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Sandeep from India

September 9 at 7:38 am
I have been falsely implicated in a Criminal case by a women name Sonia Verma. She was in relationship with me,I am separated and she is a widow. We came close while working for a Christian ministry in India. WE NEVER HAD ANY PHYSICAL RELATION. She hide our relation from her family and forced me not to inform about us to her family. she had two grown up sons, who came to know about our relation and they objected. Sonia just want to safe her image lied to her family that we are colleagues. She betrayed me and to save her image she with the help of other man lodged a Police complaint (FIR) against me of outraging her modesty by Texting her with vulgar messages etc. Now I am in big trouble. On 13 September (Friday) I have my next court date. Please trust me I never outrage her modesty. My only mistake was that I admitted our relation before her family and in foolishness kept texting her with romantic messages. Lord knows the truth. Please Pray for me to come out clean.

Anynonymous from Zambia

September 9 at 6:53 am
Greetings please pray for me to forgive all those that offend me divine protection electricity to be restored at my house my partner to love me alone and all those bad people in his life to be exposed no accidents on the road my daughter to finish her course immediately without any obstacles to have power today my partner to communicate promotion and my beauty to be restored in Jesus Name no witcraft and charms to work for me favor financial breakthrough long life for all of us reconciliation and to be honored by my partner

Marilee from the United States

September 9 at 6:37 am
My marriage and family relationships to be renewed as well as family being saved for eternal life through Jesus Christ our Savior & Gods only Son. Also for peace & eye openings of America for the love of Christ and Jerusalem peoples! Ty I support and my heart goes out to all the sufferings worldwide and I say Jesus come soon for your children!

GJR from the United States

September 9 at 12:38 am
In Jesus name, I release the word written in Romans 8:31 too Israel 🇮🇱, If God be for us ( you Israel) who can stand against us (you Israel). Now is the time to turn back to God and God will turn back to you Israel 🇮🇱 for your victory is secure in Jesus Christ Messiah Yeshua Hamaschiach name amen.

GJR from the United States

September 9 at 12:00 am
In Jesus name I release God's word from Isaiah 54:17 into, above, under and surrounding Israel 🇮🇱, NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER AND EVERY TONGUE THAT RISES UP AGAINST YOU IN JUDGMENT SHALL BE CONDEMNED.

Miguel from the United States

September 8 at 11:41 pm
Please pray for a hedge of protection and covering for the condomium tower and me at nights.I watches this building five nights.Pray is no water leaks,fire,or any major incidents on my shift.And pray for me to have divine favor and blessings with the y, coworkers,and residents.

Miguel from the United States

September 8 at 11:22 pm
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, restoration, repentance and prosperity for John, Peggy, Vanessa, Patricia, Gloria, Chris, Leslie, Renette, Victor, George, Raphael, Thice, Yanick, Roberto, Natasha, Richard, Natalia, Nazaria, Frederick, Madge, Bon, Steve,Memeh,Gene, Wilnor, Shannah, Hannah , Michael, Tracy, Christina, Majid,Diana,Barbara,Andro, Guillermo, Caroline ,Ariana,Alexes, Raphael, Theresa, Connie, Maria, Kia, Annette, Claudette, Moneice, Delroy,and Chris.

Brian from the United States

September 8 at 9:15 pm
There are friends and family I know that are hurting with cancer and sickness and pain and sadness I pray the cancer away and everything else. There is also someone very special. That hope may just give ne the inspiration to believe that God will take their cancer and pain away. I also want extreme amounts of joy and happiness sent to this special person I care for alot. Especially when I think of them or the situation involving them. I'm believing and agreeing on all of this in the name of Jesus Christ. I'm believing for the Lord to clean up my financial situation and my car situation. God revealed alot to me and it's alot to take and process but I am dealing with it one step at a time.

Emily from the United States

September 8 at 6:43 pm
Oh God please place your hand over my family and my life and God I ask that you place your hands over everything in my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🏼 God you know all that’s going on I cry out HELP

stephen from Australia

September 8 at 5:57 pm
i pray i hate sin, live righteously, love the brethren and walk as Christ walked in this world, -Christ the son will re-live His life through me, and my fellow believers.

Arletta from the United States

September 8 at 5:35 pm
Three witches from my old Church have been wreaking havoc in the life of me and my daughter! In the name of Jesus I ask that they will be delivered from demonic influence and that there will be no more deaths. God, change their hearts and minds back to you and your people. I am $20k in financial debt and need a financial breakthrough!

stephen from Australia

September 8 at 5:34 pm
or He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. safe and protected., by faith Jesus

Dawn from the United States

September 8 at 4:38 pm
Jesus I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, may you be with all your people Lord I ask that You would forgive the USA of our sins and cause us to repent of our evils Have mercy upon us all and forgive We love you Lord!

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

September 8 at 11:57 am
Give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever towards Israel and Jerusalem prayer team. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and coming in your weeping and rejoicing He is for you He is for us He is with us.In Jesus'name

Stanley from the United States

September 8 at 11:32 am
please pray for me I am having dental issues. I have appointment at the end of September. I pray I can get in very sooner. please pray for me. In Jesus Christ Holy Name! thank you

Carolyn from the United Kingdom

September 8 at 10:28 am
Hi, can you please pray for me. My 1st pregnancy was an ectopic in 2019, my 2nd pregnancy I got to 8weeks 2 days & miscarried & after being told that I could never naturally fall pregnant I found out last Friday that I am pregnant. I will be 6 weeks this Tuesday. I went for a early scan on Wednesday past and the hospital said there was a tiny sac in my womb which was barely visible but they said they would take hormone bloods to confirm this. My hcg level came back at 490 which they said confirmed my pregnancy. I had to have another scan on Friday past which showed the sac had got a little bit bigger and also got bloods taken. The nurse phoned me & said it wasn't great news, my hormone level should have doubled within 48 hours which should have put it to 1,000 but mine was only at 570. The nurse said she was so sorry & it seems to be a failed pregnancy. We are devastated. I have to go tomorrow for bloods & scan to confirm this. Please pray that the Lord will work a miracle. Thank u xx

Jonathan from the United Kingdom

September 8 at 7:17 am
Please set Divine Favour free Lord Jesus Christ. Please release Divine Favour. We bless Israel and Jerusalem with peace and prosperity. Please bless all the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Thomas & Cheryl from the United States

September 8 at 7:02 am
Dear Friends in Christ. We ask that you pray for our nephews son Josh. He tried to take his life a few days ago but God intervened, however Josh has a severe wound to his head and is paralyzed on his left side. We ask for God to pull on his heart and mind to help bring him to Jesus and heal his body. Thanks Soo much for your prayers and may God Bless you all. TL & CL

Pamela from the United Kingdom

September 8 at 5:47 am
Please can you pray for my son Pete. He’s got a court hearing 10th. I pray that he wins the hearing. For custody of his children. In Jesus name Amen x

Rachel from the United States

September 8 at 3:31 am
Asking for prayers and hoping for a miracle so I can have better living conditions. Its been really stressful watching my back all the time. Thank you for your prayers.

Amy from the United States

September 7 at 10:18 pm
Lord I come to you on behalf of my husband Matti. Please open his eyes to Jesus, deliver him from the spirit of pride and the lying spirit. Let him have the fear of the Lord. Turn his stoney heart to a fleshy heart. Thank you Lord for giving him an enounter with you. I believe in your miracles. In Jesus name, Amen

April from the United States

September 7 at 10:15 pm
Please agree with me in prayer for Wes to find a job close to his home and healing for Jimmy from Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer for strength and energy and general well feeling in his body. And a way to pay the high medical bills. Thank you God for hearing our prayers. God bless all for praying

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

September 7 at 11:27 am
Give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever. Thank you LORD for your grace thank you LORD for your mercy thank you LORD for your wisdom thank you LORD for your faithfulness. Thank you LORD for blessing Alex Abner Joseph with a job in PG Maritime shipping company ship Pacific Rizhao, bless the Captain Chief Officer Chief Engineer and all crew members on the ship, protect them from all evil for all times to come, bless Alex Abner Joseph with wisdom knowledge understanding and with wise advisers bless him to take right decisions. Thank you LORD for the marriage between Tanya Fernandes and Alex Abner Joseph at St Alex Church in Goa on 1st March, LORD Jesus bless Albert Fernandes Bernadine Fernandes heal them from their sicknesses. Thank you LORD for your blessing upon Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander, protect them from all evil for all times to come, bless CAYN events management open doors of abundance finances businesses.In Jesus'name

ER Fuerte from the United States

September 7 at 9:53 am
Oraciones por todos los víctimas por causa de guerras. Afectados por pérdida de pierna y brazos. Lamentablemente lenta es la recuperación. Sin embargo en tus manos Señor Jesucristo todo es posible de sanar a y promover la completa bendita restauración, amen.

Freda from the United States

September 7 at 8:53 am
Our Father in heaven, just as in Deuteronomy 9 You said You would destroy the wicked Anakites, not for the sake of Israel's righteousness but because the Anakites were wicked, even so destroy Hamas because of their wickedness. Continue to give Prime Minister Netanyahu and Major General Halevi and the IDF Your strength to persist until the enemy is totally destroyed. Silence those who urge Israel to yield to terrorists. Thank You for the protection and victories You have given Israel! We praise You and we know that nothing is impossible for our God!

Miguel from the United States

September 7 at 7:32 am
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, blessing, and prosperity for Majid, John, Barbara, Yanick, Joyce, Renette, Guillermo, Raphael, Andro,Thice, Kia, Moneice, Annette, Claudette, Delroy, Jeremy, Jessica,Steve, Paul, Phyllis, Dane, Tracy, Christina, Michael, Lisa, Dane, Butchy, Tessa, Elizabeth,Natasha,Natalia, Richard,Bin,Memey,Nazaria, Natalia,and Madge

Anthony from the United States

September 7 at 7:02 am
Pray for me heavy( blessings and covering over my life Anthony Roberts) By the authority of the Word of God, I strip the enemy of his weapons over my family, health, finances, children, education, relationships, and loved ones. I deploy the hunters of Jehovah to recover and secure all that concerns me in, Jesus’s name. (Isaiah 54:17)

Roger from the United States

September 7 at 6:03 am
Please pray for my daughter Rachel, she is having a lot of anxiety, dropped out of college and moved back in with me, also my wife and I are separated and I would like her to come back home.

Jonathan from the United Kingdom

September 7 at 5:29 am
God The Father, Lord Jesus Christ God The Son and Holy Spirit The Counsellor, I need crystal clear guidance from You on a matter. Do I pro-actively pursue with all my spiritual weapons in prayer, fasting and praise a matter in the same way Abraham pursued the people who had taken Lot hostage in Genesis 14? Do I pursue, confront and set free? Do I cast the care up to You and wait patiently for You to act while doing other things? Or am I just barking up the wrong tree and need to let the whole thing go? Please provide crystal clear guidance in The Name of Jesus Christ. If this is from You and a prayer battle You want me to fight and win, then please give me encouragement. Send Your angels to help me. Let Your Perfect Will be done. We bless Israel and Jerusalem with peace and prosperity. We bless Jews everywhere. Praise You Mighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Siona VAELAA from Australia

September 7 at 4:48 am
Please pray for our church service tomorrow morning that God will visit us through His Holy Spirit.pray that the anointing of the Holy Spirit will manifest powerful to encounter everyone, touch every hearts, healing the sick body, save souls delivered the people from demons in Jesus Name. pray for the anointing of the Holy Ghost on my life to enable me to pray for the sick and receive healing of all kind of sickness in Jesus name, pray that people shall give to the Lord

Shereese from the United States

September 7 at 12:37 am
Please pray for me God anointed my voice to sing in church to touch people and people will get save and please pray for me God would bless me that I will make a gospel cd

Chaplain Gloria ✝️ from the United States

September 6 at 10:44 pm
Lord God, shift the atmosphere and airways release the Holy Spirit to help Devine relax with a good night sleep in Jesus name. Hallelujah glory be to God thank you Lord

Tom from the United States

September 6 at 7:13 pm
Heavenly Father, Please bestow the Babel Tower builders' confusion upon the Russian occupiers until their significant retreat from the coveted Ukraine ground. May the withdrawal include the Crimean Peninsula. Amen.

Debra from the United States

September 6 at 6:01 pm
My son is having problems with alcohol (addiction). Also, needs prayer for surrender and salvation. Lord, you are there with him and know what is needed for my son, BRYAN. HE has a wife and 2 beautiful daughters. Please, be with them. Place your Guardian Angels around them all. Lord I pray for your will to be done in there lives. I pray for intervention and Bryan's eyes be opened to your truths. So he sees, YOU God Do exist. Lord I love and pray for the family unit to continue!! Thank you Lord God.

Theo from the United States

September 6 at 3:06 pm
Good evening, Jerusalem Prayer Team. I seriously. I seriously need prayers for the recovery of my family's Mini DV Tapes collection that was stolen in their Car that they left at an Auto Repair shop. Thank you in advance.

mom from the United States

September 6 at 2:34 pm
Jesus, release my son from the ungodly, idol worshippers today. Let there be a miracle from you for my son. Let P the idol worshipper walk away from him forever which will make him return to church, prayers and accept a Christian girl which you have chosen for him. Amen. Return my son Jesus and only you can do this miracle! Holy spirit guide a Christian girl to my son. Clear my son's mind from all idolatry, idol worshipping friends. When your blood is upon my son, Jesus, they should turn away from him. Breathe on my son and release him soon from evil spirits! Amen.

Arletta from the United States

September 6 at 10:39 am
I am in need of a FINANCIAL MIRACLE/BREAKTHROUGH that will lead to FINANCIAL STABILITY. I have over $20,000 in debt. I am calling on Jehovah Perazim! In The Name of Jesus!!!

Christopher from the United States

September 6 at 9:55 am
Deuteronomy 16:16; Numbers 23:19; Genesis 12:3; Malachi 3:6-12 ; Proverbs 3:9-10 ; Ephesians 3:20 ; Ezekiel 18:19-20 ; Revelation 3:7; Proverbs 6:31; Psalms 103:1-6; Mark 9:23

Roy from the United States

September 6 at 9:47 am
LORD of Hosts, our Heavenly Host strengthen the hands of those who defend and stand with Israel. Aliyah for all scattered Jews, peace and comfort. We pray and ask in the name of JESUS. Amen A

Samuel from the United States

September 6 at 9:31 am
Please pray the my upcoming laboratory test results are normal for this year. Pray for my wife also who has medical tests also that they are good reports. Thank you all for your prayers.

Roger from the United States

September 6 at 7:21 am
Please pray for me. My life is not the way I want it to be. I have been told to do this thing called push(pray until something happens). thankyou

Mary N from Canada

September 6 at 6:49 am
Need deliverance from hopelessness, loneliness, isolation, deprivation. Is anything too hard for the Lord? When one cries out to Him, does He not promises to answer and deliver. Please intercede for me, especially when the overwhelming pressures mount. I cry out in my distress. I must have the evidence of His grace and mercy within me to overcome.

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

September 6 at 5:55 am
To GOD be the glory. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming in your weeping and rejoicing He is for you He is with you He is for us.In Jesus'name

Sherry from the United States

September 5 at 11:19 pm
 B"H Please intervene for me and save my life please! Dear God !😭😭😭😭Please Dear God save me and send me a complete healing of my entire body. Please send me the miracle of health that I've been praying for 37 years. Non stop suffering burning on fire in my cranial nerves supplying my entire mouth throat and neck into my digestive system, breathing ...causing paralysis. Please save me please!!😭😭😭😭 Only you HaShem can help me and I'm begging you to please intervene for me. I cannot keep suffering like this and keep begging. I beg not to be forsaken. Please send Moshiach Now for all life on earth bringing health and peace to all life on earth please!! Save me , help me, intervene for me , don't forsake me and my family and pets who need me and I need them please!!! I beg of you with tears!!I love life so much! I love you HaShem so much! I beg for a second chance at life please!! I have so much to give and will!! Please save me!!😭😭😭😭 Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha

Anonymous from the United States

September 5 at 10:30 pm
Lord please bless my son with wisdom to make the right decisions in life. Thank you Lord for your guidance and direction in his life. Help him to grow to be the man he needs to be.

stephen from Australia

September 5 at 8:15 pm
marc, greg, greg, hh, Alan, brain, revelation, as new creation . that they are more than sinners saved by Gracer, - more than conquerors. - renewed, have the new man, (past fact, not a behavioral requirement). -Holy blameless, and beyond reproach (purveys every area of current life). -set free from sin, not under its power.

Sonia from the United States

September 5 at 7:42 pm
Father in heaven, please help Jesse and Catherine find a nice place to move to. Provide for them Lord God in every sense of the word. I ask this of you in the precious and divine name of Jesus my Savior and Redeemer. Amen.

stephen from Australia

September 5 at 6:21 pm
"Devil, you've been caught, I recognize you as the thief and I command you to repay all that's been stolen from me and my family sevenfold, in Jesus' Name!!!"

Janet from the United States

September 5 at 3:12 pm
I would like to ask for prayer for April she has been having migraines and went to hospital they gave her medicine,but it's not working and can't afford to see her primary doctor.

God from the United States

September 5 at 12:51 pm
God bless me and help me with everything and I am talking about everything and God help me with everything more in the spiritual and physical realms God holy holier holiest perfect idea be done God name amen God bless me with God literacy in the spiritual and physical realms God holy holier holiest perfect idea be done God name amen

mom from the United States

September 5 at 9:50 am
Father God, as your word says in Jeremiah 10 "God mocks the idolater and encourages His followers to not be afraid of false gods". Hence, I am not afraid of them who have engulfed my son with idolatry as I know your hand is upon my son. Also, Your word says - "Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge you, on the peoples who do not call on your name" so instead of testing me and my son pour out your anger upon the people who do not know you or do not want to know you instead of testing us both! Remove them from my son's life now and forever! Especially P,M,M's father, P's parents, M,L,A and all idol worshippers - Eradicate them from my son's life and bless with a Christian girl from Christian family today to be his wife, In Jesus name and Jesus's name sake, Amen

Gray from the United States

September 5 at 9:17 am
I am a fellow Christian. My name is J.P I am 14, I am forced to do online learnign all my school years because we want to graduate highschool within 3 years. This is what I want At least many friends, invitation from mums, and is*** spe** my gf within 14 years of my age I will submit my life to and give me soul too. What I say is true amen and so be it

Hank from the United States

September 5 at 9:12 am
Shalom, please pray for Barb, myself, and that my stomach and strength is better and for some tangible and intangible unspoken issues and requests

Ashu from the United States

September 5 at 9:10 am
Jesus, you are the owner of the Universe, my Bangalore mom Sheila R Singh, suffering from blood clot in her brain. Bless her, make sure that she will be alright ASAP Plz. Amen & Amen.

D from Canada

September 5 at 8:31 am
Prayer for son Curtis salvation, for his mental, emotional, psychological health, healing of past trauma, freedom of addictions He is on a new drug trial for the rare Gastrointestinal disease Pray the villi, the tiny hair-like projections that line the inside of the small intestine, be healed in Jesus Name, come alive to absorb nutrients as begins to eat food by mouth, begins to gain muscle & necessary weight We thank God that his bowels are slowing down.

John and Sylvia from the United States

September 5 at 7:53 am
Saints of the living God, please touch and agree with us, pray J.F. Computers will have windfalls and breakthroughs with our Finances, pray J.F. Computers will have many new open doors and many new opportunities , pray J.F. Computers will have an open heaven over laptop and computer sales and our adds on Facebook and craigslist, pray J.F. Computers will have many new streams of income, [pray J.F. Computers will have many unexpected blessings and surprise blessings, pray J.F. Computers will have many a financial BOAZ showing up this day and week Please Touch and agree with us, we need your agreement

Arletta from the United States

September 5 at 7:33 am
I want to publicly tell God "I am sorry for being so selfish!". I come on this site and as for prayer for financial debt I got myself in, and yesterday there was ANOTHER senseless shooting in Atlanta, Georgia at a High School. Four people loss their life. These children are just getting back to school, and now they have to live with this trauma in 2024. When I was growing up we never had to fear going to school. Schools were considered a safe haven for most. Please pray with me for the families that now have to bury loved ones. Please God, help change the dynamics of this world. We are loosing too many young folks. If they are our future, what future can we look forward to if they keep dying?

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

September 5 at 6:00 am
Blessed are you O LORD our GOD King of the universe you have sanctified us by your word you have commanded us to be a light unto the nations and given us Yeshua our Messiah who is the light of the world. Thank you LORD for your grace thank you LORD for your faithfulness thank you LORD for your mercy. Thank you LORD for blessing Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Naomi Lydia Kishander when we were in Goa, thank you LORD for protecting us and bringing us safely home. Thank you LORD for the flat B 203 new allotment in Mega group Mega 75, bless the flat and the Cidco transfer in Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph names . Thank you LORD for the 10cents inheritance from Cherangara Chacko Ouseph land behind Kuruppampadi Bus stand, bless the land and I praise and thank you for it.I pray for a customer to buy the 10cents. Trusting in the LORD Jesus Christ.Our help is in the name of Yeshua our Messiah.In Jesus'name

ER Fuerte from the United States

September 5 at 4:30 am
Señor Jesucristo, gracias por tu amor y fidelidad. Inclina tu cara y favor hacia mi hermano Rosalino en el hospital. Desatalo de esa enfermedad. Sanarlo por tus llagas y consuela en su aflicción. Envía el poder y fuego de TU ESPÍRITU SANTO PARA QUE SANE Y ESTA AFLICCIÓN NO SEA DE MUERTE SINO PARA TU GLORIA ETERNA. ALELUYA AMEN. Por los siglos de los siglos escrito en el cielo y hecho realidad sobre la tierra amen.

Anynonymous from Zambia

September 5 at 4:26 am
Greetings in Jesus Name please pray for my partner as he goes to my work please not to be in contact with any of my colleagues or invite any of my co workers favor of God financial breakthrough

Chaplain Gloria ✝️ from the United States

September 5 at 4:14 am
My God, seeking your blessings for traveling mercies this weekend in Jesus Christ Messiah Yeshua Hamaschiach name amen.

Chaplain Gloria ✝️ from the United States

September 5 at 4:13 am
My God, thank you for blessing Zare with employment. Grant him favor and grace with his employer, co workers, customers and provide him with transportation. Bless him with a license to drive and he is able to save for his own transportation all glory to You forever My God in Jesus Christ Messiah Yeshua Hamaschiach name amen.

Chaplain Gloria ✝️ from the United States

September 5 at 4:07 am
Prayers from Amos 9:14 for the courts of heaven into Israel 🇮🇱 Jerusalem in the name of Jesus Christ Messiah Yeshua Hamaschiach amen.

S from the United States

September 4 at 9:24 pm
Father in heaven have mercy on our Country. Open the eyes of the American people and guide them to vote for the candidate that truly cares about us. To vote for the policies that are beneficial to us, and not for the personality of the candidate. More than ever, we need your blessings and your guidance. In Jesus' name.

naveed from Pakistan

September 4 at 9:02 pm
Ameen ۔Perry for my beg son Sakeel Anjum offs pourablams by parsnal 🔟 Clas Dhcoment in prowed Jesus name ۔Ameen pourablams by mr allha yaar. mr munib

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.