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GJR from US

November 28 at 10:45 pm
Dear Father God, be highly exalted among the nations, pour down a flow of Shekinah glory anointing to all the FOZ and JPT members this season of Thanksgiving in Jesus Christ name and be forever glorified thank you Father, may the minds and hearts of the People in Jerusalem be covered by Your peace that surpasses all understanding Philippians 4:7 amen.

Christopher from US

November 28 at 7:43 pm
That GOD will give me Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and the increase ability to navigate in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY ! Ephesians 3:20; Daniel 1:17-20; Revelation 19:10; James 1:5; Luke 2:52; 1 Corinthians 2:16; Proverbs 4:7

Sonia from US

November 28 at 5:02 pm
Lord God, please protect our president from the attacks of the enemy, and give our president the victory needed to govern our country. In the name of Jesus, the name above all names.

Ted from US

November 28 at 4:37 pm
 Sometimes the devil can't put fake images in peoples sauce making them think they are being bothered by other people when they ain't if you can rebike  these false images away from people in Iowa and the outer staters that live in Iowa and the ones that moved to Iowa thank you very much I will also keep in prayer to

Donna from US

November 28 at 8:06 am
Please pray for my friend   Who has suffered with the spinal leak Which caused her to be bedridden because when she stands the fluid in her spine leaks creates migraine headaches and vomiting for days at a time. It’s been a year now she is living this way.  She is scheduled for surgery on December 4. Pray  they will be able to patch her spine. She loves the Lord and puts her trust in him.   In the mighty name of our healing Savior Jesus Christ. 

Cynd01 from US

November 28 at 6:56 am
Father God hesr my prayers for my mom dad and myself. Pray for strength for my mom and pray healing on my dad good health.  Lord I pray for strength too and success in my career and financially blessings to help myself and my family I pray this prayers of faith in faith believing in Jesus Christ Name Amen!!!!!!

David from IN

November 28 at 1:14 am
Kindly pray for the following intentions-- 1] Healing of body parts and brain 2] Sale of 3 domain names 3] Long life and protection of me and all whom I know and world in general.

Ashish alex from US

November 28 at 1:02 am
Praise the lord Plz prayer for me i am study in 12th class and pray my future (succesfull) i love israel (jerusalem) my dream one day i will go to israel 😊🙏🏻And plz pray my family and my father need aa good job (poor family) plz pray for me and my family  And plz reply 🙏🏻

Karen from US

November 27 at 9:03 pm
All praise & glory to you  the Lord God of Israel for your listening ear & healing hand youve extended upon Ashton!  We thank you Father God 🙌 We lift up Cheryl to you as her need is urgent in Las Vegas. 🙏🏻

Gloria from US

November 27 at 8:08 pm
Father in heaven blessed be your name Lord of Israel send forth angel armies to surround and protect the peace of The Holy Land, in Jesus name. Bless the Texas border with a hedge of protection and teach us to settle disputes without violence in Jesus name. Thank You and receive all glory amen. Psalms 20:7

Gracious from PH

November 27 at 7:53 pm
In Jesus Name I pray, God in Heaven please help me with my current work as A call center representative. Im planning to switch another work abroad. I know you are a God that answers prayer for your people. Thank you also God for all the blessings. You are the source of all. Amen

Sonia from US

November 27 at 6:58 pm
My dear Lord, please heal Jesse and Gigi from hurt. Bless them with forgiveness for each other so that their relationship can blossom and their lives may be blessed with your presence and Salvation. Please Father destroy generational curses and strongholds in their lives. I thank you my Father for your love for us and above all, for Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross. I love you Lord God.

Sonia from US

November 27 at 6:46 pm
Father in heaven, in the precious name of Jesus your son and my Savior, I ask that you bless Gigi, Mark, and my entire family with conviction, repentance of their sins, and blessings of Salvation in Christ Jesus. Please send your holy and earthly angels to minister to them about your love and redemption. For Jesse dear Lord: please deliver him from the spirit of hatred, unforgiveness, lust, dissension and disobedience. Protect Jesse from the attacks of the enemy and bring him back to you with repentance, obedience and humbleness . Help him to pass his engineer's test and give him the wisdom and guidance needed in his life. Breathe life in his dormant nerves so he may feel his limbs again. Bless Jesse's heart with the desire to have a relationship with Gigi. As for me Father, please heal me from osteoarthritis, and from infirmity of the left foot. I love you Father with all my heart and soul, and I thank you beforehand for your miracles in our lives. In Jesus' name.

Cecilia Ajitena from GB

November 27 at 6:10 pm
Pray for my children ‘s breakthrough, and  that God of Israel will break every chains of failures over their lived&destroy the power of violent spirit over their lives - Amen

Dasha from US

November 27 at 4:00 pm
for grandson J to return to Houston to his parents. We are elderly &frail & he is very mean & violent w/us. He is a drug addict & mistreats us. Please pray for us. My husband always feels sorry for him & then he hurts us physically & breaks our hearts. We fear grandson.

Ossie copeland from US

November 27 at 2:03 pm
My granddaughter have court date December 5th she need good job to take care here son please prayer for protection 2 her names are bra prayer for Finance

Robert from US

November 27 at 10:26 am
Father God thank you for all your blessings. Father God i love you and want to serve you. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Father God bless and protect my family and i in Jesus name i pray amen.

Christopher from US

November 27 at 9:46 am
That GOD will lift the ceiling and limitations that others are trying to speak over me and give me limitless or no limits and no ceiling in growth as long as I am obedient to HIM! Matthew 19:26; Mark 9:23; Ephesians 3:20

Edith from KE

November 27 at 8:41 am
Please pray with us that God will provide us with all the resources required to build our planned international christian school(Camp David Green Academy) in Kenya. Waiting upon the Lord. In His service, Edith

Edith from US

November 27 at 8:40 am
Please pray with us that God will provide us with all the resources required to build our planned international christian school(Camp David Green Academy) in Kenya. Waiting upon the Lord. In His service, Edith

Janette and Margaret from GB

November 27 at 6:50 am
Please could everyone pray for our friends son who is only four with major hear problems, he has already had two strokes now back in hospital. Thank you

Lover of Jesus Christ from TW

November 27 at 1:24 am
Heavenly Father, thank You for this person (陳逸敬) you have assigned into my humble life, and thank You for the unconditional love. I know for anything You started You don't quit in the half way, but You shall complete the purpose You have sent forth until the day it's done. Father I give Your words back to Your heavenly places, Matthew 7: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Isaiah 55: 10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Thank You Father, I give You all my praises & thanks in God, in the Son, and in the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rick from US

November 26 at 9:59 pm
I know God has forgiven ALL my sins, I thank God for HIS mercies and Grace. I need an urgent financial miracle to clear all my debts, please also pray for me that my creditors don't do anything nasty to me and my family. Thank you all!

Deborah from US

November 26 at 11:30 am
Please pray for my son Joe that the lord would dispatch angels to surround him and bring the right people into his life,pray that he would contact me so i do not have to call for a wellness check,pray that as i reopen my business from the weekend off that the lord would bless and establish the work of my hands and supply my creativity and bring a steady flow of hair and tanning clients threw these doors and that i would ave grace and mercy and the right people in my life as well,for all 3 of my children and 7 grandchildren that the lord would call forth any hidden talents and dispatch angels to surround us all.In the mighty name of jesus.Amen

Cynd01 from US

November 26 at 9:56 am
Please pray with me for my father he is in hospital kidneys not working and has pneumonia is elderly and needs God Miracle healing hand please God heal my dad and make him well he does not deserve to be in pain anymore.  Amen!!

Rosenarie from PH

November 26 at 6:43 am
please help me to pray for my daughter rhoselie and 2 grandson moises and cael i suspect under attack of whichcraft as they one at a time in the hospital including my other grandson from my niece i say it is whichcraft as we have neigbhor who wants to demolish the extention of our house they are cleaming its thier right of way they supposed to ask favour to us but instead they creating teouble to my family please may i ask for your help in prayer for a huge protection and distroying the wicthcraft and thier warlacks in Jesus name

Sherma from US

November 26 at 3:40 am
Hi, a blessed good morning to all. I'm requesting pray, for salvation, healing and deliverance for my husband, daughter, grandson, my mom, my brothers and sisters and their families. In Jesus Mighty name amen amen. Thanks much in advance. Blessings flow


November 26 at 3:39 am

Lover of Jesus Christ from TW

November 26 at 3:06 am
Heavenly Father, I pray to You again for the soul mate you have assigned to my life, I pray for more & more signs that can bring a strong confirmation to both of us in December 2018. Father, now I thank You for Your mercy and unconditional love like this soul mate, and I thank You for Your words, Matthew 7: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. In the name of Father, Son & Holy Spirit I pray, amen.

naveed pitras from PK

November 25 at 7:29 pm

A from US

November 25 at 7:24 pm
Please pray for a healing miracle for my son Tony, very high blood pressure, high risk of heart attack and stroke, dizziness, severe headache stomach and intentional infection, the medicine its not working, for my children, grandchildren, husband,mother sisters and their families, for myself, Thank you

Fe from US

November 25 at 4:54 pm
Thank you God for your peace,for your love and forgiveness of all my sins .I praise you and trust you that soon you will bring all my fam together and satan will be defeated. Pour Jesus s blood over my family,have mercy of me have mercy on my family.Please please hear my cry dear Jesus .Amen 

Felicitas from US

November 25 at 12:40 pm
Let us pray for all our children in this generation and the generations to come, that they will live and persevere with the divine Wisdom and the Spirit of Understanding, be equipped with all the things they need and desire to outreach others according to the divine will. I also pray to pass our State all financial license exams I need, using the divine power to gain wealth to outreach the ministries as well. Good Health and Protection at all times. Peace Be Upon Jerusalem. Shalom.

ruth ann holt from US

November 25 at 8:46 am
OH that God will look upon me with favor and say over me, "well done good and faithful servant." Mother of 7 at the age of 53, widowed, from the enemies lies of suicide my husband believed.  God has given me the honor and responsibility of raising my children along side of his continual guidance and care. I covet prayer! I covet the presence of Jehovah God daily as I accomplish what I have been called to do!  Please pray for Robert, Benjamin, Ruthie Love, Cole, Sidney, Sam and Caleb that they KNOW the presence and power of Jehovah God, that they be radically changed into who HE has called them to be, and that the Lies and schemes of the enemy IS NO MORE!!!!!! May PRAISE ever be on their lips for OUR GOD who they have seen provide, protect and deliver us from wickedness and destruction! May God bless you for your precious prayers for my family!!

Archie from AU

November 25 at 4:29 am
Iam not asking for prayer for myself Iam asking on behalf of a Friend Pastor Tim Collins fir him to be given a chance by the LORD God and to serve both God and the people as a candidate in the Lower house of N.S.W in Jesus Christ Name . iF THE LORD wills it!

Sarah Stath from US

November 24 at 10:48 pm
Please pray for my family. That my daughters will turn away from sin and the world and will turn back to the Lord and walk in His ways. That they will forgive, particularly their father. That my daughters will be healed and restored and live out the Lords calling and purposes for their lives. Our family will be completely restored and we'll all be restored to the calling and purposes that the Lord has called our family to, sharing the Shabbat with others. What the enemy ment for evil the Lord will turn around and use for good. In Yeshua's name.

Mitch hartsock from US

November 24 at 8:32 pm
This is needed prayer for our daughter, Mackenzie; she has a serious alcohol addition and needs Gods healing power to miracoulsly heal her from this now! Thanks for your Gods healing power! 

Norma from US

November 24 at 8:04 pm
Please pray or fast and pray for Adonai to send the rockets or any weapon used against Israel back to the ones who fire it by His great and mighty arm so that the Israelis and the world will know that the God of Israel is the One true God and He is Almighty! We pray this in Yesuha's (Jesus) Mighty Name!

Jessica Myles from US

November 24 at 1:57 pm
My prayer is for academic success, retention, comprehension and deliverance from the racial hatred of people who want to drag up the past like Emmitt Till from his grave. Thank God for grace and the will, the Spirit and his Wind to move forward. 


November 24 at 9:37 am
Please pray for my daughter and her husband to have a healthy children and their family will grow. My husband and I ready for grand children I pray that one day we are going to have a good news  that my daughter is having a healthy baby and the mother from God the father alone Amen and Amen.  I pray also for my families brothers and sisters for peace that everyone come together with they same mind, body and souls that will forgive each other and not holding anger to each other and to our beloved Mother.  I pray for my Brothers and Sisters  to lower their  pride and  arrogance talk.  Please Dear God touch everyone heart, and allow them to forgive one to another. Thank you Lord, Jesus in your name I pray Amen and Amen.

Deric from US

November 24 at 8:47 am
This is the day The Lord Has Made! For all those Lovers of Israel For all saints washed in the Blood of the Lamb As an Ambassador in Christ Victorious Church I AM calling the Victorious Body of Christ to a 40 DAY PRAYER AND FAST ***STARTS NOVEMBER 24, 2018 ***ENDS JANUARY 2, 2019 Blow a trumpet in Zion [warning of impending judgment], Dedicate a fast [as a day of restraint and humility], call a solemn assembly. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and the nursing infants. Let the bridegroom come out of his room And the bride out of her bridal chamber. [No one is excused from the assembly.] Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, Weep between the porch and the altar, And let them say, “Have compassion and spare Your people, O Lord, And do not make Your inheritance (Israel) an object of ridicule, Or a [humiliating] byword among the [Gentile] nations. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God? LET

naveed pitras from PK

November 24 at 6:42 am
ameen parry for my jobs sepsliy my offs problems and tension Mr RIZWAN THREQ J/C Mr Arsed bhatti stenographer this G.S.B.T.HOSPITAL MY MS Dr AZEEM IBRAHIM ch naveed ch azhar Razwan BRADARS AND rehman cecote setams / mr Ajmal Bhtt ex membhar tma ijeb ali shah mera khudawand sharey mhmlat ko apni hafzat me le uoor ajmal bhtti ko arsed bhtti aor rzwan threq ko hmesh ke ley g.s.b.t.h se dhor kar de uor kes kesam ke moskelat na aey uor hmes se hahms tak mery khodwand ka nam uncha rehy AMEEN


November 24 at 5:38 am
Pray for my studies in college. I am currently studying Bachelor of science in Biology. Help me pray that i could overcome my fears and i can perform better in my studies. I could get a better grades.. One thing also my financial aspect pls pray for me and my family. We are so poor enough and i could not meet up easy with the school demands and life demands.. Thanks I hope God will show me his love and good plan in my life

Infant from US

November 24 at 12:13 am
May God the Father be with my family members, Anthony, Theresa, Maria, Sebastian and my wife Jennifer and our child Aaiden and may the hand of God be upon us. May Jesus Christ bless us- use us- protect us -guide us, May the grace, love, mercy, blessings and unity of Jesus Christ be us. May Jesus Christ forgive us of all our sins and heal us spiritually, physically and mentally and financially. May Jesus Christ deliver us from every sin-evil-curse-bondage and set us free. May Jesus Christ reveal his plan for my Life(Sebastian) and use me according to his will. Amen, Thanks.

Srinath from IN

November 23 at 10:27 pm
Please send help and encouragement for me to study and understand the Zohar and Kaballah rightly, so I can lead a virtuous g-d centric life it wants us to lead.

Nadia khurshid from US

November 23 at 8:47 pm
Hi plz pray for my 2 years nephew Eliab Samson he is suffering Asthma n cough since 2 days n its happening every Thursday plz pray our Lord Jesus to heal him completely. N stop it right now.

R from US

November 23 at 7:27 pm
I am a "worker" in another land and I will be coming with others to work with a team there in the Promised Land.   Please ask for love and unity in the team, that we would serve each other with humility and joy.  Ask for wisdom and strength, for organization and preparation to impart to the people all that He would have done.  That we would be a blessing to the land and that lives would be changed.

Renee from US

November 23 at 7:19 pm
I am a "worker" in another land and I will be coming with others to work with a team there in the Promised Land.   Please ask for love and unity in the team, that we would serve each other with humility and joy.  Ask for wisdom and strength, for organization and preparation to impart to the people all that He would have done.  That we would be a blessing to the land and that lives would be changed.

GJR from US

November 23 at 3:18 pm
Lord as your word declares in Philippians 4:7 so shall it be for the citizens of the Holy Land and to your chosen saints in Jesus name I ask with thankful heart. Glory be to the Father forever and ever amen.

Audrey from US

November 22 at 11:12 pm
Please pray for my son, James and daughter, Michele who are both trying to get permanent and steady employment.  They both have had many difficulties, illness to deal with and bad luck.  I am hoping for good things and success with the kindness of prayers.

Deric from US

November 22 at 11:08 pm
For all those Lovers of Israel For all saints washed in the Blood of the Lamb As an Ambassador in Christ Victorious Church I AM calling the Victorious Body of Christ to a 40 DAY PRAYER AND FAST ***STARTS NOVEMBER 24, 2018 ***ENDS JANUARY 2, 2019 Blow a trumpet in Zion [warning of impending judgment], Dedicate a fast [as a day of restraint and humility], call a solemn assembly. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and the nursing infants. Let the bridegroom come out of his room And the bride out of her bridal chamber. [No one is excused from the assembly.] Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, Weep between the porch and the altar, And let them say, “Have compassion and spare Your people, O Lord, And do not make Your inheritance (Israel) an object of ridicule, Or a [humiliating] byword among the [Gentile] nations. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God? LETS DO IT WITH JOY IN JESUS NAME

Lover of Jesus Christ from TW

November 22 at 10:17 pm
Heavenly Father, thank You for the love & happiness You are bring to me in December. You & only You know what I really really need, therefore You only give us the best. Today, I lift Your name & Your words in high on Luke 11:11 King James Version (KJV) 11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? 12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? 13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? Praise You Father, Your Son and Holy Spirit ! Amen.

Debra from US

November 22 at 8:33 pm
Pray for debts to be cancelled, closer walk with the lord health,to go to ISRAEL again and finances to go, tavis,get out of jail,job for him and to get his children and a home for them,salvation for all family also to be able to bless ISRAEl.

Irene from US

November 22 at 6:20 pm
Asking prayer for Spiritual Warfare against bad spirits and demonic forces in our home, attacking our bodies ,bringing chaos and confusion, fear and death.

Irene from US

November 22 at 5:39 pm
Prayer for Steven Wilborn and Hanne Moon and other friends to see the hurtful things they do behind my back and too my face and that they will be Holy Spirit Led Friends to me and that I will be a Holy Spirit Led Friend to them also. I also ask prayer for protection against any witchcraft or evil prayer, curse being spoken over me behind my back to be broken now, I cancel anything coming against my destiny, family, ministry, business or life through the bad words and actions coming from them. I put all my friends , my life and everyone that comes in contact with me to Father Yehovah. I ask prayer to cancel any spirit of death and fear or destruction in my life or my family's life or my friends lives and ask that The Armour of God be placed on us all and The Blood and Anointing of Yeshua to be upon us daily.

Vickie from US

November 22 at 5:29 pm
Please pray 4 my 6 yr old grandaughter who has abusive father + his mother(grandmother)practices witchcraft live together!! She is court ordered to go there @ other weekend + 2 nights 4 dinner! She is in counseling, a special school, is diagnosed w PTSD, severe anxiety, aggressive outbursts, poss sensory issues. Despite 5 yrs in corrupt courts w cps, he is still somehow able to brainwash + condition the court, the LAW GUARDIAN, the judge, n CPS!!!! She asked me at 5yrs old about God +wanted God as her father too so she asked GOD (cause she wants a new father) into her heart + sang God a song + drew a picture! next day she was agressively angry w me + said i lied 2 her God is a lengend + shes not afraid of witches anymore + said "ur soul rot in ----!! I asked if she told her father about our our prayer + she angrily said YES. so i know she was verbally + emotionally abused + threatened by him as in the last 6 yrs! Pray for G + her mom my daughter who alsowas abused by these monsters!

Brittney from US

November 22 at 4:37 pm
I’m asking for prayer for my loving sister whom is currently in icu . I’m asking for a speedy recovery, and that she wakes up from this . please cover her in the blood of Jesus Christ. 

dominique from US

November 22 at 3:38 pm
Prayers to Be healed and made whole in my body, mind , soul emotions. I was raped when I was very young, and then sent to a different city to be raised . My Grandmother was my saving Grace, she took care of me, my Dad lived in the same house but he was very abusive at the time, our relationship is at least on speaking terms now and I am so Thankful for that. Still I have deep hurts and issues from the things that happened to me, I ran away when I was a teenager because it got so bad and I got married thinking that was the way out , I and my husband have been married for 18 years now and he has always been abusive in many ways, we have always fought and it has always been a struggle to stay in the marriage. I am asking God if He will either fix it so we can love each other and Serve God together or move him out of my life and Bring a Godly Husband that will not only love me and treat me right, but will love and Honor God with all his heart , soul, mind and strength and put Him First.

F from US

November 22 at 10:22 am
Abba,  Thank you that Your love endures forever! Thank you that You poured all Your wrath out on Jesus and He completed the work conquering death that there might be NO separation between us. Just an illusion. Abba. Thank you that You keep me. Thank You that You know everything about me and still choose me and want me. You are Amazing and worthy to be praised. Your faithfulness endures forever! You are so so good to me!! Thank You for all the special ways you remind me You are still with me and for me. Thank you for having good plans for me to give me a hope and a future! Thank you for K. Please bless him with joy with family and loved ones and especially yourself. May I be a special blessing to Him of trust and vulnerability. Abba only with You first then Him. Oh Lord- thank You that this is Your will so I ask for you to do it. Prayers for Psalm 40 and Psalm - a broken and contrite heart You will not despise. For from You and through You and to You are all things. Thank you. Amen

John from US

November 22 at 5:51 am
My wife healed today. That her surgery on Monday at 1:10 pm will go great and no compliant c and recovery quick now. That my blood pressure shall be 110/60 and normal. That Dianne shall have no complications and come home on Tuesday and recovery shall be quick. In Jesus name now

Deric from US

November 22 at 4:02 am
Glorious Thanksgiving from God our Father and The Lord Jesus Christ For all those Lovers of Israel For all saints washed in the Blood of the Lamb As an Ambassador in Christ Victorious Church I AM calling the Victorious Body of Christ to a 40 DAY PRAYER AND FAST ***STARTS NOVEMBER 24, 2018 ***ENDS JANUARY 2, 2019 Blow a trumpet in Zion [warning of impending judgment], Dedicate a fast [as a day of restraint and humility], call a solemn assembly. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and the nursing infants. Let the bridegroom come out of his room And the bride out of her bridal chamber. [No one is excused from the assembly.] Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, Weep between the porch and the altar, And let them say, “Have compassion and spare Your people, O Lord, And do not make Your inheritance (Israel) an object of ridicule, Or a [humiliating] byword among the [Gentile] nations. Why should they say among the

naveed pitras from PK

November 22 at 3:00 am
ameen parry for my offs problems sepsliy pti member mr Ajmal Bhtt ko khudawand yasu masih apne Blessing ke waseila se es ka zehan bhnd kar ameen kese kesam ke ko pary shni na ho ameen

Simone from AU

November 21 at 11:12 pm
Please pray for bosoms, dreams, peaceful rest and love. Perfect appearance and form. Healing and health. Anything else please pray. Thank you JEHOVAH love you.

naveed pitras from PK

November 21 at 8:30 pm
ameen parry for my jobs sepsisl ms azeem ibrahim wezat G.S.B.T.HOSPITAL THIS CALIN AND CHALIYAR God Bless Amen my son abner shakeel chlyar fevar GOd bless Ameen

naveed pitras from PK

November 21 at 7:19 pm
Ameen parryr for mr ch m javed m. schmear shaq gulzar sadiq key zehan ko khodavand khoda apney uoor shmena javed key bhrey mea belkoal chleyar kar de uoor shtani zehan rhkne waal naseem mahwas uoor all secoti ghads and all w/s s/w genitoural azhar naved ke zehan uor zaban bhnde ho jay God BELSS AMEEN

Archie from AU

November 21 at 6:03 pm
Pleaee Pray As you know Iam going on God's word in Jesus Christ Name . ;;;;And Jesus pointing to his disciples and saying here are my brother ,sister and mother for whoever does the will of My Father in heaven are my brother sister and mother . My biological siblings are not fighting against Me They are fighting against God .

Pamela from US

November 21 at 2:29 pm
Dear LORD GOD We pray that Zoe’s adoption would go through quickly and that the biological father who worships the enemy would be totally removed from their lives and the judge would see the truth

naveed pitras from PK

November 21 at 7:52 am
Ameen parryr for mr ch m javed m. schmear shaq gulzar sadiq key zehan ko khodavand khoda apney uoor shmena javed key bhrey mea belkoal chleyar kar de uoor shtani zehan rhkne waal naseem mahwas uoor all secoti ghads and all w/s s/w genitoural azhar naved ke zehan uor zaban bhnde ho jay God BELSS AMEEN

Ben from US

November 21 at 5:14 am
I thank Jesus for today. I praise Jesus for the beautiful sky and the majestic beauty he painted for us in the night sky. I praise Jesus for the beauty on our wonderful earth in and in gods awesome nature. I praise Jesus for the wonderful people, their character and everyone’s uniqueness. I praise Jesus for my beautiful home my beautiful Cynthia and the step boys, our family and friends. Lord praise you for the boys Justin Rishon and Nathan and for you lord helping with their good behavior. Praise you god for providing me and Cynthia with work helping us to prosper. You are our true and loving father Amen Ben manseI thank Jesus for today. I praise Jesus for the beautiful sky and the majestic beauty he painted for us in the night sky. I praise Jesus for the beauty on our wonderful earth in and in gods awesome nature. I praise Jesus for the wonderful people, their character and everyone’s uniqueness. I praise Jesus for my beautiful home my beautiful Cynthia and the step boys, our family

Uchenna from DE

November 21 at 12:06 am
Oh my Heavenly Father,Forgive me my sins and have mercy on me . I pray that you fill my heart with your love. Protect, Guide and Direct me and my household. Fight my battle Lord. You already know my heart desires please fulfill them to your glory. I pray this in the name of Yeshua Amen.

Marcy from US

November 20 at 9:07 pm
Last week my fiancé and I had a discussion where he called the police and accused me of domestic violence when that never happened. He has been in jail for domestic violence against me before and he has made it clear to me that he is in so much pain because I haven’t married him so he is giving me a peace of the pain he feels. I feel devastated because we have a son and I initially left him when my son was only months old because he was so abusive. He came back and asked for forgiveness since he had started going to church I forgave him. He then asked me if I would give him a chance so I did. He wanted me to marry him right away and I did not because I knew what I was seeing was only a temporary change and that time would expose the real him. So time had except now he says he is willing to go to counseling which I’m not opposing to but it’s hard to believe him. He initially said he would help me get a lawyer to fight this and now he is saying he is not going to pay for anything. He is

Deric from US

November 20 at 8:42 pm
For all those Lovers of Israel For all saints washed in the Blood of the Lamb As an Ambassador in Christ Victorious Church I AM calling the Victorious Body of Christ to a 40 DAY PRAYER AND FAST ***STARTS NOVEMBER 24, 2018 ***ENDS JANUARY 2, 2019 Blow a trumpet in Zion [warning of impending judgment], Dedicate a fast [as a day of restraint and humility], call a solemn assembly. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and the nursing infants. Let the bridegroom come out of his room And the bride out of her bridal chamber. [No one is excused from the assembly.] Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, Weep between the porch and the altar, And let them say, “Have compassion and spare Your people, O Lord, And do not make Your inheritance (Israel) an object of ridicule, Or a [humiliating] byword among the [Gentile] nations. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God? LETS DO IT WITH JOY IN JESUS NAME

Aldin from PH

November 20 at 7:59 pm
I pray for a financial breakthrough. I want to be a big supporter for the body of Christ. to financially support the ministry of Mike Evans and other ministries. In Jesus name I claim it. Amen.

naveed pitras from PK

November 20 at 7:58 pm
Ameen Parryr for my jobs offs problems sepsliy my colleges samena javed ka mamo ami bhi javed gholzar shmiar uor jo bi hamary badnami ke pehay lagh he khodawnd uos ko hamesa ke leya door kar dey GodBelss Ameen

desyree from US

November 20 at 6:20 pm
Help me get out of debt 10,000 or 13,000.  Help me get a job I can handle that’s also 3 days a week 16- 24 hour week  Help me belong with a nice man  Help me move out of nyc  Help me find employment  Help me get disability. Please thank you amen. I seek help strong mentally emotionally independent. Grip on my emotions.  Amen 

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.