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Jyotpreet from IN

May 18 at 12:08 am
Praise the lord!please for my father used to smoking even he trust in lord and for mother health and bro study reapear in 10th class again for good jesus name amen!

Musibau from NG

May 17 at 11:59 pm
Dear brethren please join me to pray for all that GOD has said concerning my wife, my children and I shall spring up and they shall come to pass speedily. For God's Word cannot fail and God is not a man that He should lie. In Jesus' Name. Amen

Nalini from IN

May 17 at 11:58 pm
pl pray for my daughter who is suffering from addictions and evil desires to lead a sinful life pl pray that God will open her eyes and she will love Him as she Loved Him before, Sh e is a born again christian , but has back slidden ,, Pl do pray that God will restore her back to a holy life..

African Paul from TZ

May 17 at 11:55 pm
1) Almighty God to provide a hedge of protection to the nation of Israel and Jewish People all over the world 2) I'm asking for my Supernatural Financial breakthrough in my life & calling 3) Almighty God to release supernatural breakthrough in my Spiritual life

Percy from IN

May 17 at 11:36 pm
Please pray for me. I am visiting from US. I am staying with my 77 year old sister in Mumbai. My sister wants me to stay here but now my nephews are trying to run me off from my sister's home. Please pray they will not be successful. Percy

James Raphael from IN

May 17 at 11:22 pm
Praise the Lord One of relatives has to huge amount. Since eight years they are not settling the amount, many times i have asked. They are not responding. Kindly agree with me and pray for recovery.

Sarah kavalambi from TZ

May 17 at 11:15 pm
I thank GOD for his love to me, im asking to help my business to grow, my i need husband, yo grow sprilitually, to be a part of my family members to que my sister ester, rachel, brother christopher an william, also to help in my financial stutas pls Lord hear my prayers

Rev Aruldoss Gnanamuthu from IN

May 17 at 11:13 pm
We praise and honor our Lord Almighty God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob who has helped us through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to fulfill the Great Commission by training Indian Nationals and people in the South East Asia in Evangelism under the name Lamb's Institute of Field Evangelism(LIFE) , Discipleship and Church Planting since 1996. We trust that the Lord wants us to continue this training program for building the Kingdom of God. This training is housed in a Building belong to a Church on rent. Now are asked to vacate it. We are looking to the Lord for His intervention in this juncture and help us either to continue in the same place or find a new place of God choice. Pray for the His guidance & provision. In Our Lord Jesus' name.,


May 17 at 11:06 pm
PRAY for the peace of ISRAEL Pslam 122:6 Pray for my family, for the Grace , for financial break through and my country Uganda.Thank you God bless you.

Darrell from US

May 17 at 10:59 pm
Please pray for me and my wife that we will have full asurance of salvation i been having a lot of doubts lately my. I believe my wife is saved but with her Huntington disease her mind not that clear and i love her so much and i want Jesus to give me a pure heart cause i dont want to sin against him i need more of the Holy spirit

Jean from US

May 17 at 10:52 pm
I have just been diagnosed with lung cancer and would like prayer for physical healing as well as ask for a great revival for this country. Let the latter rain fall in America and come soon Lord Jesus.

Carla from US

May 17 at 10:51 pm
Heavenly Father I pray in the name of Jesus for strength, healing, hope, and salvation for my cousin Sheila. She is suffering from cancer. I ask for your grace and mercy to encompass her and I ask for the revelation of your presence and power to fill her life at this time.

Jilian from IN

May 17 at 10:35 pm
Fast & pray. Heavenly father forgive all our sins (me, daughter, husband). Deliver us from all devil's chain. Father have mercy-grace on my daughter touch & heal her completely YOU know. Father shower YOUR blessings of success-knowledge-wisdom-good health-joy-peace-happiness-protection on her. Help her in study, guide her. No one may harm- hurt her. Protect her from all evil-illness-infection. Provide all her needs (healthy food). Touch-heal our mind-body-soul. Protect me & my job. No one may harm-hurt me. Deliver me from evil-unwanted thoughts. Heal my fingers. Father touch & heal my husband’s stony heart, open his eyes to see his wife & daughter. Destroy all evil plans to hurt us. Provide me finance. THANK YOU FATHER FOR EVERYTHING IJN Amen

Rebecca from US

May 17 at 10:34 pm
Thank my Heavenly Father for His love and mercy! Prayers for orphans and homeless. Also my husband needs healing in his heart to deal with his anger and jealous issues and for my daughter to serve the Lord and be freed from demons of rebellion

Judy from US

May 17 at 10:31 pm
Heb 13:12, psalm 147:3, psalm 25:16, Psalm 103:3 Pray for the deliverance and healing of my husband’s emotions as a result of a generational and bitter root according to Col 3:18-19. Thank you for praying for the transformation of marriage and reconciliation of a Husband & Wife who are estranged and living apart. Mk 10:8-9, Col 1:20-21 and 1 Cor. 13:7 Love bears, believes, Hopes and endures ALL things! Eph.2:14-and Eph 4:32

Patrick Prabhakar from IN

May 17 at 10:27 pm
Financial breakthrough and wholeness in health to manifest. For me at this crucial juncture in my life to step into the door of purpose and destiny of the Lord.

Roger from CM

May 17 at 10:26 pm
1. Praise and thanks to God for his grace and mercy over my life and my family. Thanks for his ceasless provision in everything. 2. That I and my family remain faithful to God and his Word in doing ministry 3.That we should not give up despite the many challenges 4.Seeking for God's provision for our project in caring for disadvantaged children and youths. 5. That we learn through the Word to depend on God daily for in everything and all circumstances. 6. That the Holy Spirit renews our zeal and passion daily to share our faith with others.

jane hess from US

May 17 at 10:06 pm
I need prayer I just found that I have cancer in my left breast! I have an appointment for an MRI coming up an the prayers I want is that the MRI will show that there is nothing there!! Jane


May 17 at 9:56 pm

Marsha from US

May 17 at 9:52 pm
Please pray for complete healing from every sickness and disease in my body. Also please pray for restoration of my marriage and family, and for my husband and son to return to relationship with Christ.

Raymond from US

May 17 at 9:49 pm
I have been fighting a real rare type of cancer on and off now for going on 8 yrs now. Just had surgery in October and already more is showing up again. I'm allergic to the Chemo that works on this type( Retroperitaneallieomyosarcoma) but it looks like I have to take it here real soon. I'm praying that JESUS will heal me and I won't have to take the Chemo.

Janet from US

May 17 at 9:46 pm
Praying for the Spirit of God to fall on the United States and that there is revival in Jesus’ name! Please pray for my throat to be stretched by the hand of God so I can eat again Please pray that my 3 sons would serve Jesus again with passion

Raymond from US

May 17 at 9:46 pm
Thanking GOD for all he has done for me and family. Praying for my wife and I's health, and financial help. Praying for all homeless and sick people. Praying for all homeless and abused animals. thankyou JESUS for everything.

Joel from US

May 17 at 9:38 pm
DESPERATE! I am asking everyone to pray with me, I am 58 years old and cannot find work, I have been unemployed for some time and I cannot make my rent, I am to be evicted in 3 days unless I can come up with $1400.... please pray that OUR FATHER will supply this need, for I pray this In JESUS NAME, AMEN

Miriama Lima from WS

May 17 at 9:36 pm
I pray for healing of my knee pain which I had for almost a year. Plse pray for courage that I be able to stand strong in my faith in Jesus and win souls fir his kingdom. Also for my sons exams at uni. Pray that he put God first in his life above everything.

Abdi Hirad from SO

May 17 at 9:36 pm
I am praying for my god,to strength our govertment(70annual of jews govertment,and jerusalem to become(capital of israel govertment)and after know we can see growth and extending of our power all around world.

Mrs Esther David from IN

May 17 at 9:30 pm
Many times I wonder why God allows so much of hard pain in our lives from our own ? Why is it that the more we love a person the more the same person can give us unbearable pain ? I m referring to my own old widow mother She has been in physical body pain for the past 5 yes after the atteck of chickenguiniya,She has both her legs do stiff , muscular immense pain ,that now she is advised for excercises Why can't God heal her and perform a miracle Can He

Juliana from US

May 17 at 9:28 pm
Please pray for my first grandchild who was born for Mothers Day. Lucas was born five weeks early and is in the hospital due to his lungs. He was breached and mom had a C Section. My adorable grandson is making progress and drank his first bottle today. I am asking God to bless this little guy and make him a child of God. I am planting seeds for salvation. Please help me pray in order to water these seeds. Also, help me pray for his mother and my son for God to strengthen their relationship. Thank you, in Jesus's precious name.

Kimber Mckinney from US

May 17 at 9:26 pm
Pray for my complete and total healing. I have battled for 23 years with several health issues , I have stood in faith believing for a miracle. I have lost so much life and peace and my family has had so much pain due to the sufferings in my life. So I am praying dear Father touch my body restore my health so that I can bring glory and honor to you for your faithfulness. I put my hope and trust in our Heavenly Father . In Jesus name I pray for peace over Israel and the people who stand by her. Thank you bless you all with love in our Lord and savior Amen! Thank you

Logoasa Lima from WS

May 17 at 9:25 pm
Please pray for healing of my knee I had this pain fo almost a year. Also for courage in my prayer life and the lives of my children to return to your love. And also to pray for our finance situation right now

Ramon Ventura Jr from PH

May 17 at 9:23 pm
please help me pray so that our lord yahweh will help me in my financial predicament . I am a founder member of citibank visa card and i have never missed paying my card obligations not once . Recently the citibank card doesnt want to extend to me a P500 T call for cash loan in spite of my Good Paying Credit Record at Citbank visa ... which call for cash loan money i will use to tied me over my CASH NEEDS and loan I can surely pay . May God move citibank to grant me my call for cash loan in the amount of P500 T soon .thank you Lord

Shane from US

May 17 at 9:19 pm
That all of God’s blessings, promises and wisdom would follow me and cling to me where ever I go. That his spoken word over me would prosper at once. According to his will for my life. That the Israelites would come to know that Jesus is the messiah.

Carolyn from US

May 17 at 9:18 pm
Chris just lost contract, pray that the Lord get him a job, soon. Ebe going through chemo and radiation, pray for strength, Mark needs his disability approved. Justin needs his disability approved. God bless each and every one of you that pray for these great needs. Thank you prayer warriors.

Susan from CA

May 17 at 9:17 pm
Please pray for my brother rene that his professional license be given back to him so he can continue to work on his career as PHysical Therapist in the US to further the kingdom of God and support our family. We need a miracle for his case!!! Thank you very much.

Gretchen from CA

May 17 at 9:13 pm
I need prayer for health problems that have not gone away despite having taken medication. Also need prayer for my family to be serving God fully with our whole hearts, and for direction, if we should sell our farm. May God give Israel's leaders wisdom during this time, and I pray for grace for the whole nation to know the truth, that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Jesus is the atoning sacrifice. He is Lord!

Amelia Miramontes from US

May 17 at 9:11 pm
Please kerp me in ur prayers.. Javing some heart trdt done.. plessr pray firva good report. Also having eye problems. i had an eye. Still my vision is not where it should be. I claom i am healed in Jesus name. Thank you

Mary from US

May 17 at 9:09 pm
Thank you for praying for Dominick and his Spine, Lower Back and SI Joint challenges. He's been suffering over 2 years this August, and we need a breakthrough and Revelation for his healing! Shalom.

Jewell from US

May 17 at 9:06 pm
Please pray for our two granddaughters who are going thru possible divorces. Young children are in the families with one granddaughter expecting another child. Please pray for peace and calm within this situation. Your prayers are appreciated. God is the answer!

Sajjan from IN

May 17 at 8:57 pm
Pray for God's protection over Christians in India. The hate and persecution has gone up exponentially under the rule of BJP government. The Constitution and Democracy of India is under seige by the current government in the Centre and majority of States in India. Pray that like in the days of Esther and Mordecai, God will destroy the plans, lies and deception of the wicked, turn it around, and give victory to His people (the Christians in India), so that His Gospel will prosper, and God's people can shout for victory.

Marsha from US

May 17 at 8:55 pm
I pray my son John will stop having seizures. They have increased to daily instead of 1 every 2 to 3 months. Doctors don't know why they have increased everything comes back normal. I know Jesus can heal him from seizures. He has them and I pray and they stop. So please pray for my son John to stop having them, please.

Janie from US

May 17 at 8:53 pm
Praying for complete healing for my husband, Jerry, my sister Carol, my Pastor and nephew Matt for his back! And for my back and eyes. Praying for the right Governor to win the election and for peace and love for Jerusalem and the USA! Also, pray for no division in my family and to bless my sister, Carol abundantly in all ways. In Jesus Precious Name I pray! ❤ Amen

Diana Escamlla from US

May 17 at 8:43 pm
Healing for Bill Foster. He was diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer. He has been in and out of the hospital. Today he was admitted for diverticulitis. He looks like he is just existing. He was a very active member of thier church, taught Sunday School. Both him and his wife Sue Ella Foster. This illness is wearing on her too. Pleasr pray for both.

Reed from US

May 17 at 8:30 pm
Have lost my passport forf Canada & USA. Please help me find it so I can get through the border tomorrow and don't have to spend another $100 for a new one -- thank You Jesus !

Curtis from US

May 17 at 8:30 pm
Pray that God’s plan for my life be fulfilled and that God will bless me and my wife so we can be a blessing to others. Pray that my wife, children and grandkids will have long, blessed lives!!!

JA from US

May 17 at 8:30 pm
Prayers for my son. He will not stop using marijuana because he has PTSD from being sexually abused repeatedly when he was younger. He has had years of counseling with a therapist and tried numerous medications from his physician. The meds only made him feel worse and I am unable to convince him that marijuana is not the answer either, but it’s sad to see him remain so lonely and isolated all the time. I believe Jesus is the true physician and healer and that he has a plan for my sons life. Amen

Jonnada chittibabu from IN

May 17 at 8:30 pm
Dear all praise the lord, I am a post graduate unemployee and my wife also same as like me We searching for job since last three years we didn't get it we two childrens one is baby boy and baby girl, in the same time we are depending on my parents for every day food, We are thinking day by day how to living in earth without job It shame to us how many days depending on my parents Main problem is we are low cast in indian society that why we don't get job Pls prayer for us don't divert into from our lord jesus and give strength on lord jesus for me Thanks and regards Jonnada chittibabu and Priyanka

Lois from US

May 17 at 8:23 pm
Please Pray for my Husband to get a kidney and pray for a financial Miracle for me so I can be debt free and retire, I have some Medical things going on with me and it’s becoming very very hard for me to continue to work but we need medical insurance, that’s why I need a very big super natural unbelievable debt cancellation. I never thought that my husband would be on kidney dialysis or that we would be going through all that we are, but I know that God is able and I want to see it manifest in my life ASAP for it’s taking a toll on me and I’m not the same Happy Person that I use too be, watching my Husband suffer for 4 1/2 Year’s has really brought me down, but I have to stay strong, that’s something I’ve been doing all of my life every since the age of 14 yrs Old I’ve been on my own and taking care of myself, my children and my Mom before she pasted and now my Husband. I’m tired , Lord Please do something for me right now in the Name of Jesus.

Allison from US

May 17 at 8:20 pm
Please join me in prayer for: 1) The salvation of my unsaved loved ones and unsaved co-workers, the President of the U.S. Mr. Donald Trump. 2) For success in the YPP POLNET exam which I sat in February 2018. 3) For financial breakthroughs. I’m a believer in Christ Jesus, and a tithed. 4) For healing of pre-diabetes, skin allergies, and all pre-cancerous conditions. 5) Physical healing for my mother, my father,First Lady, Melania Trump, Odetta, Joku,Yoli’s friend who has terminal cancer, Sis. Clarke, Bro. Williams, Ruby, Martha, Tammy, Vio, Bertrand. 6) For me to have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. Thank you very much. God bless.

Harve from US

May 17 at 8:18 pm
My wife Wilma needs God to heal her knees, back and other issues in her body. My son Rick needs God to help him heal from his knee replacement. I would like for God to grant desires that I believe He has given me or change those desires to other ones that He will grant. I do want to PRAISE GOD for all the health miracles He has done for me, if fact, He has been doing miracles all through my life PRAISE GOD.

Francesca DeGuida-Aguirre from US

May 17 at 8:13 pm
Pray for my daughter Catherine 12yrs old and my son Michael 16 yrs old would open their heart to the truth of the Gospel of Grace..understand the cross and the resurrection of jesus...pray that the will of God of Isreal would be accomplished in their lives..and they remain faithful to God until the end.

Cleo from PH

May 17 at 8:09 pm
Like the prayer of Jabez, I pray for my family's financial breakthrough and deliverance. May God move mightily in our family for healing from bondages to smoking and drinking, restoration in relationships and commitment of every member in our local church to bring revival to the nations. And a new home for us where we can bless others.

Teresa from US

May 17 at 8:07 pm
Sovereign Lord Father of Our Jeshua and Holy Spirit I’m crying out for Our Marriages of this world . Your Sons and Daughters Lord we need your Healing, sanctified Men and Woman to Love each other as you call us to be one , for Men to step up to love, respect their wife., in Being faithful restore our marriages Lord including my our bring the dead to life., You know who they are., I love you Lord all Honor and Glory be to you Our God My marriage needs a miracle my sisters need a Healing in her body ., restore the broken woman Lord ., crying out for your Daughters Father in the name of Jesus Lord my son needs healing in his Liver, back pains , PTSD to go away renew him just as you creative him with n my womb. A Healthy Baby with no pain, renew him Lord. Father renew the Men minds and Heart to serve you and seek you ., I Thank you for the miracle ., For my Marriage ., My job give me The skills to be successful in all I need to learn., favor., with the Boss and coworkers., Thank you

Gregory from CA

May 17 at 8:07 pm
Please pray for our country of Canada., We need godly leadership in Canada. Pray that the Church in Canada will be strong and united in purpose!!! Please pray for my complete restoration of mental health and physical health and emotional health!!! I would like to be like Adam, that Our Father would have chosen an understanding wife—- I am 57 yrs old and single, but would like to have a godly wife and godly kids given already back to the LORD!!! I do believe Trina is my future wife but GOD Knows best. We desire to be pure and holy in life and that God would give us a great purpose in life —- our life together for Jesus’ sake!!! She is an American so it is going to take a miracle for us to have one home and one city—— Kingston, ON. Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit, help and intercede for us!!! Love in Christ, Gregory

Pas Francis das from IN

May 17 at 8:00 pm
Praise the Lord pastor sister pls pray my son Joshua Francis he is shafting some problems pray for my family pray for ministry pray daughter Jessica francis pray for my health thanks a Lord


May 17 at 7:55 pm
My husband and I have been battling a bank in Europe to release our funds. Please pray that the bank manager will awaken and realize that what he is doing is illegal. May God's intervention shake the foundations of those involved and for His anointing to engulf and convict them.


May 17 at 7:55 pm
My son has a need. He needs a Miracle. Deliverance. He has made some bad choices and is trying to get his life back together, but he fights a tough battle from addiction. He is so smart and is such a hard worker. He does not have a job and needs one badly and quickly. His last job failed to pay him the correct amount of his pay several times and even after bring his hours and time to their attention, he was still not paid. He left the job and is now in surch of a job. He has a job waiting on him in late June or early July, but needs a job now. He has a fine that has to be paid before June 5th of almost 500 dollars. I don't have the mine to even loan him. If it isn't pd. They will arrest him for 30 days. Please, help me pray that a job doors will open and the addiction will be a thing of the past. He isn't a bad person. Just needs a special touch from our Lord. I know Jesus delivers and heals and provides. I need someone to help me touch God. Thank you and may God hear our cry FOR ALL

Raymond from US

May 17 at 7:54 pm
Please pray for happiness and the pain in my back. Also started a new business that is struggling. It is putting a ton of stress on myself and my wife.

Millie from US

May 17 at 7:52 pm
Our granddaughter, Mia, who is 3 1/2 years old has liver cancer. She has been receiving chemotherapy to shrink the tumor that is covering her entire liver, however the doctors now say that the chemo is not working and we may need to ask for a liver transplant. The doctor told us not to get our hopes up. However, I believe that God is healing Mia right now!!! I don't care what the doctor says, I believe God is "the say yesterday, today and forever" and He has beautiful plan for Mia's life, and that "by His (Jesus') stripes we are healed." Please pray for our little Mia .... that she will be healed and made whole in the Name of Jesus! Amen.

Karla Brown from US

May 17 at 7:48 pm
Please pray that my two brothers Jerome and Charles Martin give their heart to Jesus and pray for my family that we walk in our purpose and have wealth to help Israel more and persecuted christian around the world. Thanks

Darvel from US

May 17 at 7:46 pm
If it be thy will, please heal Johna Cass from all of the infirmities that are preventing her from turning her will over to coincide with yours so that she might be able to move back to Union Grove, North Carolina to be with her father and take care of him. AMEN

Maurice Robinson from TT

May 17 at 7:42 pm
I am asking for pray for protection from the enimies of God who wants to take away my land I have a hundred and three acres of Quarry land.I am under attack as a child of God and it is also affecting my health and my finances

Paul from US

May 17 at 7:38 pm
I need everyone to pray for my friend he has cancer. I pray God removes the sickness and give him his health back. I also need everyone to pray that family is resteored and my bond with my kids grow stronger.

Michael from CA

May 17 at 7:35 pm
I was divorced from my first wife about 18 yrs ago. I pray to be a better provider for my Children whom I dont see often. I pray I can provide a paid for home for them in their neighbourhood where we may be together more often. I pray my children won't have financial stress because of the divorce. It's been a financial and emotional disaster for the last 18 years. I pray for God's mercy, forgiveness and healing.

Nancy from US

May 17 at 7:35 pm
My prayer is for Attilla, he has cataracts and is a diabetic. He can't see and runs into the wall all the time. I can't afford surgery for him, he's eleven years old. Please pray for him.

Joanne from US

May 17 at 7:34 pm
My prodigals are coming home... son David... grandson Andrew... granddaughter Ashley- Taylor.. Salvation, deliverance , and on fire with the Spirit of the Living God... son Stephen job, and total family’s restoration!! My healing

Albert from United States from US

May 17 at 7:32 pm
Heavenly Father, We thank you for your blessings, guiding us, and directing us. We thank you for never leaving us nor forsaking us. We thank you for the work of Your hands. Thank you for restoring everything we have lost. I pray for the peace of your people and land. Encamp Your angels around Israel. May you keep them from harm. We come to You and humbly ask for your blessing of health, financial blessings, the restoration of our relationship with our children. May they come to know You and receive You as their Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen and Amen.

Pas Francis das from IN

May 17 at 7:32 pm
Praise the Lord pls pray my son Joshua protection and wisdom. 2.pray for my ministry and growing church 3.pray for my family.pray for my daughter Jessica hilling and wisdom

Scott from US

May 17 at 7:31 pm
Please pray for healing of my back, my nervous system that has been damaged by the inflamation in my back and the arthritis in my back, hands, hipd, knees and feet, my fiancé who is fighting adictions to drugs, sexual infidelity, pornography low esteem and self pity. In Gods hands do I place myself.

Dawn from US

May 17 at 7:31 pm
Lord I thank you for the events of this week where the US embassy was moved to Jerusalem the TRUE capital of Israel. I pray that people will recognize the significance of this historic event and see that you are moving powerfully in the lives of your people not to mention we are seeing Bible prophecy unfold before our eyes. It's an amazing time to be alive. On a personal note: I ask that you bring a good man to marry into my life who loves you first and makes my dreams come true.

Sharon from US

May 17 at 7:30 pm
That I will trust God’s plan regarding my broken marriage, my housing, financial and vocational situations, and my new church home. Please prayer my sister Lisa and her 5 children. Please pray for their salvation and emotional health as well financial health. She is a single mom and she had a decent job but it’s not enough sometimes for the basics,

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.