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naveed pitras from PK

May 31 at 10:03 am
ameenparry for my family and job sapasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems god bless my problems hi fiver god bless my son shakeel aqeel karim musa daud abnir soleman beto jomela my homs my shops all my jobs G. S.B.T.H AND T.M.A AND S.S.H. H.G.S. ALL staff my porenspal .KMSMC YASAR SAHEED SAFER DR AZEAM ALI RAZA RAZWAN ARSHED SAHED RASHED ALSHEL BHTT RANA KHLIL RANA MAHDASER GOD BELSS AMEEN GENTORYAL SOPARWAZR AMEER MALIK KO MERA KHODAWND YASUO MASHI AJ HI G.S.B.T.H SEY BHADLEY GOA AMEEN UOOR CH AZHAR CH NAVEED UOR MALIK FHZAN KO APNEY BHND NAVEED PITRAS KE LEY PAK UOR SHF KARY ameen parry for my fhmliy and jobs saepasliy pastor sahid gill stmehc porablams god belss my offs porablams mr razwan tareq mr arshed bhtti and me ther saha ali raza mr nadeem mr zoheab mosthc ke zehan ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi aj hi in ke dil ko pak saf kaer gha amee god belss me naveed mr ch azhar key zehan ko pak shaf kary mr ameer malki ke deyti g.s.b.t.h se tabdel

Augusto from PE

May 31 at 9:57 am
Amado padre Creador Eterno te ruego que me sanes a mi y a Dora del vih, de la diabetis, de la artritis y de todas las enfermedades fisicas y espirituales que tenemos te lo pedimos en el nombre de tu hijo Yehshuah Amen.

naveed pitras from PK

May 31 at 9:56 am
ameen parry for my jobs saepasliy apney bhnda naveed pitras ko shtani adme ki ghnde shoch se bhcha leya hea uor mey gohnaho ko maf kar deya hea meyr pak khodwnd yaso mashi mojey maf kar uor meri izet ko uosi thara bhal rkhna uor mjey apni pak rho par lekar chlna ameen GOD BELSS

naveed pitras from PK

May 31 at 9:52 am
ameen parry for my son shkeel anjom and aqeel anju m ko khodawnd uaso mashi sofena habib somena habebib smron nasir sey aj sey hi jan charwey ga god belss amen ameen parry for my family and job sepasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems and sepasliy pti palti all warkar ch.ahklaq mpa ch ialyas sh mhosen uomar dar usoman dar amer dar uosman pa ajmal bhtt key zehan uoor zobaz khodawnd yasuo mashi hamesa key leya bhn for my family and job sapasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems god bless my problems hi fiver god bless my son shakeel aqeel karim musa daud abnir soleman beto jomela my homs my shops all my jobs G. S.B.T.H AND T.M.A AND S.S.H. H.G.S. ALL staff my porenspal .KMSMC YASAR SAHEED SAFER DR AZEAM ALI RAZA RAZWAN ARSHED SAHED RASHED ALSHEL BHTT RANA KHLIL RANA MAHDASER GOD BELSS AMEEN GENTORYAL SOPARWAZR AMEER MALIK KO MERA KHODAWND YASUO MASHI AJ HI G.S.B.T.H SEY BHADLEY GOA AMEEN UOOR CH AZHAR CH NAVEED UOR MALIK FHZAN KO APNEY BHND NAVEED PITRAS KE LEY PAK UOR SHF KA

naveed pitras from PK

May 31 at 9:52 am
ameenparry for my family and job sapasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems god bless my problems hi fiver god bless my son shakeel aqeel karim musa daud abnir soleman beto jomela my homs my shops all my jobs G. S.B.T.H AND T.M.A AND S.S.H. H.G.S. ALL staff my porenspal .KMSMC YASAR SAHEED SAFER DR AZEAM ALI RAZA RAZWAN ARSHED SAHED RASHED ALSHEL BHTT RANA KHLIL RANA MAHDASER GOD BELSS AMEEN GENTORYAL SOPARWAZR AMEER MALIK KO MERA KHODAWND YASUO MASHI AJ HI G.S.B.T.H SEY BHADLEY GOA AMEEN UOOR CH AZHAR CH NAVEED UOR MALIK FHZAN KO APNEY BHND NAVEED PITRAS KE LEY PAK UOR SHF KARY

Cindy from US

May 31 at 9:09 am
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. " Psalm 91:1 We are asking the LORD for 200 acres of land. And that He may restore 7-fold what the enemy has stolen from us. Thank you for your prayers! Peace to Jerusalem🙏

Reba from US

May 31 at 8:42 am
I pray that the Lord will save All my friend's and my family, for all of us to have great health, and bless the ministry He had placed me in that I do everything according to His will to the fullest. Lord please remember Jerusalem and Israel, keep them safe. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Jody from US

May 31 at 8:42 am
Thank You, Lord for Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Your many blessings and for my family. Thank You, Jesus for loving us so much and bearing all of our sins upon the cross and for forgiving me for all of my sins. I ask You to take away Satan's curse of addiction in my family and for everyone affected with this dreaded disease. I ask for healing for those with mental illness, cancer, and all other diseases. I ask for my family's salvation. I love you!!! In Jesus name, Amen

James & Sabrina from US

May 31 at 8:34 am
Please Pray for our Family as a whole to give them all Good health and financial means to complete their time on this earth, Please Keep our earth Healthy for time to come for our grandchildren's future. Please heal the ill ones .Our hope and prayer is that Israel might be saved.

Lynn from US

May 31 at 8:22 am
Pray  for a healing miracle in my body and that God will bless my family with a new home a permanent home and for financial breakthrough in our business. I also pray that our children are blessed with the correct spouses and not counterfeit spouses. I also pray that it all generational curses are removed off of my family and That’s all evil is removed. In Jesus name

Melvin from SL

May 31 at 8:18 am
I pray that God grant me wisdom and innovative ideas to help combat the challenges my country is facing and to help improve the lives of the poor and marginalized. Above all, refer all to Christ our Lord and Savior; that we may be made worthy on HIS return.

Lisa from US

May 31 at 8:15 am
Pray for my son who has fallen back into drugs.  Also his children you I have that they will know joy unspeakable and experience a peace which surpasses all understanding.  They are 2 and 4 and experiencing difficulties due to being abandoned by their parents.  

Patricia from US

May 31 at 8:15 am
Please pray for my daughter Christina that she ends up in the right  relationship and her financial and family . Also Pray for my daughter Kelly that the situation with her husband if she should leave or not direct her in the right direction. Pray for me and my place to live direct me in the right direction. Also pray for my daughter Tiffany and family.  Thank you God

Benjie from PH

May 31 at 8:14 am
Please pray for goodhealth, miracle blessinhs, favor from God for our business, divine protection and our go yee Israel this coming sept.29,2019 my family. And the fullfilment of what has promise to us. Thank you.Godbless. His name will be glorified forever.

Esther from KE

May 31 at 8:09 am
Pray for peace in Jerusalem, peace in my country Kenya, praying for career & business breakthrough, finacial restoration & pay off all debts,marital settlement with divine speed with ease.

Victoria from NG

May 31 at 7:29 am
oh lord GOD of Israel disgrace the enemies of Israel and the enemies of Nigeria, and wipe them out of the earth as the dew disappear from the presence sunlight and let there be peace throughout the world. Lord help bless me to be a blessing to others. promote me also in my place of work in JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN

Angela from US

May 31 at 7:17 am
Rent provision for June 7 and 8. All expenses paid in full with much left over. The remaining balance on my hat to be paid in full. New merle norman make up. Primal life Organics entire line. Supernatural favor and wisdom and knowledge and understanding. To see the unseen and unheard. In Jesus Name. Power and fire of the Holy spirit. In Jesus Name Amen

Nataki from US

May 31 at 4:30 am
Pray for healing and deliverance for lLori pass hurts and unforgiving her sister Alzheimer’s is also in need off healing to whole family needs healing in Jesus Christ name


May 30 at 11:37 pm
Please pray that i die soon ,i mean in few days,iam 18 now and raised by my single mom,i have recently confessed to my mom that i am a porn addict,but the truth is i never touched a girl,and iam a virgin,right from my birth my mother has been a dictator imposing her strict rules on us,but never let us do thing on our freewill,and now she heavily humiliates me in our house that too Infront my own sister which i cant bear,she has that village slang which contains serious curse words in our language but never stops to use them against us even if she reckons that she loves us no matter what,i have suffered a lot in this world without of interference,i guess iam over the limit now,i love to die now,all these years that i ve worked for is to take care of my mother and sister but if they dont understand me ,why would i want to live,she is threatening me that she ll send me back to my father who is a drunkard and a chainsmoker,i wish i was dead by that time, please pray that i die in a day,plz

Glenny Veras from DO

May 30 at 9:10 pm
Papito Dios les bendiga ruego a Dios por mi hijo Isaac para que Dios me lo ayude a conseguir una beca universitaria que está en proceso y lo ayude a elegir la carrera que tú quieres que él estudie pero sobre todo ayudale a guardar tus mandamientos y ser temeroso de ti llénalo de tu gracia y bendiciones protégelo siempre que un Ángel tuyo me mo acompañe siempre en él nombre de Jesucristo amén.

Glenny Veras from DO

May 30 at 8:56 pm
Papito Dios les bendiga pido la oración por mi nombramiento en la universidad Autónoma de santo Domingo que está en proceso para que Dios me ayude a que se haga realidad en él nombre de Jesucristo amén.

Saved by Grace from EG

May 29 at 9:10 am
Pray for me and the Girl i want to marry that God get us closer together in harmony by the Holy Spirit always , and God give us grace and favor to fulfill our marriage without any hindrances , She has a problem with expressing her feelings , i want her to express her feelings to me like i do with her , Pray that she express her feelings to me without fear or concerns , Pray That God open our hearts with deep Holy Love , In Jesus Mighty name

naveed pitras from US

May 28 at 9:51 pm
ameenparry for my family and job sapasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems god bless my problems hi fiver god bless my son shakeel aqeel karim musa daud abnir soleman beto jomela my homs my shops all my jobs G. S.B.T.H AND T.M.A AND S.S.H. H.G.S. ALL staff my porenspal .KMSMC YASAR SAHEED SAFER DR AZEAM ALI RAZA RAZWAN ARSHED SAHED RASHED ALSHEL BHTT RANA KHLIL RANA MAHDASER GOD BELSS AMEEN GENTORYAL SOPARWAZR AMEER MALIK KO MERA KHODAWND YASUO MASHI AJ HI G.S.B.T.H SEY BHADLEY GOA AMEEN UOOR CH AZHAR CH NAVEED UOR MALIK FHZAN KO APNEY BHND NAVEED PITRAS KE LEY PAK UOR SHF KARY

Rob from US

May 28 at 5:59 pm
Please pray my anxiety and depression issues. Please also pray for full fi ancial restoration and provision. Pleaee also pray about a relative who moved in last summer who has mentioned moving back out again. Pleaee pray that he finds a place very soon.

Henry from ZA

May 28 at 10:27 am
In the mighty name of JESUS, pray for my finances to be released by the Road Accident Fund. It's now seven long years of waiting in vain. Pray also for my son Xavier for his employment breakthrough in JESUS' mighty name. AMEN.

Lallie segui from CI

May 28 at 10:11 am
Bonsoir père céleste toi qui voit et sait tout, aujourd'hui encore je viens solliciter ta présence dans ma vie, Surtout père guerrier moi totalement du sida qui me ravage guerrit moi guérit moi guérit moi au nom de Jésus. Je veux aussi que tu souvienne de ma mère, de ma fille kenania, de marie Cécile éloigné la de toute sorte de maladie, et de Didier Comme tu l'a dit ,le ciel est ouvert pour moi en vue de m'apporter la vie en abondance je compte sur toi Jésus.

FEBA from IN

May 28 at 10:01 am
Firstly I need a breakthrough in my current job.i am very disappointed with my current job as I have no proper sleep during nights,always being tensed about it.please pray as God should deliver me.Also Thursday I have a interview in other company let God’s will be done and I should be able to do it well.please pray.

Augusto from PE

May 28 at 10:01 am
Amado padre te ruego saname del vih de la artritis y de la gastritis lo mismo te pido por Dora para que la sanes de todas sus enfermedades y porsupuesto cura la cadera de la sra Dorita Amen.

Lifsha from US

May 28 at 9:53 am
May your abundant mercies be around Hashem to protect my son and his family in Israel and provide them with parnossa tov . To my married children shalom bayit , parnossa tov and healthy children.  To my unmarried children , good shidduchim , parnossa tov , success in studies .  For my son Aryeh Yaacov Noach a Chaim Tovim , long life in good health . For Lifsha bas Toby , siyata d’shmaya for making proper major life decisions , b’soros tovos , long healthy life , parnossa tov and the privilege of making Aliya .  

Pamela from US

May 28 at 9:23 am
Please Lord I'm asking for healing of my cousin Theresa , also in United States, who is down with a heart attack, she needs your help in healing and waking up for her Mum and family. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

Willie from US

May 28 at 9:19 am
Please pray for me grandson his name is Rodney he is 18 years old and he has gotten in with the wrong people and he is in trouble after trouble for 3years not please pray for him and his situation he is in trouble right now please pray for him thank you 

John from US

May 28 at 9:18 am
I ask that God the father would grant me repentance and guide me to the path of righteousness and deliver my brothers and sister out of addiction. In Jesus name. Amen

Glenny Veras from DO

May 28 at 9:06 am
Dios les bendiga doy gracias a Dios porque mi hijo Isaac pasó a la primera fase de aprobación de la beca universitaria pido la oración para que todo los departamentos por donde pase sea aprobada dicha beca y mi hijo sea agradecido de Dios guardando sus mandamientos en el nombre de Jesucristo amén.

Glenny Veras from DO

May 28 at 8:57 am
Papito Dios les bendiga ruego a Dios por mi nombramiento en la universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo que está en proceso para que Dios me ayude a que se haga realidad en el nombre de Jesucristo amén.

Neal from US

May 28 at 8:57 am
father America is in need of your hand our disobedience is great yet there are many that has built their lives on your word firmly stationed on stone. Father America is like Sodom and Gomorrah many strive after evil and many hope for the world.  Father we need to be disciplined we do not cling to your word. We have chased after ruin and loved the harlot. Many in America constantly live for pleasure only they have sought the way of drunkards and loose living.  Father protect this nations believers that we become salt and light and let our President and Vice President lead with courage and direction from you.  Father in the name of Jesus Christ I ask for blessings and guidance and direction amen

Cecilia from BW

May 28 at 8:45 am
Oh Lord Jesus Christ release my husband Wanesu Hativagoni from the love spell and let every witchcraft act done against his name and my name be nullified by the blood of Jesus! Lord Jesus thank you for restoring my marriage with lots of love affection and peace

Larisa from US

May 28 at 8:44 am
Prayers for edification to You,ABBA, for loving us as Your children, for Your steadfast love, mercy, loving kindness, and grace that is limitless to us sinners. Praises be to You that our lives can be a sweet fragrance of living sacrifice to You through Your Son, Y’Shua in His holy Name.

Shakera Munnings from US

May 28 at 8:38 am
Thank you heavenly father for your grace and your mercy, father God I pray for the nations, I pray healing and I pray protection as we continue to worship Jesus Christ. Father God I pray for my family that you continue to keep us. I pray for sealed employment this week, Father God I pray for you guidance I pray for wisdom and understanding father God I pray for those that are suffering from anxiety I pray for those that are suffering from depression father God I pray for those that don’t know you but they may be drawn to you Father God I thank you for your angels I thank you for your wall of protection over my life my children’s life and all of my extended family’s life. father God I pray that your love continues to protect us and that the blood of Jesus continues to flow over our lives. father God the blood of Jesus rest a sure that we will continue to make it in this life each and every day. I pray for my finances father God I pray for a new home for me and my children Amen

Deena from US

May 28 at 8:31 am
Daniel Ben rochel rivkah. To have consistent parnosah. He helps support a children's special needs wing and with deals closing consistently he would have a more steady parnosah and he will be able to make a bigger difference there as well.To be healthy & happy. To provide for his children easily.Faiga deena bas kayla menucha. To be out of debt &have easy parnosah so I am able to give tzedkah easily and be able to to help & not to be in need of help. To be matzliach in all I'm able to accomplish. Not to have public or private embarrassment. To be bisimcha. To be successful in all court cases and be finished with them bikorov! For my ex husband to leave me alone & for me to be safe from harm from him evey way. For me to have tranquility and real joy. For me to be able to provide easily for Ayelet Aliza bas faiga deena and for her to be a bas Torah and be happy and healthy and continue to give meThank you in advance may ALL your tefilos be answered in the positive bikorov!!!

Martins from US

May 28 at 8:24 am
Lord you promised to be with us till the end of time, and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Lord please be with me that my road test may be successful. I can't do anything on my own. Give me this last victory to the glory of your name Amen

Vickie from US

May 28 at 8:19 am
Thank you dear Jesus for our many blessings! Good morning in the Lord! I pray that you will bless my little dog to come through surgery and be better afterwards. Put a hedge around all family and friends and keep safe. Save all mankind and take us to heaven. Heal, save, deliver, bless all as you see fit. Feed the hungry and bless the poor in their circumstances. Heal our Nation and government. Abolish all ABORTIONS and Homosexuality. Bless my children as you see fit. Bless my future job. And as always I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem 💝

Sally from US

May 28 at 8:07 am
I have been sick since February and can’t get a break. I also suffer a lot of pain with my sickness all the time. Please pray for me to get over this sickness and be able to live pain free. In Jesus name, Amen

Rejoice from NG

May 28 at 7:15 am
Oh Lord I pray that you grant me academics excellent, my I never experience carry over again as long as I stay in AE FUNAI. Oh Lord may nothing stop me from graduating in 2021. Father Lord I left my course mate who are battling with one problem or the other unto you. And I ask that you oh Lord will grate my brother and I long life and prosperity in the land of the living. AMEN

Kandake Lelaheal from TT

May 28 at 5:40 am
Creator I interceed for all my children biological and all children born into the world. May you have mercy on them. Give them hope, Love and belonging. Protect them and their souls from all wickedness. Cover them with your feathers and save them oh lord. Amen

Jade Marinus from ZA

May 28 at 1:52 am
Dear Lord Jesus, your gifts are many, I thank you for each one. Thank you for the gift of a son-in-law. Lord, please help him to find employment so that he can provide for his family,. Bless him Lord as he goes about his day, fill his heart with Your peace and open doors for him, in Jesus' name. Bless him through life's trials, help him to choose right from wrong. May he be free from harm as he goes about his day. Thank you Lord Jesus for Your grace and mercy for him. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

Jilian from IN

May 27 at 10:11 pm
Heavenly father THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE, forgive all our sins me, daughter, husband, do not leave us. Deliver us from all devil’s chain. Father have mercy-grace on my daughter touch-heal her mind-body-soul completely. Father shower YOUR blessings of success-knowledge-wisdom-good health-joy-peace-happiness-protection on her. No one may harm-hurt her. Help her in study-guide her. Provide all her needs (healthy food). Protect me & my daughter from all evil-illness-infection. No one may harm-hurt me. Deliver me from all evil uncontrolled thoughts which drag me away from YOU. Heal my mind-body-soul completely. Bless me with YOUR wisdom-knowledge. Provide me finance. Break my husband’s stony-angry-bitter heart. DESTROY all evil plans against me & my daughter. YOUR WILL BE DONE IJN Amen

naveed pitras from PK

May 27 at 8:01 pm
ameen parry for my son shkeel anjom and aqeel anju m ko khodawnd uaso mashi sofena habib somena habebib smron nasir sey aj sey hi jan charwey ga god belss amen ameen parry for my family and job sepasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems and sepasliy pti palti all warkar ch.ahklaq mpa ch ialyas sh mhosen uomar dar usoman dar amer dar uosman pa ajmal bhtt key zehan uoor zobaz khodawnd yasuo mashi hamesa key leya bhn for my family and job sapasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems god bless my problems hi fiver god bless my son shakeel aqeel karim musa daud abnir soleman beto jomela my homs my shops all my jobs G. S.B.T.H AND T.M.A AND S.S.H. H.G.S. ALL staff my porenspal .KMSMC YASAR SAHEED SAFER DR AZEAM ALI RAZA RAZWAN ARSHED SAHED RASHED ALSHEL BHTT RANA KHLIL RANA MAHDASER GOD BELSS AMEEN GENTORYAL SOPARWAZR AMEER MALIK KO MERA KHODAWND YASUO MASHI AJ HI G.S.B.T.H SEY BHADLEY GOA AMEEN UOOR CH AZHAR CH NAVEED UOR MALIK FHZAN KO APNEY BHND NAVEED PITRAS KE LEY PAK UOR SHF KA

naveed pitras from PK

May 27 at 7:53 pm
ameenparry for my family and job sapasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems god bless my problems hi fiver god bless my son shakeel aqeel karim musa daud abnir soleman beto jomela my homs my shops all my jobs G. S.B.T.H AND T.M.A AND S.S.H. H.G.S. ALL staff my porenspal .KMSMC YASAR SAHEED SAFER DR AZEAM ALI RAZA RAZWAN ARSHED SAHED RASHED ALSHEL BHTT RANA KHLIL RANA MAHDASER GOD BELSS AMEEN GENTORYAL SOPARWAZR AMEER MALIK KO MERA KHODAWND YASUO MASHI AJ HI G.S.B.T.H SEY BHADLEY GOA AMEEN UOOR CH AZHAR CH NAVEED UOR MALIK FHZAN KO APNEY BHND NAVEED PITRAS KE LEY PAK UOR SHF KARY

Holly from US

May 27 at 6:58 pm
Father, I ask You to remove from me a lifetime of depression. I pray for the deep, intimate relationship with You which others speak of. Please help me to see myself as You see me and to receive the love You have for me so that I may live according to Your will and glorify You.

Pamela from US

May 27 at 4:12 pm
Pray for me to have good health and to stop smoking and my leg and back pain to stop ,and my husband also,and my children and grand children to be delivered from their addictions and bad habits,and get back in church. Thank you and God Bless you.

Cindy from US

May 27 at 3:34 pm
Please pray for my 2 daughter's GIA & JAYLA to return home soon. And to confuse and cancel the plans of the enemy! Thank you & Peace to Jerusalem 🙏

Peg from US

May 27 at 2:13 pm
financial breakthroughs and revelation.  Healing from menopause symptoms.  To hear the voice of the Father clearly.  My daughter needs a car.  For my Boaz to come quickly. For all allergy symptoms to be gone in Jesus name.  Bless you! 

Kemi Folalu from NG

May 27 at 12:42 pm
Shalom Brethren, please pray for me as I step in to the music ministry. The Lord has called me to take His Word to the nations through music. I want there to be less of me and more of Him. I want His people to hear the voice within the voice, to hear Him speak to them through me. Please pray that the Lord will lead me to the right people and cause me to be right for them in Jesus' Name.

Nina from US

May 27 at 12:26 pm
Praise God for financial increase jobs for me and my daughter.  The Crushing of the Roses 🌹 my play will be marketed produced in Bulgaria (about the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews in World War Two ).  Shalom!!!!!

Patricia Sarro from US

May 27 at 11:28 am
Dear Lord it’s me again.  First I come to you to thank you for all you have given me.  Next I know you have more blessings for me because it says you take care of widows.  I hope what I keep asking for is what you have in mind for me.  I just hope it comes soon.  I know in my heart you will bless me with what I need.  Thank you for always being by my side!!  Amen 

Mary from US

May 27 at 11:23 am
My niece miscarried after trying to conceive for seven years, My Daughter And Her Husband Have Been Trying To Conceive For 11 years, And My Niece Has A five Year Old With Battens! Thank You! 

Margaret from US

May 27 at 11:14 am
Dear Lord in heaven I praise your holy name father please let us get our IRS tax refund this week please let them fix any problem maybe having for the reason why they haven't given us our refund yet. father you know we want to use that to visit my son that we haven't seen in a few years please Lord let us receive our refund so we can see our son and make plans to see her grandchildren in Jesus mighty name I pray amen

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.