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Annette from the United States

March 26 at 8:12 am
Asking for prayer that my son received employment for his field and that I can find a pediatric rotation for my program. I appreciate your prayers.

F from the United States

March 26 at 5:14 am
Dear Abba, Papa God, Daddy, Your tender-love for me and new mercies never-cease! Great is YOUR faithfulness Lord unto me. Daddy I had a nightmare and my body still seems to fight. My praise is I believe YOU are doing a miracle and that I am pregnant. I pray protection over my womb- YOU have won the war I declare in Jesus name it is Finished! May I bring you GREAT GLORY and fulfill my purpose! I ask that You would heal my heart that it would love again intensely without fear. For freedom You have set me free! May my heart be set free from 100% TOTAL victory over the wounds and lies. I break agreement and choose to hold Your hand and partner with YOU and who YOU say YOU are- I AM and who YOU say I AM Your beloved bearer of Your image. I look forward to more revealed love and I pray that I am open to You fully surrendered to do Your will trusting. Expectant. All Glory and honor and praise go to You-You are the Only Worthy, Righteous One, good through-and through!

Tammy from the United States

March 25 at 8:37 pm
Plz pray 4 a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit.   Deliverance from satanic  n evil nightmares, harassing neighbors,  pests, n mice.  Protection, provision, sleep, peace, His wisdom, clarity. Good Dr care n healing all areas. Restoration.  Wisdom n provision with buying a used car n selling one.  Repair n restoration of all things broken. 

Gipsy martin from the United States

March 25 at 8:18 pm
Please pray for my brother Rene perez undergoing treatment for metástatic lung cancer. Going for MRI brain on wed. Ty and praise the lord

Dale Mcghee from the United States

March 25 at 7:31 pm
I ask all of my brothers and sisters ask in Christ Jesus name that he heel my wife from the sickness of cancer and all who are under this curse. In the healing tradition of the church, and through our obedience to your written word, I hereby take authority over all forms of sickness and disease that have been attacking our health I rebuke all pain in the name of Jesus and I command it to get out of our bodies right now. I rebuke all spirit of ingirmetics nerve disorder, lung disorder, brain disorder, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, leukemia, tumors, diabetes and all forms of sickness, to leave our bodies now in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus I thank you for your healing Power. I ask you to send forth your ministering, medical and surgical angles, to repair and restore any damage that was caused in our bodies by the presence of sin and sickness. Lord Jesus keep us covered with your blood… In the name of Jesus we Pray, Thank God –Amen

lona from the United Kingdom

March 25 at 6:21 pm
As she grow up to be the young woman she is and starting career with British Airways, may the Lord be with her especially that she lost her mum through breast cancer when she was very young. please pray for my niece to be strong and do well in her career and also salvation for her. good health and protection

Sarah my mum from the United Kingdom

March 25 at 6:18 pm
As she turned 70 this year I pray that you believe with me for my mums strength and good health and also my Dads good health and above all salvation to my dad and for mum to continue loving God and fulfil her heart desire. every hospital appointment she is waiting I pray that it will be well with her.pray for God to shower her with much blessings. my Dad to know Jesus and deliver him from things that are not good.

Jonah from the United Kingdom

March 25 at 6:15 pm
on behalf of my nephew who is a miracle baby. I am 2 years old and lacking sleep, i pray that the Lord touches him and he may grow with joy and fear of the Lord in him.His parent Doreen and Marn to love God and love each other as they bring Jonah up and rest of the children they will have. close every distraction of any kind f weapon in Jesus name it shall not prosper. entire families salvation that they may confess him lord and saviour.

Sarah from the United Kingdom

March 25 at 6:09 pm
I am praying that the LOrd take me back to where i first fell in love with him. god to realign my life and heal me from many abuse that i have gone through in the past. I am 24 years old and i use to be in the worship team but because of the rebellion i went through and wrong choices I choose its been ups and downs. i want also to finish my music course and that the lord bring many breakthrough in my life. I want to serve God whole heartedly plus have a good relationship when I prepare to marry.break the spirit of rejection and bad relationships plus breaking generation of curses. I need to be set free from and that i have a direction in my life. heal me emotionally and physically. God knows my name. that I may obey my mum and appreciate her more. break the spirit of anger and fill my mouth with laughter. to love Israel and to stad with the Jewish people.thank you.

Rhianna 12yr from the United Kingdom

March 25 at 6:02 pm
I am asking you pray for me that I do well in my studies and God to use me as a young person for young generation.bless my family and my mum and my sister,nephew and cousins Sarah and John plus Jonah.Pray that God gives me good friends and also that i will love God more, know him do well in my basketball team and any other talent that I have.

Caroline from the United Kingdom

March 25 at 5:55 pm
Father I thank you for all you have done for me and my family.Through it all we have come this far because of you. I thank you for the gift of life. please pray with me for household salvation and deliverance plus forgiveness. I want to get married I am trusting God for a Boaz and one who has the presence of God in him. I am a lover of Israel and campaigner partner with Christian United for Israel and would love to go to Israel This year. Please pray for breath through that the Lord open a door. Need financial breakthrough to buy a house plus more of God in my life and my two gals and grand son (Joshua) protection upon all our families and friends. I want to tell people of the gospel of Jesus.I also have Jewish friends who need good health and salvation. please join me as I pray for them. please also pray with me as i believe God for my final year in University and currently doing exams plus June , July I still have more. I want to excel and do my masters. God bless you Mike Evans

Ndagire Fiona from Uganda

March 25 at 2:01 pm
Please pray for mi to get a husband this year n get married,get a good paying job,financial breakthrough,favour,divine or destiny helpers or connections in Jesus' name

Kamel from Algeria

March 25 at 1:43 pm
Pray for the church in Algeria, because we're persecuted by the government. They want close the church's. May God bless you brother's in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

joseph from the United States

March 25 at 12:10 pm
loving father, thank you for all your help this week, it had some rough times. no hard feelings to the oil change place, they did a great job on my car but i decided its best to have the flush at the car delaership, but will use them again for my next oil change, in jesus name amen, thank you all and God bless you for praying!!!

Alfred from the United States

March 25 at 11:27 am
Heavenly Father, as we begin this Holy Week, have mercy on Eric McDonald. Please lead and guide him to Jesus Christ. Please open his eyes to his needs for a Savior. Please help him to know Jesus Christ as his savior. Please God, may he be saved and filled with The Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ...Amen

Christopher Cross from the United States

March 25 at 7:42 am
Passover Prayer: That GOD will take away all burdens and yokes away from my mother “Sharon Pinchon” and I and all the curses that maybe over our lives from our past sins and the sins of our ancestors. Also that GOD will cast out every demonic spirit out of us and that we will be totally under The Influence of THE HOLY SPIRIT ! James 5:16; John 8:36; Ephesians 3:20

Christopher Cross from the United States

March 25 at 7:20 am
Passover Prayer: That GOD will take away all burdens and yokes away from my mother "Sharon Pinchon" and I and all the curses that maybe over our lives from my past sins and the sins of my ancestors. Also that GOD will cast out every demonic spirit out of us and that we will be totally under The Influence of THE HOLY SPIRIT ! James 5:16; John 8:36; Ephesians 3:20

Liza from France

March 25 at 5:04 am
Alleluia , Thank you brothers and sisters in CHRIST for agreed in my prayers , I have kyste in my liver , I pray that miracles is on my way , these kyste inside in me are gone , no medical operation at all , I thank GOD for my good health and also all my families,,, in JESUS CHRIST name I pray ,, Amen 🙏🏽

Alex from the United States

March 24 at 9:41 pm
Padre nuestro que estas en el cielo, Santificado sea Tu nombre. Gracias de doy por todo lo que me has permitido vivir y de todo lo que me has salvado. Padre clamo por fuerzas para dejar este miedo que me abruma y poder ser un valiente guerrero de Tu causa. Clamo por Tu ayuda y guía en mis decisiones personales, emocionales y racionales, por tu misericordia y bendición. Clamo por tu liderazgo en los asuntos que me lleven a servir a otros y no a mi. En el nombre de Jesús, Amen.


March 24 at 8:05 pm
peço oração em proposito urgente pela minha vida tanto espiritual e fisica de todo meu coração plena vontade e desejo servir a deus em verdade e pelas almas peço misericordia e compaixão perdão por todos meus pecados que naõ sou nadasem ele,que eu naõ posso mas ele pode que realmente preciso sou dependente levanta me oh senhor para te servilo e e ser fiel a ti que tu es maior que tudo

Christine from the United States

March 24 at 6:02 pm
Please pray tumor in my brother Lawrence's bladder is not cancer for miraculous healing & strong heart with no complications from procedure & miraculous healing for his wife Linda's & my bleeding. With all glory & honor & praise to our Adonai & Son Yeshua! Amen! Blessings to you all!!!

Jema kubebeka from Tanzania

March 24 at 5:11 pm
We fce many challenges in our centre for kids called St Justine youth and children association Pray with us to cover some needs like food and mediation, we believe GOd will find a way to us with these poor children. Oh Lord you know were we are, how we could save this community Bit we still believe in your name Amen

jpb from the United States

March 24 at 4:44 pm
please kindly pray that my itching on my bottom area will subside, so I dont have to go to the doctor, in jesus name amen. thank you all and God bless you for praying!!

Diana from the United States

March 24 at 4:36 pm
Please pray for me and my family to be rid of viruses in my brain that has kept me from working for 7.5 years and Lymes disease. My youngest son also has Lymes disease and the family is having a hard time financially making it on one income and me being very ill. I have viruses in my brain that are in the pineal gland causing me not to be able to sleep with out meds. But my brain is not producing melatonin with puts you to sleep and produces hormones. I have muscle wasting and bowel problems. I am aging at a fast rate from not sleeping properly. Please pray that God heals my body. form the viruses and Lymes for myself and my son. Thank you so much.

Yaa from Canada

March 24 at 11:00 am
Dear Abba Father, I come to you thanking you for life. I ask that you will grant me mercy in my current immigration case. You are my only hope. Without your help, I can't survive. Please Lord, remember me for your name sake and do not forsake me in my hour of need. I look up to you today for mercy. I commit the immigration officials that are working on my case into your mighty hands. Dear Lord, cause them to rule favourably in my case. Any negative report or obstacle in my way be removed in Jesus Name. Father, intervene in this situation. I am desperate for you oh Lord. Come quickly. Lord, please have mercy. I look to you. Don't delay. Rescue me so that I can give you the glory. Amen.

joseph from the United States

March 24 at 9:48 am
please kindly pray that when I take my car to the mechanic on Monday that they tell me what's causing the noises underneath, in jesus name amen. God bless you and thanks for praying!!!!

Nighat Saleem from Pakistan

March 24 at 8:21 am
My name is Nighat Salem.I am elder sister of Iffat and Asif Salem.Me and iffat has done BTH training,my brother do privet job and he face many ups and downs in his job,we want that by the grace of God his business grow more and more so he can easily help our Ministry "Shelter of God ".plz plz plz pray for us that the shame of not getting married God cancel from our life and my brother and sister get married this year have there families complete.I want that my brother get blessing like Isaac.thank u so much for your reply.

Bertha from Namibia

March 24 at 2:33 am
Dear beloved brothers and sisters in Christ I greet you in the name of Jesus..Please pray for my brother Joseph ,he is going for an interview on wensday please pray for him to win this post.

Fe from the United States

March 23 at 9:56 pm
Dear Lord I thank you for my fam and all the blessings you poured over us over the years ,but today you see how Wrong the relationships goes between my children and us like parents .God you can do a miracle ,You can restore us I trust in You and I thank you .To God be the glory and I praying for the peace of Jerusalem . Bless everyone who is praying for us .Amen

Gloria Jean from the United States

March 23 at 4:25 pm
Dear Lord, thank you for the blessing of this prayer wall and that it has become an efficient tool for the church children to build up each others faith, it has been a sword against the enemy. Thank You Lord for everyone connected to this ministry, to all who have blessed it by finances, prayer and hard labor, indeed bless all who come to this prayer wall, to me it has become my altar and prayer closet, may the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, be highly lifted up among the nations. Hallelujahs. Blessings and restoration shalom, amen.

Linda from the United States

March 23 at 1:06 pm
Lord I am praying to you because of the health condition of my son . He is 43 years old and just found out he has heart failure. I am praying that you touch his heart and heal him of this condition. Please everyone who reads this please pray for my son. Amen

Christopher Cross from the United States

March 23 at 12:43 pm
That GOD will give me the desires of my heart in bringing me a young Beautiful Lady that has a heart for ministry like myself to be my wife! Ephesians 3:20

joseph from the United States

March 23 at 12:40 pm
please kindly pray tht all will go well with the fluid flush of my car on Monday, in jesus name amen jpb thank you and God bless you for praying!!

Diana from Nigeria

March 23 at 8:50 am
Prayer for God to change my AS genotype to AA genotype, Because I and spears are both AS, I really need him as a husband, that's my heart desire oh lord in Jesus name, I know nothing is impossible for God to do, God save my marriage.

Linda from the United Kingdom

March 23 at 1:58 am
Good morning Jerusalem & Israel! Dear praying brothers & sisters in Christ, please 'Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. 7) Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.’ PSALM 122:6-7 In Yeshua’s name – Amien!

Marc Tierney from the United States

March 22 at 5:54 pm
Please pray for Janelle Scott pancreatic cancer and liver cancer just detected hospice has come she needs a miracle please pray and she will be healed thank you body of Christ

Dasha from the United States

March 22 at 4:37 pm
I am very sick of diverticulitis, pain, fever, & bloating. That my husband's "friend" G.A. pays us back the money he stole from us. That TJ doesn't take advantage of us. That maybe we can return to Houston. That we can pay our debts.

domenic from the United Kingdom

March 22 at 2:59 pm
Holy Father i call on your name or a divine healing in my body touch my whole begin ,deliver me from this violent and very stressful storm in my life , i ask that your spirit falls upon me and my home this very night thank you Lord for your great mercies

Karl-Heinz from Germany

March 22 at 2:08 pm
Hi,beloved, please pray for my marriage,before it is too late.We need a breakthrough. We need your prayer.We need deliverence.We need a miracle. I am really desperate. God bless you!

Jamie Hallman from the United States

March 22 at 7:15 am
Please pray that my whole family is saved and baptized and that they stay saved: James, Sherry, Jonah, Casey, Chase, and their babies which includes me, Jamie. Thank you saints and may God bless you for this in Yeshua (Jesus) mighty name: Amen

Carol Brooner from the United States

March 22 at 7:02 am
Dear ABBA, thank you for your goodness and mercy <3 We The People stand with your Beloved Israel. Please restore the Families of the earth, Churches, marriages under attack. My Mother and I are at odds, with court proceedings. Hurting Family and loved ones. Please forgive me if I have sinned and offended you, or my Mother. Dear Lord, “Restore.” Thank You <3

Linda from the United Kingdom

March 22 at 1:29 am
Good morning Jerusalem & Israel! We 'Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. 7) Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.' PSALM 122:6-7 In Yeshua's name - Amien!

OLU from Liberia

March 22 at 12:21 am
Job 14:14,GOD THE ALMIGHTY said we should called to HIM and HE will answer us,this morning the prayer for the peace of ISRAEL has being answer in JESUS Christ name amen,I ASK THE PRAYER TEAM to pray for me in Jesus Christ name amen.

DIANE from the United States

March 21 at 5:33 pm

Linda from the United Kingdom

March 21 at 4:38 pm
Dear praying brothers & sisters, can please pray to OUR Heavenly Father G-D for complete healing for OUR precious sister Margaret. We stand on Your promise & believe in Your Word:- ‘Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose (wounds) stripes ye were healed.’ 1 PETER 2:24 In Yeshua’s name we pray – Amien! Many, many thanks for all your prayers! May G-D bless you! In anticipation of the return of OUR Messiah Yeshua!!

Tana kaya from the United States

March 21 at 3:58 pm
1. Pray for my life 2. Pray for my education 3. Pray for my AME of life 4. Pray for my mother,my mother is not talk and eair also problem 5. today i,m make girl friend and i will marriage this gir she ade Annu i,m Tana kaya 6. Pray for my family (amen)

Mary from the United States

March 21 at 2:44 pm
Please pray that my Grandsons, and Granddaughter, be watch over by God and his son Jesus Christ that they be safe in all they do and to keep God and Jesus first in all they do. Pray for my children that they all continue to love and obey you O' Lord our God. Amen.

joseph from the United States

March 21 at 2:34 pm
thank you for all your help today loving father!!! please can you all kindly pray that my driveway be cleared come tomorrow morning, and that I can see Dennis, in jesus name amen. God bless you and thanks!!!

Jeffrey from the United States

March 21 at 2:17 pm
Pray that Yahveh will bless and enlarge my good friend Avram by bringing Jewish People into his life to share Yeshua with. Pray that all the places I have sent Avram Yehoshua's online evangelistic materials to will bring many Jews and Gentiles to salvation in Yeshua during these last days and Pray that my friend HannahLeah Chindvall will have a special birthday today and that Yahveh will heal her of all her health problems and also put an end to her personal suffering. Pray that Yahveh will provide my friend David Sherman with more solid clients for his special needs consulting business than he can count. Pray that Yahveh will bless and enlarge my friend Stephanie Reyes and heal her husband of his Parkinson's Disease. Pray that Yahveh will heal my Mom of all of her health problems. Pray that Yahveh will bless and enlarge my best friend Jason Freewalt and his family. Pray that Yahveh will provide my friend Charlie Lamento with more solid clients for his legal firm than he can count.

Mary from the United States

March 21 at 1:57 pm
Dear Lord, I pray that you lay your holy and blessing hand on all my friends family and foe alike, please continue to bless and heal them in the way they need. I pray for the peace and safety for the State of Israel and all you Chosen People especially the Holocaust survivors, continue to provide us with the means to help, care, feed, and providing them with housing, clothing and warmth. I ask this through your Body and Blood.

Rosemary from the United States

March 21 at 1:20 pm
Please pray for my sister, Patricia, who has been diagnosed with a light case of dementia, and her husband, Gary, passed away this past October. She also has back pain most of the time, and she is depressed. Please pray for healing of her back pain and healing for her depression. For the first time, she has to do the income tax, and I think that she is overwhelmed by having to do it. I have offered my help since I know how to prepare the organizer for our family CPA, but she will not accept my help. She has agreed to have our family CPA do her income tax, but she still needs to fill out the organizer which can be daunting, especially for a first timer. Thank you for your prayers. Rosemary

joseph from the United States

March 21 at 12:40 pm
please kindly pray that the snowblower switch on our machine will work properly, and that the machine will continue removing the snow in this storm, in jesus name amen jpb, thank you and God bless you for praying!!

Dorinda from the United States

March 21 at 10:50 am
Please pray for Rachel Lee Spencer ... Her cancer has now spread to her bones ... HEAVENLY FATHER please Bless Touch and do a Miracle Healing for Rachel. FATHER please send angels of comfort, guidance, and protection for all that has love in their hearts for Rachel. Help them all through this very hard time. Most of all HEAL RACHEL Lord .. We THANK YOU as always and plead the BLOOD of JESUS over Rachel and this prayer, in JESUS name AMEN.

prayers for son from the United States

March 21 at 9:46 am
Rebuke all hurdles, obstacles, hindrances, rejections from path of getting into medical school for my son. Let Patrick, Leila, Anne, walden, Darren & others have favor of Jesus into their hearts for my son. Jesus make them take extra time to evaluate my son's profile & offer him acceptance today. Rebuke all the rejections &turn it into acceptance today! Jesus you gave a parable of the persistent woman who keeps going to the judge for justice & said to pray persistently continually, so do I as you have put this seed & promise & have brought my son this far, so fulfil this favor miracle today for him , so we will be comforted. You he worked hard & dedicatedly prays to You. Accept his prayers, mine & all those who agree with me in prayer. Thank you for providing excellent grades & all that is needed to come this far. Jesus, now take a step ahead I plead with you & move the mountains , open up doors of med school which you chose for him, bless with miracles to all who agree here, Amen.

Sheila from the United States

March 21 at 9:32 am
Evangelist Dea is scheduled to minister in a church in TX this weekend, but he is suffering from utter exhaustion and no energy. This exhaustion has attacked him several times now over the last few months. Thank you for your fervent effectual prayers.

Linda from the United Kingdom

March 21 at 8:22 am
Dear praying brothers & sisters, please pray to OUR Heavenly Father G-D for healing for OUR precious sister Elaine. We stand on Your promise & believe in Your Word:- 'Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose (wounds) stripes ye were healed.' 1 PETER 2:24 In Yeshua's name we pray - Amien! Many, many thanks! May G-D bless you! In anticipation of the return of OUR Messiah Yeshua!!

Linda from the United Kingdom

March 21 at 2:34 am
Good morning Jerusalem & Israel!! 'Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.' PSALM 143:8 Dear praying brothers & sisters in Christ please keep on praying for peace in Jerusalem & Israel! Please continue to pray to OUR dear Heavenly Father G-d for His blessing to be upon those pilgrims who are going to Israel (OUR Promised Holy Land) & Jerusalem (OUR Promised Holy City) for the upcoming Feast of Pesach with His wisdom, discernment, protection, safety & joy:- ‘I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the L-RD. 2) Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.’ PSALM 122:1-2 May everything they have to do to prepare for the journey go smoothly & successfully! May Your Holy Spirit, Father G-D, guide them! In Yeshua's name - Amien! Many, many thanks! May G-D bless you! In anticipation of the return of OUR Messiah Yeshua!

jude from India

March 20 at 11:05 pm
Please Pray that the Problems that are come in my relationship should be resolved between me and her and we should love each other and understand each other like before.

Grace from Taiwan

March 20 at 10:07 pm
Lord, please heal my grandmother because of Your stripes, she is healed, in Jesus' name. Please open her eyes to know Jesus and receive her salvation. She is indeed your daughter! In Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen!

MOSES OABILE from Botswana

March 20 at 8:10 pm
Heavenly father I pray for unity and oneness in Jerusalem, lord God I pray for deliverance and healing in my family, I pray for financial miracle breakthrough, i pray for divine favour and divine luck oooh Lord I pray for my debts to be cancelled I pray for miracle money Lord, send your angels Lord locate my bank accounts lord, I pray for divine luck to win my lottery draws Lord, glance me with the holly spirit, increase me lord, I pray for new jobs and promotion lord, I pray for oneness,happiness and joy in my family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray AMEN N AMEN

jpb from the United States

March 20 at 6:24 pm
would you kindly pray for me to be able to use our snowblower during the storm tomorrow? it would make my life a lot easier, in jesus name amen God bless you!!

Acquanitta from the United States

March 20 at 5:50 pm
Kingdom Greeting to the People of the World: I am praying for peace, mercy and praise from the our Heavenly Father GOD. My special prayer is for my claim settlement to have the funds to have my Ministry Conference in August 2019 in the USA, and having the experience of Title ..." the Exodus Movement" Let My People GO" Amen. I pray for my husband be cured of his kidney disease, sight to be restored, and a financial blessing with settlement from my claim pending over 3 years and that the movement be as Moses did when the Lord led him to release his children of Israel to come to the mountain and hear the voice of the Lord GOD.....Thank you GOD... for keeping all of the children in this world.....In the Name of JESUS....Amen.

joseph from the United States

March 20 at 5:45 pm
please can you all kindly pray that I can use the snowblower during the snowstorm tomorrow, and not use the shovel, in jesus name amen God bless you and thank you for praying!!

Paul from the United States

March 20 at 12:48 pm
I pray for all the fallen men and women that each and every last soul would find their way back to Jesus and every lasting life in heaven!!! Amen and amen!

GJR from the United States

March 20 at 6:23 am
Good morning Lord, I praise and bless Your holy name. Thwart all evil assignments against Jerusalem this day, turn everything around for greater blessings in Jesus name according to Your perfect will. Bless Jerusalem with shalom, peace, paz hallelujah glory bring to Your holy name Lord ! Send angels to gather and surround the anointed to overcome all evil, bless the church bless the children thank You Lord. Thank You for scripture Psalms 122:1, Genesis 1:3, John 14:1, 1 Peter 1:3-9 hallelujahs. My hope and prayers according to scriptures with great faith in Jesus Messiah alone. Amen.

Annette from the United States

March 20 at 6:19 am
Please pray for my son that he will receive the Lord wholeheartedly and that he will receive employment in his field. I pray for the correct company, job, and pay. Please pray for strength for my mother and grandmother. Thank you for your prayers.

Annette from the United States

March 20 at 6:16 am
Precious and most heavenly Father we come upon your thrown today thanking you and praising you for who you are and what you continue to do. Father God I ask that you hand covers my family this morning. I pray for an extended comfort for Alexis and her brother who lost her parents at such a young age. I also asked for prayer for my daughter as she has trys out for the soccer, that she will do well and be selected for the team. I am asking for prayer for my husband and my education that I will pass exams and he will have completed his PHD. Thank you for your prayers.

Linda from the United Kingdom

March 20 at 3:33 am
Good morning Jerusalem & Israel! We ‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. 7) Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.’ PSALM 122:6-7 In Yeshua’s name – Amien! Of G-D 'And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.' ISAIAH 62:7 AND 'When the L-RD shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.' PSALM 102:16

Ifeanyichukwu from Nigeria

March 19 at 8:30 pm
I thank you Lord the Holy God of Israel. May their be peace in Jerusalem and may Israel prosper and over come his enemies. Dear Lord please in the name of your son Jesus Christ I pray that you heal my son who is down with high fever. May the fever go and him be completely healed and may the sickness completely depart from my family amen. Oh God please be merciful and grant me more than I have prayed in Jesus name amen.

Ruthie from the United States

March 19 at 7:05 pm
pray for deliverance of spirits of lying, hiding, pride, rebellion, selfishness, stronghold, suicide, confusion, cruelty, emotions, fear, hindrance from my boyfriend Troy Cole. He suddenly received these spirits. Pray for him to go back to who he is and healing of our relationship.

Dorita from the United States

March 19 at 6:08 pm
Father GOD: Thank you for all your love! My friends Ixa and Victor really need your strength and Blessings. Victor has cancer and needs your healing power. They Love you so much. Please give them strength to keep going on and heal Victor. Thank you. Amen and Amen.

Dorita from the United States

March 19 at 5:54 pm
Father GOD: Thank you for a BLESSED day. Paul walked further than he has so far! Please help him exercise his arm. We are working very hard but we can't do it without you. Thank you. Amen and Amen. Please help my sister close her sales. She has appointments set up this week but she needs your help to close them. The winter storms have really hurt her financially and really. Please bless her. Amen and Amen!

jpb from the United States

March 19 at 5:28 pm
please kindly pray that God wakes me up early on Tuesday and that the mechanic will identify and easily fix my car, in jesus name amen jpb

Kelly from the United States

March 19 at 5:02 pm
I am overwhelmed and ask for prayer for healing. I have depression/ anxiety due to an unexplained sickness. My ears are clogged and painful, and I have extreme pressure headaches. I had a sinus surgery to try to correct the issue and now have extreme dryness in my nose, stuffed up feeling, along with pressure and worsened headaches .I also have jaw and teeth pain, along with unfocused vision and neck pain.I have a also lost myability to taste and smell as a result. I feel the surgery damaged my nasal nerves and turbinates. I have lost a lot of weight b/c of this and basically lay in bed all day bc of the pain, and I have insomnia many nights. Please pray for physical healing. Thanks, Kelly --

jpb from the United States

March 19 at 4:38 pm
please kindly pray thatI can go to the mechanic tomorrow, and they can easily and inexpensively fix the grinding noise I hear from my left front tire, in jesus name I ask amen jpb God bless you and thank you for praying!!!

Pastor Roger from the United States

March 19 at 2:04 pm
Pray that God will guide me to church work or some other type of steady employment soon. Pray that God will heal the 3 health issues I've been struggling with . Pray that God will help me keep the vision He's already given me. Thanks & God bless you.

Martin from Tanzania

March 19 at 11:45 am
We are a newly married couple and all of sudden both of us serious challenges have emerged in our work places simultaneously, we are in verge of losing our jobs both of us

Nina from the United States

March 19 at 11:37 am
Prayer my info prtected on net my son's girlfriend sorethroat. Coughing lost her voiice. And Bonnie pneumonia and my dr checkup and keeping my meds.

prayers for son from the United States

March 19 at 10:53 am
Please hear my prayers St Joseph and take it to our Father God and Jesus Christ. Thank you Father for keeping my son under your care and keeping him in your path , Jesus Christ and taking care of him all the time. Thank you for the medications and right doctor for his eye treatment. Thank you Jesus for the healing. I dedicate this novena for a special favor for my son to be accepted in FSUMD and others if it is God's will and the one chosen by God for him to do medicine this week. That he starts from fall of this year. That he is accepted soon and that acceptance letter comes in soon. Bless me with opportunity to come back here to give thanksgiving and praises for this novena and for the acceptance of my prayers and turning them into favor for which I have been praying since long time. Amen

Friend from the United States

March 19 at 10:37 am
Heavenly Father, We ask for Divine intervention on behalf of Alfred. Lord we are thankful that we can bring all of our cares before You, knowing that You hear us and love us. Father we are reminded that Your Word says in Psalm 37:39 “The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; He is their stronghold in time of trouble.” All this we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

jonah from Kenya

March 19 at 7:29 am
Pray for my Brother admitted in ICU in Kisumu. i just burried my grand ma last week. i have lost so many of our sibling, i truely believe and know God of Israel is our God too. i am trusting in Him for Healing and His presence in our family. May you all blessed of the Lord intercead for us. The Lord God meet your needs too all you pray for people like us. Amen, Shalom

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.