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GJR from US

February 5 at 5:13 am
To every Jan To every John To everyone Crushing waters Raging seas, nothing can separate my love for thee. In sinking sand reach out for my hand. On mountains high, I listen to the echo of your soul, for every drop of sweat and tear, draw you closer to me, so do not fear. I hold you near within my heart so do not fear. Love You From Jesus Christ the one who is to come soon.


February 5 at 5:12 am
I am praying god to make me a Very important Personality by his holy spirit, May God make me a very intelligent, wise, rich, essantial person, very healthy and respected in my generation and beyond.


February 5 at 5:00 am
I am praying God to deliver me from all kind crses launched against me by evil people. I am praying God to give me Sons and daugther with my wife and to give us long life on earth for breding them according his plan for them. I am praying God to poured on me his anointing capable to destroy all kind of evil presence in my life and to permit to me to serve him with great power: power for miracle, power for delivrance, power for healing, power to fight and to get victorious over evil thing. I am praying God to bless me and to put me at the head of all among my brother and sister, in my country even in africa.

Joann from US

February 5 at 4:59 am
My daughter and granddaughter safe healthy labor for their baby   Financial breakthrough. Generational curses broken.  Healing in my kidneys and stomach. Grandchildren and my children to have a relationship with God. 

Dario from CL

February 5 at 4:36 am
Señor Bendito, te pido tu Luz y tu sabiduría para salir de las situaciones que hoy me tienen estancado y el entendimiento para aprender las lecciones qué hay detrás. Te agradezco por todas tus bendiciones y por mostrarnos el Camino a Ti. Bendito seas por siempre. Amén.

Gloria from US

February 5 at 4:10 am
Father in heaven blessed be Your holy highly name thank You for America. As you know my husband cross the line at the doctors office, the doctor crossed the line and I cross the line which now after this shameful disclosure all that's left is to turn to You Lord. I feel betrayed by my husband. Im carrying this burden and ask you to take it, yet my husband has not apologize for crossing the line by disclosing unnecessary personal details. Father relieve me from this burden that now points back and forth in my mind. Im trying my best to not allow it to get into my heart. (Psalms 55:22) in Jesus name remove this heavy burden. I release it and ask You to take it, nevertheless Your will be done, (2Corinthians 12:9) thank you for Yours is all honor and glory forever. Amen.

Emmanuella from NG

February 5 at 3:07 am
I pray for my marriage this year. I ask God to grant me uplift in my job I ask God to renew my America Visa and grant me visa to Canada. I ask God to bless me with triplet. I ask God to heal me permanently. Amen.

Sampson from GH

February 5 at 2:55 am
Father Lord, I thank you for your mercies and favor over the years. It's my prayer that, You Grant my family financial freedom and make my dream come true, that's traveling to Germany to work. May the Blood of Jesus protect my family and Loved ones. Make me a servant that will always seek and be in your presence. Amen

Kayode from NG

February 5 at 2:03 am
i bless GOD for His mercy, protection, guardian, provision over me and my family; i also thank GOD for answering my prayers. i pray that GOD should bless kayode and bukola with Godly children according to God's Word in Genesis 1:28. Amen in JESUS CHRIST Name.

Bea Lene from WS

February 5 at 1:02 am
Praying for my family. My son and wife to be fully commit to you oh God. Please guide and show them you died for our sin. Let them feel your love, your peace. I pray with your blood to protect them from danger and from evil. Praying for your blessing upon Israel and the whole world. In Jesus name. Amen

Momo from UG

February 5 at 12:45 am
Lord I need a new job but above all I need your healing touch and to know you more. With long life may you satisfy me and show me your salvation.

Francis from UG

February 5 at 12:03 am
Dear Lord, thank you for my family, bless my marriage, ministry, job, children. i pray that the covenant dorm dorm will be constructed in time, i call forth money and resources from all corners of the world. i pray for land for the family business. i believe that you have done it already job 22:28.

Kimberly from US

February 4 at 11:38 pm
I pray my daughter finds a GREAT man close to home to get remarried too. That he will be an EXCELLENT role model and step dad to her kids. Someone we can be proud of. I pray for my older son who’s wife just lost her baby. May they have many more. I pray all my kids find happiness in what they seek. I pray that I loose this excessive weight so I can be healthy for my grandkids. I pray you keep my husband healthy and happy for many years to come so we can grow really old together. Thank you for all you have done Lord! Amen 

Sara from US

February 4 at 11:17 pm
Please help to have peace to people and the land of Israel.  Help my son Reuven Kohen Ben Sara to get married to a nice Jewish girl and be happy very soon. Help Sara bat Habiba to be rich and doing mitzvot with good health and Peace with good  protection and Be successfull.  Help Rina Orlit to be healthy and get pregnant and have healthy children’s very soon get a nice job and be happy.  Help Habiba bat Regina to find peace in herself.  Help Cila bat Habiba to be healthy and find a shiduch for herself and get married.   

Kashif Adeel from TH

February 4 at 9:39 pm
Please pray that God's plans be fulfilled in my family's life. Please pray that Holy Spirit help us in taking right decisions in year 2020.

Kashif Adeel from TH

February 4 at 9:39 pm
Please pray for new breakthrough, new beginning in my family, finances, career and ministry work of God among displaced and persecuted Pakistani christian community in Thailand.

Joann from US

February 4 at 9:22 pm
Prayers for mercy grace forgiveness compassion salvation healing for all. Prayers for Israel.Prayers for President Trump and RL. Prayers for respect and value of all lives including unborn and animal kingdom. Prayers for persecuted. Prayers for disillusioned. Prayers for Australia. Prayers all prayers on wall are answ ered. Prayers for healing from my pains and illness please I need your mercy.

ray from NZ

February 4 at 9:03 pm
Many things have happened in my life and lost money and health too. now this year im recovering and taking a new path. I hope i can learn my new ways of living in health and work. im looking forward that this year will be awesome as this my year in year form. I commit it in Jesus name i pray. I hope also that my promise to God to be fullfilled

Debbie from US

February 4 at 8:56 pm
Lord Jesus in Your Name, by Your stripes, & by the same power & authority that raised You from the dead, I declare healing for Russell throat & my mouth. I receive it. Bless Your Holy Name!

Sebastian P from IN

February 4 at 8:52 pm
Oh lord,almighty king, Let me pray for your blessing in the follwing matters 1. Lord kindly heal me and my family from all illness. 2. Lord grant us with financial success. 3.Lord kindly show your miracle for me to stay in my own shelter. 4.Lord save us from all evil spirits.

Iso from BR

February 4 at 8:43 pm
מי ייתן ואשתי ראקל ובתתי רפלה, יהיו שלום וברכות להמשיך ולנצח בקרב היומיומי שאנשים רעים הציבו בנו, אלוהים יציל את ישראל ואת יהדות התפוצות, אמן

Lan from US

February 4 at 8:30 pm
I pray for the protection of Israel and Jerusalem. Praying that God continues to bless her and all God ppl will know and love him more and more everyday. I pray for peace and unity for all. I pray for healing all over the world. I pray that God will help the weary and give power to the weak so they may stand and glorify him. I pray for salvation for all my families and friends so we will be in heaven together. I pray that God will anoint me so I can be his faithful witness and lead his sheep. I pray that I will be filled and full of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Rita from US

February 4 at 8:12 pm
Thinking God for all His many blessings. Pray that God will give me more wisdom and knowledge in his word. Pray that all my children and grandchildren be saved in these last days. Pray that I will have complete healing in my body complete healing of both knees and a financial blessing in Jesus name Amen!

Elenoa from FJ

February 4 at 8:08 pm
Thank you heavenly father for everything you have provided me with. Thank you for my family and the lives of my 2 sisters. I ask you Lord to give me the strength to abide by you everyday and as for myself, my family and my 2 younger sisters. Pray for your provisions for our lives, Bless us with your love, keep us always and never forsake us my Lord, grant us peace and love and shower it especially to my family and my 2 sisters and to all my cousins that are mother less!! Love us Lord, i believe that you will help us through, as you have always done that GOD. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORDS EZEKIEL 37: 15-23 verse 23 as it says - They will no longer defile themselves with their idols and vile images or with any of their offences, for i will save them from all their sinful backsliding, and i will cleanse them. They will be my people and i will be their God. I thank you Lord for always looking after my family and my 2 sisters and everyone around me. Thank you God for everything!!!

Rita from US

February 4 at 8:04 pm
Thinking God for all His many blessings. Pray that God will give me more wisdom and knowledge in his word. Pray that all my children and grandchildren be saved in these last days. Pray that I will have complete healing in my body complete healing of both knees and a financial blessing in Jesus name Amen!

Rita from US

February 4 at 8:00 pm
Thinking God for all His many blessings. Pray that God will give me more wisdom and knowledge in his word. Pray that all my children and grandchildren be saved in these last days. Pray that I will have complete healing in my body complete healing of both knees and a financial blessing in Jesus name Amen!

Mary from GD

February 4 at 7:24 pm
The spiritual attacks continue aggressively, please help in praying for my family and me. This has been going on for years and gets worse whenever a breakthrough is imminent. I know Jesus is in control and will see me through. Pray specifically against the mark of rejection. In Jesus' name. Amen and thank you.

Brenda from US

February 4 at 7:19 pm
I am asking for strength and endurance help me get through each with my husband . He needs to be saved. Please pray for my daughters the need salvation. I need a financial blessing to get us through our payments. Jesus I need need help . In Jesus Name.

Alyssa from US

February 4 at 7:16 pm
I pray for deliverance, strength and faith. I pray for a financial breakthrough in my life. I pray to be more like Jesus and have a favorable relationship with God. I pray that God will answer all our prayers on here if it is his will. In Jesus name, Amen.

Donna from US

February 4 at 7:14 pm
My prayer is for the healing of my mother, a better quality of life, and for her time of suffering to end, and not an extension if it is not His will. I also pray for healing of both mind, body, soul, and finances for my youngest brother and his son, and for my brother's children to succeed and all be brought closer to our Redeemer and Savior. Thirdly, healing for my husband and blessings for him as he has been such a blessing to me. Fourth, healing for my son's wife and a healthy pregnancy healthy baby. Finally, wisdom, strength, guidance, and discernment for myself as it comes to helping my mom, and leading in my life.

Donna from US

February 4 at 5:05 pm
I ask for prayers for my son who has had terrible back pain since a car accident in 1991. He just had his 40th surgery in March of 2019 and is still in pain. He lost his job because of it and now has been evicted from his apartment for complaining about a pot smoking neighbor. They have found a new place but have to be approved. He needs prayers. 

Donnie from US

February 4 at 4:49 pm
I pray and ask for the peace and protection of Israel and Jerusalem and also for the healing , financial and positive thoughts for my family and friends. I pray and ask that we continue to live by ourselves please I love my family but I don’t want to live with them. I pray and ask for financial and health blessings on my son and his wife and that they quit using people and turn to God and that they leave their drama and negativity at home please don’t let them bring it here please. I pray and ask that my upcoming surgery goes well and that they take out this difiburlator please and that my disability application is approved with no problem. I pray and ask no drama and negativity nothing but positive thoughts and take out difiburlator , in Jesus Name I pray and ask father that you please make away for us to move to Florida , I pray and ask in Jesus Name Amen

Donnie from US

February 4 at 4:47 pm
I pray and ask take out the difiburlator and approve my disability in Jesus Name Amen I pray and ask that we move to Florida and I pray and ask that we continue to live by ourselves , I pray and ask in Jesus name Amen

Gina from US

February 4 at 4:43 pm
Thank you Lord for all the blessings, Lord please have your hand on our employment situation you know what's best for our family and my husbands employment, please Lord give my teenage daughters wisdom, knowledge and direction to do your will show me how to guide them and have understanding help me to do your will thank you for all blessings love you Jesus give healing to the sick and be with the family. AMEN

Marimon from US

February 4 at 4:31 pm
Please keep my family safe from all harm and sickness our dear Lord. Shield them with your loving, caring and protective arms at all times, places and circumstances, Amen.

Fe from PH

February 4 at 4:15 pm
Abba Father God Almighty, I pray for the peace be in Jerusalem. In the name of Jesus, I pray and ask for financial Miracle be manifest today, for me to pay all my commitment and be set free from this bondage.. I thank you father God for my daughter had help me to solve my problem today. In the name of Jesus, I pray to God to shield and cover me and my famili by the power of the Holy Spirit, to protect my family, abundance grace be in my family, in the name of Jesus let the peace of God reign in my family, in my financial need.. Chain be broken, no weapon form against me and my family shall prosper, in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Felicia from CA

February 4 at 4:11 pm
I pray that God will favour me this year , and that my hearing will be successful and I will only hear welcome to Canada. I also pray that God will erase all my debt and he will send me a destiny helper in Jesus name amen. I pray for prosperity in my family , good health and grace in Jesus name amen.

Mary from TO

February 4 at 4:00 pm
Please pray for my family husband always away every 7month every year just to save money to buy a land for us to have a home please pray for that so we can have a home this year..2.I really want a job to help my family nd my parents...3.please pray for my daughter education to fulfill her wish/career..4.please pray for the safety of my family thank you so much god bless

Susan from US

February 4 at 3:43 pm
Dear Lord I pray for healing for our daughter Rebecca. She has multiple things going on at this time and we just pray that you take your healing hand and heal her body mind and soul.

Dana from US

February 4 at 3:38 pm
Please Lord be with my yet to be born grandson, Oliver. My daughter is being induced Feb. 6th due to him having enlarged kidneys and she has too much amniotic fluid. Amen

Martha from US

February 4 at 3:37 pm
I pray for healing for my brother Joe and Cousin Susie...that their tumors and all cancer be removed completely and that they don't come back, in Jesus' holy name I pray. AMEN!


February 4 at 3:36 pm
Family Prayer for all of my children to be delivered, saved, sanctified & filled with the Holy Ghost, healing, blessings, direction & guidance. Prayer for them to love themselves and love God & accept Jesus Christ in their hearts and abide in God’s will. Prayer for them to be doers or the WORD of GOD and be independent and successful in life and learn how to respect GOD, themselves and their parents and live ling life in peace and it more abundantly. Prayer for their salvation so that their names will be written in the Lambs Book of life. Prayer for God’s hedge of protection all around my children, grandson and I & God’s peace, presence, and God’s Angel protection and God’s anointing. I have given all my children and grandson over to God, please Lord take this burden from me and give me peace in Jesus Christ Name. Prayer for favor with new landlords and managements and new neighbors that we all live in peace and respectful of property and God’s protection, peace, anointing, presence,

Andrea from US

February 4 at 3:22 pm
Salvation for my adult niece Ebony and Nephew Chito, who just lost their father in an accident. They both have a family, kids and know of the Lord, but have never given their lives to God.

Barbara from US

February 4 at 2:46 pm
Prayers for my cousin Ron Gully , He has lung cancer for the second time! His operation will be in March ! Prayers that God will intervene and heal him! And prayers for my Daughter Jeanie Hauser that God will heal her aggressive R.A. 

Monica from US

February 4 at 2:19 pm
Papá Dios pidiéndote por la paz de Jerusalén de Israel y del mundo entero,desde ecuador te bendigo mi santo de Israel , pidiendo tu ayuda tu bendición para mi familia , te necesitamos mi Dios tu eres nuestra fuerza y poder . Aba te pido por nuestra salud del alma y cuerpo por nuestros trabajos y finanzas y estudio de mis hijos , te amamos mi Dios perdónanos nuestros pecados todos nuestros errores del presente y del pasado pon en nosotros un corazón limpio y un firme Espíritu te lo pedimos en el nombre bendito de nuestro Jesús mi Salvador el Mesías 🙏🏻

Sirandou thiero from GN

February 4 at 2:04 pm
Please help me pray against générational curses and evil spirits that destroy my life i am suffering a lot because of it everything in my life is delay

Foxden from US

February 4 at 1:18 pm
Lord I ask you to bless and strengthen my family. I ask that you work in our lives and bring restoration for relationships, finances, and I would ask that you move on the hearts of those who have treated me unfairly. Make things right Papa. God I ask that you would give us all the wisdom and resources needed to purchase our 4ever home this year. In Jesus name. Amen

Michael from GB

February 4 at 1:10 pm
Father God, your word says heal me and I shall be healed save me and though shall be saved because you are my praise, heal me I pray of every disease , I pray also for a new job and enough money so I can be a full time minister to evangelise were you want me to be in jesus name Amen

Phyllis from US

February 4 at 1:02 pm
Dear Father God, I glorify and exalt You. I thank You for Who you are! You are the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, the Great I AM! JPT, please pray for my healing. I got a concussion in July of 2019 and debilitating symptoms continue till this day (Feb., 2020). Thank you, Lord, for Your miraculous healing in the name of Jesus! All glory and honor and love to You! Amen! Thank you, JPT and may God bless you mightily for all you do in Jesus' name.

Shephard from US

February 4 at 12:57 pm
Thank you GOD for the most wonderful gift your son Jesus!!!! I want to thank GOD for blessing me with a wonderful family also thank GOD for grace and mercy even though I don’t deserve it!!! Praying for the poor and people that are sick at home or a hospital praying for blessings and healing also praying for peace in my life marriage home family city state and peace all over the world praying for strength during storms help me GOD be the man you put me here to be amen 🙏🏾 

Breaman from NG

February 4 at 12:42 pm
God help all my close friends and my life partner. God fight for Numan federation in Jesus name. God fight for all the entire Christians in Nigeria and the entire universe in Jesus name. God let me obtain favor from you in Jesus name. God I want to have riches that will come from you in Jesus name. God change everything about me in Jesus name

Tabitha from US

February 4 at 12:41 pm
Lord I thank you for your grace and mercy! I thank you what you have done for me and what you’re going to do. Lord help me to walk in my destiny, help me to hear your voice clearly. Lord God keep me and my family in the circle of your protection, give us repentant hearts. Bless us with good health and grant me wisdom and knowledge. Help us to prosper! Thank you Lord! Giving you the honor, the glory, and the praise! I’m Jesus’s name amen 

Regina from US

February 4 at 12:36 pm
Father I pray your hand provide me safely, that you will give me peace in my heart and thoughts. That you will provide me with healing and financial gain to over come debt. I pray you will block and stop my enemy from gaining ground. Father God I thank you, for loving me, protecting me, healing me, and sending me a job that shall provide for me. I will wait for these things from you.

Breaman from NG

February 4 at 12:31 pm
God change my life, and the life of my children. Good take away every sickness in my life and the life of my children. God open the windows of heaven and shower me with your blessings. God my eyes God for all my sons and the sins of my children all the days of my life. God make me to locate my destiny helpers in Jesus name. God I cancel every premature dead in my life and the life of my children in Jesus name. God help me to have my own house this year in Jesus name. God give more knowledge of you and all my studies like wise my children in Jesus name.

Ewurum Chinasa from NG

February 4 at 12:21 pm
God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel take me to my place of Divine assignment in my ministry. Protect my entire family from evil in the land of Nigeria, in Jesus name Amen.

Leticia from US

February 4 at 12:15 pm
Dear Lord, open doors for my husband to find work in our city and not have to work in another state. Please Lord, also open doors for us to be able to find a house with a little bit of land. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Julio from US

February 4 at 12:12 pm
Heavenly Father I pray for Healing in my family and extended family, Physical, emotional, financial, and most importantly, Spiritual healing to keep my family members from allowing their emotions to interfere with our family unity. Let not the personal decisions break our family relationship, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour who lives and reigns forever and ever, Amen 🙏

T.R. from US

February 4 at 12:11 pm
Dear Lord, Thank you for all you have done for me/family. Please forgive us for our sins. Special request for son, MM, be more loving, empathetic, sympathetic, have God's precious love in his heart, autonomous, find happiness & love, keep a job, take care of his child, that doors of opportunity & success follow him, that he be led to all the right individuals to help him throughout his life-long journey, that he make decisions on his own to be healthy, stay away from drugs & toxic people, have confidence, will power, a closer relationship w/ his dad, always have a means to be financially independent, be safe, be kept alive and healthy. Proof of miracles, signs, and wonders in his life starting today. In Jesus' Mighty Precious Name. Amen.

Alisha from US

February 4 at 12:08 pm
Dear Lord, please watch over me and my kids. Help us in our situation, protect us, and keep us safe. Lord open doors for us to have a place to live on our own and get back what was lost. Thank you Lord. Amen.

Alex from ZM

February 4 at 12:05 pm
Son of David have mercy on me, deliver me from any sickness in my body, deliver my career, destiny, finances, and family, I come against every spirit that is not of God in Jesus name. Make me a better person in life. Enough is enough. Lord answer my prayer, bless me as you are blessing your children.

Shelia from US

February 4 at 11:51 am
Please, dear Lord, set my son, Brandon, free from anything that is harming his body and mind.  He needs to be delivered also from depression and loneliness.  He does not care about living.  Please help him.

Carolyn from US

February 4 at 11:30 am
Please pray for the UNBORN BABIES of N.Y. state, USA. NY passed an ABORTION LAW where mothers can have an ABORTION when they are 9 MONTHS PREGNANT! This is evil & inhuman. Then they (Planned Parenthood-the devil) takes these LIVE BABIES and harvests organs from them, killing them. Pray that they are stopped from committing infanticide! Pray for these precious babies of God.

Martinez Dilma from BR

February 4 at 10:46 am
Peço ao Senhor por minha família, especialmente meu genro Douglas que está enfrentando perseguição no trabalho ,livra o de seus inimigos Senhor meu Deus .

GJR from US

February 4 at 10:21 am
Hallelujahs the King Lives ! He is Jesus The Messiah! Turn the page oh carnal men keep writing for the Lord is unstoppable according to His plans. Rely on the Lord from morning to evening. Only in the Lord is there genuine trust. Release every prayer in Jesus name. Forsake all sins repent today. Never to late for hope can restore with some faith of a mustard seed. New life, new careers, new relationships, new property, new prosperity, higher grounds and valley's for the blessing cup overflows to (Psalms16:5). The sorrows shall be rewarded, the loses shall be righteously restored, (Habakkuk 2:3) near nearer grows the appointed time, the Lord is in Control and in Charge. My Lord continue to tailor in me the inner woman or inner man that best is tailored to wear a royal robe of righteousness selected by You Oh Lord, so that it is perfectly rare to be worn as I find myself in wilderness seeking Your covering against a storm, or sometimes wondering into desertification, yearning to find

Elvira from IN

February 4 at 10:13 am
Thank you dear God for your Mercy on us all.I pray for Israel🇮🇱Bless and protect the Holy land.We pray for all our family people protect everybody and provide all we need for living.Bless us with health.Finance and as per your wish.Be with us always.In Jesus holy name we pray grant us and bless us all we need Amen🛐

Bright Amankwah from GH

February 4 at 10:08 am
Father Lord please lend me strength give me guidance, help me O Lord to overcome my weaknesses, help me focus on the plans you have for me in Jesus' mighty name I pray Amen!!

Odamea Asare from GH

February 4 at 9:56 am
Father Lord, pls heal my mother from hepatitis and my dad from pressure. Let your healing mercies descend on my family. 🙏🙏🙏 Amen.

Osnat from KE

February 4 at 9:55 am
Dear God, I am so grateful for everything. I continue to cry to you oh father. Have mercy on me. Have mercy on me. I love you Jehovah! I love you. Amen! 🙏

Odamea Asare from GH

February 4 at 9:49 am
Almighty father in Heaven, I pray that through my first prayer, you open doors for me and my siblings to help take care of our parents. Bless me, my family an my husband to be 🙏

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.