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Jerome from the United States

September 1 at 5:01 am
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that you for loving me and my healing all my body head to toe by My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 39 sprites you on the cross 2000 years ago I is completely healed of all diseases in my body head to toe and My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ let no bugs or bugs strains will be in my body head to toe or on my clothes l wear every day and night of my life in My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ name I pray amen this prayer requests

GJR from the United States

September 1 at 4:26 am
From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessings be on your people. Psalms 3:8🙏 🙌🕊🙌🕊🙌🇮🇱🙏🫶🙏🇺🇲🙌🕊

GJR from the United States

September 1 at 4:23 am
Arise, Oh Lord! Deliver me, Oh my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. 🙌🇮🇱🙌🫶Psalms 3:6-7

GJR from the United States

September 1 at 3:46 am
My Lord God, bring a supernatural testimony for your glory shekinah movement to settle the score successfully suddenly not by might nor by power but by Your divine order and spirit in the name of My Lord King Jesus glory to God forever amen.

Chaplain Gloria ✝️ from the United States

September 1 at 3:33 am
Father God, be exalted among the nations. Stretch out your almighty hand to defend those who wait patiently for righteousness to spring up from darkness. Lord, comfort us in our mourning. Restore our hearts. Heal our spirits. Transform our tears to the joyful songs of dancing with jubilee. Father God be exalted among the nations! Dispatch giant warrior angels to protect defend Israel 🇮🇱 from their foes in Jesus name amen.

Rosemarie from the United States

September 1 at 2:45 am
For GOD to help me obtain the care I need for a type of health issue that is something I was never supposed to have because it was more of internal hazard that only takes place once a bomb goes off or there is an accident at an industrial plant. I was a civilian left for dead meanwhile giving people the impression to take whatever they can obtain from me as if this was my own fault.

Mario R. from the United States

August 31 at 4:54 pm
Thank you for those who have prayed for my wife and I and our marriage. God who is faithful and merciful is restoring our marriage. Please continue to pray that our love for each other will abound and that we will continue to show grace towards each other and rely fully on the Spirit and not ourselves for the success of our relationship and marriage to prosper in Him.

T from the United States

August 31 at 4:31 pm
Praying for Gods divine intervention & miracle Breakthrough Blessing for immediate housing & steady full time employment for Leland. Praying Leland is released from Everything not of God. Praying for Gods protection, mental/physical healing & Godly friends/mentors as he stays in alignment with Gods Will.

Anynonymous from Zambia

August 31 at 2:24 pm
Greetings in Jesus Name please pray for reconciliation in the family thieves not penetrate at our premises by blood of Jesus Christ no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper my child to finish her career protection at work elevation and recognition at work to be more attractive no disappointment and rejection financial breakthrough favor at work thank you

Vivian from the United States

August 31 at 2:24 pm
I need to be loved, I know JESUS' CHRIST love's me, it's hard for me to feel his Love, since I don't feel love, I'm very lonely 🙏🙏💥💥1

Roxanne from the United States

August 31 at 2:09 pm
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper who love thee." We pray for the Iranian ring of fire surrounding God's covenant holy nation become extinguished. We pray all about wars and rumors of wars in these ending times of the last days. We pray about the great deception and the great apostasy prevalent among the faith based community globally. It has been predicted by Biblical Holy Ghost filled Christian You Tube pod casters: America is headed for a very catastrophic stock market crash and a global economic collapse similar to the Wall Street Stock Market crash of 1929 and the great depression of the 1930's! There have both dreams and visions about the future up-coming destruction of the City of New York. The US government is lying to people on it's websites about the stabilization of our job market and economic condition of our nation. It is not, however confined to our boarders. Pray for a global Holy Ghost revival and end the Woke agenda. Miranda!

Anthony from the United States

August 31 at 12:15 pm
Pray for me heavy( blessings and covering over my life Anthony Roberts) By the authority of the Word of God, I strip the enemy of his weapons over my family, health, finances, children, education, relationships, and loved ones. I deploy the hunters of Jehovah to recover and secure all that concerns me in, Jesus’s name. (Isaiah 54:17)

Patty from the United States

August 31 at 10:01 am
Dear Papa God, It's me again, Patty.. Asking for prayers for my son Chris who will be going for chemo soon. He is just getting over ecoli as You know. Thank you for from my heart for this healing.. Please be with Him and give Him your strength going forward He will be in rounds of rounds of chemo .. I trust in You Papa, Jesus and the Holy Spirit... Mary, Joseph, all Saints and Angels to be with him in this one of the roughest part of fighting for his life. Every single day is such a gift, each breathe is such a gift. Thank you from my heart to yours. Fredi is another I pray for from my heart. You know her issues.. Debbie same as Chris, and Laura, same as Chris and so many others I pray for for miracles of healing ... My Dearest Father have mercy, favor and strength be with all of them and their families as we go through this with them. Prayers for all people in this world. Prayers constantly in Your Holy Name. thru Jesus, and the HS. Amen. I L U, PAS

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

August 31 at 6:09 am
Blessed are you O LORD King of the universe you have sanctified us by your word you have commanded us to be a light unto the nations and given us Yeshua our Messiah who is the light of the world. Thank you LORD for your grace thank you LORD for your wisdom thank you LORD for your mercy thank you LORD for your faithfulness. Thank you LORD for my wife Grace Joseph, she has been a blessing to me and my household bless all the work of her hands heal her from all sicknesses fill her with the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Thank you LORD for my Son Alex Abner Joseph, daughter Sonia Sarah Joseph husband Jason Kishander granddaughter Naomi Lydia Kishander, bless them, protect them from all evil for all times to come, fill them with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, bless all the work of their hands and bless them to be on top and not beneath bless them to be the head and not the tail. Thank you LORD for Pastor Padmaraj and wife, Rohit Padmaraj, bless them, keep them healthy.On Jesus'name

Anynonymous from Zambia

August 31 at 3:16 am
Afternoon team please pray for my child for divine protection no obstacles and delays in her life no obstacles in her career journey no charms to work for me at work I should be very hard working and discreet long life for all of us all those helpers who blocked me to unblock me today financial breakthrough favor untimely death and accidents to be broken in Jesus Name to be happy and poverty to be broken in the family to finish my school my partner and helper to start sharing his wealth with me promotion at work my sister to be called back at work immediately I want to stop partaking in Gossiping completely all my colleagues to love me all my friends who forget about me to call me today reconciliation to go for vacation with my daughter to stop being broke to be extra hard work at work protection at work all clients to love me and to be uplifted as a director thank you

Anthony from the United States

August 31 at 3:03 am
Pray for me heavy( blessings and covering over my life Anthony Roberts) By the authority of the Word of God, I strip the enemy of his weapons over my family, health, finances, children, education, relationships, and loved ones. I deploy the hunters of Jehovah to recover and secure all that concerns me in, Jesus’s name. (Isaiah 54:17) Psalm 27 King James Version 27 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2 When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. 3 Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. 4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple. 5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

August 31 at 2:24 am
Give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever. Heavenly Father, I ask You for forgiveness for the things I have said that has poisoned to my soul my body my mind my relationship.You have set before me life and death,I choose life, You have set before me blessing and cursing,I choose blessing, You have set before me poverty and prosperity,I choose prosperity,any generational curses that have tormented me or my family are now destroyed in Jesus'name.I release this Holy proclamation that breaks the chains of sicknesses and diseases by the power and authority in Jesus'name.I will live in Joy of divine health.Amen Thank you LORD for another Sabbath, thank you LORD for protecting me and my family when we come in and go out.Thank you LORD for the vehicles MH 43 BU 4997 Alto,KA 03 ND 6127 maruti suzuki, bike KA03 JE 9701 scooter KA03 HV 9096 , bless these vehicles protect all travelling in these vehicles.In Jesus'name

Cristie from the United States

August 30 at 9:27 pm
Please pray for my baby boy he has crohns disease he is bleeding pretty bad and we're so scared please pray the bleeding will stop in Jesus name amen

Tim from the United States

August 30 at 9:17 pm
NAme is Tim I need prayer for mercy and protection vindication at work the owner Nick only worries about bottom line and uses his employees especially believers thank you and God bless you

Stanley from the United States

August 30 at 5:57 pm
going through a divorce I hope people would pray I get this divorce certificate like it does say in the old testament of the Holy Bible. thank you for your prayers in Jesus Christ Holy name.

Siona Vaelaa from Australia

August 30 at 12:52 pm
Please pray our Fathers day service on Sunday that will be fill with the Glory of God, that the Holy Spirit move mighty through out the whole service to encounter his people who are coming to church, healing sick people, save souls and touch everyone for his glory. pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on my life to enable me to share his word effectively and pray for people to be heal from diabetes, cancer, heart disease and all chronic diseases in Jesus name. Pray for our church that God through the Holy spirit will bring increasing multiplication and growth more people will coming to church to worship Him and serve Jesus for his glory. Pray that the Holy Spirit continues to leading and building his Church that people will come and experience the power of the Holy Spirit in his church. thank you for your prayers and I agree with you all who pray for my request in Jesus name.

Emily from the United States

August 30 at 12:28 pm
God heart to heart please help me with what I’ve been asking you please God place your hands over the situation and help me I need to hear from this person please God I need your help please Amen 🙏🏼 in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🏼

Sure from the United States

August 30 at 11:52 am
I need to pray better. Perhaps make a list and set aside a prayer time. My most urgent prayers are about the disorder in the world, Israel and the Middle East, China, Russia and Ukraine. Also, prayer for the American people, that they may turn to God and stop the aggregate acts going on today, too numerous to mention, and I pray God's hand on the upcoming elections. I pray for my pastor and his family, because I feel Satan works overtime on those who spread the Gospel and edify the church. I pray for my husband and children and grandchildren, that they grow in Christ, and that God's Word will keep them from falling victim to the false ideologies out in our country and even in the churches.

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

August 30 at 11:18 am
Blessed are you O GOD gracious and generous in pardon. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming in your weeping and rejoicing He is for you He is with you He is for us.In Jesus'name

D from Canada

August 30 at 9:58 am
Prayer for son Curtis salvation, for his mental, emotional, psychological health, healing of past trauma, freedom of addictions He is on a new drug trial for the rare Gastrointestinal disease Pray the villi, the tiny hair-like projections that line the inside of the small intestine, be healed in Jesus Name, come alive to absorb nutrients as he eats We thank God that his bowels are slowing down.

Christa from the United States

August 30 at 9:04 am
Healing? I had a brain aneurysm in 2022 which left my left hand &arm paralyzed. I pray literally constantly for healing it’s become praying with every breath God feels cold and distant It’s been two years I have five kids it’s hard on all of us This all feels so overwhelming likeGod has forgotten about me Any advice?

Anthony from the United States

August 30 at 7:35 am
Pray for me heavy( blessings and covering over my life Anthony Roberts) By the authority of the Word of God, I strip the enemy of his weapons over my family, health, finances, children, education, relationships, and loved ones. I deploy the hunters of Jehovah to recover and secure all that concerns me in, Jesus’s name. (Isaiah 54:17)

Miguel from the United States

August 29 at 11:39 pm
Please pray for restoration and healing for my upper back, skin, eyes, stomach, colon, feet and memory.Pray for me to have energy and vibrant health.And pray for me to have strength and endurance.And pray for me to find the right vitamins and good food for my health.

Miguel from the United States

August 29 at 11:31 pm
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, restoration, repentance, and prosperity for John, Barbara, Natasha, Andro, Renette, Victor, George, Raphael, Theresa, Connie, Deborah, Sybil,Esea, Peggy, Vanessa, Patricia, Natasha, Yanick, Gloria , Majid, Guillermo, Theresa, Gene, Wilnor, Shannah, Hannah,Andro, William, Byron, Annette, Claudette, Moneice, Makeda, Tracy, Christina, Steve, Racquel, Joyce, Jeremy, Jessica,Tracy, Christina,and Roberto's.

Miguel from the United States

August 29 at 11:26 pm
Please pray for a hedge of protection for me from enemies and coworkers at work.And pray no weapon formed against me will not prosper.And pray for me to have divine favor and blessings with the bosses, coworkers, residents, guests, etc.

Erica from the United States

August 29 at 9:54 pm
I’m back with the same prayer. I can see the prayers working so I need the prayers to keep coming My marriage is at a cross road bad. I’m trying to save it and my husband is caugh between what to do. He said he is going to pray over the next couple of days for the answer. I request that you send prayers that Gary (my husband) opens his mind and heart to God and tries to really listen to God’s direction. Whatever that may be. That my husband just really tried to lay it at the cross and give it to God for his answers. In Jesus name amen

stephen from Australia

August 29 at 7:32 pm
lady , in hospital bed next to james (we all pray for james complete heaing), but this girl has locked in syndrome where she can talk , release from the demonic, and neurological issues

stephen from Australia

August 29 at 7:23 pm
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you

Naomi from the United States

August 29 at 6:10 pm
Pray for a 30 year old girl name Geselda. She had a stroke 6 weeks ago and is still in a coma!! God You are the creator and nothing is to great for you in Jesus mighty name!!

stephen from Australia

August 29 at 5:47 pm
Devil, you've been caught, I recognize you as the thief and I command you to repay all that's been stolen from me and my family sevenfold, in Jesus' Name!!!"

Mary N from Canada

August 29 at 2:33 pm
I have panic attacks because I live alone and have no one with me when I return from being out for just a little while. I never have visitors because I have a poor apartment and cannot ask anyone to come here. I have trusted the Lord but then I have panic attacks again. I turn to alcohol. Will someone pray for the miracles I need?

Marie from the United States

August 29 at 2:22 pm
Pleasemhelp me pray.for my 24 yo son. He is struggling, unemployed and unable to provide for his 4yo daughter. He.needs.miracles and God is the God of Miracles. Please touch and agree.for Miracles for Malik. In

Marie from the United States

August 29 at 2:16 pm
Please touch and agree with me. Praying first for a.covenant prayer partner. Also a young girl Kori is having open heart surgery please.agree with me in prayer. Father God we stand together in the gap for Kori in accordance with your word. Matthew 18:19 "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." Father in Jesus name, we ask for your mercy, grace and healing touch this day. Father you are the great Physician please guide the surgeons hands, anoint all involved, let your presence engulf Kori and everyone in the vicinity. Bring peace and prayer warriors to the family Father we thank you in advance as we proclaim your promise Psalms118:17 Kori shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD .

Elizabeth from the United States

August 29 at 1:53 pm
Lord,I pray for our nation as we are preparing to have an election to decide who will be our leader. Please lead us all as neither candidate seems to be the Christian leader we need.

An from the United States

August 29 at 9:05 am
IM planning to đổ náte 5,500,000.00 to u when I get ít hợp e í fast and furious is for the Prayer Center please pray the mỏ n ey comes soon for mẹ the quicker the better

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

August 29 at 7:45 am
Blessed are you O LORD our GOD King of the universe you have sanctified us by your word you have commanded us to be a light unto the nations and given us Yeshua our Messiah who is the light of the world. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming.Jesus'

Rob from the United States

August 28 at 10:29 pm
Praying that God would bless me with the compatible mate that I have been praying about for a wile. As I get older I feel like time is running out for this to happen.

Angela from Singapore

August 28 at 6:46 pm
Please pray for my right upper arm, right shoulder and neck. Couldn't lift up my right arm fully. Feel painful when right arm is lifted or carrying things. Recently some numbness and tingling pain in right palm and arm. Praying for miracle healing in my body. Believing and trusting in Him always. Lord deepen my faith and strengthen my mind and body. Keep me close to You Lord always✨️ In Lord Jesus Mighty Name we pray Amen. Thank you for your prayers 🙏

Erica from the United States

August 28 at 6:24 pm
My marriage is at a cross road bad. I'm trying to save it and my husband is caugh between what to do. He said he is going to pray over the next couple of days for the answer. I request that you send prayers that Gary opens his mind and heart to God and tries to really listen to God’s direction. Whatever that may be. That my husband just really tried to lay it at the cross and give it to God for his answers. In Jesus name amen

Angela from Singapore

August 28 at 6:23 pm
Dear Lord we pray for peace and safety during the rallies. Protect the safety of those attending the events and the vigilance of security agents. Protect the President elect-to-be when on stages. Thank you Lord for your mercy and divine intervention. Praise our Heavenly Father! May our Lord Bless America 🇺🇸 God Bless USA! Glory Be To God! Thank You Lord for your 💖Love, ✨️Mercy and 👑 Grace Amen in Lord Jesus Name we pray Amen in Lord Jesus Name we pray 🙏

Amanda from the United States

August 28 at 1:58 pm
Im 31 years old and had a baby 4 weeks ago. I have 3 kids. Ive had 2 strokes and my right vertebral artery is occluded (clot). They wont do surgery on me because its too risky. Please pray that Jesus heals my artery and I never have a stroke again. Im so scared, I do badly want to be a wife and raise my 3 kids

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

August 28 at 11:26 am
Give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever towards Israel and Jerusalem prayer team. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming in your weeping and your rejoicing.He is for you He is for us He is with you.In Jesus'name

kingson from Nigeria

August 28 at 10:59 am
pray for God's mercy, blessings, healing and grace of good health upon my life and twin brother.pray against every spirit of bondage, limitations, stagnation and financial struggling.pray for marriage favors for me and twin brother.

Emilia from the United States

August 28 at 10:14 am
I pray for the salvation of my family, friends, loved ones and the people of Israel. For God Our Father to turn their hearts to Christ Jesus Our Lord, for their eyes and ears to be opened to his Word.

GJR from the United States

August 28 at 7:52 am
Lord God, be exalted among the nations forever. Show your mercy and grace to Jerusalem. Hear my prayers and answer them speedily. Bring forth healing to Israel 🇮🇱 with victory at every door, household, hospital, church, IDF, and gate in Jesus name. Shalom ❤️ 🙏

Anthony from the United States

August 28 at 7:50 am
blessings and covering over my life( blood of Jesus Christ By the authority of the Word of God, I strip the enemy of his weapons over my family, health, finances, children, education, relationships, and loved ones. I deploy the hunters of Jehovah to recover and secure all that concerns me in, Jesus’s name. (Isaiah 54:17)

Gloria Jean from the United States

August 28 at 7:43 am
Father God bless me according to Psalms 119:65 in Jesus name and receive all praise and glory forever amen. JTP, come into agreement with me. I'm pleading the blood of Jesus over myself for victory against a bug 🤧 some type of cold or allergy attack. Thank you and glory forever to God amen.

Arletta from the United States

August 28 at 7:38 am
If I have to come on here everyday to get prayer, I will! Both me and my daughter, Marshay have been under some sort of spiritual curse/attack by 3 witches from our old church. We have suffered financial lack, mental anguish, and I need a FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH which will lead to FINANCIAL STABILITY for me and my family. We are tired of living this way. God, In the Name of Jesus I beseech you to destroy of hand of the enemy! Cancel every curse, spell, and hex that has been placed on me and my daughter! You promised in your word "NO WEAPON THAT IS FORMED AGAINST US SHALL NOT PROSPER". Show these witches who you REALLY ARE in our life. God is our provider, protector, and KING! LET OUR ENEMIES WATCH US EAT!

Tom from the United States

August 28 at 4:45 am
Heavenly Father, Please collapse all cheating attempts in the upcoming 2024 elections in the United States. Let all ineligible voter enrollment efforts come up short. May those people who desire to vote multiple times be turned away. Please bestow unfavorable consequences upon those individuals who employ dead people's names in polling. Let ballot harvesters find fruitless results. May the Babel Tower builders' confusion await critics of voter ID. Amen.

Kavindya from Australia

August 28 at 4:29 am
God,  Please let me have him. Give me the man I want. Please reactivate his Facebook account. Please, Lord, help me to connect with him. Blood of Christ pours into my veins and relaxes me. Please help me, God. Im in distress. Please let me have him. In Jesus's name, Amen.

Jacob from the United States

August 27 at 9:47 pm
Please pray for my wife, her name is Karma, she has a heart condition and she doesn't want to have open heart surgery. She was given 6 months to live almost 2 years ago, Praise be to God she is still with us. Her condition isnt improving. Please put every ounce of your energy into healing my wife and beg to God to keep her here with me. God willing the power of every last one of you making prayer will heal my wife and give her new life, blessing her with a healthy heart that will provide for our future children. It's with a heavy mind I come seeking the support of my brothers and sisters in faith. Please let me know when/if you pray. I will be thanking everyone of you personally. She is my everything, I'm not sure what I'd do if I lost her.

Christian from the United States

August 27 at 7:06 pm
Please pray for me and my family my lady is getting atacked plz pray that she opens her heart to the Lord Jesus and that the Lord heals her heart and pain from her past pray that she gets renewed and restored.

Chris from Nigeria

August 27 at 6:06 pm
Please intercede for Miss Glory Luke to be healed as she underwent uterine cancer operation in Calabar Hospital in Nigeria and she went into coma, pray God to revive & heal her. Every attack on hertobe destroyed. She is made whole in Jesus name, amen, Tnx. Chris

Doris from the United States

August 27 at 3:58 pm
No words for groaning but scripture tells me the Holy Spirit can interpret those. Praise God forever - we belong to Jesus Christ. The God of Israel is awesome!

gg from the United States

August 27 at 3:52 pm
save me from my enemies. Let my enemies remember my face. Lies and intrigue paired me with sinking sand and those who did not count the cost. Wicked think they are popular and will have inclusion. But the wicked will perish and not be found. Let the wicked find out what wisdom and love and power can do. angels hope to witness god's plan and see how creation unfolds. I groan for release

Ashu from the United States

August 27 at 3:32 pm
Dear God Jesus, I come to you today with a heavy heart as my Bangalore mom Sheila Rebecca Singh is sick. Please be with her and give her the strength and courage she needs to face this challenge. Please bless her with good health and healing, and may she feel your presence and love in a special way. I love you Jesus.

pat from the United States

August 27 at 3:20 pm
For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burns. Isaiah 62:1 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem Psalm 122:6 We continue to pray for the nation Israel for divine hedges of protection, safety, peace and come to repentance - and serving the Messiah. Baruch Hashem Adonai Thank you

Samuel from the United States

August 27 at 2:21 pm
Please pray for my wife for healing in her abdoman. She has a repeat ultrasound in a few months time. Thank you all so much for your sincere prayers.

Arletta from the United States

August 27 at 1:13 pm
I need a FINANCIAL MIRACLE that will lead to FINANCIAL STABILITY for me and my family. For the last 3 years I have lived under a spiritual curse from 4 witches. Me and my family have suffered lack, death and mental anguish. Please GOD, move on our behalf. You promised my enemies would never prevail against you or me! Show them you are GOD and you are for me and my family. "IN THE NAME OF JESUS!"

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.