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Shellee from the United States

May 20 at 9:48 am
My daughter is bound by the chains of addiction to alcohol. I plead the Blood of Jesus for her soul. I claim salvation, deliverance and healing for her in Jesus' Name. Thank you Father God for hearing my prayer and saving my child. Amen!

Teresa from the United States

May 20 at 9:32 am
I pray that God will Deliver my son from mental strongholds of deception.I pray for all families dealing with mental strongholds that has tried to take over their love ones. It is written who the son set free is free indeed. Please come into agreement with me in this prayer.

Jackie from the United States

May 20 at 9:22 am
I pray for the people of all countries worldwide that we have a relationship with Jesus that is second to none. I pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on all individuals that they will receive the most powerful annointing ever to proclaim the name of Jesus and evangelize the world, winning many souls for His kingdom. I'm also praying for unsaved loved ones in my family. that they will turn their heart/life wholly to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Leguede kodjo mawuli from the United States

May 20 at 9:11 am
Bonjour tout l'équipe de la prière. C'est avec une grande tristesse et de pleure que je vous écris ce message en vous demandant de prié pour moi et ma famille qui traverse des moments difficiles depuis le Togo, je m'appelle leguede kodjo mawuli ,je vie au Togo, je suis orphelin de père et je me bat beaucoup pour aider ma famille et surtout ma mère et mes frères et sœurs, je n'ai pas de travail,ma petite amie est enceintes de moi et mes problèmes s'agrandit encore plus, je vous demande du plus profond de mon coeur de m'aider dans la prière pour que le Dieu d'Israël et de Jacob puisse venir en mon aide et me tracer un chemin pour ma vie pour que je puisse trouver un travail et gagner de l'argent et s'occuper de ma famille. En ce moment que je vous écris, mon âme pleure et ma vie n'a plus de sens , s'il vous plaît aider

Jackie from the United States

May 20 at 9:09 am
For my children and grandchildren God knows their needs help them to draw closer to God and seek Him all praise and glory to our God Amen

Jackie from the United States

May 20 at 9:08 am
For my children and grandchildren God knows their needs help them to draw closer to God and seek Him all praise and glory to our God Amen

Carla from the United States

May 20 at 8:13 am
Please pray for me to have the connections, direction, provision and revelation needed to create a evangelistic game released on multi platforms reaching the lost and broken. Carla

Jaycee from Nigeria

May 20 at 8:12 am
I pray for a employment and/or a sustainable means of income and an end to my financial worries. I pray against depression and constant worry in my life

African Paul from Tanzania

May 20 at 8:07 am
1) Almighty God to provide a hedge of protection to the nation of Israel and Jewish People all over the world 2) I’m asking for my Supernatural Financial breakthrough in my life & calling 3) Almighty God to release supernatural breakthrough in my Spiritual life

Michael from the United States

May 20 at 8:06 am
That God would indeed bless me with a job with benefits and near our prospective home down the New Jersey shore so we can also start a ministry to the less fortunate, needy and forsaken Pray for my wife's job from home to prosper by promotion blessing. PLEASE PRAY, GOD WILL ANSWER THIS PRAYER BECAUSE IT IS HIS KINGDOM MOVING FORWARD AND REACHING THESE PRECIOUS PEOPLE HE MENTIONED IN LUKE 14:- THANKS SO MUCH. I will post the answer to this prayer request like this

Patrick from Kenya

May 20 at 7:36 am
Please pray with me that my church will grow to be responsible and loving as well as being more mission minded. Pray that God will deliver me from the bondage of renting a house and that he will give me a house of mine. Pray that God will empower our church with a project that can generate some income. Pray for our country to have strong ties with Israel as has been before.

Jacqueline from Puerto Rico

May 20 at 7:29 am
Please pray for me, for a new job. Pray to for Puerto Rico and its financial situation after hurricanes Irma and Maria. Pray for salvation for our children and a job for them. Pray for the children around the world. I bless all of you in the Name of Jesus of Nazaret.

Mathilda Servina from Seychelles

May 20 at 7:19 am
I desire to get married to a godly husband, have a godly family and together serve the Lord faithfully. To have God's favor regarding a legal court case against my house and land. All my brothers, nephew, nieces to be born again To be more bold in evangelism Shalom

Paul from the United States

May 20 at 7:00 am
Praise the Lord in all his glory! The good Lord has shown me some mercy! Jesus raised his Mighty hand and allowed my bad knee to heal enough and let me live and worship in the comfort of my own home! In Jesus Mighty name! Amen and Amen

Tammy from the United States

May 20 at 7:00 am
I pray for an outpouring of the holy spirit on my son, Brandon, that he will desire a close relationship with God and if there be anything in his life that is unpleasing to God, that he will repent and draw near to God. That God will grant him wisdom and discernment to good choices for his future ad that he will grow into a young man of integrity. That his life will honor God.

Usen from Nigeria

May 20 at 6:55 am
1. Please pray for me and my family that God's ordained purpose for our lives be made fully manifest in this season. 2.. Pray that all loses in life be fully restored to the glory of the Lord in Jesus mighty name. More grace to all.

Rita from the United States

May 20 at 6:55 am
Lord I need your blessing of discernment and wisdom today and forever, please grant me this prayer and the Father's guidance for work. Lord I need to know Your way and Truth, not mine. Thank for always blessing me and Your Grace. Amen!

Joel from Uganda

May 20 at 6:28 am
Kindly pray for that God gives an idea that will transform my life and the other around me. That's to say an idea that will be a solution to other people's problems.

Susan from the United States

May 20 at 6:27 am
Please pray for Akim Jocelyn. He is 14 years old he is a faithful Christian. A virus attacked his heart 3 weeks ago he is in the hospital on ventilation machines and heart and lung machine. They are deciding if he needs a heart transplant please pray for his total healing.

Ronnie from the United States

May 20 at 6:13 am
I'm (Ronnie) asking the prayer team to pray for my healing of kidneys disorder (possible life threaten) and healing of my circulatory and digestive system. Please pray for my wife, Carol healing of her chronic side pain. Please pray for my cousin-in-law, Steve healing of prostrate cancer. Thanks and GOD Bless, Ronnie Heath

Ronnie from the United States

May 20 at 6:06 am
I'm (Ronnie) asking the prayer team to pray for my healing of kidneys disorder (possible life threaten) and healing of my circulatory and digestive system. Please pray for my wife, Carol healing of her chronic side pain. Please pray for my cousin-in-law, Steve healing of prostrate cancer. Thanks and GOD Bless, Ronnie Heath

Hizqiyah from India

May 20 at 5:47 am
Please Pray for me and my wife Lydia serving the Lord Jesus Christ in Kolkata, India, that as His disciples with true humbleness to completely fulfill His will in wining souls for His kingdom.

Sophia from South Africa

May 20 at 5:17 am
Father in Heaven, You know what's the best for us, let Your will be done as it is in Heaven. I will follow you. Please Protect Israel and Bless them. Praise You and Thank-you for everything. Amen

K from the United States

May 20 at 4:49 am
Praise You Father in Heaven that my husband and I both were able to attend an event yesterday on deliverance pray. Thank You Jesus for showing me where You were and Your heart for me when I was a little girl in a traumatic situation. Thank You Jesus for loving me and always being near-for never leaving nor forsaking me. Holy Spirit thank You for blessing us with Your presence! Thank You for healing and deliverance. I believe and pray for protection over our marriage and ask for continued favor over the sacred union. Papa God You continually provide opportunities for healing and connection. I am believing that You will not give up on me that my heart body soul and mind will be reconnected and of one accord in Your love through the Spirit. God I was fully open Yesterday. I break agreement with fear that that was one time door to walk through instead believe the door to complete connection is always open to You. Holy Spirit please open me again to through the door and have connection.

Virginia from Jamaica

May 20 at 4:22 am
Please pray for my children that they will surrender their lives to the Lord. Also for the deliverance from addiction for my son and his settling down in school. Also that he will be heal emotionally.

Angela from the United States

May 20 at 4:18 am
I pray first for the peace of Israel. Father in Jesus name I ask you to change my husband's heart so he doesn't sell our home for his own selfish reasons. Amen

Esther joy from Kenya

May 20 at 4:17 am
Pray for me that my spiritual eyes and ears be opened and for a discernment spirit and also for wisdom to serve the Almighty God the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords

Tamara from the United States

May 20 at 4:02 am
Father in heaven God of our father Abraham thank you for this privilege of lifting our needs in prayer thank you lord as I claim complete healing for the husband of a very good friend Olivia even as the wisdom of your Holy Spirit to help her and the family understand your will . Thank you in Jesus name

Tienkie from South Africa

May 20 at 3:50 am
Please pray for total healing for Janene from bone cancer, Jana from a broken ankle, Johanna from asthma, COPD and other respiratory tract illnesses

APRIL from the United States

May 20 at 3:34 am

Prasadbabu Barre from India

May 20 at 3:27 am
Hi Dear Brother, Sisters in Christ. Please pray for my mother who has cancer in abdominal & getting severe pain in stomuch. Let Jesus have Mercy on her. And also pray for spiritual life & my job trials. Thanking you, yours Loving brother, Prasadbabu, India.

Aruna ishvari meditation from India

May 20 at 3:07 am
Jesus love Thank you very much , Thank you very much O my divine lover Jesus way of life son of God, Prince of Heaven, Light of the world, Prince of peace, King of kings Without you I am nothing My soul , my body does not belong to me as much as it does to you You are my journey You are my destination as well Living without you is impossible o heart Living without you is impossible o love You are necessary to complete everything that lacks in my life Thank you very much , Thank you very much Aruna ishvari meditation

Joshua from Germany

May 20 at 2:14 am
I pray for the health and safety of my parents and sister. May Our Lord Jesus Christ watch over them and keep them safe and healthy. Further I pray for Security and safety of true Jewish and Christian people around the world, in particle who live in Eretz Israel. May they have peace and safety in the name of Jeus Christ Amen

Michelle from Cameroon

May 20 at 1:48 am
-May God uplift my faith and grant me success and breakthrought i have been praying and waiting for so many years now; Too much failures in life (ministy, personal projets...) have finaly broken me down into dépression, discouragment; i don't any more believe in success or breakthrought as far as i am concerned. -May He grant peace to my country, we refuse war and division there. -We pray for more jews to be saved in Jesus Name, protected, and let peace reigns in Jérusalem.

Barbara Minor from the United States

May 20 at 1:39 am
My ex-husband Grant fell and broke his neck recently, he needs prayer. Also my son David says he doesn't believe in GOD and JESUS, he needs prayer. Thank you, Barbara

Christopher C. Perry from the United States

May 20 at 1:35 am
Father God .. "I pray you bring peace and protection and prosperity to Israel. That they would seek salvation for the people of Israel " Amen

Virginia from the United States

May 20 at 1:33 am
Please pray for our dear daughter in law who has cancer all through her body. She is having chemo, radiation, etc. Also an unspoken request for me for a job problem.

Simone from Australia

May 20 at 1:16 am
Prayer for JEHOVAH singers. JEHOVAH performances powerful, was, is to come all You love. Prophets. Tithes in. Look like JEHOVAH. Work. LOVE (AHAVA) All other things LORD GOD JEHOVAH (YHWH)HEBREW.

Judith from the United Kingdom

May 20 at 1:15 am
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and and the protection of Israel, peace in Jesus precious name. I pray for God’S intervention in the affairs of the nation of Nigeria and the Nigeria people, have mercy on Nigeria in Jesus precious name. I pray for immediate financial and cashflow breakthrough. I pray for wholeness in every area of my life in Jesus precious name. I ask now oh Lord God for my new house as a matter of urgency. Have mercy on me oh God in Jesus precious name. Amen. Please agree with me in these prayers . Thank you and God bless you.

Olusoga from Nigeria

May 20 at 1:11 am
May the Lord God Almighty that restores, restore my wife's health fully, from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet, to His glory in that Wonderful and All Prevailing name of Jesus Christ! Amen!11

Marie from United States from the United States

May 20 at 1:11 am
My prayer request is for my grown daughter who has suffered from a physical condition for almost 30 years. Man cannot heal this, but God is able to do the impossible and even more than we can ever ask. I commit this need to God and continue to wait in faith for His touch. God has been the Lord of my life for almost 66 years and I know He is able. Praise His name!

Roshan Micheal from Sweden

May 20 at 1:10 am
Dear LORD JESUS, please hear my prayers , protect me and my family from the evil and restore my family from this critical situation, forgive all our sin and deliver all our evil things and from all adiction healed our heart and free from all sickness, financial mirecal for free from all our deft, new jobs and new place to live. Lord JESUS please give us a more grace and wisdom to face all challenges for our lives, protect my son and give him more peace Father Lord, more healing for my wife and salvation for all our familys please do YOUR will in JESUS all migthy GOD. Thank YOU for hear my prayers. Amen ! Thank YOU Lord JESUS,

Saude joao fernandes from the United Kingdom

May 20 at 12:42 am
I pray our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth will bless Jerusalem and protect it from the enemies. Please pray for me and my family for the word God has spoken concerning me and my family be established it forever and he will do as he has said. God Bless Jerusalem and all who belives in him In Jesus Name I Pray.

Mahila Hazel from Pakistan

May 20 at 12:39 am
please pray for my family and my kids their internal life's and their studies please also pray for my family and my husband job our financial problems

Susan from the United States

May 20 at 12:21 am
Abba Father, I ask forgiveness in my heart for the bitter wounds of rejection by all 4 of my children, who refuse to speak to me, and have forbidden me contact with my 8 grandchildren. I pray they come to know You, Father God with a Mother's Heart, Please softnen their hearts, remove the stones of hate, replace their hearts with flesh. May the prodigals return to me, after they have surrendered their hearts and lives to you. Their heads have accepted you, but they know not Your Holy Spirit. I ache for them. But You love them more.

Harriet from the United States

May 20 at 12:09 am
Harriet having local anesthetic vascular surgery Tuesday morning to remove obstructing plaque buildup in right carotid artery in neck area. Thanks

Esther cale from the United States

May 19 at 11:58 pm
Need prayer for my fam members that the will come to Jesus Christ and they will live false doctrines of men they are been disive under the catholic tradition Esther Loyo , Recardo Ramos Raymundo Ramos Raymundo Ramos Richard Ramos GABRIELA hernendez Ramos my sister is the most herder hard person to even heard the gaspol pleased need intersections for the Lord God to manifest his love and power in ther life so the could have a relationship with the lord Amen.thank you and God bless you.

Rafael from the United States

May 19 at 11:52 pm
Father God, Creater of heaven and earth, I pray in the name your holy son, my Lord Jesus Christ that you give the people of Israel eyes to see and ears to hear the good news of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Father I pray that you give them knowledge and understanding in spiritual wisdom to accept your messiah in thier heart so they may be filled with the fruits of their salvation. And I pray that you build a strong and confident faith in the nation of Israel to speak boldly and clearly about the message of hope we have in Chris Jesus, the prince of our peace in the world.

Rafael from the United States

May 19 at 11:52 pm
Father God, Creater of heaven and earth, I pray in the name your holy son, my Lord Jesus Christ that you give the people of Israel eyes to see and ears to hear the good news of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Father I pray that you give them knowledge and understanding in spiritual wisdom to accept your messiah in thier heart so they may be filled with the fruits of their salvation. And I pray that you build a strong and confident faith in the nation of Israel to speak boldly and clearly about the message of hope we have in Chris Jesus, the prince of our peace in the world.

Rafael from the United States

May 19 at 11:50 pm
Father God, Creater of heaven and earth, I pray in the name your holy son, my Lord Jesus Christ that you give the people of Israel eyes to see and ears to hear the good news of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Father I pray that you give them knowledge and understanding in spiritual wisdom to accept your messiah in thier heart so they may be filled with the fruits of their salvation. And I pray that you build a strong and confident faith in the nation of Israel to speak boldly and clearly about the message of hope we have in Chris Jesus, the prince of our peace in the world.

Esther caler from the United States

May 19 at 11:48 pm
Pido oracion para la congregacion Revelacion Divina Remanente y todos los miembros que el Senor todo poderoso se mueva en su espiritu Santo y nos proteja de todo plan del enemigo como Jesus pidio al Padre no te pido que los saques del mundo mas que los protejas del maligno . Pastor David Caler y fam , Guillermo-Norah sastre, Maria Garcia, Dennis-Nancy Marquez,Jose-Idelfonza Preciado,lilia Roman, luz-Carmela_Mariana Rodriguez,Paula Morales,Ediberto Estrellla,Alfonso Paulet,Luis perez,Rodolfo Rodrigues,Antinia Lovos, Revelacion Divina LA/ La SarsaArdiente en 🇲🇽 Mexico DF, Giovanny y Dayla A Morales,Eddy Abraham Ballesteros Remiro-Tomasa, Jordan-Connor-Riley Caler!Francisco Martinez y todas las familias que son reprecentadas por medio de cada Fam que llege la salvacion del mesias y todas las promesas en Cristo Jesus, bendicion y proteccion de Dios y que la sengre del cordero nos proteja de todo mal en L nombre de Cristo Jesus 🙏 Amen.

Laura from the United States

May 19 at 11:35 pm
Prayer for healing of cancer for my friend a young women and mother. Also a financial blessing for my family so we will be able to help others more. My prayer is always for the peace of the Jewish People and Blessing for them.

Jeanmarie from Burundi

May 19 at 11:26 pm
Please thank our God for His promises in Romans 8:32 and Ephesians 3:20. Therefore, pray with me for: - Israel peace, salvation, protection and prosperity - USA and Israel leaders for complete intimacy with Jesus - God to provide me with finances to pay my debts, for church constructions and workshops to train church leaders in the word of God and solar enterprises to spread the Gospel of Christ. Thanks. God bless you all

cherry Esguerra from Philippines

May 19 at 10:59 pm
pls pray for complete healling of Emy Bernardo stage 4 cancer of uterus...for Ed Du lives in Winnipeg Canada 5 days now in ICU In Life supoort machine for GOD's will and salvation and for tbe Family wisdom what to do just incase JESUS decides to take him be able to raise All Funds needed to transfer documents Land titles as my in laws devide inheritance in our lots here in the Philippines so we can get our share and build a 3 nice stiry buiiding to be used also for Bible study as well as for our business and be able to sell our lots in the Provinces and spiritual growth for my sons and their love ones..for Godly household workers too...more of JESUS in our lives and the send lots missionaries All over the world..For only JESUS be glorified in our lives and household n business...Amen and Amen...TO JESUS ALL the Glory....SHALOM................

Lynne from the United States

May 19 at 10:33 pm
Please pray for my husband’s salvation & for God encounters & breakthrough in his life. Please pray for forgiveness in his heart towards his mom & daughter, for him to see them through the Lords eyes & not his own.

Mfon from Nigeria

May 19 at 10:32 pm
Please pray for peace in Jerusalem. please pray for God's blessings in my marriage and my entire life. Pray God to give us Nigeria as a nation. Pray God's healing for my mother she has been down with high blood pressure.

Vasundhara from the United States

May 19 at 10:16 pm
Sir, I lost my parents when I was in 5th class and after that I was brought up by st Ann's sister's . Now I am 28 years and I need to get married so I prayed to God about my marriage since I was 18 years old. First I wanted to be a nun but my st Ann's sister's didn't agree they wanted to get me married and lead a happy life. I have little property belonging to my father's so I thought with that amount me,my brother and sister can get married but my aunty took the whole property and got registered in her name and the surity was given by a pastor. The paper shows that only my aunty and uncle are there and remaining person are not there so the took away the property now wt can we do I can't understand there is no truth in my aunty's thought because she got her share after her marriage. now she took of our share also and a honourable man of God is supporting her. All say that God stands for truth then why we are beaten up by her. Even in case of my marriage also same happened so plz pray

Reginald Sanders from the United States

May 19 at 10:11 pm
I pray to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior bless his chosen people as well as me and all the us in the United States of America

Chris from the United States

May 19 at 10:07 pm
I am asking for prayer for my 23 year old son, who has fallen away from God. This is a mother's plea for her son, to come back to Christ.

Terry from the United States

May 19 at 9:58 pm
Pray for my friend Roger who struggles with forgiveness and for my son Mark who simply struggles with various mental forces. Pray the peace of Christ for each of them and for Jerusalem. Amen

benjamin from the United States

May 19 at 9:57 pm
heavenly father please forgive me of my sins and please bless my fiance with a better job father God please i am mentally disabled and cannot work she needs a better job and one that does not stress her out so bad please bless her with a better job and one that is full time. father God thank you so very much for everything that you have done for me and everything that you have blessed me with but please lord God hear my prayers and answer them i pray these things in your son Jesus Christs name father God amen!

Betty from the United States

May 19 at 9:48 pm
Pray I Get Finances' to get a home that I can live in , and not move Anymore. Am 62 yrs old. and tired moving , lived in Car. I Work part time, on Social security , not much. seems so I can never get enough to save. I pay weekly at a hotel right now. Sucks up everything have. People are so greedy today and selfish. God help Us All. Hard to live on this Earth. I Need A Miracle. Thank you and God Bless You,

Julie from the United States

May 19 at 9:45 pm
Dear God, thank you for your mercy and your grace concerning these people in my life who are going through tough times. Rosie who has cancer of the lungs and both lungs are filling up with fluids. Rosie is faithful in her prayers for other people. She is raising her two grandchildren who need her desperately. She is down to 98 pounds. God, I pray that you will turn her life around. Please save my sister. Please have mercy on her! We love her so much! Cousin Jane (Cookie) has bone cancer and I am praying for her that if she doesn't know you that you will send your laborers to show her your love. Please save her so that she can continue to take care of her two young sons. I pray Lord for my sister Lisa who is going through a tough time also. She has to have oral surgery that may break her jaw. God, she loves you so much. Please be her physician and heal her. My friends Ann and Janine battling cancer, and Joann alcoholism. Amen!

Shirley from the United States

May 19 at 9:38 pm
Father, I come before you in humility and humbly asking for your forgiveness for my sins. Please cleanse me and hear my humble prayer. As I was reading all these prayer request, I felt the need to ask for Your strength for those who are in need that they might understand the answers You give them. I do know that sometimes the answer is no but there is always a reason for it we just don't know at the moment why. I thank You for all answered prayers also for keeping our President and Vise President under Your umbrella also for the healing of our First Lady. Father please send the right person to those who need to be supported in their struggles that they might help them through but all the glory be given to You. I ask this in my Saviour's Name, Jesus Christ. AMEN

JASPER from Kenya

May 19 at 9:34 pm
Jasper asking God to bless his people with provisions for building structures ,foods,clothing, for widows and orphans and other people in Kenya,County,Kissi.please pray for theses revue st with me. I am so responsible for these needs.i cannot do it alone,I know GOD hears all prayers.i pray he answers prayers. Thank you for your help.cannot do it alone, big prayer needed for me,a day job to support family and others. Am full time pastor with many conferences,bible studies,and prayer time in Keisha,thank you for prayers

Katarzyna Nowak from the United Kingdom

May 19 at 9:27 pm
Prayer for me and my kids finances-/job - businesses link to care support worker / connection to the right people/ child maintenance/ transport-car/ Beeing able to communicate easily with male especially Omar/ my confidence and kidness & sharp mind/ Jacob super birthday present blessings/ for God to heal my heart and build Jacob & Alex as a confident - kind man of God - been obedient to me and God and anybody who is teaching and carrying for them while I am working on my business / salvation for my parents especially dad/ nice house in quaiet & peaceful neighbourhood/ God grace and help concerning our moving house & finances into place for the house& deposit&rent/kids school/ friends for life/ somebody kind to love& sameone who can love with fun &responsibilty towards my boys 2/ peace for Jerusalem/ confidence/ miracle this morning concerning transport to church and food for the kids/ money for the school items and nice new clothes

Tim from the United States

May 19 at 9:25 pm
Please pray for my financial needs. The veterans administration wants to reduce my disability benefits which would put me in danger of homelessness, not to mention i am stressing out in ways that are causing physical sickness, vomiting and astronomically high blood pressure

Curtis Clay from the United States

May 19 at 8:41 pm
Praying that God’s will be done through my music and that my gift would make room for me. Pray that my kids will be saved and delivered from sin. Praying that God will bless me and my wife, that we can BE a Blessing to others. Amen.

Nazareth Fernandes from India

May 19 at 8:39 pm
Financial breakthrough. Healing of my wifes lump in the breast. Healing of my hip joint pain and swelling on my urinary bladder. My cousin Edna healing of marital problems. All our financial debts to be erased.

Charles from the United States

May 19 at 8:35 pm
Abba Father, C L chose: To walk as an overcomer. I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus my Lord!!! No weapon formed against me will prosper. I take the shield of faith and quench every fiery dart of the evil one. I over come evil with good. I walk in great peace because Your Word declares in Psalms 119: v165, "Great peace have CL which love thy law: and nothing shall offend me." C L chose: life, joy, peace, success, and purity Now... C L chose to see!!! myself as The Lord see!!! me- "loved", accepted, gifted, empowered, edified, equipped and I’m Blessed!!! C L praying for the peace of Jerusalem, and I decree I prosper!!! C L bless The Lord Chosen People Israel, and You bless me as You promised Abraham: "I will bless Charles Lewis that bless thee" (Genesis 12: v3).

Charles from the United States

May 19 at 8:33 pm
Abba Father, C L chose: To walk as an overcomer. I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus my Lord!!! No weapon formed against me will prosper. I take the shield of faith and quench every fiery dart of the evil one. I over come evil with good. I walk in great peace because Your Word declares in Psalms 119: v165, "Great peace have CL which love thy law: and nothing shall offend me." C L chose: life, joy, peace, success, and purity Now... C L chose to see!!! myself as The Lord see!!! me- "loved", accepted, gifted, empowered, edified, equipped and I’m Blessed!!! C L praying for the peace of Jerusalem, and I decree I prosper!!! C L bless The Lord Chosen People Israel, and You bless me as You promised Abraham: "I will bless Charles Lewis that bless thee" (Genesis 12: v3).

yamkhoon from India

May 19 at 8:28 pm
I want God's will fulfill in my life. I want to be a channel of blessing to God's chosen people and Jerusalem. I also want to live in Jerusalem to worship him with all my heart. please also pray for my wife and children to receive good health from God. Thanks a lot for your prayer for us. May God bless you.

Faraja from Tanzania

May 19 at 8:26 pm
Mungu baba Wa mbinguni,asante kwa ajili ya Upendo wako katika maisha Yetu.Asante kwa ajili ya Taifa moja moja Dunia maana unayapenda Matifa yote.Kipekee tunaomba kwa ajili ya Taiga la Israel,lilinde lipigania katika changamoto zote wanazopitia.Tunasimamia neno la We Bwana utete nao wanao teta nami,upigane nao wanaopigana nami.Amen

Abraham ballarapu from India

May 19 at 8:25 pm
Please pray that the growth on my tongue will be removed. I am working in Saudi Arabia 21 years Store keeper Dur hospitality company my salary is 1850sr I have 3 girls Sharon yamema glory please pray for our family groth we love Jesus my wife alishamma we are believe Jesus India also government not suprrot chrianity god help to all the world chrianity unity we are waiting for Jesus comming soon Jesus name amen

Crystal Murphy from the United States

May 19 at 8:25 pm
Hello All, I’m asking for prayer right now things are heavy on my heart. I’m a child of God and I’ve been having a hard time on my job people doing evil things to me trying to get me fired you name it’s happening to me. I really do not know why all this is happening.. I’m asking for prayer in every way. I lost my house in 2008 and I’m trying to recover from this I lost everything. I have struggled so long financially but I made it somehow. Thank you

Crystal Murphy from the United States

May 19 at 8:24 pm
Hello All, I’m asking for prayer right now things are heavy on my heart. I’m a child of God and I’ve been having a hard time on my job people doing evil things to me trying to get me fired you name it’s happening to me. I really do not know why all this is happening.. I’m asking for prayer in every way. I lost my house in 2008 and I’m trying to recover from this I lost everything. I have struggled so long financially but I made it somehow. Thank you

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By posting to the FOZ Prayer Wall, you understand and agree that your entered name, selected location, and prayer request will be publicly visible. FOZ is not responsible for any user content posted to the Prayer Wall, but reserves the right to moderate and remove any content for any reason. Furthermore, FOZ reserves the right to block IPs of users who post offensive, abusive, or spam content.

The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.