naveed pitras from Pakistan
April 26 at 8:11 pm
amen paryr for my jobs sepasli haji manzor uoor ahsan elhahi
nab ko mera khodwnd yaso mashi apney bda naveed pitras se door rakh ameen god ameen paryr for samin javed ke leya khodwnd uos ko apni panah me rakhe god bless uoor m.javed ke zuolam se hamesa ke ley najat de uor javed se door kar de amen
ameen prayr for my job sepsliy adedt ofesar saeed ahmad and ahdeett pera pak khodawnd yasuo mahshi apny band naveed pitras ko cahleyar kary gha ameen paryr for my job sepasliy helth shfhiy tem of lahoar my hasopital g.s.b.t.h sialkot cti God belas amen PARYR FOR CEF SHCTRE PONJAB AND DR FHROQ IQBHAL DR AZEAM IBHRAHEM CH NAVEED CH AZHAR MERA KHODWD YASO MASHI APNA DEYNA HATH BHRA KAR BHCYGHA ameen parry far my jobs sepasliy my bhoos Ms Dr Azeem Ibrahim no odther mr Rizwan tariq junior / mr mohammad Aref incharge contest mr Rizwan tariq no contest of G.S.B.TH
NO FHWAR MR ARSHAD BHATTI and mery pak khodwnad shomena javed
Sandra from the United States
April 26 at 8:06 pm
Please heal my father Art R. Please Please he is such a good man and wants to live so much
StacyAnn Johnson-Hough from the United States
April 26 at 7:52 pm
Healing for my mother, Sandra P., diagnosed with bladder cancer!
Healing for my brother, Romario G., has blood clots in his leg. Also praying for God's blood sugar to be controlled.
Janet from the United States
April 26 at 7:14 pm
Praying for the peace of Israel and for healing for Ginny.
A from the United States
April 26 at 7:05 pm
Please pray for healing for my husband for me, my children, grandchildren, mother sisters and their families, for LH and Molly, severe stomach, intestinal infection, colitis, diverticulitis, sinus infection, skin cancer, brain tumor, dizziness , for finances and provision, Thank you
David from Ghana
April 26 at 6:55 pm
My Father my Father GOD of Isreal silent the voice of my enemies and let your church grow from GRACE to GRACE.
Connie from the United States
April 26 at 6:49 pm
I pray for manny rolando and connie for God to take these charges from us we repent and only want to serve u god
Maureen from the United States
April 26 at 6:22 pm
Strength and safety for the people of Israel tribe of Judea.
Marie from the United States
April 26 at 6:00 pm
Please pray for my health, bloating and obesity. Thank you kindly
Fe from the United States
April 26 at 4:47 pm
I thank God that he helped my son to find a job .Please lift him to the Tron of God to be deliver for alcohol addiction and attacks from the evil spirits. To God be all the Jesus name Amen And Thanks to all who are praying for him .
Crystal from the United States
April 26 at 4:34 pm
I pray my daughter Dani would find peace and favor with Jesus and be exonerated for something she did that was totally accidental.
Her heart is right with God and I pray He would be her defender against her accuser. I pray He will mend her broken heart and be used for Gods glory in her future days.
Lisa from the United States
April 26 at 4:33 pm
Pray for my daughter in law to come to God. Pray for my business to become successful. Prayer for healing.
Charlotte from the United States
April 26 at 4:22 pm
Lord I believe you still do miracles today. I’m asking for a miracle and You know my request because I pray over this daily. Thank You that You are in control and that You’re holding us. Thank You for hope. Thank You for what You are doing even now. I’m so grateful.
Mary from the United States
April 26 at 3:38 pm
Father God I pray for healing from kidney disease.
Antonio from Brazil
April 26 at 3:26 pm
Senhor Altíssimo Criador, em nome Yeshua eu te peço que a sua poderosa luz venha brilhar em meus caminhos e abrir as portas do emprego e da prosperidade. Me dê inteligência e sabedoria e não me deixe passar nenhuma necessidade financeira, peço também que me dê saúde, forças e vigor para trabalhar e lutar pelos meus ideais, que toda maldição seja quebrada em minha vida para sempre em nome de Yeshua.
Donnetta from the United States
April 26 at 3:20 pm
I pray that my Administration Contract Be renewed.
Angela from the United States
April 26 at 2:49 pm
Please Dear Jesus, Please heal my body,spirit and mind. Please Lord you know my needs,please supply them. Also all the ones who plan me harm, please send them as far away from me as the East is from the West.
Dear Jesus, Please take all the friends and family that's got evil intentions towards Forrest and trying to lead him astray, please take them out of his life. Lord, Please make him open his eyes and see people for who they are. Please puniah him for his foul mouth and ways. They have changed him for the worse.
Please make him the Happy, humble, sweet and kind young man he was.
All this i ask in your name Amen
Donna from the United States
April 26 at 2:46 pm
Dear lord I pray for salvation and healing for jaden Hanson. Please touch Jerry’s eyes and heal them and the anxiety s it’s causes in they holy name
Sasha Figueroa from the United States
April 26 at 1:55 pm
Heavenly Father, pour out your peace, joy, glory, love and victory upon Jerusalem. Fulfill your promises in the name of Jesus. Amen
Suzanne from the United States
April 26 at 1:30 pm
I pray for my sister Judy & her family’s salvation, and absolute acceptance of your son JESUS OF NAZARETH, as their LORD AND SAVIOR.
I am grateful HE is mine!
Joy Moyer from the United States
April 26 at 1:09 pm
I so desire to be married and have a wonderful marriage in God and have kids. Stand in agreement that my right one soul mate will know I’m the one for him and pursue me, chase me, Love all of me for who Iam I’m Christ and all my desires and always forgives me always and has a true and honest heart toward me and God and sees me and no one else and that I will know too and that we will both have peace about it and we both hear from God. I appreciate all the Love and support and your prayers for this. It will mean a lot to me. I’ve been praying for my right one ever since I was 13 years old. I’m now 37. I believe and recieve Gods blessing and promise. Blessings to you all! Someday, I would like to visit Israel and Jerusalem where Jesus walked! I Love Jesus with my whole heart. Blessings! Thank you so much.
Abraham from India
April 26 at 1:08 pm
Need prayers for our ministry Messiah Gospel Prayer House. We are praying for a own land for our ministry. God must open the doors for purchase of the land for worshipping him.
Dena from Trinidad and Tobago
April 26 at 12:59 pm
Dear God,
I bring my father before your throne. I thank you for him. I ask you that all attacks that are sent his way I pray that you will cover him with your blood, I plea the blood of Jesus upon him as you cover him and protect for attacks. Lord I pray that you will send your mighty angels to encamped round about him, send your warring angels to fight get rid of all evils that are sent to destroy his life, I pray father that those who are currently engaging in hurting my father that your vengence will fall upon them, your wrath will fall on them, its too long they are continuously hurting my family and I pray that you will do what you may to rid these evil wicked people. Lord you are a God of mercy but father how much more suffering my dad has to go through at the hands of these wicked people, Lord strike them down, strike them. Its too much now Lord, my dad lived his life for you and you alone, you know his heart and see his tears. Let your wrath FALL ON THESE SITA PERSAD, AND IAN
Dena from Trinidad and Tobago
April 26 at 12:51 pm
I pray for divine favour and healing in Jesus name, I pray against every heart attack, that each muscle will be restored, each artery unclogged. I pray that all dizzyness be stopped and I command a healthy and steady flow of oxygen to dad's head and that his heart regularises to normality in the name of Jesus. I pray for more years with dad with peace and happiness not worry or stress. I declare great health and financial blessings. I pray for complete healing. I declare and decree healing in the name of Jesus. It is done! In Jesus Name, I speak with boldness and authority and declare healing! Jesus, I stand on your word where you said healing is your children's bread and my dad is your child, Lord I pray that your hands will reach out and touch dad. Father I know and I trust you and speak with confidence and boldness that heart problems and clogged arteries are healed just as you healed the woman you heal the woman with the issue of blood. Thank you, Jesus, for healing my dad.
doug from the United States
April 26 at 12:31 pm
I need An Miracle healung in my Heart. i have abnormal Heart Rhythm. i have Anxiety. I have High Blood Pressure.
Clara Jamison from the United States
April 26 at 12:09 pm
I am requesting prayers for the Salvation of my unsaved children and grandchildren. Also guidance and direction for my pastor. Our Church is in great need of a new roof which we don’t have enough financial support. We are a small church working toward the project. We need it done for our insurance to continue to cover it. We believe God has a plan.
Jhansi rani from India
April 26 at 11:53 am
Please pray for my family to be happy & safe...i am an ordinary women like no job, no income, struggling with lot of tensions.... Please bless my family financial breakthrough oh lord. Help me to believe you a lot at this moments. Because now I am nothing lead me how to stay strong at hard times... Amen🙏🙏🙏
Isaac from Egypt
April 26 at 11:52 am
I need God's hand about my marriage proposal, Pray for my devoted christian girlfriend to hear from God about my proposal, she has the fear of being outside God's will and i understand and appreciate it, she said that she had some indications that i am from God but she wants to hear clear " yes " from God, I received from God so i made the proposal, Stand in agreement with me on her behalf to receive from God quickly about our future together, Pray that God heal any past wounds she is suffering from, Pray that any kind of blockage or hindrance preventing her spiritual receiving be removed by the mighty name of Yahshuah Jesus, I cover her mind with the blood of Yahshuah Jesus from any distortion or distraction, May her spirit be opened to hear from God, May her heart be opened to hear the whispers of the Holy Spirit, I trust you God that you will intervene this situation very soon, I glorify your name, and you will help me to build the kingdom family you promised me, Amen, Isaac
Brenda from the United States
April 26 at 11:49 am
I desire a much closer walk with God.
Debbie from the United States
April 26 at 11:21 am
I pray Lord that you will touch Jodi White and that there will be only the place precancerous was found and has not spread anywhere. Thanking you in advance, in Jesus Holy Name. AMEN
Debbie from the United States
April 26 at 11:17 am
Lord I ask you to please heal a precious friend Ginny Creekmore from ALL cancer in her body. I am thanking you Lord in advance. In Jesus Name AMEN🙏🙏🙏🙏
Anthony Joel from the United States
April 26 at 11:13 am
1. Open my eyes and ears lord
2. Financial open doors
Dianne from Canada
April 26 at 11:10 am
My daughter is engaged to a non believer! Angie loves Jesus but cannot see the danger of being "unequally yoked" Please pray the Holy Spirit can wpor in her heart She has a 16 year old daughter who cannot stand this fellow who has never been married , is selfish and self-centred. Angie is 42, and has an inheritance from her grandparents and Aunt. We feel her money is at least in part his agenda. I am praying for a way to tell her that since God is her Father if she marries him Satan will be her Father-in-law. Please pray the Holy Spirit will give me the right time, place and the words to speak! She is entering a path that can only lead to heartache. Angie has had complications with Asthma, this winter including Paradoxical Breathing and difficulty breathing and has several Hospital visits, since December. I feel the Lord is trying to give a message to her, by setting her aside. She has gone with this fellow for 6 years, and I have prayed all that time that God would put a stop to this
Gabrielle from the United States
April 26 at 11:09 am
I'm at a cross roads... I want to be a chef.. but I know the sacrifices you have to make to become one. While I'm single, I feel like it's okay bc I don't have a family of my own. I'm not making much.. 12$ an hour for A LOT of work..I've been there for 8 months. I had an interview today as a receptionist at a chiropractor place for 17$ an hour. I decided not to go to it and put more priority into other things today. I hope I made the right decision. I need god to show me where to go. But I also need prayer because I'm been slacking at work due to personal life issues for past month and my boss said my job was on the line.
Mary from the United States
April 26 at 11:01 am
Lord I pray for finical help to get rid of the mold in my house and fix my roof from leaks and mildew I’m on a fixed income and no extra money all goes to bills thank you in Jesus name amen
Ipyana from the United States
April 26 at 10:39 am
Pray for me, I'm looking for job. I'm jobless and I need God to entervein in my life. Pray for sister kanini and her son Divesh are in hospital mental sickness is tormenting her a lot. Amen
Rosary from the United States
April 26 at 10:33 am
For strength, fortitude, courage for youngest daughter to end relationship with narcissist boyfriend. That he stays away & never contacts her ever again. For her to take care of herself. Loses all excess weight, exercises, & eats healthy. Goes back to college, completes studies & receives degree. Gets part-time job with great pay & great environment. Heal her mind (adhd, anxiety), body, soul (forgives). Amen. Thank you God!
Mounika from India
April 26 at 10:29 am
Please pray for my husband chennakesava and family let our God talk to him this night they are non believers please pray for my sister, father,mother let peace be in our family
Mounika from the United States
April 26 at 10:26 am
Please please pray for my husband chennakesava and family they are non believers let them taste and understand the love of our true God please pray for peace in our family
Sonia from the United States
April 26 at 10:25 am
My husband healing. Strong sinus infection, cough, body ache, uncomfort chest, back of the eye pain until back of neck. He is one ear deaf, prostate inflammation. Please pray his spiritual eyes to be open as well. Thank you. Blessings to all!
Vladimir from the United States
April 26 at 10:19 am
Lord please heal me and give me the strengths , also I pray for my family,brothers,sisters and their families and our mother, she has a need.
Veronica from the United States
April 26 at 10:18 am
Prayers for my husband's mind. It's destroying him and our family.
Rosary from the United States
April 26 at 10:07 am
For the sale of our home at our asking price, as is. Close escrow on 05/24. Amen. Thank you.
Bernie from the United States
April 26 at 10:03 am
I praise u n thank you father for all my blessings.
Pls continue to bless n protect us. Pls help my Bena raise her grades, pls relieve my pain, pls bless me w the means to repair my house n get a car. In Jesus mighty name I pray
April 26 at 9:55 am
Pray for my education, Job, Health and financial problems and relationship with loved one better future to us. Give me good marks in 2nd semister examination and 1st sem backlogs. Give job to my friend mounika and get her back from home to office. Pray for my father’s health, financial problems and everything. Pray for my mother’s health and wealth. Give them abundant health, wealth and eternal life. Pray for my elder sisters delivery, health and my brother-in-laws business, health and financial problems. Pray for my younger sister education, health and everything. Bless me to get good job in placements and give me bright future. Give me a success in each and everything. Where ever I will go I want to make everyone happy with my work. Give me strength, support to serve nation and the country.
Oh my heavenly father.
Bless me, my family, friends, colleagues and friends and all the people around the globe. Give them abundant health, wealth and eternal life.
Christopher from the United States
April 26 at 9:44 am
That GOD will take away all burdens, yokes, demonic influence/inhabitation and all residue from past sin or sins from my mother's and my life, so THAT WE WILL FLOW IN THE GRACE THAT GOD HAS CALLED US TO FLOW IN !
Mark 10:27; Ephesians 3:20; John 8:36; Galatians 5:16
April 26 at 9:43 am
Heavenly Father please forgive us of all our sins and save us all please heal us in every way . In Jesus Name I pray! For my family my friends! All
gloria from the United States
April 26 at 9:39 am
Please pray for healing of health problems for my husband and me.
Julina Graham from the United States
April 26 at 9:39 am
Financial blessing I am struggling to make ends meet and when I make ends meet I have nothing else. I am barely making it.
Elizabeth from the United States
April 26 at 9:29 am
Please let us receive our refund this week Lord. Please and I thank you in advance because I know it will be done.
Margaret from the United States
April 26 at 9:28 am
Please let us get our tax refund this week.
Evelyn from the United States
April 26 at 9:27 am
Lord please heal my mom and let her contract be signed again today in Jesus mighty name. Please protect my family friends and my parents, in-laws and all my friends Lord. Amen
Sonia Casa Nova from the United States
April 26 at 9:27 am
Pray for my family
João Paulo Casa Nova Alambert
Rodrigo Casa Nova Alambert
Mallgaret from the United States
April 26 at 9:25 am
Dear Lord, I praise you and ask you heal my dad and protect and bless my children and grandchildren all the days of their lives. Also protect my nephew miggy and save his soul. Please let us get our tax refund soon so we have the funds to help my children when they ask.
Evelyn from the United States
April 26 at 9:24 am
Lord please give me breakthrough in my documentation and please protect my family and my parents and siblings , inlaws and friends too. Give my mom a miracle in her life that people will praise you through her and may her contact be signed today in Jesus mighty name. Amen
Virginia from the United States
April 26 at 8:55 am
Father God I ask that u protect my grandbaby Joziah as he has lost his way. Father I ask that u change his mindset and his heart bt mostly I ask that his punishment with the court system is not too harsh or too long. Father I ask these things for Joziah in Jesus mighty name, Amen
Laura from the United States
April 26 at 8:50 am
Pray for acceptance of Justin for our family members as he marries our daughter Jenna. Prayers for a safe pregnancy for Emily
Danni from the United States
April 26 at 8:50 am
Father I ask that you heal my mother. She's been sick for so long. I also ask for your forgiveness in my failures and ask for you to heal my heart and help me find love. Bless my family and friends I love you Lord amen
Melissa from the United States
April 26 at 8:49 am
Pray for my children's safety. That they grow into God fearing faithful servents of the Lord. That they live long lives full of blessings and surrounded by people who loves them and our sent by God to be in their lives. Pray for their peace, comfort, long lives in service to the most high. God be with them, bless them and keep them from all evil. Help me to raise them to know the Lord, love, fear, seek, respect and follow his commands all their days. I pray their days be long and blessed. I pray they're a blessing to others and to God's kingdom. I pray the Lord helps me to aquire the means to raise them and the blessings along the way. That my family and I never forget God's love and all he's done for us, and all we should do for him and for the kingdom. God bless our children, God bless Israel, and God bless America. In his holy name. Jesus. Amen.
Patria Luisa from Philippines
April 26 at 8:48 am
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for your covering and protection for my country, the Philippines. Frustrate any evil schemes by the enemy to steal our sovereignty and natural resources in the guise of foreign aides. That the Filipino people will have the courage to fight and tsand up for what is right before your eyes. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I declare that the Philippines is a sheep nation, not a goat nation and that Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Philippines.
Wyse from Fiji
April 26 at 8:46 am
I need prayers for my right knee has been bothering me for the past two usually swells anf very painful at times
Kathy from the United States
April 26 at 8:46 am
Lord God I come humbly before you and pray for our nations that you will judge us all and show us how to change our evil ways May you help us to stop all the senseless killings Lord and help our countries to Love one another In Jesus name Amen
Betsy from the United States
April 26 at 8:45 am
I ask for prayers for my elderly parents that they may find peace at the end of their day's without so much sadness and pain. I also pray for peace and understanding with all, Amen!
Joan from the United States
April 26 at 8:42 am
Healing: Davis, Chloe, Joan, Sue,Mike Larry, Barry,Tamika,Denny,Barbara,Marla,Chelsea,Arlene
Carolyn from the United States
April 26 at 8:41 am
Father God I pray for my family to follow You Lord, I pray for our baby Roman to be healed so he can see, walk, talk, poop and function correctly and I pray for financial blessings and healing for my family and thank You for all we are and all we have. In Jesus Name, Amen
Linda from the United States
April 26 at 8:34 am
I pray for my sisters continued healing and that she may have enough strength to live a long life and enjoy it. I also pray for World peace.
John from the United States
April 26 at 8:33 am
Please pray for our president Donald Trump and vice President that good give them wisdom and guidance and strength to over come and get our government cleaned out of all the Godless people that are in office trying to destroy Christians amen thank you God for all you do for me and my family
Lisa from the United States
April 26 at 8:32 am
Kinley has severe eczema and has been miserable all her life. She is now 3. Please heal this precious child, dear Lord!! Thank you, Jesus!! To God be the glory!!
Sherri from the United States
April 26 at 8:27 am
Please pray for my son and family members who struggle with addiction and anxiety. I pray for all people who suffer from substance abuse and all types of disorders that they are healed in Jesus name and God's glorious mercy. Thank you and God Bless Israel!
Yvonne from the United States
April 26 at 8:25 am
Please pray for my only son Eammon, that he finds work again and gets a revelation as to what he would like to do for his future. Pray for his protection, physically, mentally, spiritually. Thank you
Angela from the United States
April 26 at 8:25 am
Please pray for my Health and Finances and Safe Transportation! Bless the surgery to go in my Favor and to bless my body with Healthy Cells and Bless my mammogram to go in my Favor and Bless me to be covered by Jesus Blood and By his Stripes I am Healed. Thank You Jesus I Decree and Declare this and Receive this in Jesus Mighty Name!
Vickie from the United States
April 26 at 8:23 am
Prayers for my friend Chrissy, Meah and Debbie. Bless and heal as you see fit. My family and grandbaby to be blessed. Save souls heal and bless. Prayers to stop abortion. Lord please heal our Nation. Be with those who are suffering and deliver. And as always I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem💝
Hernan from Colombia
April 26 at 8:21 am
Oro por la carrera universitaria de mi hijo; para que no falte el dinero para cada semestre. Por el bienestar y la salud. física, mental y espiritual de mi familia. Para que El Eterno me guie en este nuevo trabajo; que yo sea bendición para la empresa y en la empresa encuentre bendición para mi; y finalmente, oro para pedir de El Eterno; provisión, guia y proteccion para lograr la creacion de multiples fuentes de ingresos.
Mochael from the United States
April 26 at 8:19 am
Lord thank you for all you have blessed the world with. May those that are in your light , lead those who are in darkness into your light.
Elisa from the United States
April 26 at 8:19 am
please pray that my finances will continue to improve so I can assist with friends moving in with me
Indhay from the United States
April 26 at 8:19 am
Abba father my Lord and savior I left up to you the life of my fiancee name Christopher to please protect and guide him in the jail of Oman muscat that your devine mercy be upon him that you will provide his needs especially financial to be able to set him free and be with his Kids and family...touch the life of those people who sorrounds him softly and merciful heart in Jesus name!! I pray for the USA Embassy to their quick action and even to the highest officers of USA military to give their support thank you Lord, we love you, we honor you in Jesus name Amen!!!!....🙏🙏🙏
Elisa from the United States
April 26 at 8:18 am
Pray that my boyfriends will decide to conquer his addiction.
Piera from the United States
April 26 at 8:16 am
Please say a prayer for me I was feeling sick went to the hospital they did a scan and said it looks like I have a mass Pray that it will go well when they go in that it won’t be bad news thank you all for your prayers thank you for taking your time to pray for me and thank you God are all the things you do for us a Amen
imiee ul mahomas from the United States
April 26 at 8:16 am
lord jesus..thank u for ur unconditional love! may u grant my prayers..pls heal me from cancer..a good health for my husband and my two sons..may love and peace will always be in our family..a good health also for my mother and my my siblings also and friends..please have mercy on us..forgive us our sins..and pls help us in our financial needs...again thank u so much lord for all the blessings and ur unconditional love..amen
Elisa from the United States
April 26 at 8:16 am
Please pray that my QDRO court documents will be completed and processed quickly and the money will be released to me quickly
Seng from the United States
April 26 at 8:16 am
Blessings and praises be to GOD of Israel, pray for peace & protection in all Israel and Jerusalem. I’m praying for health for myself and my daughter Mikayla, financials blessings for myself. I’m asking for whatever blockages or hindering my financial blessings & healing be destroyed in Yeshua name.
Seng from the United States
April 26 at 8:15 am
Blessings and praises be to GOD of Israel, pray for peace & protection in all Israel and Jerusalem. I’m praying for health for myself and my daughter Mikayla, financials blessings for myself. I’m asking for whatever blockages or hindering my financial blessings & healing be destroyed in Yeshua name.
James from the United States
April 26 at 8:14 am
Need to get automobile problems resolved..
Judy Roe from the United States
April 26 at 8:14 am
Please pray for my husband who has left us and turned from Gods Will. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reach him and bring him back to the Lord and to us
andrea from Philippines
April 26 at 8:11 am
thank you lord.for all the blessings..the family that you gave me.please keep us safe everyday..lord please bless my family to pass our interview and medical to continue our journey in america..i praise you oh lord!!! and i want to say sorry also for all my sin ...godbless uss oh lord...amen
Angie from the United States
April 26 at 8:11 am
I pray in the name of Yeshua to be healed from bipolar, depression, autoimmune disorder, and female balding. I pray in the name of Yeshua to be in line with him and if I do not get healed that I can endure until I'm in my new resurrection body.
I pray in the name of Yeshua to lead friends and family and all those who are unsaved to Him to be saved.
I pray for President Trump and Melania to have great favor from God and great faith. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Angie from the United States
April 26 at 8:10 am
Continued prayers for my daughter Lyndsey as she is 7 days away from C-section Prayers for Baby Ellie. Lord thank you all, I pray you will continue to bless my daughters, my grandchildren, my mother, and myself with you protection, grace, and favor. In Jesus name, Amen
Kevin from the United States
April 26 at 8:10 am
Lord I'm asking for healing an restoration in my marriage only you can make a way when seems no way... ask Lord for healing of my family members who are sick n Jesus name amen
Priscilla from the United States
April 26 at 8:10 am
Prayer for children and grandchildren. Thank God for the blessings He has given me. For a house that I want to buy.
Christine Duszka from the United States
April 26 at 8:09 am
Please pray for a manifestation of healing in my body. Renewed strength, hips, sinuses and heart.
Veronique from the United States
April 26 at 8:09 am
Que ma fille recuperes son fils en bonne sante!!!!!
Asim Gill from the United States
April 26 at 8:07 am
Please holy father, do best in my life whch seems good in your sight. Release me from my troubles. Bless my family
Natalie from the United States
April 26 at 8:06 am
I pray for my son Shmirl to have a family and to have wisdom to make his wife happy🙏🙏🙏
Linda from the United States
April 26 at 8:04 am
Jesus please forgive my children and grandchildren for their sins and me for mine...please help heal my husband
Denean from the United States
April 26 at 8:04 am
Please pray for my mother, she has breast cancer, please pray God shrinks the cancer cells!
Radell Scott from the United States
April 26 at 5:22 am
I pray that I live forever with real good Health. And to always have faith like Enoch.
Marjorie from the United States
April 26 at 5:02 am
Abba Kadosh I bless your Holy name. I praise you , I honor You Adonai.Father I pray for my husband healing .I pray Lord for you to protect us and my family.Elohim protect ISRAELl and USA.Please Lord help me to be a better person every day.Amen
Orieole from the United States
April 26 at 3:51 am
Increase in finances to get out of debt, to become debt free.
Orieole from the United States
April 26 at 3:49 am
Please pray for my 92 year old mother to be healed of a bad heart and to live and not die. Thank you Jesus.
Riona from Qatar
April 26 at 2:43 am
My final exams are in 4 days. I want to pass with excellent grades in all the subjects I take my exams in. I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
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