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Brenda from US

January 30 at 7:15 am
Heavenly Father, in Jesus name I ask of you to touch and heal my Granddaughter Regan. She has been ill for a few months. What was once a energetic young lady is now one that shuffles when she walks and needs the assistance of a Walker. She has been to the hospital 3 times, admitted two of those. She finally got a diagnosis after many testing and probing. I come boldly to the throne for her healing, pleading the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you in Jesus's name, Amen.

Collins Chinagorom Okehi from SN

January 30 at 7:14 am
Every ancient alter raised by my forefather's, that has been speaking and working against my life and generation be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.

Glenny Veras from DO

January 30 at 7:11 am
Papito Dios te ruego que protejas a mis hijos Isaac, David y Camila a mi esposo César estamos en tus manos guardonos líbranos de todo mal y peligro, mi Dios que tú misericordia, gracias, bendiciones siempre estén con nosotros acompañados que podamos ser fiel a tus mandamientos y ser la familia más agradecida del mundo para contigo en el nombre de Jesucristo amén...papito Dios bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y preparados todos los que bendigamos tú tierra en el nombre de Jesucristo amén........

Ranganath Relangi from IN

January 30 at 7:11 am
Kindly pray for me. Doing Xray Radiology technician course. God opens door for job. God help me to complete company secretary course. God help me to secure singereni job God unites me and Nirmala in marriage.

Freda from US

January 30 at 7:10 am
Jesus I need your help I am so sorry for all my sins I hope that you forgive me I love you and god let me be up there with you and my family amen

Raquel Celina lira de Mendonça from PT

January 30 at 7:06 am
Peço oração para Deus me dá uma pensão vitalícia. Que a herança que meu pai deixou seja dividida justamente. Peço a Deus saúde para meu marido Manuel Rocamora. Em nome de Jesus . Obrigada

Dimas Adamson from NG

January 30 at 6:21 am
In Jesus name, i come before the mercy throne of God to pray for the nation of Israel and the protection of the global christian brethren against enemies of CHRIST and Terrorist organisations. I also pray that God will grant my heart desire and expand my horizon in the order of Jabez.2020 should is my year of fruitfulness and all of God's glory.Amen

Akeiio caroline from US

January 30 at 6:18 am
Plz heip me with prays coz my own people whom I love don't wish me good in my life and i have a problem when I get a man to love and planning to get marriage we will love one another but at the end I will hear that that some man has got some one to marry it has happened to my life in mony times but I don't know what is the case of that

ann from UG

January 30 at 2:50 am
God em so grateful for blessings. I dedicate to you my children who are becoming stubborn and worrying Lord, may Your Holly Spirit move into their lives and remind them of your ways. I also pray for funds to take my kids to School...em so confused! Help God. Through Christ i have prayed. Amen

Shereese Clark from US

January 29 at 10:51 pm
I need god to bless me with days shift work on my new job and I need experience pay money to start I need to make 13 dollars a hour or more to be my pay rate

Joann from US

January 29 at 8:25 pm
Prayers for mercy grace forgiveness compassion salvation healing for all. Prayers for Israel. Prayers for President Trump. Prayers for respect and value of all lives including unborn and animal kingdom. Prayers for Australia . Prayers for persecuted. Prayers all prayers on wall are answered.

Annoymous from US

January 29 at 7:40 pm

Rob from US

January 29 at 5:47 pm
God knows what is in my heart and what my troubles are. I am very troubled and depressed for multiple reasons. Stressful work and home life along with financial difficulties and other things on my mind. Need urgent prayers regarding these things.

James from US

January 29 at 4:54 pm
My Lord my God of heaven, Thank you 🙏  for your blessings that has been keeping me up days and night. I worship U for who U are.. I present my life and career into ur hands lord. U know the deepest part of my heart. Clean my heart  and fill it with ur love  and wills. My God, i have come to u through ur holy land (Jerusalem) and its holy people with prayers presenting my tomorrows in ur hands..  As I’m about to sit for a test Tomorrow, Lord! Let ur power of knowledge and wisdom be with me tomorrow.. Fill me with ur understanding to every single question that comes tomorrow.  Lord I know you have done ✅ it before and I believed you can do it again..  Take control Lord. I can’t do without you. I’m ur child and I have no other God besides you Lord. You are the God of everything..  I’m knocking on that door 🚪 of success oh Lord. Open it unto me oh God..  Let ur will be done ✅  in my life oh God of  Heaven..   Thank you for answering my prayer. Worship you oh Lord.  Amen 🙏

Seema verma from US

January 29 at 3:43 pm
Please pray for Anshila D. in Suva Fiji. She’s suffering from Cervical Cancer. I pray our Lord snd savior Jesus Christ forgives her from all sins and heals her completely and I pray her entire family is saved healed and accepts Jesus Christ as  their lord and savior in Jesus mighty name.

Alicia from PH

January 29 at 3:33 pm
Lord, Thank you for everything. We Thank you for all your blessings. We pray Lord that all the BAD things that is happening around US Will be gone. Keep my family safe from danger and sickness. Cover US from the blood of Jesus and forgive US our sins. All those we pray in Jesus name, Amen. Bless the Philippines, bless your people and protect US always.

Shereese Clark from US

January 29 at 3:27 pm
I need god to bless me with a permanent day shift on my job and I need experience money I need to make  13 dollars a hour or more to start and weekends off for church

Blessing from NG

January 29 at 3:16 pm
I give thanks to you father of all father,king of all kings,the one that was,the one that is,and is to come. Thank you for your grace and mercy upon Jerusalem and Nigeria for the past years,relise your peace upon us. My heart is full of pain and heavy borden,tears has been a part of me recently, nothing works for me or siblings,so many evil thoughts coming to my mind,save me Lord from myself,so that i can avoid the ways of regret,send help from above for me Lord. I look up to you, for you are my strength. Amen

Friday Michael from NG

January 29 at 2:56 pm
I bless the name of the Lord, Alleluyah I pray for peace of Jerusalem, Isreal and my country Nigeria in jesus name. Amen I pray that God should destroy every evil person who is holding up my destiny and breakthrough in bondage in jesus name. Amen Riches is mine, Success is mine, Breakthrough is mine in jesus name. Amen Long life and prosperity is mine in jesus name. Amen Whatever I lay my hands on shall prosper in jesus name. Amen I pray that God should protect me, my parents and siblings from evil and danger in jesus name. Amen We shall be favoured in all we Do in jesus name. Amen We shall be at the right place at the right time in jesus name. Amen

Pastor David from GH

January 29 at 2:49 pm
My God and my Father, the covenant keeping God, may your Grace and mercy be my portion and help me to be successful in ministry. Grant me access to visit the Holy Land in Jesus name.

Zuleika from PG

January 29 at 1:33 pm
Father God in heaven, I kneel before your Holy throne and worship you! All praise, glory and honour is yours! I pray for Simone's dad. Please fight the battle for him! 🙏❤

Adi Taina from FJ

January 29 at 1:24 pm
Please pray for my husband's job..he already applied for, he's name is Nasoni Tui..Pray for my kid's education..pray for financial break through and good health..Thank you..

Henry from GB

January 29 at 1:04 pm
I want to pray against every witches and wizards and every principalities tormenting my business, marriage, finances, education, projects and career that God will send down fire from heaven to burn and destroy them In Jesus name, I also pray against evil altars projected against me, let the Holy Ghost fire consume them to ashes. Amen and Amen 

Okpala from US

January 29 at 12:56 pm
Im asking God  for fruits of the womb. I want God to bless me this year with my own children. God to remove from my marriage any  obstacle that surrounds my conception. And give Child as He give  Sarah. May God here my prayers , and let my crying com unto Him...,,Amen

Jenifer from AU

January 29 at 12:22 pm
I pray to the Lord to keep me and my family in Australia and in Mauritius safe and bless us with a peaceful and happy life blessed be the Lord

Sonia from US

January 29 at 11:41 am

Carol from US

January 29 at 11:01 am
Lord I lift our family problems to you that Mike will not continue to try to turn our grandsons against us! You know our needs. Please Lord heal my high Calcium and create strong bones in my body! Help Rich and I to stay healthy and live a long healthy life to see our great grandchildren. In Jesus name amen.

Mishael from IN

January 29 at 9:57 am
Jesus help out me that I am facing from financial problem as well as family problem. Help me so that I can make my daughter future bright and saftey. Help me lord help me ...

Favour abiodun Babatunde from NG

January 29 at 9:56 am
Heavenly Father,i pray that u let your hands of Mercy intervene in my case to deliver me from all captivity,into unsearchable wealth...2, let ur hands of Mercy grant the visitation of the Lord To me 3,let the hands of Mercy take me by the hands to my 5 bedroom duplex house in ikoyi by miracle now..

Laurine from LR

January 29 at 9:55 am
Praying God to heal my friend and sister Nathaline Jackson-Meatey from her illnesses Praying that God heal my brother Kennie from slow poison Praying that God give me a new job, send me a destiny helper and blessed my children in all things. Amen 🙏🏽

Ina from ZA

January 29 at 9:52 am
Dear GOD , please forgive my sins and LORD JESUS come live in my heart and make it yours. HOLY SPIRIT please help me get rid of my depression and make me a happy, joyful person and please teach me YOUR WORD and live the way You would want me to live. In JESUS name amen amen amen

Sarah from US

January 29 at 9:49 am
I pray for the end of homelessness and hunger around the world. , I pray that cancer in all forms be obliterated and I pray for good health, and financial prosperity for my family. Amen

Lorrnia from US

January 29 at 9:25 am
I would like a prayer for forgiveness of my sins and for strengthing my faith help me to connect more to the holy spirit also to help me be more compassionate and caring and forgiving towards others I pray for family members to replace a heart of stone with flesh and for prosperity and healing for a job and home I would also like a prayer to know what my purpose is and what spiritual gifts I may have amen

Longinus from PH

January 29 at 9:25 am
I pray for God's protection in all my endeavours, I'm an Orphan and has suffered without help, I pray for God to be my helper and guide, shield me from enemies and give me strength to stand to my responsibilities, IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN.

Veronica from US

January 29 at 9:15 am
Lord Jesus I pray for healing in my womb. I pray that you free me of anything blocking my pregnancy with a healthy beautiful child. Lord Jesus I pray for a divine marriage to my best and highest husband. I pray for purpose and prosperity. Lord Jesus I thank you for a peace home paid for. Lord Jesus thank you that you have freed me from every evil works and plans. Lord Jesus i pray for a double portion blessings in Jesus name amen. It is so. 

Clair from US

January 29 at 9:12 am
Father forgive us for so foolishly using your word, taking it out of context and creating of it something you never said hence the massive disobedience around the world. Shake us loose of the lies we’ve been told. Shake us with truth revealing the massive corruption in and out of the church and in our governments before a too late date, may multitudes be saved.. Thank you for each new day giving us opportunity to get closer to you. We are desperate for millions of Paul transformations.  Thank you as it is something only you can do. Thank you Father for your Son giving each and everyone of us the opportunity to begin again, to thrive, being born again with the mind of Jesus and not just survive as so many do... as we live on this earth. Thank you!  I love you! 

Alexandra Eshue from NG

January 29 at 9:10 am
Lord God Almighty,I pray first for the prosperity and peace of Jerusalem,secondly I pray for the healing and total restoration of my sisters,Gift and Lucy,thirdly I pray that He grant me favour in the masters scholarship i applied for this year,lastly I pray for peace and revival in Nigeria in Jesus Name.


January 29 at 9:00 am
I am not feeling well , pray for me for healing... I have been Blood pressure ... Please pray for me to get get healed like the woman who had a flow of blood 12years and encountered Jesus Christ and was healed. Pray for me for a new job and marriage. God bless you for praying for me. Amen.

Patsy Webb from US

January 29 at 8:57 am
Lord please forgive me for not being the example you would have me to have been for my grandson before he took his life I am dealing with this guilt please don’t let it drive me crazy Bless my grandson with your sons Devine Mercy and Grace in heaven In Christ I praise and pray Amen 🙏

Fe from PH

January 29 at 8:38 am
In the name of Jesus, I pray for the peace be in Jerusalem. In the name of Jesus, I pray for my financial miracles be perform now for me to settle all my commitments. In the name of Jesus, I pray diabetes healing. In the name of Jesus, shield and cover me & every member in my family by the power of your Holy Spirit, In the name of Jesus, I pray for softening the heart of all the people who are waiting for the payment.. I declare financial blessings today, in Jesus Mighty name..

Kenneth from UG

January 29 at 8:36 am
I pray that my new AIM global business may prosper at a terrific speed with over one million downlines in a very short time and for my kids to get school fees for international school right away in the Mighty name of Jesus. I also pray that my family moves to a new home that is well furnished and to clear all my debts.

Femi from NG

January 29 at 8:33 am
Father help Jerusalem to know Christ more and cause peace to rain in the land. Heal me from my pelvic fracture and restore all my nerves and damage bones

Elizabeth Dzikamai from ZW

January 29 at 8:33 am
Pray for me l got accident my right hand has poor alignment and it's not straight and it's pain on Friday lm going to hospital to do operation let it work in God favour and be helped .Glory

Emmanuel Ocquaye from GH

January 29 at 8:32 am
God i bring and commit every aspect of my life into your hands. Direct my path and use me for your work. I commit my wife and children unto your care. Break the chain of poverty from our family. Protect my wife and give her safe delivery. Grant me full scale scholarship for a masters and Ph.D and make me blessed. Grant my wife, children and I wisdom, knowledge and understanding to excel in our areas of study and work. Use me to bring a change in the Ghana Education Service. I pray for the peace of Ghana and Israel and for excellent relationship between these Nations in Jesus Christ's name i have prayed. Amen.

Etido from NG

January 29 at 8:31 am
I'm Etido from Nigeria. Please pray for forgiveness of sins for a crime I committed 2years ago which I'm now reaping. I believe if Jehovah forgives me, my story will change.

Nancy from GH

January 29 at 8:30 am
Father 🙏🏼please today I come to you with a heavy heart 🙏🏼👏🏼Please help me,heal me spiritually and physically 👏🏼Please don’t leave me alone in the storm😢🙏🏼I can’t do it alone....I need you now more than ever🙏🏼Amen

Marsha burk from US

January 29 at 8:26 am
I want prayer for depressed kids and for me and I’m depressed because they’re estranged from each other also I want my family to come back together and pray for my 1 year old grandson whose father does not see him or take care of him I pray for my mom and family in the last 3 years she’s lost a husband and her first born daughter, I pray for financial help it’s a struggle and I pray for healing of my body

Cindy from NG

January 29 at 8:21 am
Praying for the release of my son Almond who was kidnapped since three weeks now. And for the soul of my husband who was killed by the same kidnappers the same day.


January 29 at 8:14 am
Good evening Sir/Madam, Please, I need a prayer for God to answer my prayer for a job I have applied at Ghana Highway Authority and also pray that, I love and always be with God's word alone. Thank you


January 29 at 8:11 am
My Lord in Jesus' mighty name, I highly thank you for everything you do for me. My Lord, help me refund all the big debts I am having; help me Lord to find school fees as the school will be opening very soon at Mzuzu University but I have nothing Lord. Bless my Business Lord so that I may be financially stable to help my parents and relatives who depend on me. My Lord, help me to have a very happy family with Providence as she's already pregnant for me. Be with her Lord. Father, help my siblings who are abroad searching for greener pastures. Be with them pord so that they can reach their dreams. My Lord, Change my brother Maganizo just as you did with Saul; he should stop drinking alcohol excessively and start supporting our Mother. My Jesus Christ, heal my Mother who usually complains of Abdominal pains. Father, Heal my Grandmother's wound too. Be with her Lord so that she may see my success and family. Bless our Nation, Malawi. In Jesus' mighty name, AMEN.

Shamim Namuswe from UG

January 29 at 8:07 am
Thank you Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the wonderful gift of life and protection, I pray that you bless the works of my hands and open financial doors for me, I pray that you bring a right life partner for marriage, I also need divine connections and favor, in Jesus name I pray Amen

Roham Benaiah Julian from PH

January 29 at 8:07 am

Betina Chavez from US

January 29 at 8:06 am
For my niece Liliana who is battling depression, my daughters friend Joleen who was diagnosed with cancer, my parents Heriberto &Maria for peace in their marriage for their health , my kids Cristian & Maria chavez for their health knowledge in school, for all my family dad’s mom’s side. for my husband his health may God keeps him safe at work. For his father may God keeps him in good health. For our parish our youth getting ready for confirmation, Father Sebastine’s mom who is very ill. For peace among all human race and thank you for taking my prayers and praying for my needs God Bless.

Jan from AU

January 29 at 8:01 am
Dear Heavenly Father YHVH, I pray your Kingdom and Your Righteousness come near, bless Jerusalem with peace/Shalom; bless and help me and my family, friends and loved ones with salvation, shalom, clarity, good health/ healing and protection included from all viruses, 'flu's, infections; please guide and direct our paths and may we always be in the right place at the right time, and in Your Will. Thank You for Your provision always, bless the Lord O my soul, in Yeshua's name, Amen.

Frank from Ghana from GH

January 29 at 7:58 am
Dear lord I come befor u for everything u hve done for me plz lord bless me beyond human imagination and let ur favour locate me now so that i can help e needy in Jesus name amen

Dana from US

January 29 at 7:57 am
My 13 year old nephew, Cole  has been battling a tumor.  Please pray and agree for complete healing and restoration in Jesus’ name.   He is going through yet another round of this week.  It’s been over and over with treatments without the desired result.  God made the universe, he can and will  heal Cole Pasquier.  

CD from US

January 29 at 7:50 am
Father I come before you with a repentance heart and soul. I pray for strong faith, anointing, healing, wisdom, guidance, revelation, blessings, protection, prosperity, wealth ,release of my angles. I pray for Israel 🇮🇱 for their protection and covering. Father please answer my current and past prayer request in Jesus name I trust believe with genuine faith, Amen 🙏🏽 

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.