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naveed pitras from PK

April 18 at 7:37 pm
ameen parry for my offs problems sepasliy my ms dr azam ibhrahem ke zehan uor dil ko apne bhnda naved pitras key liya net and calin aj hi kar de uor mery khalwf jo tem mr ahrsed bhtti mr razwan tareq mr ali raza mr nadem mr zhohab hafaz aweas ran fharman tahear sha shjad uoor sepasliy mr rana rahfeq apney bhnda naveed pitras ki izat ko aj hi bhal kar uor mera khodawnd yaso mashi apna dhna hath bhrakar mojey ajhi in shtani admsey chory gah uor in kaey ghndey mansobey aj hi khtm kary gha ameen and god belss

naveed pitras from PK

April 18 at 7:36 pm
ameen parry for my offs problems sepasliy my ms dr azam ibhrahem ke zehan uor dil ko apne bhnda naved pitras key liya net and calin aj hi kar de uor mery khalwf jo tem mr ahrsed bhtti mr razwan tareq mr ali raza mr nadem mr zhohab hafaz aweas ran fharman tahear sha shjad uoor sepasliy mr rana rahfeq apney bhnda naveed pitras ki izat ko aj hi bhal kar uor mera khodawnd yaso mashi apna dhna hath bhrakar mojey ajhi in shtani admsey chory gah uor in kaey ghndey mansobey aj hi khtm kary gha ameen and god belss

naveed pitras from PK

April 18 at 7:35 pm
ameen parry for my offs problems sepasliy my ms dr azam ibhrahem ke zehan uor dil ko apne bhnda naved pitras key liya net and calin aj hi kar de uor mery khalwf jo tem mr ahrsed bhtti mr razwan tareq mr ali raza mr nadem mr zhohab hafaz aweas ran fharman tahear sha shjad uoor sepasliy mr rana rahfeq apney bhnda naveed pitras ki izat ko aj hi bhal kar uor mera khodawnd yaso mashi apna dhna hath bhrakar mojey ajhi in shtani admsey chory gah uor in kaey ghndey mansobey aj hi khtm kary gha ameen and god belss

naveed pitras from PK

April 18 at 7:34 pm
ameen parry for my offs problems sepasliy my ms dr azam ibhrahem ke zehan uor dil ko apne bhnda naved pitras key liya net and calin aj hi kar de uor mery khalwf jo tem mr ahrsed bhtti mr razwan tareq mr ali raza mr nadem mr zhohab hafaz aweas ran fharman tahear sha shjad uoor sepasliy mr rana rahfeq apney bhnda naveed pitras ki izat ko aj hi bhal kar uor mera khodawnd yaso mashi apna dhna hath bhrakar mojey ajhi in shtani admsey chory gah uor in kaey ghndey mansobey aj hi khtm kary gha ameen and god belss

Annaliza from US

April 18 at 6:49 pm
Keep my husband healthy and everyone in the family.Pls. Help my husband to be successful on he’s project and job hunting. Praying to always protect my son and for him to be successful in life with the guidance from our Lord. Praying that we can visit Israel soon. We’re praying for peace for the whole world and for the people of Israel to be protected and safe at all times. 

Ruth from US

April 18 at 6:07 pm
Eterno Dios de Israel, te doy gracias por tu pueblo santo. Te suplico a ti Dios de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob que cuides y protejas a tu pueblo y tierra santa, líbrales de todo ataque enemigo, ve delante de tu pueblo como Poderoso Gigante y que la luz del Mesias ilumine cada corazón conduciéndolos por el camino de la verdad y tu bendición sea sobre ellos todos los días. Bendito seas Israel, bendito seas pueblo de Dios.

Ellen from US

April 18 at 6:03 pm
Please PRAY that Joe Anna Marie Ellen Madison Sophia (baby) and Barry father.. grows strong physically spiritually mentally and financially-- that GOD will bring all of us together at my home address in Brooksville Florida soon- and Barry will break up with Melissa asap-- Thank you Ellen and for Toby the dog to live forever and be healthy

Jessica pinta from CO

April 18 at 4:10 pm
padre te pido por mi hogar necesito que lo restaures , lo renueves y nos bendigas con tú amor, con tú gracia, tú sabiduria y tú conocimiento.. Sana nuetras heridas para que nos podamos amar y bendice la vida de nuestros hijos cubriendonos con tú preciosa sangre , llevandonos de lo bueno a lo mejor y de lo mejor a lo ecxellente bendice nuestra lacena y hacer cada día más prosperos en todas nuestras areas de nuestra vida . Gracias señor por todo lo que nos brindas bendito seas mi Rey precioso alabado y glorificado seas por siempre . Amen..

Eliza Dc from US

April 18 at 3:35 pm
Please pray for my citizenship. I have two years waiting and nobody knows why inmigration doesn't call me. Please pray for a job. I loose my house and everything and I need a Job urgently. Please pray for my husband. He is in adultery. I need three big miracles in my life.

Jefferson Alcântara from US

April 18 at 2:51 pm
Jesus, em primeiro lugar quero te agradecer por tudo, és o meu Senhor e Salvador, em ti é o meu refúgio, e a ti venho pedir pela cura da minha tia Nadja Taveiros, que foi diagnosticada com câncer no útero, creio no teu poder e amor a cada um de nós, somente a ti devemos graças pelo nosso respirar, eu te amo Senhor, é assim que oro, em nome do Pai, do Filho e do Espírito Santo, amém.

Joseph Bharath Chandu from IN

April 18 at 2:07 pm
Pray for my education, Job, Health and financial problems and relationship with loved one better future to us. Give me good marks in 2nd semister examination and 1st sem backlogs. Give job to my friend mounika and get her back from home to office. Pray for my father's health, financial problems and everything. Pray for my mother's health and wealth. Give them abundant health, wealth and eternal life. Pray for my elder sisters delivery, health and my brother-in-laws business, health and financial problems. Pray for my younger sister education, health and everything. Bless me to get good job in placements and give me bright future. Give me a success in each and everything. Where ever I will go I want to make everyone happy with my work. Give me strength, support to serve nation and the country. Oh my heavenly father. Bless me, my family, friends, colleagues and friends and all the people around the globe. Give them abundant health, wealth and eternal life. PRAISE THE LORD FATHER AMEN 🙌

Joseph Bharath Chandu from US

April 18 at 2:05 pm
Pray for my education, Job, Health and financial problems and relationship with loved one better future to us. Give me good marks in 2nd semister examination and 1st sem backlogs. Give job to my friend mounika and get her back from home to office. Pray for my father's health, financial problems and everything. Pray for my mother's health and wealth. Give them abundant health, wealth and eternal life. Pray for my elder sisters delivery, health and my brother-in-laws business, health and financial problems. Pray for my younger sister education, health and everything. Bless me to get good job in placements and give me bright future. Give me a success in each and everything. Where ever I will go I want to make everyone happy with my work. Give me strength, support to serve nation and the country. Oh my heavenly father. Bless me, my family, friends, colleagues and friends and all the people around the globe. Give them abundant health, wealth and eternal life. PRAISE THE LORD FATHER AMEN 🙌

Chrissie from US

April 18 at 1:30 pm
Lord, I ask for complete healing for my 2 sisters who have been sick w/many illnesses as breast cancer, stroke, MS & vertigo. I’m praying for a complete healing from the top of their heads to the bottom of their toes. In the name of Jesus, by his blood & stripes through Faith, I ask & believe them to be healed. Amen

Yoli from CO

April 18 at 1:06 pm
Padre te pido que Bendigas a Jerusalem con paz, y que tú presencia siempre nos cubra, que mi familia sea sana, y que la prosperidad nos persiga todos los días de nuestra vida.

Valerie from US

April 18 at 11:55 am
Pray for my husband Butch that his interview goes well and gets hired on the call. Also for my son Alejandro’s future and that he gets accepted to the university he applied to. 

Beatriz from US

April 18 at 11:35 am
Dear Lord, help all of us to see what the good choices are! That we may think of a Common Good, that we can see twisted intentions of public speakers, that we may abide under your law.

Steve from US

April 18 at 11:10 am
Pray for the rising tide of anti-semitism to be crushed and for the veil to be lifted from the hearts and eyes of God's covenant people - Israel.

ANIL kumar from IN

April 18 at 11:05 am
Praise the lord pray for me my lord bless you lord Christ in you the hope of glory glory to lord Amazing Healing Anointing Right now Amen 

April from US

April 18 at 11:05 am
Prayer for God to give my pastors family peace, my pastor Saint Dewitt Hill died April 15, 2019. I as for prayer for God’s hedge of protection, blessings, favor, healing, anointing, deliverance, salvation, prosperity, finances for me, my children & grandson. Prayer for protection from my enemies that known & that unknown & that their evil plans & plots & curses be destroyed off od my children & I & returned back to the sender. Prayer for promotion, favor, raises, success for me and my children at our community, church, jobs, schools or anywhere we are may go or be. Prayer for more of God’s wisdom, knowledge, understanding of God’s word, more anointing & more of God’s power to do His will & share His word with others. Prayers to pay off car in full, prayers for a brand-new house, furniture, clothes, new washer, dryer, stove & refrigerator & bedroom sets for all of my children, grandson & I. prayer for my loan to be complete and me to purchase a 4 bedroom & 2 bathroom brick brand-new hou

Cindy John from CA

April 18 at 10:45 am
I ask for all children to be guided to the word and to be in loving hands not to be mistreated and also the for the elderly in Jesus Name Amen

Lorena W from US

April 18 at 10:36 am
Heavenly Father pls protect Angie, Debbie, Manny, Irene, and I, Lorena; pls protect our lives, our finances/careers and health, in the mighty name of Jesus I pray  Amén, thank you 

Manuela from US

April 18 at 10:26 am
Heavenly Father Risen Lord I bring my entire family before you.. Protect them keep them free of any kind of accident. Thank you for dying on the cross for all our sins. Thank you for all your love to me and my family. Thank you for all the many blessings you have bestowed on us. I praise your name Lord Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus Amen

Manuela from US

April 18 at 10:25 am
Heavenly Father Risen Lord I bring my entire family before you.. Protect them keep them free of any kind of accident. Thank you for dying on the cross for all our sins. Thank you for all your love to me and my family. Thank you for all the many blessings you have bestowed on us. I praise your name Lord Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus Amen

Renee from US

April 18 at 10:12 am
Dear Heavenly Father I come to you with a heavy heart. Please Bless those in need in this world. Children and families who are homeless, hungry and need your help. Please move in my personal life in my marriage I try to be a good wife and good person but it seems all I do is never enough. I ask that you please help me do the right thing in your name I pray Amen

Renee from US

April 18 at 10:05 am
Dear Heavenly Father I come to you with a heavy heart. Please Bless those in need in this world. Children and families who are homeless, hungry and need your help. Please move in my personal life in my marriage I try to be a good wife and good person but it seems all I do is never enough. I ask that you please help me do the right thing in your name I pray Amen

Vickie from US

April 18 at 9:58 am
Dear Father in Heaven I pray that you will heal my son's and my stomach problems. Please give me direction for my future job. Thank you so much for all your blessings and as always I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem💝

Patricia from US

April 18 at 9:55 am
Lord send the HS to help us live more righteously. Also please heal my husband's mind from the bondages of fear, we are living in our last chapters on this earth and he is just miserable with his depressing negative thoughts, please heal him Lord so we can enjoy our new retired lives and be able to work for the Kingdom of God instead of fighting depression and fear when he is physically healthy and able to do things others would dream of. In Jesus Name I pray, also for the Hammond house, and the Duron household send ministering spirits, and salvation for Jesse and Tammy please

Valerie from US

April 18 at 9:48 am
Heavenly Father, first I asked that you forgive me for my sins and trespasses. I pray in Jesus Name for strength for my son and your divine protection. I pray that Your Will be done in the United States and I pray that you release every person being held in the border camps designed by Trump. I pray for each and everyone of my friends, family and co-worker that you blessed them as you see fix. I pray that you send every missing person home safe and unharmed. In Jesus Name Amen.


April 18 at 9:39 am
помолитесь пожалуйста за моё исцеление сосудов и за кровь (густая кровь.) СПАСИБО.

Shirley C. latoja from PH

April 18 at 9:09 am
Please pray for my son,Lemuel David Latoja,to find a job that is suitable for him and that he will pass his Me hanical Engineering Board Exam .Pray for my daughter, Graciella Latoja on her studies and on her physical health. That she will be cured of her acid reflux and constant headache.Pray for my youngest daughter,Merciella Latoja, to be in good health. that she will also excel in her studies. Please,pray for my parents to be healthy especially my mother, Floresita CORTADo on her high createnine level.Pray that she will be cured of her kidney disease due to diabetes. Please pray that I may have financial blessings so that l can pay may financial obligations . Pray also for my husband Ricky.Keep hin aware from harm.Bless him Lord. Pray for my brother Randy and sister Cecil that they may have a children of their own. Bless me Lord that I may find the strength to share the word of God. Thatay children find a peace in you.goodnoght Lord.

Joselito from US

April 18 at 8:59 am
LORD GOD FATHER ALMIGHTY YHVH the god of abraham,jacob and israel thank you for the gift of life and the gift of nature our senses and faculties our talents and abilities,i ask thee to bless my business and make it prosper heal me financially,spiritually,physically and mentally i offer to you my enemies those who dont wish me well and try to persecute me especially john montibon novia michelle herrera the owner of britneys,olies and madz im giving them all back to you defend me from their evil attacts in you i trust o lord let me not be disappointed amen

Christopher from US

April 18 at 8:55 am
Pray that God may give me a financial breakthrough miraculously .Also to haste the process on some business deals i have sothat i can be paid all my money....i also need to pay all my debts.....

Toni from US

April 18 at 8:54 am
Prayer for daughter Bethani who has various autoimmune conditions making her pregnancy with baby Lily very challenging.  Prayer that Bethani be healed of all conditions and Lily be born perfectly and that our family be reconciled from all past hurts, hangups, and habits.  That the God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit be the center of our lives and enable us to be lights to the world

Charlie from US

April 18 at 8:53 am
Father, in Yeshua's name please heal and strengthen my mother-in-law that we can care for her upon her release from a health care/therapy center. Please provide a financial miracle resolving medical bills for my entire family. Protect, bless and save Israel, in Yeshua's name, Amen.

Albert from US

April 18 at 8:51 am
God to send me divine helpers Also divine financial breakthroughs and divine health. I'm partially disabled and needs help, pay bills and getting back on my feet to start doing what l was doing before. Finally that l may know God more in everything l do or find myself.

Mary from US

April 18 at 8:48 am
Praying for healing on my husband who has Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Clear the Fibrosis in his lungs. Praying for healing on my dad he has Parkinson’s with Lewy Body Dementia. His body needs healing. My step daughter who is a drug addicted. I’m thanking God for hearing and answering our prayers. Thank you Yahweh! I praise your Holy Name!!!!!

Juan Carlos os Hernández c from US

April 18 at 8:43 am
Amado Dios, damos gracias por cada proceso que pones en nuestros caminos, pues un propósito para nuestras vidas, sabemos que obras tes a nuestras peticiones de salud, glorifica os tu nombre, gracias por que jerónimo es sano en tu nombre poderoso.

Emily from NG

April 18 at 8:37 am
Help me pray for my friend Daniel, that God should show the right way to go and he should be vindicated, also for myself and my friend Rabo, that come march next year our names will be among the graduating list in school. pray for my brother mark, that God should heal him completely, and h will come out in flying colors in all the exams he will write this year. pray for my friend Esther, that her school issues will be settled this year, and for Esther Rabo and I, marital blessings this year and next year. And we should get more jobs in our work. And,financial blessing upon my family, healing upon my mom, an excellent spirit upon my siblings and a good sense to lead the church of Christ upon my dad amen

Francine from US

April 18 at 8:31 am
Dear Heavenly Father i ask that i may find a home of my own,instead if living in some one else's house please dear God in the name of your holy son Jesus name i pray Amen.

Wilson Waquez Jr. from US

April 18 at 8:25 am
Panginoong Jesus kami ay patuloy mong gabayan sa aming buhay,patawarin sa aming mga kasalanan,ilayo mo kami sa lahat ng kapahamakan,magiging magaan po ang aming buhay sa ngalan mo panginoong Jesus,pagalingin mo kami sa aming mga karadaman at naway lagi mo kaming patnubayan sa aming buhay,Tulungan mo kami makaahon sa kahirapan bigyan mo kami ng sapat na lakas sa araw araw upang masiglang harapin namin ang hamon ng buhay,Amen

Laurie from US

April 18 at 8:25 am
Most gracious Lord.  My prayer on this day is for our Nations.  For our United States.  For all the hatred in the world.  For the  Unsettling hatred and the wars that come about that concern many.    May this Holy Week and our Gracious and Blessed Easter Sunday remain in our hearts.   I believe in God the Father. I believe in Jesus Christ.  I believe in the Holy Spirit, and he’s coming back to life.  I BELIEVE!   Amen.  

Jean from US

April 18 at 8:24 am
Peace to Jerusalem city of brothers, children of one Father. I pray so that the soul of my elder brother Charles rest in peace waiting for the resurrection.

lupe from US

April 18 at 8:23 am
i would like to ask for prayer for my son, first last year he fell and broke his collar bone his bone did not heal right and his been having alot of pain it come and goes. then yesterday he went to see a dentist and the dentist took out 2 teeth, he is in alot of pain not sure if a piece of tooth was left in there. please pray that Almighty God will give him total healing in this 2 areas of his body i plead the blood of Christ of him and ask for agreement in prayer thank you and God bless you.

Anitha francis from US

April 18 at 8:21 am
All the glory and honor to my savior Jesus alone. Please pray for divine intervention in all areas of my life and family. In the area of my  job ,business ,health ,wisdom, knowledge  in Jesus name I pray. Amen

Jessica Lopez from US

April 18 at 8:20 am
I asking prayer for complete healing of my father in law and to reunite this family back in Jesus’s name to destroy every evil attempt in this family complete healing of there hearts I ask that my step children will forgive and let go of the past and be a family I ask pray for my husband that his past beforgiven I ask pray for my family for protection for love and to serve god with all here heart amen 

Anitha francis from US

April 18 at 8:18 am
Anitha Francis from Nairobi , kenya Praise the Lord for all the good things and gift of life that he has given us.  Please pray for me to find a new job and for my husband in his business area to improve . We are in need for financial assistance. Please pray for my son to heal completely from vitiligo and for my daughter to have good health. Please pray for us to have wisdom knowledge from above to survive in the difficult times. Thank you

Rosalie from US

April 18 at 8:18 am
For the conversion of Europe back to its Judeo-Christian roots.  For the restoration of America and its roots in European history.  Always prayers for Israel and its people.

dollly from PH

April 18 at 8:13 am
God in the Name of Jesus, I ask you to please grant me, my husband and my household the wisdom, good health and protection in every second of our lives. Please make my husband's job a permanent one. May you continually bless my family with love and unity. Help us to live with love and peace under one faith and one baptism. I also pray for the whole world's peace and I lift up to you my country, the Philippines for honest and peaceful election this coming May. Please intervene and let the good leaders win this coming election. Guide our voters and grant them wisdom to choose the right candidates that truly will serve YOU through the leaders we will elect. Amen.

Eva from US

April 18 at 8:12 am
Lord i come to the in prayer for my son i ask that you touch him lord were he can see what you have in plan for him let him turn to you my lord he is in a dark place now let him see your light and walk with you in your name i pray Amen

Natakie from TT

April 18 at 8:10 am
I pray that God would bless my family with everything their heart desires and I pray God would also my husband and I with children in Jesus name I pray Amen.

Shell from US

April 18 at 8:09 am
Thank you Jesus for my family. Forgive us of our sins. I ask in Jesus name for protection, wisdom, integrity and character for my husband and children. Guide us spiritually in making choices concerning our marriage, parenting,finances and health. Help us to want to seek you daily. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Mary from US

April 18 at 8:08 am
Thank you Lord for my many blessings. Father God I thank you for the blessing of my new home. Lord your are my provider. Thank you Father in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Isaac from EG

April 18 at 8:05 am
Pray for my devoted christian girlfriend to receive from God about my marriage proposal , She has the fear of going outside God's will and i understand her concerns , So stand in agreement with me on her behalf to receive from the Lord about our marriage, pray that the Lord remove all the fear she has and pour his peace and tranquility in her heart, pray that any kind of resistance blocking to receive from the Lord be removed , I cover her mind , thoughts and heart with the blood of Jesus to be protected from all kind of distraction and fear , by the mighty power of the name of Jesus she receives word from God soon , in Jesus mighty name , AMEN

Ruby from US

April 18 at 4:57 am
Please pray for my trip to Philippines,God’s protection for my family here in the US while I’m away and God’s protection while in the Philippines.Pray for Eva.Pray for God’s financial breakthrough,healing&deliverance.

Ruby from US

April 18 at 4:55 am
Please pray for my trip to Philippines,God’s protection for my family here in the US while I’m away and God’s protection while in the Philippines.Pray for Eva.Pray for God’s financial breakthrough,healing&deliverance.

Jammit from US

April 18 at 4:03 am
Please pray that the lord keeps everyone safe and out of harms way. Lord I would like to just say thank you for all that you have done for me and my family 

Deon from US

April 18 at 3:39 am
Heavenly Father, we gather together at Your throne and give You all the praise for You are the only Holy Almighty God, we come into agreement in the wonderful powerful Name of Jesus. Where two or more are gathered there You will surely do, we release any anger bad feelings, resentment or any wrong attitude before You now. We lay it at Your feet and release and forgive those who have wronged u. Father in Jesus name there is no distance in the spirit and I speak love, forgiveness, restoration over Karlie Christine and I in our life today and into Your everlasting eternity in the Name of Jesus, thank You for breaking of the bad things attacks and words of the past and for giving us a bright future with You as our stone. Please calm my Angel and let her love me with Your love and thank you for Your breakthrough in the name of Jesus with Your Holly Spirit please cover the 3 of us under Your blood and protect us from evil Amen. 

Oladipo from NG

April 18 at 3:25 am
Greetings to all. Please I am indebted, due to collapsed business and relocation. Kindly pray for God's interventions for me and my family. Thanks and God bless. Amen.

Shasta from US

April 18 at 3:16 am
Please pray for guidance, for our Lord to open the doors, he wants my family to walk through, where he wants us to live. Thank you, May the blessings of our Lord, follow you always

Shampa from IN

April 18 at 3:00 am
Dear Prayer Team, Please pray for me on my birthday, 21st April, that our Heavenly Father will protect, prosper and keep me in divine health even as He prospers my soul ( Psalm 91, 3 John 2 ) in Jesus' mighty name, Amen.  Please also pray that the LORD will help me to be a Blessing to whoever He wants me to be in Jesus' name, Amen. Praise the LORD! To God be all the glory! Amen and Amen. Bless the LORD!  May God Almighty Bless Israel and her inhabitants with His protection and peace. Thanking you, May God richly Bless you all, With love and regards, Shampa. 

Jilian from IN

April 18 at 2:00 am
Heavenly father forgive all our sins me, daughter, husband. Deliver us from all devil’s chain. Father have mercy-grace on my daughter touch-heal her mind-body-soul completely. Father shower YOUR blessings of success-knowledge-wisdom-good health-joy-peace-happiness-protection on her. No one may harm-hurt her. Help her in study-guide her. Protect her from all evil-illness-infection. Provide all her needs (healthy food). Protect me-my job. No one may harm-hurt me. Heal my mind-body-soul completely. Deliver me from evil-unwanted-uncontrolled thoughts, forgive me-do not leave me, provide me finance, have mercy on me, remove my husband’s stony-bitter-angry heart. DESTROY all evil plans against me & my daughter. Father THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING in Jesus Name I pray Amen

Dheeraj Rani from US

April 18 at 12:46 am
Please pray for my brother Sunil Bhanots marriage and citizenship papers for my son and sister.Good  Health for mother and me. God bless. Regards.🙏

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.