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Lorraine Palmer from GB

February 4 at 9:45 am
Loving and Kind Father, hollowed be thy name forever, you are Adonai the God whom I seek today and forever. Make a way for me my son Richard and grandson Dante that you would bless us and protect wherever we are, heal us of sicknesses and cleanse us of all diseases. Only you my Lord can make all things possible for you are the Great Yahweh, nothing is impossible for you, only you can turn the bad into good, this is what I believe in you. In Jesus name Amen.

Ernesto from PH

February 4 at 9:37 am
Lord pls give me more wisdom to know what is right and wrong please Guide me protect us and my whole Family  from any harm and danger give us good health and touch people now who are sick that we may glorify your name .I am not asking any finacial matter but give us our daily bread and know your words that we may live according to your purpose and will in mighty name of Jesus amen 

GJR from US

February 4 at 9:34 am
Dear Lord Thank you for today Thank you for grace Thank you for your presence Thank you for peace in Jerusalem Thank you for it is well with my soul Thank you for patience Thank you for everlasting joy Thank you for triumph over my enemies Thank you for protection Thank you for faith, hope and love Thank you for being in control and taking charge Thank you for My Savior Jesus Thank you for Holy Spirit Thank you for forgiving my sins Thank you for forgiving my sins again Thank you for the times I fall short of your glory Thank you for those who pray for me Thank you for the tears that I have shed Thank you for comforting my spirit Thank you for your promise Thank you for the cup of blessing Thank you for the lamb of God who sacrificed Thank you for the Bible Thank you for eternity Thank you for earth Thank you for creation Thank you for every tribe, tongue and nation Thank you for Jesus is coming back soon Thank you for every eye shall see Jesus coming Thank you for amen

Catherine from KE

February 4 at 9:16 am
Jehovah God My Father I pray that my transfer to where my husband resides is going to be effected soon, I pray that lord you bless us with our own house, In Jesus Mighty Name I pray

Ag from US

February 4 at 9:12 am
Oh lord Jesus I need you now and forever please help me with this financial situation that I cannot seem to get away from please lord Jesus also help me regain my seniority at work I cannot loose 20 years of work just like that ..🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Monica from US

February 4 at 9:11 am
Lord pray that my fiancé gets a big better full time job and helps us pay our debts and other stuff I also pray for all my brothers sisters my kids be safe and pray my daughter gets her income for kids soon and pray we get a new beautiful house I want and my kids we’ll be happy pray all bad luck goes away and nothing but good luck today and tomorrow always amen by ms

Richard from GH

February 4 at 8:59 am
Dear God, please bless me with a good job, lead and guide me through to my marriage on 22nd February 2020. I seek your favoure and protection before, during and after. Let it be a BLESSING and open doors for me. Amen

CD from US

February 4 at 8:54 am
Father I present to you with a clean heart and with repentance to humbly bend before you. Father I pray for the protection and covering and blessings for Israel 🇮🇱 and all of your people. Father I pray for healing, wisdom and anointing, blessings, guidance and covering, revelations, financial blessings. Release my angels and direct them to work on my behalf. God you are Holy and mighty and powerful. I acknowledge you and trusting in you Lord. Speaking prayers that you will answer in Jesus Name. Amen and Amen 🙏🏽  

Joanne from US

February 4 at 8:52 am
Holy father almighty I give you thanks and praises. Father please bring my best friend Eric back to me! Lord please heal him of his addictions and his self serving ways lord! If he is in love with me lord I ask you to guide him to do the right thing please. Father please heal my moms pains in body. Please lord fix me and comfort me when I feel alone lord. Father please keep strong and protect my son lord and give him shelter. Father above please heal uncle ward and strengthen his lungs every day lord. Please keep satan all his evil spirits away from me my family and friends lord. Please watch over Emmaline and Dillon and Kurt and Jamie and my parents and keep all my family friends and relatives safe and healthy lord. Always loving you amen

Daniel Chidi from EG

February 4 at 8:48 am
I need God’s divine healing over my life. Open doors in my business and God’s divine wisdom , favour and Grace over myself, Amen 🙏

Neha from IN

February 4 at 8:44 am
Please pray for me and my family.. My mumma SUREKHA for her health she has cervical and lumbar spondylosis, hypothyroidism .. Please pray for my sister Preeti she has hypothyroidism and vertigo and palpatation.. Pls pray let my sister preeti get v good life partner this year.. Pls pray for me for my health and wisdom let we all stay in faith and in divine mercy of lord in these end days..

Bolaji from NG

February 4 at 8:40 am
Almighty Lord God open heavens and pour unto me financial help and Blessings that will give me breakthrough in my business and career and pull me out of the dungeon of poverty. Heal me of all infirmities in my life and body. Send Divine helper to me from heaven Break all shackles covens holding me down from reaching my desired level on Jesus Mighty Name.

Roe from PH

February 4 at 8:34 am
Please pray for our president in the Philippines--his safety and protection as he battles the bad elements of the society. He is the first president that I have witnessed who boldly fight against these elements and even corruption in the government. Also for the fast recovery and long life for my father.

Elaine from GB

February 4 at 8:33 am
Father God, help me to have more wisdom in my daily living. Wisdom in your word, wisdom in my Christian walk, wisdom in ministry, wisdom in my businesses and with my finances.  Father God help me to walk up rightly. Lord I ask you for favour with my children for multiple grand children and marriage. For me to be a living witness to my extended family in Jesus name I pray Amen 

KIM from US

February 4 at 8:33 am
Me and my daughter need a home and do not know where we are going to get the money, and I am on disability and need a online job, and most of all I want is my daughter saved and to hear GOD's voice, and for Israel to have peace.

Terina from US

February 4 at 8:30 am
Praying for Jerusalem and lord praying that u will heal me from top of my head to the bottom of my feet heal me from cancer and heal my heart and family bless us lord please

Mary from GH

February 4 at 8:23 am
I pray for Divine strength and protection for David, my family and myself. I pray that Jesus will show David His Salvation and cancel every of his debts. I pray for Job and financial breakthroughs for David and myself. I ask God to forgive David and deliver him from every weapon of darkness fired against his life to reproach, imprison and terminate him in Jesus name, Amen. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers and giving me victory in your mighty name Amen

Robert from GH

February 4 at 8:16 am
God my father bless me with a financial breakthrough, good health and the opportunity to relocate to America with my family in Jesus's name Amen.

Nangombe from NA

February 4 at 8:00 am
A prayer for my family, restoration, deliverance, financial breakthrough, healing, for my career and for my job that I recently applied so I can be call for interview. Thank you Lord for everything. Amen

Charlie from US

February 4 at 7:59 am
Father please bless and heal my mother-in-law. I ask also for an outpouring of Your financial blessings upon me and my family. In Yeshua's name thank you and amen!

Michael from NG

February 4 at 7:59 am
God should restore my job and reposition me for greatness. God should direct a helper that will help me selflessly. He will not have peace until he fulfills what God has commanded him for. Amen.

Renee from US

February 4 at 7:56 am
Please God, help my Son overcome his addiction. Help ease the pain my Mother is experiencing daily, bring her peace. Please help me in my daily struggle with my job and my finances. Help me find a house of worship where I can come closer to you and bring peace to my life. In Jesus name I pray.

Millan from PH

February 4 at 7:55 am
Heavenly Father, we again seek your Love and Mercy, heal my mother Daisy from sickness, heal her diabetes, her wounds, her edema, her heart and kidney. Thank God for your Grace and Mercy, In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Tina from US

February 4 at 7:53 am
I ask you lord to help my family being my daughter home. Lord and and help me with my Bill's. Thank jesus for everything you have done for me. Amen

Donna from US

February 4 at 7:47 am
Dear Father in Heaven, please protect the United States and President Donald Trump.  Please shield it from all forces of evil trying to destroy this nation and its God loving/fearing citizens.  Please protect all of your children on this earth that are in harms way.  And shield us all from evil.  I ask this in Jesus’ name.  Amen

Amador from PH

February 4 at 7:47 am
Praying that my photocopy of my yellow notebook containing my prayer request inserted on the wall by a friend there be answered according to HIS will, in mighty name of Jesus, amen. Likewise, kindly pray also for protection and healing for all the citizen of the world against the virus that is spreading now from China. Lastly, pls help praying for the Philippines, may we be blanketed by the spirit of unity so that we can really move forward as one nation stronger than ever against any evil oppositions trying to ruin our country.  Toda rava Israel.  GOD bless

Angelica marcelo vidrio from MX

February 4 at 7:45 am
Pido oracion por unos riñones nuevos que Dios padre haga un milagro en mi en el nombre de Jesus y que pueda tener la oportunidad de viajar a jerusalem y en el nombre de Jesus haya paz en jerusalem. Gracias!!

Georjina from US

February 4 at 7:44 am
In need of prayer for myself Georjina I have been sick for over 5 months now and gone to different hospitals over 6 times and the doctors can not find anything. At times i begin to have breathing problems and my lips turn blue, I also get chest pains with anything that i try to drink like water or with food. All the medicines that the doctors think will help make me worse my throat begins to close and im gasping for air. Every day its one of these problems I have grown weary I pray for my good health to come back. If someone can please pray for me. Thank you

Sonja from US

February 4 at 7:41 am
Please GOD let all the charges against my grandson be dropped and he get back in college. May my house be blessed with all we need to pay off our bills.

Eric Marfo from GH

February 4 at 7:40 am
God thanks first for the gift of life but please God I'm in need of financial breakthrough in my life to take care of my poor family I need your mighty hand Father Lord almighty hosanna to the highest Amen!!

Salamatu from US

February 4 at 7:39 am
Am sickness and not is working for me, my mother she also is sick for the past thirty years now my brother and my sister are also sick nothing good is working for us right now please remember me and my family in prayers people of God

June DAndrade from US

February 4 at 7:35 am
Prayers for healing from IBS disease - healing from chronic pain also healing prayers for Wayne C. who has cancer. And all who are suffering today - grant them peace Thank you

Jacquelyn Blenman from US

February 4 at 7:34 am
Blessings and Honour, Glory and Power be unto you King of Kings. I thank you for covering myself, family and friends with the precious Blood of Jesus. Cover those who are called by your name in Guyana and Israel. Cover those in authority that they may lead with dignity, integrity, fairness and humility. Let there be peace in Guyana during and after elections and let us witness from this season onwards, unity amongst the peoples. Thank you Lord. Amen.

Netanel Elqanah from HN

February 4 at 7:34 am
ABA Yah...Adon HaRajaman...socorrenos de toda malas influencias que nos alejan de ti. No permitas ABA YAH Que los que adversan a Tu Pueblo IsraEL buscando hacernos daño queriendo sacarnos de la tierra que TU Nos Diste que abitaramos. ABA Rebono Shell Olam Socorro! Somos Tus Niños. Tu Dijiste por boca de Tus Justos y Del Justo Iehoshua miNatzrat. Que tú tienes cuidado de los pajarillos. Gracias ABA! Por Tu socorro! Amen

Riezl Grace Lor from PH

February 4 at 7:30 am
Please send miracle now my God on my financial problem right now. Please remove all of my worries and give me a peace of mind. Please God help me. I dont know what to do already. I am so stress right now my Lord! Help me. 😭 Please let my faith be bigger than my problem. Please 🙏🙏🙏

Jacquelyn Blenman from US

February 4 at 7:28 am
Lord today I want to thank you for your finished work. I belive that yolu are the True and Living God and you have already answered my fervent prayers. I now await the manifestation of those prayers in Jesus's name. I thank you that you see through every heart and you are the God of the Impossible, every thing that was impossible, you are able to cahnge with one word. I worship and praise you because I can place every matter in your court in Heaven to be answered by you. Bless your Holy name. Amen.

Ranganath Relangi from IN

February 4 at 7:25 am
Kindly pray for me God's grace in uniting Nirmala and me in marriage. Help me to secure singereni job Help me to complete company secretary course. God's help in securing xray radiology technician job.

marilyn from US

February 4 at 7:24 am
Dear precious  my Lord Jesus Christ. I pray. first of all to thanku for dying on the cross for me and us, I thankyou for all your grace and blessings.  Lord i ask this Pray to to u. to help. heal. me my. family.  freinds. pets ect, for you know  how to heal and  help everyone individually . Lord you know what we all need healings in wether it be physically. , mentally , or help with. money , shelter , food, you know what we. need Lord  you are the true physician , alfa omega , You are our waymaker so please  hear my prayers and everyone that cries out to you. I thankyou and praise you in your holy. holy name , AMEN Amen Amen 

Blanca from US

February 4 at 7:22 am
Hazme el milagro senor que la in que se cierne sobre mi hija sea aclarada en el tribunal tu sabes senor que es una difamacion. God bless Israel

Kimberly from US

February 4 at 7:14 am
Please pray for those in my family that needs to be saved. For my husband to be healed from Leukemia and for my family to reconcile with us and each other

Maria from CO

February 4 at 7:13 am
Piso oración por sanación espiritual y física en todas las personas que hoy se encuentran enfermas de los pulmones , por no reconocer sus pecados . Que Jehová rafa derrame en sus vidas Salud los fortalezca para confesar sus pecados . Amen

Grace from PH

February 4 at 7:12 am
Please help my son Lorenzo II and all my nephews and nieces to cope up with the stress of student life, that they can pass all the subjects and learn good values in their interaction with other people. Please always keep all of us in your loving care, Amen.

Rebecca from US

February 4 at 7:11 am
Papa God - I ask that you reveal your voice to me clearly and that I learn to hear your voice and to move when you move, to go in your direction and to trust your wisdom.

Friday Michael from NG

February 4 at 7:10 am
I bless the name of the Lord, Alleluyah I pray for peace of Jerusalem, Isreal and my country Nigeria in jesus name. Amen Riches is mine, Breakthrough is mine, Success is mine in jesus name Amen Whatever I lay my hands on shall prosper in jesus name. Amen I pray that God should destroy every evil bondage holding my destiny and breakthrough in jesus name. Amen I pray that God should protect me, my parents, my siblings from evil and danger in jesus name. Amen I declare peace in my family and My life in jesus name. Amen

Valentin from US

February 4 at 7:09 am
Prayers for healing for any one that is sufferring from cancer and anything else ,give us strenght and the knowledge to continue your wirk I ask this in Jesus name

Osie from PH

February 4 at 7:03 am
Please pray for me that God mend my brokenheart... And give me inner joy, peace and brand new life. Let God help me renew my mind and be focus to His ministry. Include also that God would send someone that would truly take care and loved me without a second thought. Pls pray for me until i have it. In Jesus name

Annoymous from US

February 4 at 6:49 am
URGENT PRAYER for DAUGHTER/ SON,, to BOTH be BLESSED with Godly Friends.. PRAY for their SALVATION and DELIVERANCE..  They have MANY STRONGHOLDS on them.. They NEED God in their Lives 🙏🙏. Amen..

Becky from US

February 4 at 6:27 am
Prayer for being completely healed from diabetes, thyroid , and high cholesterol . I want my body to be completely healed from all diseases in Jesus name. Please pray for me .

Sirandou thiero from GN

February 4 at 5:26 am
Oh please help me with prayers i.need finacial miracle today ... i can t afford even for my daily Bread please i surffer a lot i have nobody to help

Kayode from NG

February 4 at 5:12 am
i thank GOD for answering prayers. i pray that GOD should have mercy on my wife(bukola) and to open her womb to bear the fruits of the womb in JESUS CHRIST Name. Amen! i believe.

Elisa from US

February 4 at 4:56 am
My father , my creator, my all. You have been my refuge and provider and have proven your word to me more since my step-father passed on. In your hands I am grateful and Year after year you have provided me food, shelter and wisdom.  I pray for our soldiers that they find salvation in the process of there commitment. That the Holy Spirit guides they in victory and provide then strenght in there obedience. Heal our relantionships in forgive our hearts desires. Purge us with hyssop and deliver us from oppression. Jehova my messiah I have been saved by grace I am a gentile woman that just knows your eternal love and learning the apostles faith has been tough for me but your love is greater and I ask for a bond like no other with my 4 children and there future wives and my future grandchildren. Bless our hard work and that we sew on good soil for the day of reward we shall reap on earth as it in heaven. I know the phrophecies but I know your mercy too.  Thank God my father my brother.

Jacky Hall from PH

February 4 at 3:54 am
Hello, I was injured at work in Australia 2013 and lost everything. We came to the Philippines to file disability as this is where all asean pacific claims have to be filed. We have tried to survive here while I waited for my disability to start which was only supposed to take 6 months to a year but after 5 years even with many specialist stating I was disabled they denied my benifits. They told me it is basically impossible to get disability unless I am in the states. I am not asking for any money just prayers as we need 6k up to 10k to get home because I need to register my children as US citizens and get their passports and renew my passport as it has been expired since 2016 because of no money to renew it and I will have to pay over stay fees here because my visa expired and that is 200k pesos plus. I am actually grateful for this trial because I had slipped away from God and this has brought me into a whole new and powerful relationship with him. Thank you and God Bless Jack

Fred from KE

February 4 at 3:46 am
Dear Lord God thank you for everything you have done and still doing in my life......Lord kindly help me get a Jesus mighty name i pray and believe.....AMEN.

Onyibor from NG

February 4 at 3:43 am
My prayer is that Hashem to Bless me and my wife Chinwendu with children that I will be fertile and increase,fill the earth and God Bless me and my wife with Shalom ,Unity .

Beratabua Korolevu Biutisuva from FJ

February 4 at 3:36 am
Heavenly Father The God of Israel.I pray for all those who not in your Kingdom nowdays those that didn't know you to know you , gives them salvation, help them by renewing their mind but not to conform any longer to the pattern of this world,motivate them Jesus because you are the ways ,truth and the life.O Lord bless us all sent your Holy Spirit to be with us and to lead us.Lord i need your annointing,promotion,financial breakthrough and restoration.I give you back Lord the Glory.I pray with no other name but in Jesus Name i pray.Amen.

Jeanelyn from PH

February 4 at 3:29 am
Heavenly Father I pray for complete healing for the people affected by the Corona Virus in the Philippines and even those from other countries.. Protect us and others from being infected by this virus and cover us by the precious blood of Jesus. also Lord I commit my son Jairus To lead and guide him as he waits for his job to begin, let Your presence be with him always wherever he go and whatever he do. Let evil doers do not succeed in the bad things to be done upon him and to us. Give us peace of mind and hearts, and strenght to move on in life. I thanked and bless You Lord.. in the mighty name of Jesus i asked. Amen

Nancy from GH

February 4 at 2:49 am
I pray for Favor,Grace,divine healing,divine intervention,divine protection,Blessings upon Blessings and all the good things in you LORD🙏🏼Lead me in every aspect of my life and guide me through it all

Jackie from JP

February 4 at 2:02 am
Hello greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and savior its my first time to post a prayer here and i am thankful to God for the opportunity  , please pray for me and my son for God’s divine protection as of now we heard a lot about new corona virus that spreading here in Asia may God protect us all and end this troubles and spare His people and pls pray for God’s salvation and the grace of Jesus Christ will reach out to all Japanese  people  

Sanjukta from IN

February 4 at 1:58 am
Lord Jesus please give me your strength that I can fulfill your will in my life. Give me your Holy Spirit and your holy nature Lord. God our father please prepare me so that I can live for you and if needed then can also die for you...

George from US

February 4 at 1:07 am
Hello my Lord It's Me Again I ask of you to bless me and hear me of all my health problems and issues. And I also asked that you bless all of our brothers and sisters around the world. Especially our brothers and sisters in Jerusalem. And I thank you my Lord for never forsaking me. For I will never forsake you and I will continue to praise you and seek you with all my heart until the end of my days hallelujah amen. Nasheed of bless all of my children and protect them always help my son to be a better family man better husband to his family. Thank you for everything that you do for me good and bad I give you all the glory my Lord hallelujah.

Tracey from AU

February 4 at 12:26 am
I'm begging for prayer for Michael please let all charges be dropped and please let him be home with me before the end of 2020. Thank You.Amen.

Barbara from AU

February 4 at 12:13 am
Please pray in agreement. Heavenly Father, Jehovah Rapha, I come before you with a humble heart and ask you Lord that you will remove any and all sickness from my mind and body in Jesus name. NO weapon formed against me will prosper! I will live and NOT die and proclaim the works of the Lord. By Jesus stripes I AM healed.

Joann from US

February 3 at 11:59 pm
Prayers for mercy grace forgiveness compassion salvation healing for all. Prayers for Israel.Prayer for President Trump and RL. Prayers for respect and value of all lives including unborn and animal kingdom. Prayers for Australia. Prayers for persecuted. Prayers for healing from my pains and illness please I need your mercy. Prayers for the disillusioned. Prayers all prayers on wall are answ ered.

Dolly from US

February 3 at 10:56 pm
God please save my friend from the evil that’s been around him. Please bring God back into his life. Thank You God please give Jerusalem Peace. 

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.