anna from Papua New Guinea
February 22 at 4:08 pm
1. i want a husband who is God fearing and who love me and my two kids. a man who is trustworthy and respectful.
2. to recieve promotion in my job as a nurse .
GIDEON from Grenada
February 22 at 3:16 pm
DENISE from the United States
February 22 at 2:50 pm
Atini from Samoa
February 22 at 2:20 pm
Please pray for me and my husband we need a job to build our home and also my children the other two go to school need you're prayer to gave them clever protection and blessing from god for them.Also pray to bring his love,protection, financial, peaceful and blessing for my family..
Rachel from the United States
February 22 at 1:46 pm
Please pray that I will find employment soon & have a stable home to live in. Please also pray for my mother's healing & for the restoration of my family members (my dad, & sister's) thank-you & God Bless !
Mary from the United States
February 22 at 12:38 pm
Please pray for healing of my husband Paul. He had a heart attack and 2 stents put in last March. They put him on meds that give tremors and also blood thinners for a year, He needs a new hip and is scheduled for April 11th if cleared by doctor. He needs to be off these meds. He takes care of me and our grand children and ministers to the elderly in nursing homes,and he loves and wants to serve the Lord. We pray together every day. I am homebound but I would rather have him healed than me because he deserves it so. Thank you! God bless you!
jpb from the United States
February 22 at 10:57 am
please pray that my social worker will help me tremendously in our session today in jesus name I ask amen God bless you for praying for me!!
Holy Psalm91 KathrynMIller from the United States
February 22 at 10:53 am
Holy Psalm24 Holy Psalm91Holy Revelations19:16 HolyRevelations5:5 USA MN Cowboys for Christ Memeber581KathrynMariaMIller 60 HolyBibles and Gideon Holy Bibles God's loving will and ideas in HolyJesusname Holy Amen
Holy Psalm91 KathrynMIller from the United States
February 22 at 10:48 am
Holy Psalm24 Holy Psalm91 HolyRevelations19:16 Holy Revelations5:5 USA Maple Plain Community Church Maple Plain Minnesota God's loving will and ideas in Holyjesusname Holy Amen
Holy Psalm91 KathrynMIller from the United States
February 22 at 10:46 am
Holy Psalm24 Holy Psalm91 HolyRevelations19:16 HolyRevelations5:5 Every were HolyHebrews11:3 HolyGenesis1:22Wall Jerusalem and prayer Team God's loving will and ideas inHolYjesusname Holy Amen
Holy Psalm91 KathrynMIller from the United States
February 22 at 10:40 am
HolyPsalm24 Holy Psalm91 Holy Revelations19:16 Holy Revelations 5:5 USA Minnesota PastorGreggJanDonnelly God's loving will and ideas in HolyJesusname Holy Amen
Holy Psalm91 KAthrynMIller from the United States
February 22 at 10:37 am
Holy Psalm24 HolyPsalm91 Holy Revelations 19:16 Holy Revelations 5:5 Pastor GreggJanDonnellyand family and friends God's loving will and ideas in Holy Jesusname Holy Amen
Holy Psalm91 KathrynMiller from the United States
February 22 at 10:34 am
Holy Psalm24Holy Psalm91 HolyRevelations19:16 HolyRevelations5:5USA Mn Kathryn Maria Miller God's loving will and ideas inHolyJesusname Holy Amen
Holy Psalm91 KathrynMiller from the United States
February 22 at 10:32 am
Holy Psalm24 Holy Psalm91 HolyRevelation19:16 Sean Christopher Kennedy God'sloving will ideas in HolyJesusname Holy Amen
Holy Psalm91 KathrynMIller from the United States
February 22 at 10:30 am
Holy Psalm24Holy Psalm91USA MnSean Christophere Kennedy God's loving will and ideas in HolyJesusname Hly Amen
Holy Psalm91KathrynMiller from the United States
February 22 at 10:29 am
Holy Psalm24Holy Psalm91 USA MnBrian James Richard Kennedy and family and friendsGod's loving will and ideas in HolyJesusname Holy Amen
Holy Psalm91KathyrnMIller from the United States
February 22 at 10:27 am
Holy Psalm24Holy Psalm91 HolyRevelations19:16 USA Mn JasmineJonVineyard and family and friends God's loving will and ideas inHolyJesusname Holy Amen
Holy Psalm91KathrynMIller from the United States
February 22 at 10:24 am
Holy Psalm24 HolyPsalm91 HolyRevelations19:16 USA Mn ChrystalShaunSeanAdams God's loving will and ideasin HolyJesusname Holy Amen
Christopher Cross from the United States
February 22 at 10:11 am
I like to Give GOD Thanks for helping over the last month with my semi-truck having breakdowns. I drive for a truck company and have had about 5 breakdowns over the last month. GOD has blessed me with police officers, total strangers and a Uber that I requested to help me to get help to get the truck started. Since the truck was wreaked, the fuel gauge was not working properly and caused me to run out of fuel. I thank GOD, because every time HE allowed it to be a quick fix that still allowed me to be on time delivering freight from HIM giving people to take timeout with patience to help me. Normally people do not help people in these times that they see that need help.
j from the United States
February 22 at 9:46 am
oh loving father, nothing is ever impossible for you, I want so much for this anxiety to be gone, its been so hard on me, please heal me, and that my blood sugar go back to normal and thank you for all your blessings, in jesu sname amen love jpb
F from the United States
February 22 at 9:03 am
Dear Abba Father in Heaven,
I seek your will for my life today. Please help me to know it-to hear and to have faith to obey You. Father Your words says it is You who gives me the desire to do Your will. I wait upon this promise- You can not go against Yourself. I believe in this as true please help my unbelief. I have been rigid and stiff necked-defensive and afraid. Jesus You were submissive and flexible bending low to do the Father's will vulnerable and open to being hurt to give love with your real heart- I ask Jesus for Your Spirit's presence with me that I might hear Your knocking and open my heart deep and wide for You to enter and fill me. For You to move me and me to follow and respond with acute sensitivity. I don't want the enemy to steal kill or destroy anymore I partner with Your will Abba for Your will is good, and life. May I be pleased to do Your will delighting like a child who wants to hear Your praise and make you proud. I cannt there is nothing good-just Jesus. Amen
Luvaha from Kenya
February 22 at 7:42 am
Dear Beloved in Jehovah God of Israel,
So wonderful to join you in prayers.
Please with lots of humility we ask you to join in intercessory prayers for a house fellowship congregation of 150 members to get a hall for worshipping God Lord Almighty everyday in Nairobi Kenya.
We are glad you found time for nuNATIONS of God church.
God abundantly increase your ministries.
Joan from India
February 22 at 7:21 am
Sunny kalyan from India
February 22 at 6:28 am
Please pray for my furtur ministry and also my marriage whit Paras.
Catherine from South Africa
February 22 at 6:26 am
Yaweh, God of Israel, i pray for the fruit of the womb.
Let the child you give me worship you, a dead womb cannot praise your name, only the living My God.
Let your name be honoured my Lord in all the earth.
Marlene from the United States
February 22 at 5:39 am
Lord, help me in these Last Days to be faithful, I lift up my family to YOU oh! Lord ... help me in my understanding so that I will be Faithful and that all who follow will find me Faithful To the End!
Yvonne from Namibia
February 22 at 5:33 am
Hi,Christians all over the world as we Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the Jewish people may God in Heaven remember them .
Pray also for me for a job and a bursary for my further studies in Jesus Name.God bless you all richly and may all your prayers be answered .
Amen !
Paul from the United States
February 22 at 5:31 am
Dear lord, please help me to walk in your light and to help others do the same.
Take away all bad and evil thoughts and cleanse all souls with your loving goodness.
Amen and amen
Ps shalom to all!
TITI from the United Kingdom
February 22 at 4:45 am
Samson from India
February 22 at 3:18 am
Plz pray 4 my family 4 our financial conditions is week and pray 4 my education it has stopped in middle and pray my elder brother 4 he started a new job, so god plz bless him and pray 4 younger brother 4 his future
Vanishree Rathore from India
February 22 at 2:30 am
Pls pray fr my life because my husband separate frm me. Till i need pray fr husband he should cum back to me.
Darshini from Malaysia
February 22 at 2:21 am
Please pray for my boyfriend,Sivananthan Boopathy to call me again. He has blocked me on whatsapp for a reason that I don't know. He is planning to marry his cousin next year. I was here when he needed me,like a wife I took care of him,I gave him everything including myself which I know was wrong but I did because he asked and I loved him. He told me we will see how things goes after I get a job,and that he will come back after 5 years and he will not marry his cousin. But he changed his mind and start hurting me. I want him back. Please pray he will come back to me. I love him.
From : Darshini, Malaysia
susan from Uganda
February 22 at 2:03 am
Hi, am susan kigongo, from uganda kampala, my player request is that i have a back ache for two months its toturing my life to much ineed players team.and another i need a finanical break through.
Jonali ajay kamble from India
February 22 at 12:06 am
Please pray for me as I don't have job they have asked me to leave job in amazon at imidiate effect.
And I don't have money also to search new job I need job and salary for the same and I am suffering from cough and cold.
Bridget from the United States
February 21 at 10:10 pm
Please pray for my mother in law. She is in critical condition in West VA hospital. I pray for her to call out on the name of the Lord for the salvation of her soul first and foremost. I pray that if she does pass over into eternity that she ask Jesus to forgive her sins and come in her heart. I also ask the Lord for a complete healing in her body. Thank you. 2/21/18 11:10pm
Glenn from the United States
February 21 at 9:29 pm
Please pray for me to find the brightest, amazing, fearfully and wonderfully made, Christlike minded, loving, elegant, and special girl for me to spend my life with. I'm looking for someone real and I want that kind of girl in my life. I want that come true. Please Lord watch over me, my family, and friends to see the real girl is. In Jesus's name I prayed, amen🙏🏻
Stephanie Shavaun from the United States
February 21 at 8:30 pm
Giving honor to God we thank you and praise him for all he is . I pray for wisdom and favor and Holy Ghost protection in Jesus Name over my self and child and future husband as God ordained. We pray for blessings financial prosperity healing and wealth, favor and miracles from God Amen. What God has joined together let no man put asunder. Amen
Dorita from the United States
February 21 at 6:00 pm
Please pray for Lord Jesus to help Andrew Pollack and his family to heal! His daughter Meadow was one of the 17 murdered in Florida last week.
Lord Jesus please watch over all the families that lost a loved one in that massacre.
Please help everyone keep an open mind on how to solve the problem in the schools!
Please protect President Trump , his family and everyone in his cabinet and Congress.
We need your love and guidance! In Jesus name Amen and Amen.
Dorita from the United States
February 21 at 5:26 pm
Please pray for my husband Paul. He had a stroke. Please Lord Jesus heal his body and protect his soul!
Please pray for my sister's finances. She is struggling to get along and could use all the prayers she can get!
Please pray for my friends Ixa and Victor. Victor has been battling cancer for awhile now. Please pray they have the strength to keep fighting and the finances to continue.
Thank you All and I will pray for you also!!
joseph b from the United States
February 21 at 3:45 pm
please oh loving father, heal my anxiety over the car and my blood sugar return to normal in jesus name amen jpb and thank you for your many blessings!!
Lynette from Trinidad and Tobago
February 21 at 2:37 pm
Please pray for my son he plays soccer / football and got injured he recovered and every time he's goes back to play something goes wrong. He's a very talented player but envy and jealousy from people that don't like him he's 15 years old. His name is Tyrique Jonathan Sutherland
James from Kenya
February 21 at 1:17 pm
I just entered in the ministry of Jesus Christ to preach the gospel in Kenya kiambu ,need prayers That God provide speakers(instruments).
joe b from the United States
February 21 at 1:16 pm
please pray for me that I will not obsess and pay attention to noises with my car anymore, in jesus name amen
jpb from the United States
February 21 at 11:58 am
Father God, as you know I have spent enough money on the car lately, please God I can;t go back now its ridiculous, that the noises I hear when I hit a bump are from perhaps old age of the car and nothing else, in jesus name amen God bless you all for praying!!!! jpb
joseph from the United States
February 21 at 11:57 am
please kindly pray that the rattling noise underneath my car is nothing serious, I have spent enough on repairs the last 2 months in jesus name amen jpb
LADONNA from the United States
February 21 at 11:43 am
I'm praying America allows pray in our schools again as child we prayed everyday at school I need pray repent my faults help with pain my back anxiety have P t s d attacked almost killed few years ago I forgive my offenders cause I'm forgiven never trust them again but pray for the ones that attacked me please one was step daughter she's sick bad things her mother taught her growing up
Alain Jensen from Afghanistan
February 21 at 9:24 am
May God bless Israel people. I beg you to pray for me. I really need the presence of GOd in my life. I wanna see his power be manifested in my life. And ask him to forgive my sin's. I need a spiritual healing
Calvin Brooks from the United States
February 21 at 9:15 am
Let's all pray and be happy that Billy Graham is gone home to be with God ,Jesus and his friends and his wife let's pray for the happiness of all people surrounding Billy Graham at this time and United States and all over the world in Jesus name we pray amen
Rakesh Horo from India
February 21 at 8:32 am
Please pray for me I am Rakesh Horo from India, state Assam I have a God given beautiful wife and one 10 month little girl. We are having financial crisis to survive our family. And I want a job.
Paul from the United States
February 21 at 7:50 am
Father God please help me to be the best i can be. I need your hlp. I am struggling right now and I need all the help I can get!
Amen and amen!
Glenda from Philippines
February 21 at 7:35 am
I seek your help to pray a physical healing miracle for my brother in law Monching Mayuga. He is a week now in the hospital because of Pneumonia, COPD, high sugar level and heart problem. I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the only Source of Healing, not science nor medicine. Thank you in advance for the prayer and God bless your ministry more.
Gloria Jean from the United States
February 21 at 6:03 am
Thank You Father and blessed be the name of the Lord forever. Peace be the banner of Jerusalem. Peace be the song of victory in Jerusalem, the bible prophecy comes to life for the witnesses to praise the soon return of Jesus Christ Son of Man to take His seat and throne in Jerusalem at the blink of an eye, let us praise our Lord together in one spirit and one accord, let us love one another, let us press on forward to the mark of the high calling to spread the good news of the gospel, in season and out of season, by the high way, by way and low, lower ways for His glory and the truth be established in Jerusalem forever, amen. Shalom.
Calvin BROOKS from the United States
February 21 at 5:31 am
Please pray that the Lord will send workers to help sell the Nashville Christian family magazine to put the word of God in people's hands in Nashville Tennessee and surrounding areas.
Rahul from India
February 21 at 3:50 am
Hii Praise the lord prayer team i just want to tell you me and my mom in a problam is about money so please pray and i trust in the holy name of jesus so im not afraid of any problam of my life i believe in lord and he will always with me i trust him so please pray for us thank you😘
Christiaan from South Africa
February 21 at 3:25 am
Dear Lord, our Saviour. Lord, I am on my knees, praying to God, and ask for Your forgiveness.
Due to circumstances 4 years ago, I have lost my business, I had to leave the woman and child that I love dearly, behind in another country and we are being separated since then. My business is not doing well, and I am fighting to survive, I also don't find a secondary work that I can provide for my family and be re-joined with them. Our Mighty God, I ask you to lead me on the right path that I can be re-joined with my family and get this last 4 years of pain and suffering behind us, that I can provide for my family and give them security and love in the future, that we can be happy together as a normal family. Lord I also pray for all your children all over the world, that need healing, financial provision, doesn’t matter what situation they are in, I pray that you would answer their prayers and better their life’s in this hard world we live in. I pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Linda from the United Kingdom
February 21 at 2:39 am
Good morning Israel!!!
We pray for the peace of Jerusalem & Israel!!
In Yeshua's name - Amien!!
Samuel from India
February 20 at 11:46 pm
Helo prayer team pleas pray for my friend sushil chettri as he is going for operation today and he's been in the bed for long time as he fall from three storage building last year and lots of bond damage is there and he is from Hindu background pleas pray for him as I came to know about him lately so I am sending this prayer request today and for many years we dint meet also as he lives in different colony so pleas do pray for him and his soul to be save also thank you .....
Frans from South Africa
February 20 at 8:31 pm
Please pray for my wife and her friend. They are attending a gross Insubordination disciplinary hearing on the 06/03/2018 at the place of work. Please help, that they don’t lose they job.
jpb from the United States
February 20 at 7:41 pm
loving father, thank you for all your many blessings!!!! please kindly pray that the boils on my bottom will not bother me while exercising, in jesus name amen God bless you for praying!!
Linda from the United Kingdom
February 20 at 6:29 pm
Please pray to Father G-d to heal a neighbours young son (initials M. A.) who struggles to concentrate at school because of his condition.
Many, many thanks!
May G-d bless you!
In anticipation of the return of OUR Messiah Yeshua!!
Christopher Cross from the United States
February 20 at 6:14 pm
I like to Thank GOD for Blessing me to pass my certification/endorsements to add on my CDL license to make me more marketable in being able to get more jobs with top pay as a truck driver. I like to also Thank HIM, because HE BLESSED me to pass it all the various tests after one day studying.
Patricia from the United States
February 20 at 5:10 pm
Please lift my son Josh up for Spiritual Healing, a closer walk with JESUS and also for depression, bypolar, feeling like a heaviness weighing him down. Also for healing of of his health.please pray a hedge of Spiritaul protection around him.Also that he continues to get work in construction.
Brittany from the United States
February 20 at 2:53 pm
Lord God Almighty, your are Jehovah Jireh- the one who provides. I praise you for who you are and thank you that you are already providing as I ask. Lord, fix our home and our parents’ homes. Please also help seek justice for Grandma. In the awesome name of Jesus,
joseph from the United States
February 20 at 2:28 pm
please kindly pray that my orthostatic hypotension subsides asap, in jesus name amen jpb, God bless you!
Rose Rivera from the United States
February 20 at 2:23 pm
My husband's memory is slowly slipping away. Doctors say dementia but I'm believing God for a miracle. Please pray for him and me. He needs healing, I need strength. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen
Rebecca from the United States
February 20 at 12:49 pm
I am from Ohio....Please pray for our community. Today a child (7th grade) took a gun to school and shot himself. Please pray for him and also for the MANY people on our local social websites that are mocking prayers and God. God Bless ALL of you.
joe p b from the United States
February 20 at 12:39 pm
father God, thank you for everything today!!!! please pray that the back of my mouth, the right side be healed, its mild thank God, in jesus name I ask amen jpb God bless you for praying!!
joseph from the United States
February 20 at 10:00 am
please kindly pray for my oab symptoms to subside asap in jesus name amen jpb God bless you!!
Carolyn Riley from the United States
February 20 at 9:37 am
Please pray that God will bless my son with a God fearing Christian wife.Thank you, and may God richly bless you.
Elizabeth from the United States
February 20 at 9:05 am
Plz pray for me to have peace of mind and for my son who is addicted to drugs and the other son whos addiction is alcohol. Lord plz forgive me my sins and those of my children. Heal them of these horrible addictions and bring our family bk together again Lord you know the struggles we've been thru because you've been there with us I thank you Father for protecting me and my son's (children) cleanse our hearts restore our minds and give my son's the strength and the will to leave these demon drugs and alcohol that the enemy is using to destroy them with. For greater are you that lives in them than he who lives in the world I speak life over every dead situation in our life's I'm Jesus name Amen.
Sheila from the United States
February 20 at 9:03 am
Evangelist Dea who ministers powerfully throughout the United States and Mexico is experiencing the last few days much exhaustion and can barely work 1/2 days without giving out and can barely exercise or work out. He is to minister in Tijuana for revival in a few days. Thank you all for your fervent effectual prayers and abundant blessings to all.
GIDEON from Grenada
February 20 at 8:33 am
tecemafa from Israel
February 20 at 8:05 am
Its about Moses the character in the bible Please pray for him
Moses doesnt enter the Holy land
The Lord was displeased with Moses’ actions: “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them” (Numbers 20:12).
Even though Moses does not enter the holy land he remain faithful and loyal to God inspite of shame when I read the bible inspite of his disobedience you will amaze by his character
When I read this verse
Exodus 32:33?
den Moses returned to the Lord, and said, “Alas, this people has committed a great sin, and they have made a god of gold for themselves. But now, if You will, forgive their sin—and if not, please blot me out from Your book which You have written!” The Lord said to Moses,
Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book. But go now, lead the people where I told you. . -Exodus 32:31-34
Moises willing to erase his name in salvation 4 israel
Tecemafa from Israel
February 20 at 8:02 am
Its about Moses the character in the bible Please pray for him
Please be with me for our prayers to Moses
Moses doesnt enter the Holy land
The Lord was displeased with Moses’ actions: “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them” (Numbers 20:12).
Even though Moses does not enter the holy land he remain faithful and loyal to God inspite of shame when I read the bible inspite of his disobedience you will amaze by his character and maybe because he is old and he carries a lot of burden of Israel He is chosen by God but he is full of humility
When I read this verse
Exodus 32:33?
Then Moses returned to the Lord, and said, “Alas, this people has committed a great sin, and they have made a god of gold for themselves. But now, if You will, forgive their sin—and if not, please blot me out from Your book which You have written!” The Lord said to Moses, “Whoever has sinne
Carolyn Riley from the United States
February 20 at 6:34 am
Please pray for Thomas who is having a heart procedure done for a leakage in his valve. He has just gone to surgery and is afraid. Pray the LORD will give him peace. Thank you (John 14:27) God Bless
Richard from Ghana
February 20 at 6:15 am
I pray for the release of a special anointing unto myself to attract good things to my life to fulfill my divine purpose on earth and fulfill every prophetic words concerning every department of my life including marriage, ministry, job, family among others.
February 20 at 5:51 am
Please pray for my daughter who is having a breast biopsy on Thursday morning. (I John 5: 14-15) Thank you and the LORD bless you all.
Paul from the United States
February 20 at 2:00 am
I pray for restful nights, and says of serenity. I pray for peace over israel! And the whole world.
Eliza from Philippines
February 20 at 1:12 am
Please pray for my daughter for tomorrow she will conduct a demonstration teaching for a teaching job she is applying for. May she can deliver it smoothly and gain a favorable rating.....thank you very much
kane from India
February 19 at 10:23 pm
Please pray for Malachi Rodger’s healing in his body. He need a special miracle in Jesus’ Name. Isaiah 53:5
Darshini from Malaysia
February 19 at 9:13 pm
Please pray that my ex boyfriend will come back to me. He has blocked me for no reason. I always helped him when he needed me. And now that he left to India,he severe ties with me and is planning to marry his cousin sister next year. He was dating her but he was dating me as well. I gave him everything he asked and now he has blocked me. I'm very heartbroken and I can't seem to focus on my work. I'm feeling really really upset. I don't know what did I do wrong to deserve this treatment from him. Please pray he will come back to me. I love him with all my heart
Melissa from the United States
February 19 at 8:36 pm
Please pray for Malachi Rodger's healing in his body. He need a special miracle in Jesus' Name. Isaiah 53:5
Reverend Tracie Plungis from the United States
February 19 at 7:00 pm
"Sh'ma Yisra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.
Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.
Barukh sheim k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed.
Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.
V'ahav'ta eit Adonai Elohekha b'khol l'vav'kha uv'khol naf'sh'kha uv'khol m'odekha.
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
V'hayu had'varim ha'eileh asher anokhi m'tzav'kha hayom al l'vavekha.
And these words that I command you today shall be in your heart.
V'shinan'tam l'vanekha v'dibar'ta bam
And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them
b'shiv't'kha b'veitekha uv'lekh't'kha vaderekh uv'shakh'b'kha uv'kumekha
when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up. ..." Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Fe from the United States
February 19 at 6:57 pm
Please pray for peace and reconciliation between my kids .In Jesus name Amen
jpb from the United States
February 19 at 4:01 pm
a small favor, can you kindly pray that my blood sugar will be normal when my blood is taken on Tuesday morning. I've been stressed lately and it may have gone up just a little bit, and its been in superb control for many years in jesus name I ask amen thank you and God bless!!
Pa from the United States
February 19 at 3:48 pm
Dear lord,
I pray you free my mind of all bad thoughts. I Pray, Dear Lord, You Use Supernatural Powers To Help the wicked Do Only Good
I Pray Dear Lord To Help Citizens Of The Usa Restore The Republic To Its Former Self. Amen And Amen
Tad Williams from the United States
February 19 at 2:10 pm
I pray that my family finds happiness in all they do
joseph b from the United States
February 19 at 12:44 pm
please kindly pray for complete healing of my anxiety, and that i wont obsess about my car anymore, in jesus name I ask amen jpb God bless you for praying!!!
Amelia Anderson from the United States
February 19 at 11:40 am
my lord & savior I cry out to you for a way to cover repair parts $350 plus and labor for my Subaru as well as title loan balance 3 payments of $327.00my prayer for michael hernandez to assist me in this with an unsecured loan this week in Jesus name I pray Amen. praises to Jesus our Lord to break the chains Satan has inflicted on my children and myself remove all doubtful Thomas individuals from our environment & bless my family with financial blessings to overcome debts of all sorts to allow a non- kill facility for animals to be build in clearfield county pa let it be God's will guiding amelia by the spirit for the good of all and cc community is in Jesus I pray amen
Jennilin gonzalez from the United States
February 19 at 10:44 am
Need a prayer for healing on Elijah chase Dixon he my grandson. He is four years old and last night his parents rush him to the hospital with a sezures he was born with cerebral palsy and he also get epilepsy seizures.please pray for him in Jesus name amen
Gerald e Lindsay from the United States
February 19 at 10:31 am
Please pray for Thomas Mirrigian. in Arizona.He had a heart attack last Thursday..My god do a complete healing!!!!
Linda from the United Kingdom
February 19 at 9:07 am
Shalom & Hello dear praying brothers & sisters,
Please pray for Father G-d to heal Anne!
In Yeshua's name - Amien!
'Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose (wounds) stripes ye were healed.
1 PETER 2:24
In anticipation of the return of
OUR Messiah Yeshua!!
Alhaji from Sierra Leone
February 19 at 9:03 am
Prayer team, pls pray for me to have a job in the UN.... I was working at the Aviation Section as Movement Control Assistant and Air Operations Assistant..... I was affected by downsizing, since 2008 till now no job..... Please help me pray.
Alhaji Sesay from the United States
February 19 at 9:00 am
Prayer team, pls pray for me to have a job in the UN.... I was working at the Aviation Section as Movement Control Assistant and Air Operations Assistant..... I was affected by downsizing, since 2008 till now no job..... Please help me pray.
Catherine from South Africa
February 19 at 4:19 am
Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus
I believe and have faith that God heard my prayers of the fruit of the womb.
Yesterday I opened the bible 3 times I saw, Nothing is impossible with God.
Please keep standing with me in prayer for a greater testimony.
Javed Masih from Pakistan
February 19 at 4:12 am
Father. Son and Holy Spirit father I and my Business company name Hartmann International Trading, we need you Lord please help me and Remove crisis from my Business specially, bcoz we are really falling down due to bank Loan and other Crisis. Oh Lord we need you desperately cover all our needs and release us from bank loan.
Javed Masih
Hartmann International Trading
Izuchukwu Raphael Onwusonye from Nigeria
February 19 at 3:28 am
Please pray for God's intervention upon my life and family members, Let God destroy every ancestral curse or covenant. I need open doors of God's blessings.
Amy from the United States
February 19 at 2:56 am
Pray for family restoration. Peace in my heart in the midst of circumstances. Salvation for my son!
Swathy from India
February 19 at 12:24 am
Praise the Lord dear brother & sister..
Please for me I'm in trouble financially..
Also my wedding was suppose to br fixed in march but stil there is a delay.. Im completely upset wit whatever is happening with me like seriously.. Please pray for me and my fiance Dr.Robert Fernandes.. God bless all of you..
Suneelbarkat from Pakistan
February 18 at 11:01 pm
My request please prayer for my sister Nancy she is 8 year old her suffering diabetic problem. And prayer for my Sunday school staff and teacher. I'm running a Sunday school in a small village my church name is fair of God prayer ministries. Sophia sardar is the chairperson of our ministry. Please pray for our chairperson.
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