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Patricia from US

May 13 at 10:59 am
Papa God... It's me again, Patricia.... I just want to thank you for my son's healing process... I know that it is You! I see miracles in the photo's and in his mental attitude... I am praying for him as You are aware of everything about him and what his circumstances are... I know it is You... You are the God of the Impossible! I trust in You and Your Divine Will... I pray for his complete recovery so that he is able to help others. Thank you Papa God through Jesus Your Most Beloved Son. Amen

Patricia from US

May 13 at 10:56 am
Papa God, Hi! It's me Patricia, again... I have a friend Carol whose daughter and Son In Law need you so desperately... I fear Monica whom You know because of her situation as it is in desperate need of Your Divine Healing .. Please open her eyes to the truth... She needs the Holy Love of Your Most Divine Heart so that she is able to change her ways towards what truly is happening all around her including respect for people in general. Hear my Prayer O Lord. In Jesus Most Holy Name... I pray... Amen..

Mike from US

May 13 at 9:46 am
I need prayer for my wife whom suffers with sexual addiction. I pray that she gets freed from this soon burden in Jesus name and that she begins to heal and that her mind would be rejuvenated by the power of Holy Spirit.

celina prado from US

May 13 at 9:43 am
Padre Santo te pedimos poe la Paz de Jerusalem, Padre salud tu sabiduria, bendicion fisica espiritual, finanzas el regreso a Miami Fl el traslado del empleo a mi hijo tu bendicion en su matrimonio sus hijitos mi salud nuestra estabilidad y una casa reprendemos al malevolo de nuestras vidas asi como tu pueblo salio de Egipto, sacanos de California, mi prima Luly Senor tu conoces por lo q,edta pasando ayudala protegela mira sus hijos sobre todo el varon.te pido por el primer ministro israeli por ESTADOS UNIDOS y mi pais Cuba que sea una nacion libre del comunismo, gracias Senor ,Amen y Amen

Ricky from SG

May 13 at 9:41 am
Please pray that God will help me to successfully retain and secure my job contract , after my job contract expire on this coming June. Please pray for God' favor and also favor of my bosses and the management people that they will help me to retain and secure my job contract. Thank you for all your prayers and may God bless you richly always . 💖👍🕎✝️✡👏🙏🙏🙏

Bassey from NG

May 13 at 9:36 am
Lord please grant my son the spirit of excellence, retentive memory, divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding in his academics. Grant him favour, good health and long life. 2) Divine healing for my husband, long life and open doors 3) Divine healing, long life, favour on my job and open doors for me. All I ask in Jesus name. Amen.

Jewell from US

May 13 at 9:34 am
Dianne has an aneurysm in her abdomen. Critical surgery today. Please pray for successful surgery and healing. Pray for the safety of Isreal as Psalms 122 we pray.

Hope from US

May 13 at 9:29 am
I pray and ask the Lord God of Israel to fight for me the battle going on in my life. I pray for direction concerning school . I pray for peace. Joy and restoration in my life. Guidance in all I do. Amen

Christine from US

May 13 at 9:27 am
My husband is having heart bypass surgery and I just pray that the Lord will put his loving arms around him that he will come through the surgery good and will have a fast recovery. Just be with the doctors guide them that they will be able to get all the blockage.

Sandra from ZA

May 13 at 9:21 am
Dear Lord. I pray for peace in Jerusalem. I pray for the leaders and service workers and doctors of our countries. I pray that you will bless my family and friends. I also pray dear Lord that You will bless me with the job that is best for me. I pray that it will be close to home with a good salary and loveable people that also loves You Lord. I thank You for everything we have and everything You bless us with. Lord, I pray for the forgiveness of our sins and I thank You for Jesus and what He has done for us on the cross. Thank You Lord for breakthrough on ALL levels of me and my family's lives. We praise You're Holy Name Lord. Thank you for loving us unconditionally. We love You Lord and bless Your Holy Name. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. We believe and receive all the good things You have in store for us. Amen and amen!

Elijane from BR

May 13 at 8:59 am
Senhor peço misericórdia de mim e para meu esposo com saúde prosperidade venha ser um grande pastor segundo o coração de Deus e cada dia mais na presença do senhor Jesus peço oração pela alecsandra seroiska Ana Paula seroiska alini Teixeira elas sejam missionária no Reino de Jesus o que Deus te abençoe sempre eu senhor q quero saber a sua vontade faser o melhor para ti

Alice from US

May 13 at 8:52 am
My daughter Denise Burnette is on drugs. She has no contact with us. She needs the Lord to heal her from this addiction. My granddaughter Jobi Hill has been in my life for 15 years her dad made her move with him. She is not allowed to have any contact with me at all

Marcelli Francini from BR

May 13 at 8:51 am
Saúde do meu pai e minha mãe ; Que Jesus seja presente no coração e casamento dos meus pais sempre! Que Jesus cuide da saúde e salvação da minha vó . Salvação e saúde das famílias do meu pai e mãe; Que eu case com um homem que vou amar e tenha filhos ou filhas com ele. Quero ser aprovada no curso que Deus tem para mim,de forma limpa e quando terminar quero ser bem sucedida na profissão da qual peço a ajuda de Deus para escolher. Quero ir bem no Enem e tirar nota alta na redação e nas demais matérias,não errar na hora de escolher o curso Um dia quero ter dois empregos e ainda sim conseguir cuidar de todas as áreas da minha vida,família etc

Barb from US

May 13 at 8:49 am
Praying for strength for Israel and the USA as the year proceeds. Darkness from our enemies is at the door, pray I may be a light in the darkness and my Creator and Savior might be proclaimed freely! He is love and wants the world (all nations) to know Him, if denied the ricks will shout if His glory! Peace will only come when we bow to Him! 

Luz from PH

May 13 at 8:46 am
Healing to those people are sicked protection and guidance to my children . House and Lot for us also to be use in fellowship and bible study . To have husband together to serve God. I m grateful for all what youve done for me .

Hope from UG

May 13 at 8:44 am
I am asking God to close this police case on me and my husband to be dismissed and closed before the 21st of May. We also need a financial break through for school fees who are going back to school on Saturday

Terry from US

May 13 at 8:40 am
My sister and husband are losing their home. They both lost their jobs and she recently found one. He has not yet and is very depressed. Please pray as God would want you to!  God Bless Israel!!!!

Vickie from US

May 13 at 8:38 am
Dear Jesus thank you so much for all our blessings! Please forgive all mankind and save souls. Praise to you dear Father for hearing our prayers and out of your abundance answering. Bless all hurting hungry lost abused suffering souls. May you make yourself real to all Atheists! Abolish abortion heal corrupt governments. May all Christians feel the need to pray for this world. Bless President Trump and see to it that he may be in office 2020! And as always I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! 💝

Deardra Walker from US

May 13 at 8:37 am
Bless my family, my children, husband and me, we need to hear you when you speak to us! My children are special hand picked by you they are adopted four please let us hear you! My children have lost their faith and are not living as they should. Bless my husband we are exhausted trying to help them we are getting old and tired. Give us the strength to endure this storm, break any curses put on my family, cover us with the blood of Jesus shield us with your armor! We are humble people we are asking for healing in our spirit, financial and business life. We need you Lord! Please help the people who are discriminated against daily, the homeless, sick, poor grieving and the children who are abducted and harmed sexually let them be set free from their captors let them be safe and free again. Please Lord cure cancer and drug addiction people let them value life again. These things I ask in the name of The Father, Thea Son and The Holy Ghost/Spirit

Terry from US

May 13 at 8:36 am
I want my husband healthy. He is trying to lose weight, getting off his medication for diabetes and staying healthy. He needs to leave the carbs alone. He is trying really hard but struggles!  May God Bless Israel!

Debi from US

May 13 at 8:35 am
I had an accident 7 mos. ago. I broke my femur & knee. I’m learning how to walk again. It’s taking a long time. Please pray for me. A healing is needed in God’s name amen

Nancy from US

May 13 at 8:29 am
Believing for a miracle in a personal relationship, mountain moved and chains broken. I believe it is here. Successful SYC hunt and good weather this weekend.

Hoony from MY

May 13 at 8:26 am
Lord raised us up (the bulied minority& non Christian, in malaysia. Way above the melayu Muslims. Lord make us the leader, never again their tail, Lord, we cursed the goverme ntal policies to raise the melayu up. Amen

Blaine from US

May 13 at 8:25 am
Lord, I ask you in the name of Jesus to please watch over us and to guide our president in these difficult times. Please help us to have world peace.

Dee Dee Dais-Walker from US

May 13 at 8:20 am
Dear Lord bless my family my children have lost their way and faith. Bless our business so that we might be stronger as a family financially, spiritually! Bless my husband and me! We need you right now father! In Jesus name we pray! Amen! Bless the sick, homeless, poor, orphans, old and grieving families! Thank you Lord Jehovah, Amen! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Maureen from US

May 13 at 8:18 am
Glory to the One True Living God. Thank you for being our Father and for your Son. I pray and received in faith your peace, joy, wisdom, guidance, victories, harmony, healing from the inside and out, love and understanding in my household and family; and your is identity, healing and your love on Jason S Watson; bless my children and grant your mercy and peace, let your face shine upon them and be gracious unto them, healing and protection all the days of their lives. Guide them and I received on their behalf everything that you have stored for them. All these I received in faith in Jesus’ name, amen!

Wylene from US

May 13 at 8:15 am
Pray for the  United States of America . Pray for son’a and wife salvation also daughter and husband and there son salvation 

Carol from KE

May 13 at 8:14 am
Please pray for me I need money to pay for my new house. I also badly and urgently need a job. My son is also sitting his final high school exams and I need a miracle for him to do well. I also need a transfer for my husband to the city so that we can be all together as a family. I need God's intervention urgently. My heart is sooo weary.....I need a miracle.

Emmanuel Kugbadzor from GH

May 13 at 8:14 am
Oh God I thank you today, for how far you have brought me and the family(my wife and two kids) we are grateful, Father let our travel to Canada for work and good education for the Children be answered in Jesus name. Oh LORD provide us with the USD 10,000 for us to start the process now, in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you for answering me Oh LORD.

marilynn crittenden from US

May 13 at 8:13 am
Please pray for my 45 yr. old child that needs protection from evil people that would never allow any agenda other than their own in my child's life. Pray please for my child to become self sufficient and also pray for health which is weakened and pray that HaShem put people in my child's path that love HaShem and will help my child as my child seeks all that this mother's pray has pleaded here today. HaShem bless all Israel. I pray for Israel regularly.

Akeila from TT

May 13 at 8:13 am
Oh Dear Father , please forgive me for my sins. Have mercy on my family , friends and I.  Thank you for your blessings , in Jesus Name, Amen

Antoinette Afua Yeboah from GH

May 13 at 8:08 am
I thank God for my life and my families. Father I pray for favor, financial breakthrough, I commit my exams and I seek for travelling Mercy.

Lover of Jesus Christ from TW

May 13 at 3:51 am
Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, I thank You all for the abundance and guide me how to run my new business (atomy), and teach me how to pray to You. Amen. Mark 4:30 Then He said, “To what shall we liken the kingdom of God? Or with what parable shall we picture it? 31 It is like a mustard seed which, when it is sown on the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on earth; 32 but when it is sown, it grows up and becomes greater than all herbs, and shoots out large branches, so that the birds of the air may nest under its shade.”

naveed pitras from PK

May 12 at 9:17 pm
Ameen parry for my fhmliy and my homs saepsliy my jobs and my pastor saheed gill stomhc porablams god belss amen my job offs porablams saepsliy parenspal viizat g.s.b.t.h my room no abgkshn and all chaleyar ameen and god belss

Darlene Pelico from US

May 12 at 7:25 pm
My marriage to Bartolo Pelico he got drunk and went with a woman and the woman is traping him with a baby thats not his and he feels as if he must stay with her he stays drunk and keeps telling me he will love me forever and not to divorce him. He nos it is not his baby but people are forcing him with her. Hes in Guatemala and i am his legal wife in America. Only God can handle this. I cry out and stay in prayer that this will go away. Im 6 months away from having his green card and visa and do not no what to do about this woman forcing herself in my husbands life and traping him in a relationship he is not happy in.

Robert from US

May 12 at 5:47 pm
I am in need of deliverance in a number of areas. I struggle with severe depression, I also have been struggling with addiction . I was clean for nearly 3 years and these last 2 months I have used 4 times. I also have been battling in my sleep with demonic attacks, I always have been able to call out the name of Yeshua(Jesus) but they seem to be coming more intense there are always 5 to 6 what look people but 2 nights ago I I woke in fear and was certain they were demons and I no longer fellowship of can read my Bible or pray there is a resistance in me and I always loved praying and studying the word.

Mary from US

May 12 at 3:17 pm
Lord, please keep America safe from all the evil trying to take control of her. Please, keep President Trump and his family safe and healthy. I pray for those all around the world suffering from, disease, depression, hunger, etc. I ask, that you keep my family and loved ones on the path that you paved for them. Amen

Kathleen from US

May 12 at 2:50 pm
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Prays for Complete Healing in my Body, All Pain to go away in my Legs, to be able to Walk without Problem and worries of Falling Down!!. Also Prayers for Karri who is Suffering from Post Pardom Depression, Anxiety, Worries!! Than you My Brothers & Sisters in the Lord!! God Bless You All!

Kim from US

May 12 at 2:15 pm
Pray please Mother healing, heart, blood pressure, eating, the leg was broken recovery home things while there; also special request. Son deliverance ant Spirits us and family

Shanthi Daniel Singh from US

May 12 at 11:38 am
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. - SDS.

Sheila Rebecca Singh. from US

May 12 at 11:17 am
Dear Jesus, we approach your throne on behalf of the mothers whom you have entrusted with the care of your most precious little ones. We thank you for creating each mom with a unique combination of gifts and talents. We thank you for the sacrifice of self each mom gives for her children. For the late nights spent rocking a colicky infant. For the hands calloused from washing, wiping, scrubbing, mixing, backing, stirring, hugging, patting, disciplining, holding, writing, erasing, painting, and pouring.Most of all, Lord, on this day in which we honor mothers, may we love and cherish the special women who have born us, who have nurtured us, and who have prayed for our well-being. May our hearts overflow with gratitude to you. Amen & Amen. - SRS.

Kaone from CN

May 12 at 10:29 am
Glory be to God My name is Kaone from Botswana currently based in China for school reason and looking out for lot more opportunities here. I want to ask for your prayers in my health,am not well for the past 5days I have pain in my left rib and it makes me to have shortness of breath. I can’t sleep with my left side at all as I will be feeling like my breath is leaving my body. I also ask prayers in my spiritual growth, I want a strong relationship with God , I want to know God more . Lastly I’m asking for your prayers in getting a full scholarship and a stable business to make a living 🙏🏻


May 12 at 10:27 am
Please pray for my Nephew Brian and Niece Patti and her husband Michael and my grand- nieces Sadie, Cecilia, and Isabella,and for not related extended family Lisa and David to get saved. Please pray for forgiveness and healing of relationships within our family and that the enemy (the Devil) and his helpers will be cast away and not allowed to stop this. Pray for Patti to be healed of past hurts. Pray that I will be able to get out of debt and be healed and know and do the Lord's will. Brian also needs deliverance from drug addiction.

James from US

May 12 at 9:39 am
Pray God gives me a wife this year. Pray God brings her to me and have her reach out to me. Pray God puts love in the right woman heart for me and we get married this year....

naveed pitras from PK

May 12 at 7:49 am
ameen parry for may fhmliy and sepasliy my job all staf mr dr azeam ibrheam ms mr arshad bhtti mr razwan tareq mr ali raza mr nadeem mr zoheab mr shaeed mr rased qareshi mr rana fhar man mr rana khlil mr uosman jeli nab aplicasan mr yasera mr sahed mr hafaz awas mr waqas mozel mr zahed salem bhjwa uoamr dar uosman dar mr ameer dar mr shobhan mr ajmal bhtt mr jomel ainshre aj mera khodwnd yaso mashi in ke dil uor zehan ko pak uor saf kary gha uoor shtan ke ghndege ko aj hi pak roo ke wasela se pak kaery gha uoor aj hi ko apney bhnda naveed pitras ko in sey rahi de gha ameen and god belss aj hi mera yaso mashi mr sahad mhemod uoor arshal btt ke bhi ka hamesa ke leya in ka zehan uor in ka moh hamesa ke ley pak rooh ki kodorat sey bhnd kar dey ha ameen and god belss uoor mera khodawnd yaso mahshi apna deyn hath bhara kar amer malk soparwazar ko g.s.b.t.h se hamesha ke ley door kardey oor razwan tareq ko uoor arsheed bhtti ko g.s.b.t.h sey uoor secoti uor ghnitoral dorkrd

naveed pitras from PK

May 12 at 7:42 am
ameen parry for my ms g.s.b.t.h dr azeam ibrahem key zehan ko mera khodawnd yaso mashi aj hi apna dhnea hath bhrakar apney bhnda naveed pitras ke leya pak uor shf kary gha uor aynda ke leya hamesa saf rahe gha ameen parry for mr rana khlil ke shkarghozari mery khodwnda yasho mashi ke ho ameen and god belss uoor uosman jo admei jo rana khlil bhta rha tha mer khodwnd yas mashi apna dhna hath bhrakar apney bhnd naveed pitras ko apney shlebhi laho ke bhar lagakar apni hafazat me rakhe gha uoor shtan ko pak rho ke agh me jhla dey gha ameen and god belss amen aj mera pak khodawnd yaso mashi apney bhnda navee pitras ko whi iezat de gha jo yaqob kakodwnd hae arshed bhtti razwan taher sha shjed shhed arseal bhtt anjuom shkeel ke zoban uo zehan aj hi pak yaso bhnd kar dey gha uoor apna dehna hath bhra kar mojey bhcy gha amen god belss ameen pera khodwnd yaso mashi aj hi apney bndha naveedpitras ko shtan ke chnghal sey bhchy gha ameen god belss

naveed pitras from PK

May 12 at 7:37 am
ameenparry for my family and job sapasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems god bless my problems hi fiver god bless my son shakeel aqeel karim musa daud abnir soleman beto jomela my homs my shops all my jobs G. S.B.T.H AND T.M.A AND S.S.H. H.G.S. ALL staff my porenspal .KMSMC YASAR SAHEED SAFER DR AZEAM ALI RAZA RAZWAN ARSHED SAHED RASHED ALSHEL BHTT RANA KHLIL RANA MAHDASER GOD BELSS AMEEN GENTORYAL SOPARWAZR AMEER MALIK KO MERA KHODAWND YASUO MASHI AJ HI G.S.B.T.H SEY BHADLEY GOA AMEEN UOOR CH AZHAR CH NAVEED UOR MALIK FHZAN KO APNEY BHND NAVEED PITRAS KE LEY PAK UOR SHF KARY

naveed pitras from PK

May 12 at 7:35 am
ameen parry for my son shkeel anjom and aqeel anju m ko khodawnd uaso mashi sofena habib somena habebib smron nasir sey aj sey hi jan charwey ga god belss amen ameen parry for my family and job sepasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems and sepasliy pti palti all warkar ch.ahklaq mpa ch ialyas sh mhosen uomar dar usoman dar amer dar uosman pa ajmal bhtt key zehan uoor zobaz khodawnd yasuo mashi hamesa key leya bhnd uor shf kar dey amen god bless my offs and my son offs tma offs all staf s.s h all staf h.g .s all staf g.s.b.t.h all staf dr shokat dr shzad sh uosma sh ased m dalwar all sialkot meydeya ke zobhan bndi ho jey god belss

Abii from NG

May 12 at 7:25 am
I pray for Nigeria, asking God to shield all Christians from oppression & persecution. That the Islamic agenda for Nigeria fail. God should hear the cries of innocent blood shed & send HIS judgement now to our land. Spirit of God brood over our Nation, let the fear of God be in all hearts Praying for angels to take charge & protect all Gods children worldwide. Pray for me, that God give me total victory over my' troubler '. Amen

Gloria Jean from US

May 12 at 6:24 am
Blessed Father and Almighty God my request is protection for all the Saints in all the world and especially the ones in Israel. Thank you for grace and all your promises. Blessings to the Mothers today. This world is so beautiful blessed by each one crown them with honor and grant them joy and strength with the anointing that breaks chains, heals sick, cast demons in Jesus name and I pray in Jesus name today, be glorified Father thank you for You are good and faithful to supply more abundantly all these and even so more than I can ever imagine or ask, Luke 9:1, Luke 4:18-19, Proverbs 31:10, Isaiah 61 And goodwill to all men on earth. Amen.

Rohit Sapkota from NP

May 12 at 6:20 am
Please pray for me to get new job. Still I do not have job. I am jobless. and I have financial problem which is very critical. So I need strong pray.

stephen from NZ

May 12 at 5:33 am
Prayer for the nation of New Zealand, change of mindsets and repentance through out the land from the young to the old. From politicans government yo local council.

Lome from WS

May 12 at 4:34 am
Lord I pray for my familys health both physically and mentally our country and I pray for Israel. Please I uplift to you my life and all struggles I face I trust in You Jesus. Thank You Lord Amen


May 12 at 1:22 am
Dear Lord please make me a mother in this month of May. Just as you touched the womb d Hannah please touch my touch in such manner and make me to laugh.

GJR from US

May 11 at 10:31 pm
Jehovah Jireh Send financial Blessings benefits breakthroughs from the 4 winds to all your faithful children and servants in Jesus name today and thank you for greater things yet to come it is all for Your eternal glory Shalom amen. I believe, I ask, by faith I receive

Gloria from US

May 11 at 9:43 pm
Dear Father and Lord of heaven and earth Jehovah here is where I meet you tonight. Thank You for our leaders who are diligently working to lead us to the path of peace and prosperity for a future that is safe, may the next generation of Christians be bold, mighty, wiser, and have hearts that seek your face and the kingdom of heaven in Jesus name. Thank you and forever and ever be glorified also my petitions are for those who are persecuted and scolded for their faith, the blood of Jesus set them free in Jesus name. Amen.

Sasha from US

May 11 at 9:23 pm
Our Father who art in heaven, It is written in John 15:7-8 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. I wish you will bless me with a godly spouse who will, love, accept, cherish and respect me in the name of Jesus. Amen

Alfred from KE

May 11 at 7:46 pm
I pray for my sister Ann to get healed of severe headache. May her blood be healed in Jesus name. May God sanctify us as a family in the blood of Jesus.

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.