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November 19 at 7:52 pm
Prayer for God’s protection for me, my children & grandson, protection at our homes, vehicles, jobs, schools, church, city or anywhere we are, may go or be. Prayer for God to save, heal, deliver, comfort, guide, provide, bless, favor & anoint all my family & fill us all with His Holy Ghost, prayer for more of God’s wisdom, knowledge & understanding of Gods word & prayer my family & I to always have a hunger & thirst for truth & righteousness & to learn, obey & forever live Gods will, teach Gods will in everything that we do that God gets the glory. Prayer for Jesus Christ Blood covering protection & His Angelical Anointed family protection angels protecting me & my family to God be the glory. Prayer for the Lord to fight my battles & to fight my children & grandson battles as we do His will. Prayer for the Lord to remove all ungodly relationships & ungodly friendships from my children, grandson & I & restore & connect us with godly saved, anointed Holy Ghost filled true friends. To Go

Sharon Peart from US

November 19 at 7:13 pm
Remove every spiritual attack from me and my family and business and finances and school and education. I need a new home and money coming in 

Deric from US

November 19 at 6:17 pm
For all those Lovers of Israel For all saints washed in the Blood of the Lamb As an Ambassador in Christ Victorious Church I AM calling the Victorious Body of Christ to a 40 DAY PRAYER AND FAST ***STARTS NOVEMBER 24, 2018 ***ENDS JANUARY 2, 2019 Blow a trumpet in Zion [warning of impending judgment], Dedicate a fast [as a day of restraint and humility], call a solemn assembly. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and the nursing infants. Let the bridegroom come out of his room And the bride out of her bridal chamber. [No one is excused from the assembly.] Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, Weep between the porch and the altar, And let them say, “Have compassion and spare Your people, O Lord, And do not make Your inheritance (Israel) an object of ridicule, Or a [humiliating] byword among the [Gentile] nations. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God? LETS DO IT WITH JOY IN JESUS NAME

Sarah from CA

November 19 at 6:03 pm
Please pray for my mother Gerogina Mensah she is seriously ill and has been admitted to the hospital that the Lord will heal her and deliver her from the spirit of death. Thank you. Sarah Quayson

CJ from US

November 19 at 3:36 pm
Praying Abba that I am moved from infertile ground and planted firmly into fertile ground, like a strong tree that produces an abundance of good fruit. Fruit rich in God, prosperity, and wholeness, a richness financially, richness in relationships, a richness in knowledge. That I'm operating in a fullness of Joy, and in God's love, grace, mercy, and divine purpose for my life. That my hands are anointed, my feet are anointed, and my voice is anointed. I pray that my husband finds me now and my alone-ness ends, and my loving partnership begins. Abba daddy chooses me to bring forth from my womb another child. I pray a miracle in my best friend and sisters life, that they too will marry soon and be blessed with a child. And that under the sound of my voice, those that pray this prayer for me and with me are blessed. Our God meets us right where we are, as we lean into him, asking for his mighty hand to stir up good things for us, because father God you are our hero, THANK YOU!!

steven from US

November 19 at 10:17 am
Please pray for me I am in need of a miracle. I am afflicted with horrible illness that cause constant pain, poverty, an abusive and mentally unhealthy family and I can not find a wife, Please pray for me, that my suffering ends and things get drastically better, for I am crushed by suffering. I thank you all for your time and efforts.

Aniko from US

November 19 at 9:07 am
Thank you for praying, 1) Financial breakthrough in every area of my life and my parents life. 2) My mom needs to sell the apartment her dad left behind for her but the enemy needs to move and take his hands/obstacles out, so every obstacle needs to be obsolete. 2) I need Daddy God to provide the finances to go back to school full time both that school needs to be paid for and living expenses. 3) Breakthrough to meet and marry the man God has for me. 4) That Ephesians 3:17-19 will manifest in and through me. Blessings

naveed pitras from PK

November 19 at 8:00 am

Deric from US

November 18 at 9:28 pm
For all those Lovers of Israel For all saints washed in the Blood of the Lamb As an Ambassador in Christ Victorious Church I AM calling the Victorious Body of Christ to a 40 DAY PRAYER AND FAST ***STARTS NOVEMBER 24, 2018 ***ENDS JANUARY 2, 2019 Blow a trumpet in Zion [warning of impending judgment], Dedicate a fast [as a day of restraint and humility], call a solemn assembly. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and the nursing infants. Let the bridegroom come out of his room And the bride out of her bridal chamber. [No one is excused from the assembly.] Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, Weep between the porch and the altar, And let them say, “Have compassion and spare Your people, O Lord, And do not make Your inheritance (Israel) an object of ridicule, Or a [humiliating] byword among the [Gentile] nations. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God? LETS DO ITWITH JOY IN JESUS NAME

Racelle from PH

November 18 at 8:20 pm
Heavenly Father, according to your words in Jeremiah 30:17, "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD", I implore You to heal my mother (Victoria Nava) from her sickness - Make her cancer free! Also a complete healing for my son (Kyrel Benjamin Castillo) - restore his sound mind, awareness, and recognition! Make his ASD go away and release my mom and son from the bondage of the evil spirits whose corrupting and tormenting their body. I believe in Your perfect time Father as I believe in your love. Thank you, Father! In Jesus' name, I pray! AMEN!

Rick from US

November 18 at 7:28 pm
Please pray for me, I need an urgent financial miracle to clear my debts today. My creditors are after me day and night. Also, please pray that the meeting with Neo & Wendy will be a good and peaceful one. Thank you all!

Julian Prus - Wisniewski from GB

November 18 at 12:14 pm
Lord, ease the pains of my current diabetic and pancreatic sickness . Let m e recover and be medically certified and enjoy normal health for the remaining time of your creation. Amen.

Bev from ZA

November 18 at 11:16 am
Heavenly Father, thank you for your protection and provision. You have supplied all my needs. I continually pray for the salvation of my children and grandchildren. Just returned from a trip to Israel, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Show me Father my ministry towards Jerusalem. What a mighty God we serve.!

Arlene Willingham from US

November 18 at 7:20 am
Praise God.. I had back surgery in June and I was doing well but the enemy keeps sending painful days . I don't like complaining but I still hurt. I came off all meds and now back on them. Please pra with me for total healing. Also a 5 year old boy Cooper is fighting Leukemia. My brother in law a man of God had gullbladder out and the found a place o his kidney. M husband has been having shoulder issues. All are strong Christians and we believe in miracles and believe that we also need doctors. But we totally believe in Gods healing power. Can you agree with us in prayer and put this in the wall. M sister is in the world and not a believer nor her family. We need a big miracle for them all. Thank you God for putting Mr. Evans on TV. I am a Jew but completed in 1977. He is the way the truth and the light. I saw his eyes in a dream when I was first a believer. You can't deny His Love. Thank you In Jesus name Amen

Deon from ZA

November 18 at 6:32 am
Father in heaven, Jesus my Saviour,my Rock, my Everything, Holy Spirit in me I come in prayer to You as only You Lord can help me and restore my family Karlie, Christine and I and my marriage with Christine my Angel, Your Word says in Matthew 7 verse 7 to 8; "Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who seeks receives. Everyone who seeks finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." In Jesus name I ask please touch Christine's hart for her to remarry me and love me as her husband and soulmate please Father and lord Jesus let Christine, Karlie and I be a family in your name in one house Almighty 3 Unity God, to You all the praise and thank You for the breakthrough you bringing for my family in Jesus name with Your Holy Spirit in me Amen

Gloria from US

November 18 at 6:18 am
Dear Lord, my heavenly Father, oh blessed be Your great and mighty name. Today let the peace of Jerusalem be multiplied and the joy of the Lord strengthen ours hearts with renewed hope to light up our faith for those in darkness shall witness the glory of the Lord by our love and unity for one another as Jesus Messiah commanded in Jesus name I pray and give thanksgiving. SHALOM. ALL HONOR BE FOREVER GLORY TO THE FATHER, AMEN.

Frances from US

November 18 at 5:51 am
Please pray for my significant other Dan A Schmidt. He thinking of leaving me again for another female. I pray for him everyday. In hopes he wont leave me again. I give thanks for him being brought back to me. but he is thinking of leaving again and Ive seen the message from the other female asking when hes gonna do it. Please help me in praying for him to stay. I need him so much especially now that Ive been diagnosed with calcification on my brain. I love him with everything in me. I just want to end my life if he does leave and have been contemplating it. I asked for strength and forgiveness for what I want to do. please pray for us to stay together and work through this. Thank you

F from US

November 18 at 4:29 am
My prayer is Psalm 22 Oh Lord You have been my protector and provider since birth. I have known You as Abba! You have always been with me and are always good. The war within and the war without is so constantly intense. I tremble and lose my courage. My heart beats but is not attached-my inward parts are disconnected and ravaged from the wholeness You have designed. You oh Lord have never failed me; You have always come to my rescue. I do not know how to help myself. I need You. Heal me so completely that my life is a testimony and a praise song. May my heart beat for you and the joy of my salvation. Bring You gladness. Let it Only be said of You how amazing and good You are. For You alone are worthy, You alone are Holy. Come to me in my trouble. Do not delay. Every second here is eternity. I wait for You. You are my only Hope. You are that good and that loving! You can do this and I believe You want to and will because it’s who You are and I am Your child. I long for my heart to sing

naveed pitras from PK

November 17 at 9:10 pm
Ameen Parryr for my family and jobs Sepsliy my pastor sahid gill Stomach problems God Bless Amen my family jomela naveed shakeel anjum Aqeel anjum Zonera naveed kalem khokar muosa daud solman Abnier my home sepsi my shop by rent Dr shzad bhaser shokat bhser sh usman sh ased my shops imjtliy ext God Bless amen my son shkeel anjum offs porblams all stafs God Bless Amen and Aqeel anjum kalem S.S.H. ALL STAFS ALMONIR AND LAB ALL STAFS God Blees ameen K.M.S.MC YASEER SAEED SHFEER AMEER SHZAD D/F God Bless amen ch ahklak mpa umer dar usman dar neabs tahear sha azhear bhjwa sh aseef soni God Bless Amen

Uchenna from DE

November 17 at 4:40 pm
Oh Lord forgive me my sins and have mercy on me. I trust and depend on you my redeemer, provider and comforter. Change my life and story oh Father. Take me to a higher level so that I will testify. Thank you Father.

Anthony from US

November 17 at 9:25 am
I would like to pray for the Peace of Israel and for the provision of the widows and their children, orphans and the Holocaust survivors!        May The Lord continue to Bless my 4 daughters (Brianna, Clarissa, Daniela, and Cristina, my 2 Son-in-law ( Donovan, and Danny), former wife, and myself with His Peace, Love, Joy, Serenity, Prosperity, Health, and Wealth!    Special prayers over my grandson ( Rocco Daniel) who was just born on October 29th, 2018, and had his circumcision yesterday!  For The Lord to put His hand over Rocco and allow a speedy recovery of healing over the pain from the circumcision, and for the procedure to have been a success!  May The Lord also Bless Rocco with eating well and thriving with great health with every day.   May The Lord put His hand over Rocco's digestive system and free him of any ailment, and heal him for he was having some feeding problem with vomiting after his feedings.  May The Lord Shield me/us from Satan, and send me/us Financial Blessings!

Christopher from US

November 17 at 6:43 am
That GOD will reconcile Betty Stallworth with her last husband (Johnny Patton), in whom she made a covenant with at Denton County (Texas) courthouse with words from her mouth and money out of her pocket ! (This according to legal documents and backgrounds checks)

Lover of Jesus Christ from TW

November 17 at 6:07 am
Heavenly Father, please answer my prayer as kind as: 1 Chronicles 4:10 King James Version (KJV) 10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. Amen.

Gloria Jean from US

November 17 at 5:53 am
Good morning Lord, thank You for granting grace to see the light of a new day. As I pray lead me to be grateful for what you have already blessed me and grant me strength to resist all temptations. Bless my enemies to have the opportunity to come to know Jesus as Lord and break the chains of spiritual wickedness from their hearts in Jesus name. Allow my enemies to love and rejoice in the Lord Jesus always and bless Jerusalem with peace for today. Encapsulating Israel with protection against the device of destruction today. Thank You Lord and exalted be the name of the Lord of Hosts throughout the earth amen.

GJR from US

November 17 at 5:30 am
Praise honor and glory be to the Sovereign Lord Creator of Heaven and all the universe. Bless be the Lord King of Kings who is coming soon in a cloud. We are your New Jerusalem and witness this epic event and all the earth shall rejoice and mourn for the Messiah shall judge with truth, justice and peace Hallelujah thank you my Lord Shalom amen.

Shampa from US

November 17 at 4:58 am
Dear Prayer Team, Praise the LORD! 'Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ', Amen and Amen.  I am sending this praise report with special Thanksgiving and Praise to our precious Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus for helping us get the paint and kitchen cabinet work done for our flat AVD-1C-904. By God's grace the workers did a very good and efficient job, hassle-free and complete within 6 hours. Hallelujah! To God be all the glory forever and ever in Jesus' name, Amen. Thank you so much for lifting us in prayer in our time of need. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  May God Almighty Bless you all richly, With love and regards, Shampa.

Anirudh from IN

November 17 at 4:42 am
I pray for My Successful, Spiritual, Divine, Graceful, Blessful, Amazing, Bright and a miracle life and future. I pray for my mom's health to be bestest. I pray for world peace too. I pray for my spiritual path to be best. I pray for soul healing.

Missail from US

November 16 at 8:14 pm
Daniel 12: 2,3 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

Sage Busch ❤️ from US

November 16 at 7:40 pm
Please G-D I want to live in a safe place we need to find a rent to own 🏠 house and a backyard for the 🐕 3 dogs & at least 2 bathrooms & for my 2 son's to talk to me again and love me again..thank you I love you so much..

Rosemary from IE

November 16 at 2:15 pm
Pray my brother and sister in law start talking to each other again and make up, they are both Christians but they never make up before they go to bed, it lingers on they not speaking to each other, pray please

Shampa from IN

November 16 at 10:34 am
Dear Prayer Team, Please urgently pray that we get the paint and kitchen cabinet fixing work done tomorrow, 17th November, for our flat AVD-1C-904 smoothly in Jesus' name, especially as the painter, Ashok, is giving us a very hard time.  Also, dear Lord Jesus we commit our way to You and put our trust in You and Thank You Lord that You are taking action (Psalm 37:5) in Jesus' name, Amen and Amen. Praise the LORD! To God be all the glory! Hallelujah!  May the LORD Almighty Bless Israel, Jerusalem and her inhabitants with His protection and peace in Jesus' name, Amen. Thanking you for praying for us, With love and regards, Shampa.

Donald from Nigeria from US

November 16 at 10:28 am
God of mercy have on me and my family, provide money for my children school fees and our house rent and remove this shame from my family, I JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN

Rhonda Angely from US

November 16 at 9:48 am
Dear Abba Father  I pray for the people who are blinded and deceived by the this world, flesh, and devil. I pray their eyes to be opened and ears to hear you calling them Lord. I pray no one perishes from their lack and all will have a chance to receive you as Lord. I pray for revival of America. Tsunami of the Holy Spirit to cover the US. I pray for the peace of America and Israel. I pray for creative miracles of healing of nations and new inventions to help nations be successful and grow and honor you Lord I pray for the peace of Israel. In Jesus name  Sealed with His blood

F from US

November 16 at 5:33 am
Have mercy on me a sinner Father forgive me I know not what I do Rescue me from this pit and save me from myself  Cast out the legion of demons and protect and provide for me  You are worthy Grace be with me Psalm23

F from US

November 15 at 10:34 pm
Thank You Heavenly Father that You are compassionate and kind. Thank you that You are gentle and merciful. Thank you that Your ur mercies are new every morning and great is Your faithfulness! Thank you that You are my Hope, My Sheild and My provider, in You I take refuge and am safe from the enemy. God please protect me from the plans of the enemy to destroy me. Deliver me from evil and keep me far from temptation. Have mercy on me a sinner and remember me with Your love. You are so so kind to me. Oh Lord, I do know know what to pray for so I pray in agreeement with Your will. That I love you with all my heart all my mind all my strength and that I love others. Abba- Daddy. I belong to You. Your spirit is FOR me, you are for me; be with me as I sleep and please be with K. Give him wisdom and hope- oh Lord please complete this the Good work you begun in healing my attachment trauma amen

Fe from US

November 15 at 9:52 pm
Dear God I confess my sins an I ask for your forgiveness. Please heal my family and please deliver my son for his addiction. Please please hear me and save us . I thank you for your mercy and for your deliverance my Lord and my Savior .Amen 

Fe from US

November 15 at 9:43 pm
Dear God I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please heal my family and please deliver my son from his addiction.Please please hear me my Lord and my savior.Have mercy on us .Amen 

Rachel from US

November 15 at 9:30 pm
Please agree in prayer first for the salvation of our lost family members and those that they love and care for. Next, please pray for the healing of our bodies and eliminating any parasites and infections. Lastly, please pray for a financial blessing to be able to catch up and pay a month ahead on our bills. This is the slowest time of year for my husband to build decks and do remodeling because of the Holidays upon us. Because of that, we are behind and on a disconnect with our electric, and our home is all electric. It is due to be shut off on Thanksgiving day. We will not have the money to pay the bill, which is under $200 before the 30th of November, so we need a miracle. The electric company will not extend us the extra days needed. We have no one who can help us and our parents are deceased. There are no close family members and we don't qualify for public assistance. We tithe, and are trusting in the Lord for these miracles. Please agree with us for them. Thank you...

Siona from AU

November 15 at 9:16 pm
Please pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on my life to fulfill and accomplish what God has call me to do. Please that God heals me from gout and any decease in my body. Pray for my wife to be strong in the Lord, and God will release promotion. Pray that God visit my childrens in the powerful way and God will prosper the works of our hands, Pray that our Sunday service will be fill with the fire of Holy Spirit. Pray for umcommon favor and Greater grace onmy life.

kumaravel prasadh from IN

November 15 at 8:41 pm
Family members spiritual life growth , Divine protection . Omana, Prasannal, Mary , John, Suni, Abija, Prasadh, Kanakam, Asish, Blessy [ Divine unity ] Finance problem , Witch craft problem, Please urgent your prayer support . BEHOLD, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW . [ Rev 21. 5]

kumaravel from IN

November 15 at 8:32 pm
THE LORD SHALL GREATLY BLESS THE . [ Deut 15 . 5 ] GRACE PRAYER TEAM PADANTHALUMOODU . My Ministry Divine blessing, Extension & Divine protection , God’s open new door. Family members spiritual life growth. [ Divine prosperity, Extension & Divine joy ] Omana, 7 years stroke [Soul, Mind, Body Divine healing & divine fire anointing. Good eye sight , Finance problem . [Heart , Head & Brain blood good circulation] [Divine long life & Divine peace ] Prasannal , Divine blessing & divine protection , Fire anointing. Mary Divine blessing, Job promotion, Divine blessing, protection. Finance problem John , Suni, Abija [ REUNION] Divine unity , Music team Divine blessing. Extension. Prasadh, Kanakam, Asish, Blessy [ Family divine protection] [ finance problem ] Prasadh job divine blessing,[SENIORITY 36 THIRTY SIX YEARS SERVICE TWO ADVANCE Promotion , INCRCEMENT, good salary , Divine blessing & divine protection , BENEFITS, AL

naveed pitras from PK

November 15 at 7:36 pm
Ameen parry for my family and jobs sepsliy pastor sahid gill stomach problems my family shkeel anjum aqeel anjum zunaira naveed jomela naveed kalem khoker mosa duod solman abner my dokan khliy dr sazad bhseer shokit bhser sh aseed sh usman jaldi dokan khliy kar dy God Belss Ameen taher sha sh aseef soni azhar bhjwa dr ysmin rased ke zahan zoban bhndi ke God Belss Ameen G.S.B.T.H A LL stf s.s.h.all staf h g s all staf almonir lab kmsmc all staf 3 moter seycal arsed razwan rana rafeq rana fhrman ail raza All Stafs God Belss Ameen

Debra from US

November 15 at 7:17 pm
Breakthrough prayers for a family that has been broken too long. And Thanksgiving for the grace and goodness of God. Peace of Jerusalem. That God would again show Himself strong on behalf of His people Israel.

Kenneth from US

November 15 at 7:13 pm
please prayer that god will i my Lawyer name Bruce M. Iverson From Hamill, P.A. to get my n.j. workers compensation Lawsuit to be settle by the n.j. superior court for my injury that i sustain while working on my job and i well all favor with the judge in court thank you for all your prayer amen.

DAWN from US

November 15 at 6:33 pm
Forgive Israel enemies Lord and all those who have tried to hurt or harmed Israel…Look down in pity on all those who past and future ‘enemies’ and give them the grace to show them the love of Christ in my actions and attitudes towards them. Keep Israel thoughts from becoming resentful or seeking revenge but rather release in their heart the peace that only comes from casting all their cares on You – including Israel enemies. Give Israel the grace, not only to truly forgive all their enemies but also to bless those who persecute them – for in so doing I see a dim reflection of your enormous grace towards them – for which I praise and thank You in Jesus blessed name, Amen

Thomas lukose from IN

November 15 at 1:11 pm
I am family man with 3 kids, I lose my House, business,land everything. And present I need more than 4 million cash for solves my critical financial situation. So please pray my family.


November 15 at 11:55 am

Carolyn from US

November 15 at 11:16 am
Please pray for healing for my daughter-in-law, Barb and my son Carter. Barb is battling the effects of cancer and has now come down with pneumonia. My son is also not feeling well. He has been taking care of his wife faithfully. I pray healing for both and healing in finances for us all,  and a  great job for my son.  The evil one is attacking us but the God I serve will bring miracles we need.  Thank you so much for praying for us all!

Archie from AU

November 15 at 3:32 am
And Keep yours truly in Prayer and Iam also a candidate in the up an coming election in State on N.S.W and Federal . But mist of all keep praying for yours truly . Pointing to His discples Here are my brother ,sister and mother ,for whoever does thew will of My father in Heaven are ,my brothers .sisters and mothers;;;;;;; example When I flew to California /Nevada . We asked my biological siblings to help they said NO my biligical siblings are still saying NO to what God wants in Jesus Christ Name

Archie from AU

November 15 at 3:21 am
Plise pray for down under especially for the P.M our mislems neighbores are trying to sway him The P,M in neighboring moslem countries like Indonesia and Malaysia And to say No to these leaders of these countries . That are meddling in Australian foreign policy for themselves our P.M WHAT GOD AND we The People Australia want our embassy in Jerusalem the capital city of Israel PRAY THE AT GOD WILL GIVE THE p.m of Australia A Strong conviction to stand firm the Strengeth and the courage with backbone to Stand his Ground and to hold fast and to do whats right .Before God and man . Have done all stand ,Stand with the belt of truth around his waist. PrAY FOR THE p.m Sott Morrission

Alfred from US

November 14 at 4:00 pm
Please pray for EM- pray for EM’s salvation! Pray that God will open his eyes to see Jesus. May he know his needs for Jesus and find new faith, hope, and trust in Jesus!

shmuela from US

November 14 at 11:53 am
abba please heal jay chevalier who is at veterans hospital now and restore him to the good health you made his body for your glory in the name of your son yeshua ha melach ha mosheach toda raba.shmuela

F from US

November 14 at 11:26 am
Pray that God would complete the good work He began in me. Heal my traumatic splits and attachment securely to His heart. To deliver me from evil and keep me far from temptation! To forget not His attachment and love to me. That I may fulfill His calling on my life. Amen

darren from WS

November 14 at 4:47 am
May we stand together and pray for the peace of Israel as what they need is prayers May our good Lord protect and guide his people especially the young children God Bless Israel

Jamshad javed from PK

November 14 at 1:41 am

Brian from US

November 14 at 1:39 am
Would appreciate prayer for financial miracle to keep Mom's home after her homegoing to heaven. I live there as I was her primary caregiver until her passing. My Dad (also in heaven) had expressed his wish to have the home kept in the family. Thank you for praying for the Lord to provide someone to loan funds and/or God's provision to pay debt. God bless you.

Darious from US

November 14 at 12:05 am
Thanks for this opportunity I would for the team to pray alone with me for the Lord to get all that is in His way and its stoping Him from blessing my life. I also want the Lord to blessed me and give me my heart desire which is good education.

naveed pitras from PK

November 13 at 11:26 pm
ameen parry for my fhmliy and jobs sepsliy pastor shahid gill stomach problems God Bells Amen my fhmliy shkeel anjum aqeel anjum zunera naveed jomela naveed kalem khokar mousa daud solelman abnear my shops this by Rent mr dr Shahzad Bashir MR sakit BHSER MR sh usman soni mr ased sh my God Bells ameen my jobs poralbls mr taher saha mr sh aseef soni mrazhar bhjwa dr yasmin rased all tems God Bells AMEEN TMA OFFS ALL STAFS God Bells AMeen S.S.H Hg s almonir lab kmsmc all stafs yaser saeed shafer ameer shzad d f parenisipal ameen

George Baker from US

November 13 at 10:18 pm
I'm asking prayers for my uncle lendon,his left arm is in bad condition,its to the point of rot,we know God can and will heal him,please pray that God will heal him,Lord i ask that you heal uncle Lendons arm,make him whole again,i ask this in Jesus mighty name Amen

Simone from US

November 13 at 9:28 pm
No bad. Love us JEHOVAH. May we be the life, love of the party. May we know You and Your wisdom. Speak to us LORD GOD. Find Us love. Make Us Yours. Fill Us with all Your Spirit. Help. Israel.  Purity. Loved everyone. 

GJR from US

November 13 at 8:35 pm
Dear Lord, bless Jerusalem with perpetual peace, and forget not the apple of Your eyes. Bless USA with a shield of protection Seal the Texas border with the blood of Jesus where no enemy crosses over, may those who serve our country be bless with wisdom and remember if God, be for us who can stand against us. Greater is the Lord in us than he that is in the world. In Jesus name let us proclaim IN GOD WE TRUST, GOD BLESS AMERICA NOW AND FOREVER GLORY TO THE FATHER AND PRAISE THE LORD JESUS AMEN.

Gloria from US

November 13 at 8:20 pm
Dear Lord bless be YOUR HOLY SOVEREIGN NAME FOREVER, Lord my Lord, forgive me sins, forgive that my prayers are usually based on my bias, on my personal experience and selfish needs. Now my action of thanksgiving comes to thank You for this JPT which is a blessing to me and my family, many prayers have been met and answered. Thank You Lord for Jerusalem and the people who live there are a light and hope to the holy land. Thank You Lord for securing the borders, if not the next thing we know is that foreigner will kick down the doors to let themselves intrude into our homes. The border security offers us and our family peace. My family history worked hard to attain a green card and US Citizenship with the blessing of the Lord and favor. I pray for my neighbors that want to enter my country and home do so respectfully and as the law demands in Jesus name, thank You Lord, give us all a spirit of obedience to You Lord and to the law in every level. Amen.

Jason and Tangula Campbell from US

November 13 at 3:43 pm
Hello, Pleasr pray for the health of our marriage, our physical health, our mental health, our famlies and that God will alert us to opportunities to witness for Him. From Kentucky, Jason and Tangula Campbell

Shampa from IN

November 13 at 3:12 pm
Dear Prayer Team, Praying for the peace of Jerusalem. May the LORD God bless Israel, Jerusalem and all her inhabitants with His protection and shalom in the mighty name of Jesus. May God arise and may His enemies be scattered in Jesus' glorious name, Amen and Amen. Praise the LORD! Hallelujah! God bless Israel. Thanking you, With love and regards, Shampa.

Colleen from NO

November 13 at 10:45 am
I ask for prayers for Tod in the US who is sick in hospital with a stomach bug, possibly giardia. The IRS is also after him, demanding he pays them $2400. He is at the verge of poverty, so I request prayers for healing and financial breakthrough for him in Jesus' name!

Maria from US

November 13 at 10:44 am
hi 🖐... pray for my family and I to be who God created us to be...pray that we always have the spirit of giving and prar for us to buy our own home live a godly lifestyle healed free delivered and made whole in Jesus holy name 👐💜

F from US

November 13 at 5:16 am
John 10:25; Mark 9:24; Luke 18:38-39 Our Father who art in Heaven, Holy is Your name, Your Kindgom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven, Please give me this day our daily bread, Please forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors,  Lead me from temptation, and deliver me from evil- for THINE is the kingdom, the glory, forever and ever. Amen

Bright owusu asare from GH

November 13 at 2:32 am
I want to do the will of God by preaching the gospel but I need a prayer of remembrance of the word when I read and also the strength to carry and favour from others in helping me to start the evangelism

Anonymous from US

November 13 at 12:03 am
Very trying time at my residence with stalking and burglary.  Scary but I know the Lord Jesus is with me. I have lost friendships because they do not want it to happen to them. Feel alone. 

Dee from US

November 12 at 2:22 am
We pray for peace on earth. We pray for civility and morality to be restored from the White House to the outhouse. We pray for our children Lord and ask that you send us leaders who set good examples for them. We ask that prayer circles go out and up all over the world because we want to make Satan mad! Greater is He that is in "you" than He that is in the world.


November 12 at 12:09 am
Prayer forf the Lord to help me sell my home & buy a home that He has predestined for me & my children that God gets the glory & where Gods Preasence, power, peace & anointed Holy angels are, a house dedicated to God in Jesus name


November 12 at 12:07 am
Prayer for God’s protection for me, my children & grandson, protection at our homes, vehicles, jobs, schools, church, city or anywhere we are, may go or be. Prayer for God to save, heal, deliver, comfort, guide, provide, bless, favor & anoint all my family & fill us all with His Holy Ghost, prayer for more of God’s wisdom, knowledge & understanding of Gods word & prayer my family & I to always have a hunger & thirst for truth & righteousness & to learn, obey & forever live Gods will, teach Gods will in everything that we do that God gets the glory. Prayer for Jesus Christ Blood covering protection & His Angelical Anointed family protection angels protecting me & my family to God be the glory. Prayer for the Lord to fight my battles & to fight my children & grandson battles as we do His will. Prayer for the Lord to remove all ungodly relationships & ungodly friendships from my children, grandson & I & restore & connect us with godly saved, anointed Holy Ghost filled true friends. To Go

Ros from US

November 11 at 5:58 pm
Father God,praying for your forgiveness and mercy, praying also for goodhealth, also praying for financial blessings to settle obligations and commitments, and praying for other source of income.

Jobert from US

November 11 at 4:53 pm
Almighty Jehovah, The one and only true God Grant me the best vehicle to be use for your ministry for your Glory and Honor, In the name of Jehovah Jireh our provider. AMEN!

Ivan Benedict from PH

November 11 at 4:51 pm
All praises to you almighty Jehovah! Please reunite us with your daughter Wynzlette Omega, I miss her so much, Lord hear our prayer, bless her always and let her remind that Im always here for her and I will help whenever she is in need. I pray for her protection, against false story that may separate us together. You know Lord that I will be good to her as always, Love her and treasure her. Thank you Lord, AMEN

Clint from NG

November 11 at 3:44 pm
I pray the God of Israel to bring healings and Godspeed to my body, my finances and my career. I call on the Angel of Israel to make a channel of God's healing power and wisdom, Amin!

Lover of Jesus Christ from TW

November 11 at 10:44 am
Heavenly Father, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Overlook not my services to Your church on earth, overlook not my dream and make it come true as easy as how I make your love feast come true in the church! Bring a big lump sum of cash into my bank account for I am asking You immediately. I pray according to Matthew 7:7Ask, and it shall be given you. Thanks Father for Your Words on Bible, in the name of Father, Son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Janet Malavenda from US

November 11 at 7:33 am
I want everything God has for me spiritually,physically, and financially! I pray to be filled to overflowing with the Holy Ghost! I pray that the house we have for sale in New Tazewell, Tennessee sells Quickly for the asking price or above and I pray that it will be a Christian Family that buys it!!!!! I pray this and covet the prayers of all who read this request in Jesus name! Amen and Amem

F from US

November 11 at 7:24 am
Jesus you won the war. You are my living hope. Pull me through the other side to freedom from the old man in me, the evil lies, and unbelief, the pride-terror, the perverse control. It is evil in me. Oh greater in me is You then anything else. More powerful. High above. This duality in me is killing me Abba. You are my hope. Remember in Your love and help me surrender-I surrender all to You. Amen 

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.