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Teresa from US

March 7 at 10:15 pm
Please lift up my son CH , for complete healing mentally, physically and spiritually. He is struggling through a tough time. I pray for God to free him of anxiety and to give him peace. I pray for deliverance of any curse that may be on my family and for God's guidance. I ask prayers for me for forgiveness and for peace. I pray for those leaders in office on the city ,state, and federal levels making decisions to be in favor of religious rights, pro life and pro family and pray for their well being. I give thanks for all the blessings God has granted me and my family.

Alycia from US

March 7 at 9:35 pm
Pray for my dad that he finishes his PHD. Please pray for Alexis for losing her parents and bring them back and comfort her family. Please pray for my grandma to take away her sadness. Thank you for your prayers

Bruno from CA

March 7 at 8:37 pm
My dad recently passed away. This has been very difficult for myself and our family. Not too long after dad's passing, mom started to eat and drink less. She has symptoms of dehydration. She also has advanced dementia which is making it hard for her to swallow any food or drink. Her symptoms have been getting worst. She is also not really responding when we try to have a conversation with her. I am very concerned about her. Especially by the fact that she does not have family close by. The doctor now just decided that she will start to receive palliative care. She really needs to increase her fluid intake. Please pray that it will be easier for her to eat and drink and that the fluids will make a difference and help her. Pray also that God intervenes and helps her and that He encourages us through all this. May He give us His peace that transcends all understanding.

Jimmy Onopia from PG

March 7 at 8:14 pm
AMBITION TO WIN MORE SOULS & FUND RAISING EFFORTS FOR THE NEEDY - PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Yesua, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob blessed art thou O Lord, Who lives and Reigns from Everlasting to Everlasting.. You know my heart and have heard my prayers, I have reached out to you with fasting and prayers since 2005 and I have not given up. I pray that you will pave the way for me to win more souls for your Kingdom , baptising them in your name as per Acts 2:38 & 41, and for your children to be filled with the fire of the Holy Ghost, and for the sick to recover ! I also pray that you will pave the way for me and bless me and my family in our endeavours to participate in fund raising activities to bless your church to reach out to the lost, and Also for us to bless the decendants of Abraham, Issacc and Jacob, the victims of Holocaust suffering in Israel and also for the needy in Israel. Adonai, I also pray that you will to protect your chosen people Israel , Amen

prayers for son from US

March 7 at 2:26 pm
Please pray and agree with me for favor for my son, that he gets accepted in a medical school and starts medical school from fall of this year. Please pray that LA and AM have favor for him and call him for interviews and give him seats/admissions soon. Father God, You know how much hard he worked for this and You know how earnestly he is expecting, do not disappoint us of this favor Father. All those for whom I prayed have got accepted into, so it is a motivation that You will also hear my prayer for my son, Bless with this favor today, Bless with news of interviews, acceptance for my son, In Jesus Mighty name I ask receive and claim this favor/miracle for my son today. Bless with an opportunity to come back here with my praise report. Amen

Dan Rotundo from US

March 7 at 1:46 pm
Pray for the peace of Isreal. Pray for my health, I'm legally blind due to type one diabetes, which was misdiagnosed from the age of 9-12 thanks to a quack doctor. I've had a kidney/pancreas transplant back in 2011.

Diana from US

March 7 at 1:36 pm
Please pray for me. I have viruses that have caused me brain damage. I have muscle wasting, blurred vision, horrible insomnia and no doctors can seem to help me. I also have Lymes disease. I don't know what is causing what. My hormones are out of wack also. MY have is coming out and thinning. Please pray that my health will be restored.

Charles from US

March 7 at 12:43 pm
I am writing from Joplin Missouri, USA. I've always to travel to Israel, and to the Prayer Wall. This apparently will be the closest I may get for now. I'll be there of course when Messiah sets up His Kingdom in Jerusalem! My Prayer is for the Peace of Jerusalem and Israel. May Israel continue to remain under the Protecting Wing of The Almighty!

Ifeanyichukwu from NG

March 7 at 10:14 am
Kindly pray with me for the Lord to open the womb of my very good friend's wife Mr Livinus Bawa Daniel;that she may conceive and bear children of their own. It's being a year plus she had a still born but have not being able to conceive since then Lord Jesus please be merciful and gracious to hear and answer our prayers amen.

Usha from US

March 7 at 8:49 am
Praise the Lord to all pray team. My wife is A. N. M staff. Posted in Chapra Bihar. Humlog chahte hai Chapra se Buxar transhfar ho jaye. Please prayer for my wife transhfar Chapra to Buxar. Amin.

kelly from US

March 7 at 8:13 am
Abba Father, Thank for everything! The good and the hard times. You Blessed be the name of THE LORD! You bless, strengthen, and encourage us in this race. YOU O Lord Reign! Fill us fresh everyday and every moment for the purposes and mantles you have for us Holy Spirit. Bless Israel and bless the United States with overwhelming Glory from your Spirit to ours. We need only you to build the kingdom on Earth as it Is in Heaven and we can not do it with out you! Bless all your people for unity and one accord across the nations. Advancement and we are Victorious in Yahshua! Lord I stand on your promises that all my house is saved and you make all things new! Father, I pray you save the son of your maidservant and bring home Christopher by Passover, a free and redeemed man. I plead your Blood my Lord Yahshua over my households'-souls. You call us your own, filled with your purposes and plans. Walking on paths of righteousness for your name sake. In Jesus-Yahshua's name Amen! Thank you Abba

GJR from US

March 7 at 5:52 am
Dear Living Lord & God of Israel, blessed be YOUR NAME HERE NOW & FOREVER. Hallelujahs to YOU !! Father God, thank you for PM Netanyahu who is assigned and appointed to lead YOUR holy land. I pray protection, wisdom, knowledge, insight, vision, good health, grace, goodness, mercy, faith, hope, love, peace, and victory from the Lord be with him and all his house in Jesus name. Shalom welcome him every morning, and at night may he be covered with Shalom, may he endure the temporary affliction of this world knowing if God be for him who can stand against him, greater is the Lord in him than the one in the world, he is the apple of the Lord's eye, he is an overcome, he is more than a conqueror, he is blessed, he is precious in the eyes of the Lord, he is forgiven, he is the witness, good and faithful servant, he is anointed, he is light & salt, he is a witness, a light & salt hallelujahs thank you Lord the many names and titles by which YOU LORD call and grant YOUR children amen. Amen,

Jena from US

March 7 at 4:16 am
Please pray for financial blessing this month and next month house sold and now lots of expenses for god to open doors for financial blessing for sons John n James healing spiritually and emotionally and maturity for reconciliation for all of us ; for the peace of Jerusalem n Israel thx

Linda from GB

March 7 at 2:06 am
Good morning Israel! 'Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.' PSALM 122:6 Please pray for a relatively new political group called Britain First who today are facing a prison sentence for making a brave stand against islamic encroachment in the U.K. We stand on OUR Heavenly Fathers promise in His Word:- 'No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the L-RD, and their righteousness is (from) of me, saith the L-RD.' ISAIAH 54:17 In Yeshua's name - Amien!

Sheila from ZW

March 7 at 1:05 am
Brothers and sisters in the Lord, please pray for me for the courts to rule in my favor. I have a divorce case pending and I desire to be given 50% of our matrimonial home because the title deeds of that house state that I own 50% share but my ex husband wants to buy me out with 20%. Please Lord, do not allow this woman Aby who destroyed my marriage to eat the sweat of my labour and to dwell in my house that the Lord gave me that we built with my husband. Lord of hosts fight all my battles and give me victory in Jesus name.

Sheila from ZW

March 7 at 12:51 am
Please people of God, help me to pray for my daughter Marylin to get married to a man who is born again, who fears God and who will love her unconditionally. She is turning 30 years old and is now desperate for marriage. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob intervene before my daughter compromises the word of God and loose her salvation.

Julieth from TZ

March 7 at 12:26 am
My Lord and My God i pray in the name of Jesus to be blessed so i can be blessing to others. I pray for divine favor and super natural intervention for my investment to succeed. I desire for greatness, i need your help because without you i can do nothing. As you did for your servant Issac, i pray for Holy spirit to open the wells that were closed for a long time. This is the hour for ministerial,financial, marriage and relationship breakthrough. Jesus when You open door nobody can close. I pray all door of success and blessings to be open in Jesus name. Let your excellency be seen i my life and your name be glorified in Jesus name i pray,Amen.

Rodney from AU

March 7 at 12:21 am
My wife has had severe chronic pain and has been confined to bed 24/7 for years now. Titanium rods in her spine have broken 12 times. Although 9 of the brakes have been operated on the last 3 are inoperable. Her daily medication regime is extensive. Please ask the LORD for healing mercies as she is wrung out and unable to walk. Is anything too hard for the LORD? NO! Thank you dear praying friends.

Annette from US

March 6 at 11:12 pm
I am asking for prayer for my son, as he needs immediate employment. I pray for the right job with good benefits, where he can do well and grow. I pray for all my children to have a close relationship with God. I pray my grandmother memory and strength to increase. I pray for my husband and I to complete our educational programs, please give us strength as we feel weary. I know we can do all things through Christ Jesus that gives us strength. Praises to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers.

Adelheid from CA

March 6 at 10:49 pm
Father please forgive me comfort me hold my hand and show me the way to be the person I need to be. Father please give me a sign that I may recognize that it's from you about Michael. Is he good trustworthy man where he does keep his word and he will meet me at the airport? Is he going to pay me back as I'm stuck in my pit of despair and want answers now. I'm deeply worried about this.

Grace Tseng from US

March 6 at 8:40 pm
My grandma is in the hospital now. She has a small stroke of right side, hand, arm and leg. Please pray for her healing. Most important of all, pray for her salvation. (She is 90 years old now. ) My sister and I are the first believers in the entire household. Please pray that God send messengers and angels to bring her salvation. Bind the darkness behind her and let her have dreams of Jesus. Thank you very much!!

Dorita from US

March 6 at 6:49 pm
Father God Lord Jesus: Thank you for a wonderful day. With your help we were finally able to install the half tray arm rest to Paul's power chair. This will help his arm to get better! Please continue to help Paul heal. We love you soon much! Please help my sister Linita with her finances. Please don't let the snow last more than one day if possible. We all love you so much! Please keep President Trump safe and speak to him in the night hours and let him know what to do Thank you!

Elizabeth from US

March 6 at 6:20 pm
Father in Heaven, remember King Hezekiah's trouble and know that one of your own feels the same way today regarding all the apostates (You told us this would happen) and regarding Russia and other nations that murder. I know, because of Who You are, that Your words in Ezekiel regarding Mt Seir still stand. Hashem Elohei Yisroel, that dwellest between the keruvim, Thou art HaElohim, even Thou alone, of kol mamlechot ha’aretz; Thou hast made Shomayim and HaAretz. 16 Incline Thine ear, Hashem, and hear; open, Hashem, Thine eyes, and see; and hear the words of Sancheriv, which he sent to insult the Elohim Chai (Living G-d). 17 Truly, Hashem, the melachim of Ashur have laid waste the Goyim and their lands, 18 And have cast eloheihem into the eish; for they were no elohim, but the ma’aseh yedei adam, etz and even (stone); therefore they have destroyed them. 19 Now therefore, Hashem Eloheinu, save us from his yad, that kol mamlechot ha’aretz may know that Thou art Hashem, even Thou only.Amen

Nina from US

March 6 at 6:18 pm
My grandchildren issues of their health. One throws up alot another strep throat where some live home needs fixing iam having pains stomach and shoulder blades. Good report on my tests

Rita from US

March 6 at 4:58 pm

Patrick from ZM

March 6 at 4:39 pm
Total healing for my body. Stomach cramps and itching on my private parts, on the balls. The doctors say they cannot find anything causing it. I need healing for I have suffered far too long.

Suong from AU

March 6 at 2:51 pm
Please pray for my DECRA grant application which is due on April 14th 2018. I know God has called me to be a scientist to glorify His name, and this research applicant is a big step in my academics career. Thank you. "God please give me wisdom. Holy Spirit please lead me in every step of my application."

Elizabeth er from US

March 6 at 2:31 pm
Elizabeth is in an abusive relationship. Needs God to help her out of it. Get away before she gets hurt. Family is very concerned. 3-6-18. Bless her in 2018 with job, money, Family, home , kindness health. New boyfriend. Listen to family. God bless us. Amen

joseph from US

March 6 at 12:50 pm
please kindly pray that all will go well tomorrow during the snowstorm, that we will not lose power and that our internet and landline will be restored asap, and that my tooth on the left side, the tenderness will go away, in jesus name amen jpb, God bless you and thank you for praying!!

Margaret Hill from US

March 6 at 11:45 am
Father God, I pray for salvation for my love ones, and for Healing in my body, for a debt free life. To know your will for my life at 76 years old. Direction and wisdom. Strengthen my faith in your word. To God Be The Glory.

Linda Smith from US

March 6 at 10:58 am
Please pray for William Garcia and Dakota Dawn, Nicole Manor, Wendi Manor, Mike Pofahl, Marlaina (Mae) Dickason, Jackie Don Phillips Sr and Jr. salvation. God kind of experience for salvation.

Paulina Abrefa from GB

March 6 at 10:45 am
Lord, grant me my strongest desire to overcome the enemy. I pray for favour, blessings for my family as well as all loved ones. I desire a supernatural breakthrough and divine helps. Cause the strength of hand your to deliver me from my strong enemies. Lord, set a table before me in their presence. I ask for divine wisdom, power and utterance. Create in me a new heart and renew a right spirit that I may offer you sacrifices of a broken heart and contrite spirit.. I pray for long life and good health in Jesus Mighty name. Amen and Amen.

Paul from US

March 6 at 10:26 am
Dear lord, I have a do it yourself project at hand and only one arm and a darling wife with which to get the job done. We need a boatload of prayers of were going to get through this! Pleas,please pray for us to muddle through this one safely and to be successful! Amen Lord and amen!

Christine from US

March 6 at 9:42 am
Dear Brothers and Sisters I come from a very large family, I have 9 brothers and sisters. Of those, 6 are saved and 3 are not yet. My request is for the salvation of ALL my family and extended family. We know the time is short and we serve a MIGHTY GOD who desires no one is to be lost. My prayers are with you all as well! Love in Jesus--- Christine

John from IN

March 6 at 7:15 am
Dear Friends, I am living in New Delhi and for many years, I am getting Newsletters from Bro. Mike Evans. I have a desire to support Jerusalem Prayer Team. I believe what all Bro. Mike achieved is by prayer than money! And this is the way to go as well. As Hudson Taylor rightly said, God's work done in God's way will never lack its supply! should be the theme of JPT! All real God's work is done by prayer than any other power. My request is, I sent an application today to a New Zealand Govt. Policy Advisor for a job. Kindly pray for me to get a job in New Zealand. It will help me to come out of my debt caused by my company loss. I pledge that 10% of my salary from this job will be sent to JPT every month! Kind regards, Bro. John Cyrus

Diego Alejandro Muñoz Aliaga from GT

March 6 at 6:44 am
Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in this day I beg for your favor and for your good will for the people of Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem, I beg for your mercy and good will to be over Your people and for all type of violence against Your chosen people to cease. I beg for your favor and mercy to be over every tongue and nation that chooses to bless Your children. And I beg for Your angel to guard over those who fear You and defend them, I pray in the Name above all names, in the Name of Jesus Christ redeemer of Israel. Amen.


March 6 at 6:19 am

Paul from US

March 6 at 5:21 am
Dear God, Thank you for blessing me with my wife Dorita! Without her I would surely perish.. Please take away unpure thoughts and replace them with your goodness! In other words, without you lord i am nothing! Amen and amen!

Enobong from NG

March 6 at 4:47 am
I request your prayers for my marital settlement. God arise that whatever is blocking my marital breakthrough be scattered. And also that kidnappers be faced out for peace to return to my community. Blot out my family transgressions by His mercies and continue to elevate us. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Faapaiaina from WS

March 6 at 3:15 am
Please pray for me, I'm a University student here in our University of Samoa. There were so many times I've got struggle about doing my assignments, struggling from my friends.. I need peace and a heart to try for my studies. And I have faith in God to help me out with my problems. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Bjørn from US

March 6 at 2:58 am
Be with me to pray for peace and protection for Israel, Jerusalem and the Jews. Also pray for my sorrows in the stomach and bowel, bless the name of God forever and ever. In the name of Jesus, Amen. God bless you all.

Sunday Nwafor from NG

March 6 at 1:43 am
Business open door, I install air conditioners. Help , favor , protection, and direction from God. Make me a joyful father of children God to bless me so I can continually be a blessing to others.

janice jordan from US

March 6 at 1:25 am
praise you God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Thank you for all you have done and for all you are doing. All my children coming full circle back to You. Alleluia. A safe delivery for my precious daughter Grace. A smooth and quick labor period. Healthy baby boy. Praise You. Grace will put her trust in You. Praise God. Pray for hearts to be open as we go soul winning at Carter Riverside High School. Conviction to make Jesus their Savior. Open doors for David to preach at this school. Souls Saved. Alleluia. CCA big time supports Israel. CCI big time supports Israel. Alleluia. Prayers for a custom fit trip to Israel. That our church will bring Revival to Israel. Alleluia. Me and my household shall be saved. Alleuia. Restoration and Jubilee of all that was stolen from me. For the Glory of God.Alleluia. and Amen.

Ifeanyichukwu from NG

March 6 at 12:33 am
Oh! How can I thank Lord Jesus enough and this prayer group. Since I joined this group I have posted and requested for three prayers and to the glory of God I have received as I asked. My last request was that of my sister Inlaw in labor to give birth. The enemy wanted to destroy her by making her stay in labor for three days or more but to the glory of God she delivered safely this morning. Infact it is only the Lord that knows our fears but Jesus is too good, cos He intervened and made us all happy. Praise!!!! the living God for his mercies are forevermore amen.

Waji Mijieli from US

March 5 at 11:22 pm
Help me Lord ,I am trying to do the right thing get my status staying in this country.You are the Lord who make way where there is no way.In Jesus name. Amen.

Sam from US

March 5 at 8:54 pm
Dear heavenly Father, I Praye for work, double wealth, and Health, harvest time, Life abundantly, Better Sleep, Miracles right now and always & that I receive my heart desires, & for my boyfriend to have double for his troubles, and me too, in all areas, & that God prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies, and that they are out of my Life. and Great Grace over me and my familys lifes and miracles and big Mercy! Amen

Ruth Han from AU

March 5 at 6:54 pm
God I pray you will allocate a good job to my daughter, Sarah, open that door and path a smooth way you have already prepared for her so that she will land in that right job. Send your angels to bring her your answer, anointing and blessings to her life in your mercies and forgiveness upon her, in Jesus' name, I pray. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness, your are Jehovah Jireh, our Lord will provide. Amen.

Jackie from US

March 5 at 6:21 pm
Please pray for my dear friend, Mike Sears who is battling lung cancer and COPD. About two weeks ago he came down with a chest cold so they have stopped his treatment until he clears up but the couch and deep chest congestion is hanging on. He is on a treatment that was just trialed in Europe and he is the first here in the US. Treatment course is every two weeks. I am worried they are putting it off to long but I trust our dear Lord. Pray for healing in Jesus name. Thank you and GOD Bless all

jackie from US

March 5 at 6:18 pm
Please pray for my daughter, Crystal Haber. She is experiencing shortness of breath, stomach and chest pain, light headedness among other symptoms. Spent the night in answers. She she's a GI doctor tomorrow. I worry so about my only child...wonderful mother of three and wife to a special man. Thank you and God Bless all Jackie

SL from US

March 5 at 5:41 pm
I have an uncle just release from prison, he and my dad, who is an addict in recovery, are being secretive about some things they are doing. I ask that God to shed light on what they may be up to and f/u with authorities if it is anything unsavory. He is now living with my aging parents and temporarily, I pray God remove him from our home, into a home of his own.

Alex from US

March 5 at 5:17 pm
Experiencing spiritual dryness and thirst. Even praying in the Spirit seems like a chore. Needing deliverance and breakthrough so I can be free in the power of the Holy Spirit to operate in the prayerful obedience of faith, and my tongue loosened to flow in the full release of the prayer language's operation. Miracle power needed to open wide the spiritual passageways.

joseph from US

March 5 at 5:11 pm
please kindly pray that my parents house will have their telephones and computers fixed as soon as possible, in jesus name I ask amen God bless you and thanks! jpb

Janet from US

March 5 at 4:48 pm
For prayer restoration in my marriage for my children and grandkids salvation. For a new job with more money. For my eyes to have 2020 vision. For my health.

Roy from US

March 5 at 3:29 pm
Salvation for all my family. Remain faithful to a faithful GOD. Make my vows good to the LORD. Debt cancellation, and wealth and riches in this house. Cheerful giver, bountiful giver, always abounding in grace to do a good work for the saints.

Loguhe Richmond from CI

March 5 at 3:18 pm
Prié que le Seigneur face que ma reconversion de la vie militaire à la vie civile se passe bien. Que les projets,que je compte réaliser se déroule parfaitement.

Mary Annonymous from US

March 5 at 12:34 pm
Today Benjamin Netanyahu is having rough time. The Creator Hashem, our Redeemer the Messiah be with him, abide in his mind, grant favor...we plead before the Father in Heaven! We ask that someone would read the Complete Covenant with him, so Ben will receive the Lord Of Truth

prayers for son from US

March 5 at 12:05 pm
Please pray that my son is accepted into medical school and starts from fall of this year. That AM & LA go thru his profiles from the admission office have favor for my son and call him for admissions. Please Father God, you have planted this seed and have promised this favor. Thank you for bringing my son to this stage and blessing him with needed grades and requirements. I believe that as you have planted this seed and helped to germinate successfully, you will also give the seat in a medical school chosen by you to do medicine from fall for my son and fulfil your promise and the seed to grow into tree of fulfilment by completing medical education for my son, In Jesus Name, Amen.

Jamie Hallman from US

March 5 at 10:41 am
Greetings saints of the Most High God, Please agree with me in prayer that my son, Jonah, grows into a godly man, strong in the Lord, and who delights himself in the Lord and that he will grow in favor with God and man. Thank you and may God bless you for this in Yeshua (Jesus) exalted name: Amen

Cynthia Simmons from US

March 5 at 10:19 am
Pray for Israel, for protection and peace from the enemy. Pray for the Christians that are serving in restricted areas. Pray for missionaries that are serving in other countries delivering Medical Supplies and winning Disciples back to Christ. Pray for peace in Tele Vive. Pray for protection of the Men and Women who serve in the Military protect there families while they are away. Pray that GOD will deliver us from The Evil One! Lets lift everyone in prayer those that are mourning a love one, Cancer Patients, Young People, Pray for Pastors all over the world that are preaching the Gospel. Pray for healing for our Nations. Pray for GOD's power to return back to the church and that GOD will forgive us of all of our sins. Pray for the Pastors and Leaders who are bleeding. Pray for Healing for our families. In the Mighty Name of JESUS! C.S.

Linda from GB

March 5 at 10:17 am
Shalom & Hello dear praying brothers & sisters! Please pray for peace for OUR Holy City of Jerusalem & OUR Promised Holy Land of Greater Israel! Please also pray for healing for David as he withdraws from hospital medication! We stand on G-d's promise:- 'Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose (wounds) stripes ye were healed! Many, many thanks! May G-D bless you! In anticipation of the return of OUR Messiah Yeshua!

Rachel Lamsal. from IN

March 5 at 9:43 am
pray for my final exam of class 10th from 6th march018 -HINDI COURSE-B. 08/03/018-FOUNDATION OF IT. 12/03/018-ENGLISH COMM. 16/03/018-SCIENCE. 22/03/018-SOCIAL SCIENCE. 28/03/018-MATHEMATICS. THANK YOU.

Linds from US

March 5 at 8:48 am
In my life jjehovah jireh has always been my provider for everything I am in need of prayer for strength wisdom clarity and forgiveness .I love my Lord Jesus please help me know what to do

Christopher Cross from US

March 5 at 7:21 am
That GOD will have the ticket or citation that I got in California for moving over to one of the left lanes in my semi-truck to let another semi-truck come from the on-ramp unto the highway to prevent an accident (or maybe the female cop was saying that I stayed there too long) to have thrown out of court. Mark 9:23

judy howard from US

March 5 at 7:21 am
Healing from allergies,upper resp.,grief,fibromyalgia, infections & more. Needto find right plan that is safe because I am sensitive to drugs to get teeth pulled, need to find right dentist to work with me. Need peace. Need to work out finances. Nothing happens to my heart waiting. Don't have problems with anesthetic. Fear leaves me.

Esther Manuel from US

March 5 at 7:11 am
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the People of Jerusalem. Please Pray for my son that he will excel in his new position and that God's light will shine upon him. Please pray for me and my husband as we celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary on April 29, 2018. Thank you and God Bless you all.

Annette from US

March 5 at 5:55 am
Please pray for my daughters as they struggle in her teenage years. I pray that they will accept guidance from parents and adults that have their lives the best interest. I pray that no weapon form against them will prosper and that anything pertaining to negativity or anything that can destroy their lives will be blocked. I pray that all my children will follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Please protect them from the enemy in Jesus name. Lastly, pray that the Lords plans for my children will succeed. Amen

Jerome Assine from SN

March 5 at 4:34 am
Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ, Do pray for salvation of people in my village Oukout, my church planting ministry to bear fruts. Pray for Oussouye people to be saved and accept Jesus as their personal Lord and savior. Pray also for my whole country Senegal that people be saved. Pray for my family protection and blessing. Pray for my kids salvation and studies. Pray for my waters business.

Lynelle from US

March 5 at 4:05 am
Abba, father, God I pray for your holy miraculous peace your Sovereign peace and Grace and mercy upon the nation of Israel and Jerusalem that peace will not only Prevail but Will reign Mighty to the glory of God. In The Resurrected Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen

Esther Galiwango from UG

March 5 at 1:40 am
Glory be to God I want to the team to pray for me to do God's work with passion and care through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I need my children to be saved and all to have Holy Matrimony with good spouses and well behaved children. I need God's favour in all my work and businesses and protection and good health me and my family.

lubna from US

March 5 at 12:36 am
Please pray for me as i am issueless/childless since 14 years. May my living God remember me like he remembered Sarah, Rachel, Rebecca and Elizabeth.

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.