu i njihove porodice da ih Gospod učvrsti u Njemu i da ih upotrebi za svoju slavu - Isusovu slavu. - Za naše finansije Za probudjenje - spasenje moje zemlje i Za mir, vodjstvo Božje i zaštitu Njegovu u Izraelu. 🙏

Jim from US

May 15 at 5:38 pm
Please pray for my daughter she has a growth in her stomach that must be taken out it is 13.6 C.M. It is pressing against her right kidney and she does not have a left kidney. Her name is Heather Anderson . Thank you

D from US

May 15 at 5:37 pm
Please pray for my 2 cats, Metro and Mitts. They are both 14yrs old. Metro hasn't been eating well at all. Vet thinks issues with gums, teeth. He has lost a lot of weight. Mitts has a sore lump on breast. Vet thinks its breast cancer. Vet says to risky to put under for surgery due to their age. But God can heal!! Also, please pray for my family's and my health in all areas. Thank you and God Bless You💕

Julie from US

May 15 at 5:37 pm
For more of you Jesus, and for strength and courage in my daily struggles. Wisdom and discernment, direction and protection. To heal all of our wounds. Restoration in my family. For the peace of Israel. Your Kingdom Come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Revival Fire to spread throughout the land.....HalleluJah

Rosemary from US

May 15 at 5:37 pm
A friend of mine named Susan needs prayer. She is struggling with cancer that has spread in her body. She is in her 40's with 3 young kids. She is not able to have her chemo now because her white blood cells are too low. She needs a miracle. Please pray for her. Thank you and God bless you!

Lindsey from US

May 15 at 5:37 pm
I would like prayers for my husband's and my daughter's salvation. Pray God opens their eyes, opens their minds, and softens their hearts to Him. In Jesus holy matchless name! AMEN!

Ed from US

May 15 at 5:36 pm
I lost my job and I'm 1 month behind in rent and other outstanding bills, for a new job, for financial grace, stability and deliverance from anxiety, depression and all evil, for favor with my landlord, for peace of mind. Thank you.

Tina Wisler from US

May 15 at 5:35 pm
We’re all trapped in Washington DC because of the storms I am going to CVG Cincinnati Ky airport. But need prayer for us all to get home quickly and safely. Tina

Daisy from US

May 15 at 5:34 pm
Prayers for my family to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ,especially two grandchildren(Charels and Dirrell Hodge) as well as my whole family!

Pastor Tom from US

May 15 at 5:34 pm
Our little Church, Shalom Baptist Church needs a church building. We are renting but need a permanent place. We are North of Milwaukee, WI. Thank you

Paula from US

May 15 at 5:34 pm
Please pray for the salvation of my son(Mattew Ryan Kirby). He is currently practicing budhism. His dad and I are both saved. But his dad died in 1999 and he has been hurt do many times and blames God. I pray that God will save him and heal him emotionally,spiritually, and physically.

Joe from US

May 15 at 5:33 pm
Please pray for Jesus to heal my friend Brian Noland. He was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and needs prayer for the Almighty healer/physician Jesus Christ to touch him and change many lives.🙏

Christopher Barbush from US

May 15 at 5:32 pm
God willing, I hope that God gives me peace in my mind, takes care of me financially, and transforms me into a man of God, and no longer allows me to live as a boy. I hope that the good Lord transforms my mind into holiness, so that I no longer have negative thoughts. God willing, the Lord will give everyone a holy heart to follow and serve Him. May the Lord be blessed and exalted forever.

Sheila from US

May 15 at 5:31 pm
I am asking for prayer that I might not have to be selected for Jury Duty. The reason being my husband has to have cataract surgery, and I give him his eye drops daily and make sure he takes his medicines, and that he eats properly. He gets very anxious when I am gone for any length of time. I also have to get him to various doctor's appts. during this time. In the court house, we are not allowed to have our cell phones and I wouldn't even be able to check on him. I need to NOT BE SELECTED MONDAY, MAY 21st, MONDAY, MAY 28th, or MONDAY, JUNE 4th. I have to call in the Friday before, for the next 3 weeks. I NEED TO BE ABLE TO GET HIM TO THE CATARACT SURGERIES and be there for all that he needs during that time. Thank you for your fervent effectual prayers. God bless you. Amen and Amen.

Benjamin from US

May 15 at 5:31 pm
I was recently installed as Lead Pastor of a small church in Cleveland, Ohio. The heart my wife and I share with the church is to reach the lost, disciple the people of our city and minister to, support, and serve the men and women leading and serving God's people. One of the many challenges we face is that we do not have a facility to serve as a central gathering place. We have been praying, believing, searching, making calls, and attending meetings and have yet to find a place. Please pray with us that God will lead us to the place He has set aside for us and that the provisions have already been set in place.

Gina from US

May 15 at 5:31 pm
Please pray for my mom. That she heals and recovers quickly. God bless her and keep her safe. God grant her a full recovery. And know that I love her, and cherish her always.

Marilynn from CA

May 15 at 5:31 pm
Please pray for s miracle healing for my husband James from a malignant tumor between his stomach and esophagus. Pray too for a miracle healing of his herniated disc so no more back pain. Jehovah Rapha...He is the God who heals us. Thank you Jesus that by your stripes James is healed. Amen. Shalom. Toda raba for sharing this prayer wall.

Marilynn from CA

May 15 at 5:31 pm
Please pray for s miracle healing for my husband James from a malignant tumor between his stomach and esophagus. Pray too for a miracle healing of his herniated disc so no more back pain. Jehovah Rapha...He is the God who heals us. Thank you Jesus that by your stripes James is healed. Amen. Shalom. Toda raba for sharing this prayer wall.

Herman from US

May 15 at 5:30 pm
Please pray for Gloria. She needs protection against verbal attacks and lies. Pray for strength as Gloria continues to care for her 91 year old mother, as she battles her own health issues. Thank you!

Lyndon from US

May 15 at 5:30 pm
I need prayer for wisdom regarding a relationship and wisdom for future business efforts. Thank you all for standing with Israel and praying for the undivided and eternal capital of Israel and the eternal kingdom of GOD! Shalom

Ellen from US

May 15 at 5:30 pm
My daschund Ralph’s back legs aren’t working right due to disc problem in his back. Please pray that Ralph gets full recovery of his legs while on crate test and on medication. Thank you, Jesus

Angela from US

May 15 at 5:29 pm
Breakthrough spiritually physically and financially. For my future husband. The one the Lord created for me. Living from GLORY TO GLORY. Pray the Glory of God will saturate Fort Worth and Dallas and people turn to the Lord. That God will provide a trip to Isearal with my parents. Son and his wife children and my future husband.

barry narwayeng from VU

May 15 at 5:28 pm
loving father, i thank you for the blessing upon my life! i pray for those who have nothing to eat may you provide for them and those which are facing wars in their country and death may you comfort their heart and also the sick to be heal . lord you know all my worries and my goals i lay t hem all on your shoulder.

Tracie from US

May 15 at 5:27 pm
Dear Heavenly Father, Please take care of Yoram. Show him your love for him. Love on his family and help him to see you. Help me to learn to trust and serve you better everyday.

Jordan from US

May 15 at 5:27 pm
I realized that I've spent a long time worshiping an image of myself thinking I was worshiping God. I pray for God to keep me close in this time and for my recovery to bring me to the God's child He made me to be.

Peter from US

May 15 at 5:26 pm
Dear GOD please BLESS all the sick and suffering all over the world, all those persecuted for there believes. Please BLESS all those that protect us here and and every where. Please BLESS ISRAEL, in JESUS NAME AMEN.

Barbara from US

May 15 at 5:26 pm
I pray for a Godly mate with a teachable spirit and Godly character... Complete salvation for Joseph and Cornell...remove family division and discord in family caused by various family members... God to bring me into my teaching ministry... Praying for elderly who don't have family members to check on them and who are lonely... I also praying and believing to be healed in my eyes....Dr says its cataracts..... In the matchless name of Jesus

Elaine from US

May 15 at 5:26 pm
5 year old Roman has respiratory problems intermittently. Erica (his mother) lost her voice over the weekend & is still having problems. Thank you for your prayers.

Daphne from CA

May 15 at 5:25 pm
Prayers needed for my daughter Adele, in a controlled and manipulative relationship with physical abuse. Fearful. Children are involved. She won't reach out. I know Yeshua will hear and intervene His will. God bless.

Dawn from US

May 15 at 5:25 pm
While the history of Jerusalem’s conflicts is easily documented, the following questions are often asked today: What lies ahead for this famous city in the end times? Will there be more strife or will it finally find the peace suggested in its name? What does the Bible say about Jerusalem in prophecy? How to keep Jerusalem safe from harm way! Ephesians 4:31-32 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Psalm 125:2 ESV As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore. Jeremiah 3:17 At that time Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the LORD, and all nations shall gather to it, to the presence of the LORD in Jerusalem, and they shall no more stubbornly follow their own evil heart.

Pedro Martinez from US

May 15 at 5:25 pm
Pray for GOD TO GIVE ME DIRection.for protection of my Job. People at my job lying and saying false things about me. Pray for Brian noel for healing on his shoulders and for his protection.

Lee from the US from US

May 15 at 5:25 pm
Please pray for my sons, aged 26 and 22, that God in His mercy would enable them to repent of their rebellion against God and His Word, believe on the name of Jesus and be saved.

James from US

May 15 at 5:24 pm
I am battling cancer of my neck and lungs. I’ll get some good news and then it gets replaced with bad news. I’ve been prayed over a lot. I’ve had surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and now I’m walking around wearing a chemotherapy pump every other week. Please pray for my healing and restoration of body in the name of Jesus. Thanks, James

Stephen Jacewicz from US

May 15 at 5:24 pm
I need alot of prayer that I won't get blocked on social media anymore. I get scared it will happen again because it's happened in the past and that gave me post tramutic stress disorder making think it could happen again and again. Please pray for the people that did block me in the past, that there ways will be turned around, and that it won't happen again.

Zeffie from US

May 15 at 5:24 pm
Father, I pray that you would lead my uncle, my son, my husband, and my granddaughter to saving grace in Jesus Christ. I pray that you would heal my sister from a fatal liver disease. I pray that you would heal my sister's marriage. I pray that you would supply all my daughter's needs and all of mine. I pray that you would bring revival to the United States. I pray that you would protect President Trump and give him great wisdom, unending courage, unfailing hope. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Timothie Smith from US

May 15 at 5:23 pm
Prayers for my mother she fell down a flight of stairs and has neck fractures and head trauma. Pray for my health and a good place of employment—Bless you all

Linnette from CA

May 15 at 5:23 pm
Praise the Lord. I am asking for prayer for my two girls. K and C .they are not getting along.K is a very strong smoker an addict you will say it is and it is not easy on me. Please also pray that she will keep the job she is in. Please also pray for her boss who is having a hard time getting employees to stay in the business due to an ex employee who took away her clients. May God richly bless you Blessing Linnette

Kathy from US

May 15 at 5:23 pm
That my sister, brother and I will all fulfill the callings that Lord had us born to do for Him. And in His way so He will be pleased and well satisfied with our lives. In Jesus' Name!

Karla Brown from US

May 15 at 5:23 pm
Please pray for my family and I to fulfill a great task that the Lord has given us. Pray that I will be blessed more financially so that I can do more for Israel and pray that my family and I get our hearts desire according to Gods perfect will

Linda from US

May 15 at 5:22 pm
I need prayer for my health I have COPD & asthma. I have been in and out of hospital I also have bad panic attacks when I can't breathe. Prayers for our Finance family. I know with God all things are possible.

Shelly from US

May 15 at 5:22 pm
Please pray for my daughter Jessica's sobriety, that she will find peace through her relationship with Jesus and be able to have a relationship with her 6 year old son.

alan from US

May 15 at 5:21 pm
Please pray for my aunt Gladys age 101 as she under hospice care.Also pray for My wife Eva as she has alot of pain in different ares of the body.Pray for our finances as well.Thanks

Sudhakar from US

May 15 at 5:21 pm
I request to pray for me and security in my Job. I live in Connecticut, I am a christian born in India and here in US for a long time now and living with my wife and kids. I ask to pray also for my extended family members who are in India especially for my younger brother Danny who needs to come to the Lord.

Let from CA

May 15 at 5:21 pm
Salvation through Christ for our entire family. Deliverance from bondages from enemy in our workplace. Financial breakthrough. And continuous protection and favor of God for our family. God bless and defend Israel.

Lois from US

May 15 at 5:21 pm
Please prayer I find a better job I can start right away. The job I was working at was not letting me be a Christian spread ing the word. They wouldn't let me talk about God at all. They were also very degrading

Barbara from US

May 15 at 5:21 pm
For the family and friends of Viola Nickerson from Pearland, TX in the event of her death on 5/12/2018. For the healing of Vikki Boulton, body, mind and spirit!

Julie from US

May 15 at 5:20 pm
My family has been under attack in soo many ways,Im begging for prayer in soo many ways! Health, restoration and finances....We NEED miracles and with prayer they will come! Thanks and Bless you all!

Jessie from US

May 15 at 5:19 pm
A place to rent for me and my children and a great landlord. A place of my own eventually to own Child support for my daughter Zoey she is 18 months old Restoration for my dreams and calling

Leo from CA

May 15 at 5:18 pm
Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus - I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of the Kingdom of God to all who believe in Him, and for every knee to bow to Him, and for every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord at His return. Amen. _________________________________________ Dear everyone, please pray for this prayer request above, and please share it with everyone, everywhere! Until it comes true, and Jesus returns to save His people - which hopefully, by then, will include all the people of the world! Thank You! God bless you! 🙂 Sincerely, Leo Sourisseau Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada [email protected] Also, please visit the website of to see the prayer above in 25 other languages! 🙂

Carmela from US

May 15 at 5:18 pm
Please pray for my daughter that she will get a good score when she takes her test again.That God will bring i to her life his light and favor and a godly man. Thank you

Elsie from US

May 15 at 5:18 pm
Pray for me and my family. Pray for my future with Ansel help us With togetherness of all who need to know Jesus pray for prosperity to the nation pray for all the sick , hunger and sinners and those whom need Jesus in there live pray for love for all’s yet to come in Jesus Name Amen

Lisa from US

May 15 at 5:16 pm
Job to calm down for the night. GOD will open doors..move mountains...part the waters and allow my fiance to leave Nigeria and his money he earned from the job he did to be transferred like it was told to me from God. This early summer. He wants to come home so badly. In Jesus name

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.