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Valentine from US

July 13 at 11:23 pm
Father God,  thank you for being my Lord and Saviour thank you for loving me my faith  is weak give me wisdom and discernment help me to not harm myself. protect my daughter and my family help me to find a job help me to get transportation thank you for blessing me so that I may not become  homeless help me to deal with the post-traumatic stress that sometimes have me so afraid amen

Hamid razz from AE

July 13 at 10:31 pm
Please prayer for the innocent Muslim's around the world specially occupied Palestine living under the brutal government of Israeli. Also prayer for the destruction of illegal state of Israel

Debbie from US

July 13 at 10:02 pm
Please pray for my son to find his way by trusting God. Also for my daughter and her son to be healed of his stomach problems that he has had since birth he is 4 years old.  For my husband and my other grandchildren - for your guidance and protection. 

JoAnn from US

July 13 at 9:05 pm
Thank you for answered prayer for protection from Barry. Prayers for miracles, protection, safe, health for Family, Stormy, Furbabies, and I. Prayers Stormy comes home real soon. I love and miss her, please.

Desiree Henry from US

July 13 at 7:58 pm
Please pray for my life. I live my life for Christ as a Christian; but yet, I am under daily surveillance by the police no matter where I go. I have no criminal record. Please pray for the chains of satan to be broken in my life. I want to live in peace at age 68 years old. 

Desiree Henry from US

July 13 at 7:57 pm
Please pray for my life. I live my life for Christ as a Christian; but yet, I am under daily surveillance by the police no matter where I go. I have no criminal record. Please pray for the chains of satan to be broken in my life. I want to live in peace at age 68 years old. 

Kim from US

July 13 at 5:48 pm
Father Thank and Praise You for blessing me this far. Lord, you said if we lift The Name Of The Lord High You Will answer our prayers and we ask to draw many souls To Yourself. Father establish me In ministry I Pray for the Spanish, English and Arabic Gospel outline for people to use and Salvation for the Unsaved so can any add to Daily Prayer lists. Protection over my family Spiritually and Deliverance from Evil Spirits attacking the mind , body me or family. Repentance get Saved, Thank You, Father, In The Name of Jesus God Almighty Glory and Honour.

Roxann from US

July 13 at 5:38 pm
Dear Lord Jesus, my Jehovah Rappha, I lift by body up to the foot of your cross and I beg for full and complete healing and restoration. I also beg for your continued protection for my family and me. I lift up my friends mother and I beg for complete healing & restoration to her, Lord. I beg you to bring my sons' heart back to you and to use him mightly to magnify YOU. Father, please .... I beg for your grace and mercy and for your healing.... In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

DamianDamian Emeka from NG

July 13 at 5:20 pm
Heavenly father I thank you most for the life that you gave to me without pay,thank you for your mercy and compassion.I pray and ask for your divine connection and divine favor in my life that I will reach my destiny at my young age in tht name of Yahweh hashwa I pray Amen

Loreto from US

July 13 at 3:46 pm
Father God in Heaven, please help my mother who suffered a stroke and left her paralyzed on the left side, my dad who is addicted to porn, help my son who is autistic to be whole once again, my wife to be given specisl strength to deal with my son, for me, to have faith as great as David, my dog who is getting old, my brothers and sisters and their family to come to know you as their personal savior and be saved. Thank you, Father, thank you, Lord Jesus, Amen!

Pamela from US

July 13 at 3:30 pm
Heavenly Father, thank you for your many blessings, forgiveness of our sins through your Son, Jesus dying on the cross for us all, for your mercy and grace and love. Bless each of us with strength, wisdom and protection during these times. Help us to stay focused on your Kingdom and to stay faithful and to not worry about what is to come, thy will be done. In Jesus name I pray. Please have mercy and forgive my country its transgressions and protect your children who live in USA and around the world, in Jesus name I ask and pray.

Mara Martinez Navarro from US

July 13 at 3:20 pm
Please pray for my Física health  And for my Family too And for them to return to Jesus and to Church again. In Jesus name. Amen 

Leona Selassie from US

July 13 at 2:32 pm
Papa first I want to thank u for all that u do for me I am very grateful. I am asking u papa to continue to guide me to do ur will, I pray Matthew 6:33. ABBA I ask u in Jesus Christ of Nazareth name to bless ur daughter leaving this home in a beautiful home, Abba I ask u to cleanse I purify Mahlon, in prison and let him leave that prison full of the Holy Ghost power to serve u. Abba I ask u to let Adante, MJ, all the youths in this earth to serve u greatly. Abba I ask u to protect them always. Father I ask u to let Jen walk again and serve u, and I ask u that she starts to respect me now, and cease all her disrespect. Abba I ask u to use me according to ur will to fulfill Agape Int Charter Air Inc, I ask u to bless all my fam members, and all the family of the world. Papa bless Shirl,,bless our finances, papa bless Viv, Candace and Sister Dee Dee and their families. Santana to get her green card, pastor bless sister jean,  Vinnie to reign in his house a have a nice house, Thank u papa 

Glenny Veras from DO

July 13 at 1:39 pm
Papito Dios en tus manos está mi vida ayúdame ten misericordia de mí vida contesta las peticiones de mi corazón para ti nada es imposible mi Dios ru solo tiene que dar la orden y mis peticiones serán contestadas en el nombre de Jesucristo amén.

Osnat from KE

July 13 at 1:23 pm
Dear God, have mercy on me. Send help from above. Your word tells us that all is possible to those who believe. I believe! Thank you for the answered prayers.

Pastor David from GH

July 13 at 12:07 pm
Oh Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Isreal help me, save me according to your mercy so that every one will know that your mighty hand have done it in the name of Jesus

Sylvie from GB

July 13 at 12:02 pm
Dear Lord, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I thank you for grace and forgiveness for sin. Please help with my issues Lord, you know what they are, in Jesus name I pray. Amen

Sainimili from US

July 13 at 11:14 am
- Anare Vakalolomas American Visas to be granted. - Feremo Babitu is sick his nose is swollen please pray for healing. -Pray for Business Molita Travel Fiji, Hammer and Nail Ministry, Milis Boutique, Sadole Investments -Pray for families Sadole, Nawai, Vakaloloma, Babitus - Pray for more prosperous life here in America - Pray for my Green card and citizenship - pray for my mother good health Ulita Sadole -Pray for my american families and friends Vesikula and Kaurasis - pray for Clan Nawaicavu to turn to Jesus. Prosperous life of clan. -pray for my interests in studying Theological studies. -Pray for my good healthy prosperous loving relationships with my husband Anare. - pray for Fiji country - pray for America - pray for Israel

Glenny Veras from DO

July 13 at 11:06 am
Papito Dios te ruego que me ayude a conseguir mi nombramiento en la universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo que está en proceso en el nombre de Jesucristo amén.

Tatiana from RU

July 13 at 10:49 am
Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that my children Anya, Denis, and Mary make a covenant with you and be born again .. so that their lives may be glorified by the Lord Amen.

CD from US

July 13 at 10:15 am
Father I repent for anything that has not pleased you. I pray for forgiveness. I bless your Holy powerful name and acknowledge your greatness and merciful love . I pray for  Israel 🇮🇱 blessings, protection, covering and prosperity. Father I pray for my daughter’s healing regarding diabetes, seizures, anxieties, heal her mind and bless her so that she can help others. I pray for all the children around the world. I pray for Derek and Miriam give them the strength and covering they need. I pray for supernatural anointing, blessings, wisdom, guidance, prosperity, wealth , supernatural restoration, supernatural revelation and protection, covering  and place powerful Angels , please Assign them to carry out my request in Jesus Name Amen 🙏🏽 😇

Gina from US

July 13 at 10:01 am
Thank Lord for all blessings please open doors of opportunitys for a new job Thank you Lord that you touched Chelsea at the retreat that she wants to be baptized, continue to give her your Holy spirit guide give her give her wisdom knowledge touch her heart and mind, give her a spot in the ministry for her to grow in faith and to be on fire for you Lord Amen

Avi from US

July 13 at 9:55 am
Padre Celestial, ruego traigas restitucion de todo lo que el enemigo nos ha Robado. Por un rompimiento en Las finanzas en nuestra casa. Cancelacion de deudas. Salud para mi papa, bendicion en su trabajo y economia. Sacanos de este desierto. Trae salvacion a nuestra familia. Te entrego todos mis anhelos y suenos. Bendicime con el empleo que applique esta semana. En el nombre de Jesus. Amen

Gina from US

July 13 at 9:49 am
Father God Thank you for answering our prayer, I pray he is in your arms, i love you Jesus thank you my savior helping my family and I get thru this Lord show us and guide us on a difficult situation decision we have to make show us in our heart Lord how to handle the problem humble our heart and mind in Jesus name Amen

Zaharia Claudiu from RO

July 13 at 9:38 am
doamne Isus Hristoas.Cind va veni apocalipsa fa sa fie una blinda pentru om.și protejeaza-mi tot cea ce iubesc ,și urmași sângelui meu și mintuiestema și pe mine și pe toți citi îi iubesc și ma iubesc.acum si in veci ,vecilor Mulțumesc mult.

Brandy from US

July 13 at 9:37 am
Oh Lord, I pray for my Mom as she continues to undergo chemo treatments for cancer and that you can give her body strength, but most of all give her mind the knowledge to get up and help her own body. I pray that you can help my Dad stay calm and strong and wise as he continues to take care of my Mom. Lord, I pray for my children and my wonderful grandchildren and their safety and good health. I pray for my own strength, wisdom, faith and health and Lord, I pray for President Trump and his family along with VP Pence and his family. Watch over them Lord as they continue to watch over our country. Lord, I pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu as he continues to watch over Israel. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Byron & Lorena from US

July 13 at 9:36 am
Heavenly Father please I beg you for a true financial breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus I pray  Thank you Lord for all your mercies in our lives. Amén 

Byron & Lorena from US

July 13 at 9:26 am
Heavenly Father please I beg you for a true financial breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus I pray  Thank you Lord for all your mercies in our lives. Amén 

Jonathan from US

July 13 at 9:11 am
Lord I pray that my healing comes quick lord I pray for my financial is on your hands lord not mine lord jesus I pray for a job again even if it's part time doing something different lord jesus I pray you keep me safe out of harms way. In the name of jesus I thank you for dieing for me I thank you for saving my soul from hell I thank you for being the most greatest father

Vickie from US

July 13 at 8:53 am
Thank you Jesus for our blessings. May you bless heal save deliver love all humanity. Heal all new mother's that are having a hard time with motherhood. Heal all cancer and bless patients and their families. Give grace and mercy to the addict and help them be clean and sober. Save all humanity. Heal my body and bless with better job. Please Lord make a way. Bless my family as you see fit. And as always I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem 💝

Joseph A. Okang from GH

July 13 at 8:44 am
Father, You are the Most High God, the only true and living God. You are excellent in all of Your ways. You reign in heaven and on earth. The heavens are Your throne and the earth is Your footstool. There is no searching Your understanding. Lord, You are good and Your mercy endures forever. You are the great I Am, the Everlasting Father, a Mighty God, the Prince of Peace and a Wonderful Counselor. You are our creator, redeemer, savior, and sustainer. We give thanks to You for You are faithful even when we have been faithless. We thank You for Your word which gives us light and understanding. We thank You for giving us all things that pertain to life and godliness and for giving us all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. We exalt You, Lord God, and we bless Your Name.Father Lord, connect, correct and direct my helpers to me anywhere, anywhere they may be, in the name of Jesus.

Bonnie from US

July 13 at 8:24 am
Father, please watch over and protect my daughter. Please bring her back to me and her family. I love her with my whole heart and miss her so. Thank you Father...  in Jesus Name I pray. Amen

Pam from US

July 13 at 8:21 am
For my grand daughter Taylor to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. She is high risk but God will Dr her through to a healthy baby. For her marriage also.

Linda from US

July 13 at 8:15 am
Complete healing for Dawn from tonsil cancer with 3 lympth nodes involved. Praying for Godly wisdom & compassion for all involved in her treatment. Praying for no side effects from radiation & chemo in Jesus name!

Silvia from SV

July 13 at 8:12 am
Padre Todo Poderoso te pido por qué sanes mi tierra, que rompas cadenas de vicios del alcohol,la mentira, la tibieza y que guíes a mis hijos en tus caminos, afirmes sus pies y que nuestro mayor tesoro sea el temor a Jehová,que se cumplan tus promesas en cada miembro de mi familia.y que nos guarde de mal. Gracias

Susan V from US

July 13 at 8:11 am
Since my husbands death over 4 years ago I have been struggling financially. I have prayed for financial security to no avail. I am sinking in the latter years of life. I ask for complete financial security for myself to be able to take care of my entire family, several of whom are totally dependent upon me. Thank you and God Bless

Ananta Das from IN

July 13 at 4:30 am
HI Praise the Lord my name is Ananta Das live in Kolkata. I want to share you something i am very much weak right now don't know which curse or devil working in our family from 2month me and my family members we are suffering from sickness, financial crisis, lots of problems going on in my family so that I need your prayer support please pray for us...Thank you

Lover of Jesus Christ from TW

July 13 at 3:27 am
Dear Father, I give You my praises for You have done this to answer my previous prayer: Libra Bonus Love Reading July and August Enchanted Tarot Published on Jul 13, 2019 Indeed, per Your words, Exodus 14:14 The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. (KJV). Father, manifest more of Yourself in my humble life, so I can see You more and love You more in my life. I pray in the name of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lover of Jesus Christ from TW

July 13 at 2:06 am
Heavenly Father, I believe You have Your way in Your timing to bring me connection with my Twin Flame soulmate, as Your words says in this way in: Exodus 14:14 The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. (KJV) Therefore, I praise You for Your truthfulness, Your unconditional love and Your divine plan. Amen.

Gloria Jean from US

July 12 at 11:38 pm
Lord and Father God thank you for the opportunity to come in Jesus name and place my prayers petition before the throne of grace, Bless and make a way out for all True Christians of faith who are oppressed by persecution I pray Psalms 91 and ask for protection also I pray for all those who travel the dusty road to Damascus increase their faith, endurance and expectation as they're going through grieving and homelessness send Angel's to guard and provide every need that your name be glorified alone always thank you Lord amen. Shalom.

Christine from US

July 12 at 10:10 pm
My dear husband has cancer the Dr says. They have not found the origin. I want it to be benign in Christs name. Thank you dear prayer vwarriors.

JoAnn from US

July 12 at 8:53 pm
Prayers for miracles, protection, protection from Storm Barry, safety, health for Family, Stormy, Furbabies, and I. Special prayers Stormy is safe and will come home really really really soon, please.

naveed pitras from PK

July 12 at 8:16 pm
Amin prayed that my duty will be given to Rome at the same place in Rome and my son Kimmerman will work tomorrow. A. O my daughter in pairs and leukuria disease My Lord Jesus will release the expansion today, and Dr. Tariq and Director General Arcel Arif Arshad Rizwan Tahir Shah Rana Khalil Ali Reza Zaid Nawaz Nawaz Rana Firm Dr. Dilim Dr. Naeem’s mercy to his servant Naveed Peter….

naveed pitras from PK

July 12 at 8:15 pm
ameen parry for my son shkeel anjom and aqeel anju m ko khodawnd uaso mashi sofena habib somena habebib smron nasir sey aj sey hi jan charwey ga god belss amen ameen parry for my family and job sepasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems and sepasliy pti palti all warkar ch.ahklaq mpa ch ialyas sh mhosen uomar dar usoman dar amer dar uosman pa ajmal bhtt key zehan uoor zobaz khodawnd yasuo mashi hamesa key leya bhn for my family and job sapasliy my pastor sahed gill stomach problems god bless my problems hi fiver god bless my son shakeel aqeel karim musa daud abnir soleman beto jomela my homs my shops all my jobs G. S.B.T.H AND T.M.A AND S.S.H. H.G.S. ALL staff my porenspal .KMSMC YASAR SAHEED SAFER DR AZEAM ALI RAZA RAZWAN ARSHED SAHED RASHED ALSHEL BHTT RANA KHLIL RANA MAHDASER GOD BELSS AMEEN GENTORYAL SOPARWAZR AMEER MALIK KO MERA KHODAWND YASUO MASHI AJ HI G.S.B.T.H SEY BHADLEY GOA AMEEN UOOR CH AZHAR CH NAVEED UOR MALIK FHZAN KO APNEY BHND NAVEED PITRAS KE LEY PAK UOR SHF KA

naveed pitras from PK

July 12 at 8:13 pm
ameen parry for my family and job saepasliy my pastor shead gill stomach problems god bless and my homs my fhmliy god belss saepasliy my parencipal kmsmc uor ahrshal bhtt dr manzur uor nam bey nam dr ke leya mera khodwand yasuo mashi aj hi in ke dil ko kalim uor apney bnda naveed pitras key liya dil me reham dhley gha ameen and god bellameen parry for my family and job saepasliy my pastor shead gill stomach problems god bless and my homs my fhmliy god belss saepasliy my parencipal kmsmc uor ahrshal bhtt dr manzur uor nam bey nam dr ke leya mera khodwand yasuo mashi aj hi in ke dil ko kalim uor apney bnda naveed pitras key liya dil me reham dhley gha ameen and god bell

naveed pitras from PK

July 12 at 8:12 pm
Amen prayed that my Lord Jesus Christ was full of his blessings today and the foot of my holy angels, my and my grace, and my gift to my children’s office, my home and my Lord Jesus Christ, and My All Ricades and Labs and Klemm and the special Principal Khawaja Safdar Medical College Dr. Tariq and Dakaraterman and Arsala and Rana Khalil Rana Firma Rana Rafiq Ali Raza Nadeem Zebab Dr. Naeem, Specialist Dr. Rizwan Arshad Bhatti Specialist Tahir Shah Arif Shahid Mahmood Rashid Bilal Sajid, my Lord Jesus Christ Massage of his crusade and spirit, all those men, specialists, Prasad Khawaja Safdar Medical College Dr. Tariq and Dastmermann and Arsala and Rana Khalil Rana Clean and purify the minds and special exclusive Khawaja Safdar Medical College Dr. Tariq and Duttmermannwar and Arsala and Rana Khalil Rana, Sardar Begum Tagg Hospital About God’s newborn, Peter hides forever in his crusade, burn the devil with fire from the Holy Ghost, and keep your servant Nav

Janet from US

July 12 at 4:02 pm
I would like u to pray for my Mom Betty she is not feeling well.She went to doctor and lost 12 lbs and is tired all the time she is 82 and needs her strength,because my Dad Charles is in a rehab place for strokes and he needs prayer also to have God heal his brain.

Kim from US

July 12 at 2:56 pm
Father Thank and Praise You for blessing me this far. Lord, you said if we lift The Name Of The Lord High You Will answer our prayers and we ask to draw many souls To Yourself. Father establish me In ministry I Pray for the Spanish, English and Arabic Gospel outline for people to use and Salvation for the Unsaved so can any add to Daily Prayer lists. Protection over my family Spiritually and Deliverance from Evil Spirits attacking the mind , body me or family. Repentance get Saved, Thank You, Father, In The Name of Jesus God Almighty Glory and Honour.

Mervi from FI

July 12 at 2:37 pm
Hi, please pray for my father. He has a rectal cancer tumor and metastases in the liver and lungs. Cytostatic treatments started today. Dear Jesus help and heal him! Thank you for your prayers.

sobia munawar from AE

July 12 at 1:48 pm
plz pray for me i m so worried about my job bcz last 4 month i m staying in UAE but not find the job plz pray for me in jesus name God give me a job and joyfull life

Ed from US

July 12 at 12:21 pm
I've been offered a Federal social work job but it's conditional if I pass my background check. For grace and favour, for deliverance from all evil. Thank you.

Nancy Sitima from KE

July 12 at 11:08 am
Thank you Lord my Father in Heaven. Hallowed be your Holy Name. Forgive me my trespasses as I have forgiven all who have wronged me. Thank you father for giving me the Uraia contract, Thank you Lord. You are Faithful and True!!! I praise and exalt your Holy Name. Hear my Prayer again by giving me favor before Steven and Kigen of untf. Let them give us a favorable report and cause us to win untf contract in Jesus Name. Oh Lord give my Husband Jeremiah safe Journey and protect him from his enemies. Cause my womb to open that I may bear more children for your Kingdom. Put all my enemies to shame that have laughed and scoffed at me. Lord my Father in heaven arise and Open my womb. There is nothing impossible with you and I trust that you will perform this miracle in Jesus Name. I ask all these through Jesus Christ Name. Amen!!!

Christopher from US

July 12 at 10:35 am
That GOD will take away all burdens, yokes, demonic influence/inhabitation and all residue from past sin or sins from my mother's and my life, so THAT WE WILL FLOW IN THE GRACE THAT GOD HAS CALLED US TO FLOW IN ! Mark 10:27; Ephesians 3:20; John 8:36; Galatians 5:16

Joel from PH

July 12 at 6:39 am
I am praying that I will be able to pay off my outstanding loans amounting to more than $1000.00 which is a bit to high if converted to my country's currency the Philippines Peso. Thank you.

JoAnn from US

July 11 at 9:36 pm
Prayers for miracles, protection, safety, health for Family, Stormy, Furbabies, and I. Prayers Stormy is safe and comes home really,really, really soon, please.

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.