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Barbara from AU

February 2 at 4:06 am
Please pray that the sons of my neighbour who take drugs will move far away. And pray for my peace tonight. Jehovah Rapha knows why. God bless.

Asilie khate from IN

February 2 at 3:07 am
Please pray for me that let God forgive my sin , I have sind against God in so many way , so please pray that let God forgive my sins . And now im in sickness bed so please pray for my healing, I need God power healing , from now I will fallow his will , please pray for me and my wife whatever we have sind against him ,please help me and pray for my healing

Katongole from UG

February 2 at 1:00 am
I pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. i pray for patience in whatever am doing. I also pray for courage and vision +persistence to fulfill my dreams

Vinod from IN

February 2 at 12:46 am
Please pray for our country India. Peace and harmony. Also pray for our ruling government to take care all religion with love and harmony. God may protect this country from right wing groups

Vinod from IN

February 2 at 12:46 am
Please pray for our country India. Peace and harmony. Also pray for our ruling government to take care all religion with love and harmony. God may protect this country from right wing groups

Veronica from US

February 1 at 11:25 pm
Lord I’m praying for true love to find me. Bless me indeed. Send maxwell Davis to me. Show me if he is for me, clear and direct signs lord Jesus 

GJR from US

February 1 at 11:24 pm
Father God in heaven Thank you for protection of our nation and family over all evil. I praise you for all mercy and grace, we receive freely through your love. Thank you that in the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. Thank You for stopping every spirit of tiger attack against my homestead in Jesus name. Hallelujahs, Now may the wheels of angel chariots race through Africa in Jesus name with justice and freedom for His anointed flock, raise a trail of dust as they sweep across the continent. Thank You Lord for the celebration begins aheads with joyful pearls of wisdom to adorn the crowns of many heads especially to the Prophets in Africa. For wisdom from heavens kingdom descends. Nothing common shall plague thee as you shall witness a new generation on bended knee coming to worship the King of Kings. Hallelujahs. Glory.!!..glory!..glory..!glory...!!! For as far as the eye can see oppression from thee shall flee Oh Africa hungry no more shall you be for the King, no more , no more

Patricia from US

February 1 at 10:38 pm
I pray to you Lord Jesus, that you restore my relationship with Ruben Cisneros. I pray that you keep my children and my healthy, fill our lives with favor, grace, blessings, prosperity, wisdom, love. In Jesus name, Amen Glory to God, Praise the Lord.

jesus rico s. baybon from PH

February 1 at 10:02 pm
i hope that i could visit the temple in jerusalem before my days end.. it will be reality if the LORD grant us more blessings so that we will be able to save money for the plane ticket to jerusalem.. amen

Anthony from NG

February 1 at 9:48 pm
I need for Peace around our bounder. (Isreal and Nigeria). I pray for God protection on His Children who are murder and persecuted for believing in God. I pray for financial liberty on my family and I. That I will have enough to pay off debts and have for charitable donations in Jesus Name. Amen

Donnie from US

February 1 at 9:04 pm
Thank you so much. I ask and pray that you keep my wife's eyes open when it comes to our son he needs guidance and he does not want to be around his wife and kids, I am talking about spending time with them , please let him stay home this Thursday and Friday start spending time with family , please pray before things go to far

Melissa from US

February 1 at 9:01 pm
I pray that I am able to sell enough to pay off all of my debt this year and my sisters as well. I pray I am able to hit my monthly goal every month and angels are with my guests and myself helping me and them hit our goals collectively. I pray I make friends with all owners and truly help them succeed in all that they want to accomplish. I pray that I never worry about my sales or numbers because I’m exceeding them consistently. I pray I no longer envy others when they sell. 

Kashif Adeel from TH

February 1 at 9:00 pm
Please pray that God's plans be fulfilled in my family's life. Please pray that Holy Spirit help us in taking right decisions in year 2020.

Kashif Adeel from TH

February 1 at 8:54 pm
Please pray for new breakthrough, new beginning in my family, finances, career and ministry work of God among displaced and persecuted Pakistani christian community in Thailand.

Tamara from US

February 1 at 8:51 pm
Dear almighty God please bless me with a huge financial blessing so I can open a shelter for and feed the homeless. Please let me be your servant to minister the word of God. Please bless my husband with a good job. Please heal me from the crawling, biting and stinging in Jesus almighty precious name Amen 🙏 thank you heavenly Father for all the blessing Amen I have faith, I trust and I believe in you ❤️

Susan from US

February 1 at 8:08 pm
I pray dear Lord to help me find happiness and worth since the passing of my beloved husband. I pray for President Trump my family and my daughters marriage. I thank you for the many blessings in my life

Medz from US

February 1 at 7:51 pm
Please heal my 2 cyst in my ovary. And i wanna say thank u Lord that my employer allows me to renew my contract again...i hope i can survive my financial problems too

Kim from US

February 1 at 7:48 pm
Father Thank and Praise You for blessing me this far. Lord, You said if we lift the Name of the Lord high You will answer our prayers and we ask to draw many souls to Yourself. Father establish me In ministry I Pray for the Spanish, English and Arabic Gospel outline for people to use and Salvation for the Unsaved and any that the gospel is shared with. Protection over my family Spiritually and Deliverance from evil spirits attacking the mind of my son, mother, brother and me and our houses, repentance, and family saved, Please Pray for Onlyhopeyouhave website also for salvations, videos, and posts to be used. So can any add to there Daily Prayer lists? Thank You, Father, In The Name Of Jesus God Almighty Glory and Honor.

Ndeumono from NA

February 1 at 7:09 pm
In the name of Jesus, Pray for my financial breakthrough, breakthrough in business. Pray also for spiritual wife and husband in my marriage tormenting us day and night. Pray for my husband to find deliverance and healing in Jesus name. Lord break the curse in my life, marriage, career, business and finance. Remove the fear in my life as well. Pray for my son's protection and him to grow in the way of the Lord. Pray for Corinavirus to find a cure. Peace and stability in the world. Protection of orphans and vulnerable kids. Amen 🙏🙏🙏

Donnie from US

February 1 at 6:43 pm
I pray and ask for the peace and protection of Israel and Jerusalem and also for the healing , financial and positive thoughts for my family and friends. I pray and ask that we continue to live by ourselves please I love my family but I don’t want to live with them. I pray and ask for financial and health blessings on my son and his wife and that they quit using people and turn to God and that they leave their drama and negativity at home please don’t let them bring it here please. I pray and ask that my upcoming surgery goes well and that they take out this difiburlator please and that my disability application is approved with no problem. I pray and ask no drama and negativity nothing but positive thoughts and take out difiburlator , in Jesus Name I pray and ask

Matt Bennett from US

February 1 at 6:39 pm
I pray for our nation and that the Holy Spirit will sweep through and transform many lost souls and pray that he will pour out in our churches around the nation. It's time for the biggest revival our nation has ever witnessed. Glory to Jesus and thank you for loving us unconditionally. Amen

Michael from US

February 1 at 5:09 pm
Pray for me to lead my family more with walking with Jesus! For the holy spirit to be in our homes and hearts daily! Pray for me and family to get back in the Lords house church, thank you in Jesus name Amen

Elsina from HN

February 1 at 4:42 pm
Para que Hashem nos regale pasajes para ir a New York a ver a nuestros hijos, a Miami para recoger nuestra promesa e Israel para enseñanza. Amén

Alyssa from US

February 1 at 3:50 pm
Lord Can you make me look like this again I have a new boyfriend and I want the prettiest face, the skinniest body, brace. Wisdom to pass all these classes. To be able to relocate back to my Daddy in Rancho Cordova. And I need $6,000 to become a travel couple with my new boyfriend in the Summer I have Faith in doing the graduation photoshoot in May with Richard Garcia my new boyfriend. By faith I pray, Amen

Alice from US

February 1 at 3:31 pm
Daughter has been put on disability. Her benefits are not enough to meet her basic needs. Please pray for a miracle of provision. She has several physical needs in her body also.


February 1 at 2:52 pm
Praise Report of God's direction and relocation to reside to God be the glory for His favor, anointing, blessings, and all His many wonderful blessings that He has bestowed upon me and my children. Prayer for God's guidance and direction and healing and protection as He guides me and my children to fulfill His will in Jesus Christ Name.


February 1 at 2:48 pm
Family Prayer for all of my children to be delivered, saved, sanctified & filled with the Holy Ghost, healing, blessings, direction & guidance. Prayer for them to love themselves and love God & accept Jesus Christ in their hearts and abide in God’s will. Prayer for them to be doers or the WORD of GOD and be independent and successful in life and learn how to respect GOD, themselves and their parents and live ling life in peace and it more abundantly. Prayer for their salvation so that their names will be written in the Lambs Book of life. Prayer for God’s hedge of protection all around my children, grandson and I & God’s peace, presence, and God’s Angel protection and God’s anointing. I have given all my children and grandson over to God, please Lord take this burden from me and give me peace in Jesus Christ Name.

Antonia sumina from US

February 1 at 2:38 pm
Pls pray for a complete healing of my body. And pls pray for financial miracle in my life. And pray for the shalom to my children and grandchildren. Thank u Avinu Hashem for answered prayers. Hallelujah!

Kristina from ID

February 1 at 2:19 pm
Bapa puji syukur kami naikan buatMu..trimakasih atas segala berkat kasih dan anugrahMu Aku berdoa untuk kesehatan ibuku jamahlah apa yang di rasakan sakit pada tubuhnya,sembuhkan ya Tuhan Doaku untuk adikku supaya besok senen bisa bayar sekolah,ujian dan wisuda,supaya adikku bisa menyelesaikan sekolahnya dengan baik Doaku supaya kami bisa membayar hutang keluarga kami Doaku untuk suamiku,supaya menjadi seseorang takut akan Tuhan dan kembali padaku,supaya kami bisa membangun lagi rumah tangga yang saling setia dan bersama sama beribadah dan mengasihi Tuhan Yesus DOaku buat adikku gita supaya bertobat dan bersungguh beribadah pada Tuhan Yesus DOaku padaMu pulihkan rumahtanggaku,ekonomi keluargaku Berkati pelayananku Semua doaku kupanjatkan didalam nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus Amin

Rhonda from US

February 1 at 12:33 pm
Please pray for me and my family to do God’s will and take the path he has chosen for us. Please open our eyes, hearts to see his path clearly for our lives from here. 

Elvis from GH

February 1 at 12:30 pm
Dear lord jesus thank u for the gift of life you have given me and my family, father I ask for grace, mercy, favor and your divine strength to be able to stand against my enemies, lord I again ask for wisdom, knowledge and understanding for me and my family. Lord open all kinds of doors to me and my family, the travelling doors, financial doors, doors from any angle should be opened onto me and my family, father do a new thing in my life and family life. Lord I know u would do it for me . Lord let my destiny helper locate me. Lord may travelling scholarship be opened onto me and family, lord I know is already done in the Mighty name of Jesus I pray Amen.

Rosemary from US

February 1 at 12:14 pm
Please pray for church members. One had leg taken off because of diabetes, his wife in hospital for stress, another broke leg in two places. Various ailments and handicaps among others. Seems we are being attacked at this time. Pray for healing and peace and protection and favor. In Jesus Name...Amen!

Gina from US

February 1 at 12:09 pm
Thank you for the blessings Lord, please open doors of opportunitys for a new job for husband, please bless my 2 teenage daughters with wisdom , knowledge and understanding of your word Lord and lead them on the right path show me how to guide them and know when to and how to speak to them in Jesus name Amen

Shirley from US

February 1 at 12:02 pm
I am praying for 90 year old mom sick and on ventilator to b healed of infection and off this ventilator. . Lord although she is 90 I believe. In Jesus name.

Alicia from US

February 1 at 11:57 am
I am praying in the name of Jesus for my daughter Emily, praying she will love a life for Jesus. Praying for my granddaughter Carolina. Praying for my mother Bonnie and my father Jerry. Praying for my finances, health, employment, my family and friends. My the Blood of Jesus cover is all. May the Hedge of Protection be around us all. May we all live for our Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ.  In Jesus name, amen

Henry from MT

February 1 at 11:43 am
Father Lord I thank you for this day forgive my sin I pray as I forgive others by your grace and your anointing that is Jerusalem where you establish your power mightily I believe in your power by faith I ask you this mighty God settle all my depth and increase me financially and place your protection and me and my father as you protect Israel in Jesus mighty name I pray 🙏amen thank you lord for my prayer answer

William Hansen from FJ

February 1 at 11:08 am
Pray for me and my family as we try and complete rebuild our family home again. The contractor that we engaged before has misused the finances and my family is almost on bankrupt. We are on the verge of losing our family home that God gave us so we need prayer for God to open up the doors again.

Laurine from LR

February 1 at 10:57 am
Praying to God for my sister and friend Nathaline Jackson-Meatey total restoration in her health Praying for God to heal my brother Kinnie from strange illness Praying for God's protection and blessings upon my son and daughter Praying for God to send me a destiny helper, give me a new job and give me financial stability. Amen

Katerina Su'a from AS

February 1 at 10:20 am
please pray for physical,mental and spiritual healing for my family.In the Mighty Name of Jesus,I claim it n pray with you .Glory to God.

Odette from US

February 1 at 10:04 am
Praying for protection, treatment, and recovery for my brother Efren. Bless all the doctors and nurses that will be treating him, in Jesus name I pray. For your blessing oh Lord, thank you.

Francis Paunan from PH

February 1 at 10:04 am
Please include me in your prayers I want to have a good job so that I have the chance to build a house for my family and please also i want to serve God better. Thank you and God bless you.

Elvira from IN

February 1 at 9:49 am
Thank you dear God for your love .mercy and care for me and my sons.Dear God bless the holy land Israel🇮🇱I pray for all there.🛐Dear God you have provided everything to us you know our needs and reached to us before we seek.Praise be to God's mercy upon us.Protect us and heal every one who are sick..for Anil Dani's son I request you to touch him and Heal him and recovery may come as you touch him. In name of Jesus our Holy father son and Holy Ghost grant our prayer..Amen✝️🛐Amen✝️🛐

Deogratius from TZ

February 1 at 9:48 am
Oh Lord I thank you for your gift of life and divine favours throughout my life. I pray that you continue give me more life, save me from evil, enemies against your will on my life on earth. Protect me from all dangers and all evil cruel acts that are aiming at ending my life on earth. I pray for your divine protection and successes of people of Jerusalem. I pray for peace, love and prosperous of people in my country and the world at large. I pray for your divine favours in spheres of my life; good health(heal all diseases that are on my body), economic prosperous, wealthy and happiness and for divene success in my life. Oh Lord I submit all to you. Amen.

Kath from PH

February 1 at 9:40 am
Lord Jesus. I pray for the healing of the NcoV 2019 also known as the CoronaVirus in Wuhan China, and for all the country that has the strain of this virus also for my beloved country the Philippines. Lord keep my loved ones safe in the Philippines specially my son and my Father Lord, cover them with your most precious blood Lord that no one can harm them no virus can affect them oh Lord. Lord please give the doctors the wisdom and the ability so that they can make a way Lord on how to cure and to stop this virus. Lord we know thatyou are the only one who can stop this virus. Lord Jesus please forgive our sins Lord. Please forgive those people that sins against you oh Lord and give them the truth Lord. Yes Lord, so that they will know that there is no other God than you Lord. Yes Lord, i pray for salvation Lord for my family and for all the people Lord. Cover us Lord with your precious blood that no virus can affect us oh God.

Samuel from NG

February 1 at 9:29 am
Lord Jesus make me a profitable and successful forex trader, make me a blessing to my generation, give me the grace to become a kingdom financier, give me a wife after your heart, Give me the grace to live a holy and righteous life. help me to make it to heaven at last IN JESUS NAME AMEN

Leslie from US

February 1 at 9:26 am
Thank you Jesus for protecting your holy land and it’s people. I pray for protection for my mother and I from Allyson R. Dominguez. I pray that you keep her far away from us, as her walk with the devil has taken over her thought process. Save us from her hateful and jealous ways. She is the common denominator of negativity in our family. I pray for her soul. Also Lord, I pray for complete financial freedom and I thank you in advance for that. In your holy name, Amen!

Jennifer from US

February 1 at 9:19 am
Our family needs a miracle. Our son ( prodigal son) whom we’ve been praying for for several years is 24 and has a 4 yr old daughter. He is running from God, wants nothing to do with Him or religion at all. We’ve raised our children in church their whole lives so he knows the truth! He’s been saved but turned to the world, drugs and alcohol. He needs lots of prayer and deliverance from depression and this bondage that is holding him back.  My husband also has gotten into serious financial pressures with our business and now we may have no income. It will take a miracle to save us from this. God is able and He is faithful. I’m weary for my family and these heavy burdens. Thank you for the prayer and agreement. Blessings to you and blessings to Israel! 

Samuel from NG

February 1 at 9:18 am
Lord Jesus make me a profitable and successful forex trader, make me a blessing to my generation, give me the grace to become a kingdom financier, Give me the grace to live a holy and righteous life. help me to make it to heaven at last IN JESUS NAME AMEN

Fe from PH

February 1 at 9:16 am
Father God Almighty, I pray for the peace be in Jerusalem  In the name of Jesus, I pray for my financial miracle be manifest, for me to pay all my commitments, in the name of Jesus, I pray for protection for my family, shield and cover us by the power of your Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus, I pray for diabetes healing, in the name of Jesus, I pray for all those who are affected by the eruption of Taal volcano, protect them, provide for them shelter, food and strength, thank you Lord God. In Jesus Mighty name. Amen

Lokapriya from IN

February 1 at 8:51 am
Jesus, even though I am hindu, I pray you and I believe that you will always save me in all situations, please save me and remove all my tensions towards my family and make me strong

Sandra from US

February 1 at 8:35 am
Dear Lord, God Almighty, king of The Heavenly Army, I praise you for all your goodness, your mercy, your divine grace with how you make things happen. Lord God, I’m praying to you for my three kids, please God fill their heart and their mind with your Holy Spirit and wisdom so they seek you and follow you. Lord God,  I ask you for healing on my son so he stops smoking I pray also Lord God Almighty to touch my youngest daughter’s hearth so she’ll come and know you more and leave the bad influences she is around with. God I ask you for wisdom and prosperity and happiness for my oldest daughter. Dear God Almighty, provide me with health and open doors for a Finnancial Breakthrough so I can be debt free and have my own House without have to be paying rent anymore. Thank you Adonai in the precious name of your son Jesus, Amen!

nicolas from ZA

February 1 at 8:33 am
Please Lord of the Heavens lead me in your presence and let me find Your calling on my life.I want a breakthrough in my life and those of my family.Heal and give the sick a divine touch of Your anointing.Thanks Father God for everything I am gonna receive by Your Grace.

Deborah from US

February 1 at 8:29 am
Dear Lord I’m sending you this prayer thank you for the blessings you have sent to my family my brother is very excited about his new job. I just want peace on earth protect the animals on earth I want prosperity for everybody I know. Thank You

Stella Samuel from IN

February 1 at 8:28 am
Please pray for my family to be delivered and restored and for a breakthrough in my life. My daughter Joanna should turn back to Jesus and live according to God's Word.

Sandra from US

February 1 at 8:28 am
Dear Lord, God Almighty, king of The Heavenly Army, I praise you for all your goodness, your mercy, your divine grace with how you make things happen. Lord God, I’m praying to you for my three kids, please God fill their heart and their mind with your Holy Spirit so they seek you and follow you. Lord God,  I ask you for healing on my son so he stops smoking I ask you also my you to touch my youngest daughter’s hearth so she come and now you more and leave the bad influences she is around with. God I ask you for wisdom and prosperity and happiness for my oldest daughter. Dear God Almighty, provide me with health and open doors for a Finnancial Breakthrough so I can be debt free and have my own House without has to be paying rent anymore. Thank you Adonai in the precious name of your son Jesus, Amen!

Adjorlolo from US

February 1 at 8:25 am
Trusting God for my ministry the lord has revealed to me request in for wisdom and favour for the ministry? This year I need speedily in my finances

Nikki from US

February 1 at 8:22 am
Lord I pray you put your healing hands on my brother while battles drug addiction to herion,that you make him see the beauty of this world. So much more to life then drugs. I pray that my relationship gets back on track. My boyfriend gets his apartment. And protect my family from sin and harm Amen

Osnat from KE

February 1 at 8:21 am
Dear God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I thank you for everything. I pray that you will answer my prayers. Provide for me and bless me. Deliver me from oppressors at work. I believe that you are working it out for me. Thank you because you have transferred one of the. In your ways which are different from man's ways, come and save me. I beseech you oh Lord from the pain my heart . 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you Jesus 🙏🙏🙏

Blanca from US

February 1 at 8:19 am
Hazme el milagro senor en tus manos pongo mis nececidades Las de mis hijos y esposo para que Las cubras que mi hija salga limpia se esa Granada difamacion

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.