Israel Under Attack! - Our Rapid Response Team Needs YOUR Help! - Donate Now

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Freda from the United States

September 4 at 6:28 pm
Father, strengthen Prime Minister Netanyahu to continue to stand strong against terrorists. Cause him to hear Your voice and then show Yourself strong on behalf of Your chosen people as You did in 2 Kings 19 and send the angel of the Lord to destroy Hamas and all its leaders. Strengthen Major General Halevi and the IDF, surround them with Your impenetrable shield and give them victory. Protect all the hostages as You protected Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. You are the same yesterday, today and forever and nothing is too hard for our God! Amen!

Siona Vaelaa from Australia

September 4 at 5:55 pm
please pray for my healing against diabetes to normalise my blood sugar. pray for the anointing of the Holy Ghost to break and destroy the yokes o sickness over my life in Jesus name. Pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on my life to enable me to pray for the sick n be healed, enable me to fulfill my calling from the Lord. pray that God open up a door for jobs opportunities for my wife Pray for my wife that God open up a door of job p

Jennifer from the United States

September 4 at 4:47 pm
Cause me Lord to follow in obedience to your call. Give me ears to hear your loud whispers and give me the courage to heed to your guidance and direction every moment of each day. In you mighty name I pray, Amen!

I ndia from the United States

September 4 at 3:40 pm
Is for .my son Gregory that God would keep him in his care and cause his face to shine on his a nd he be safe with the peace of God being close to God . Saved by God's grace in Jesus name 🙏 🙌 the blood of Jesus keep him safe amen

mom from the United States

September 4 at 1:07 pm
Father God, Lord Jesus, Accept my prayers for my son. Release him from the bondages of Hindus, idol worshippers, idolatry! Release him from the clutches of P and her parents. Have this Hindu woman leave my son on her own and go away from his body, mind, spirit, soul, vicinity, life, environment now and forever. Drive all idol worshippers from his life Jesus. As your word says that you are there for your people so be there for us as we worship and pray to you and have faith in you! Show a ray of hope towards this release for my son today! Make him come back to church, Bible, Your word dear Jesus and prayers to You and WORSHIP to you only! Amen.

Linda from the United States

September 4 at 10:59 am
It is not Gods will that anyone should perish, but if they do they will be resurrected at the coming of the Messiah Yeshua. May God bless the USA & Israel. 🙏🙏🙏

Kimberly from the United States

September 4 at 10:46 am
Lord, I asked in your Holy Name that you would draw in all your sheep, from this fold and the other, and open their eyes to the fact that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. No one gets to the Father but through the Son. John 14:6. Only HE is the Way, the Truth and the Life. God Bless, Amen.

Arletta from the United States

September 4 at 6:57 am
THANK YOU to everyone who has every prayed for me and my daughter, Marshay! Because of your selfless act of love, I pray God will give you MORE than you have ever asked for. In The Name Of Jesus! May the prayers of the righteous availeth much! Thank you.

GJR from the United States

September 4 at 6:46 am
My Lord God bless be your sovereign holy name Jehovah Jireh our provider. Thank you Lord for mercy and grace everyday. Let the peace of Jerusalem be established forever. My Lord dispatch giant warrior angel armies to protect and defend the 🇮🇱 Israel against all its foes, nothing is to hard for you Lord God. Shalom Shalom Shalom

Ove from Norway

September 4 at 4:48 am
God Bless Jerusalem with Peace...... Please pray for my wife, who after a botched operation with a cut in the head and a filter in the system, sometimes closes as her general condition worsens, the hospital has a lot to do as the situation is pending God Bless Your All Amen.

Sherry from the United States

September 4 at 2:34 am
B"H Please intervene for me and save my life please! Dear God !😭😭😭😭Please Dear God save me and send me a complete healing of my entire body. Please send me the miracle of health that I've been praying for 37 years. Non stop suffering burning on fire in my cranial nerves supplying my entire mouth throat and neck into my digestive system, breathing ...causing paralysis. Please save me please!!😭😭😭😭 Only you HaShem can help me and I'm begging you to please intervene for me. I cannot keep suffering like this and keep begging. I beg not to be forsaken. Please send Moshiach Now for all life on earth bringing health and peace to all life on earth please!! Save me , help me, intervene for me , don't forsake me and my family and pets who need me and I need them please!!! I beg of you with tears!!I love life so much! I love you HaShem so much! I beg for a second chance at life please!! I have so much to give and will!! Please save me!!😭😭😭😭 Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha

Arlene from Canada

September 4 at 12:59 am
Please help me to walk again and that full healing will take place. Please heal the illnesses of my family members - we are all struggling so much right now. Let there be clarity in the terrible political issues worldwide and the fog of deceit be revealed. Let there be Light in the growing darkness, Dear Lord I pray.

Gloria Jean from the United States

September 3 at 8:44 pm
Oh Lord, again I come to praise you and exalt your holy name Jehovah. Thank you for this day and hour blessed with hope. I have planted plenty of spiritual seeds of the gospel in my family tree. Now Lord send the Holy Spirit to water them and give them rebirth of salvation in Jesus Christ Messiah Yeshua Hamaschiach name amen.

Janice from the United States

September 3 at 6:47 pm
Please agree with me in prayer for my daughter’s healing who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Please agree with me that God will use this to bring her back to the Lord! Pray she will call out to Jesus for help! We bind the spirit of unforgiveness off of her in the mighty name of Jesus! Pray for all of my children to have a Jesus moment and give their hearts back to Him! Prodigal sons and daughters are coming home! Alleluia! We are Grateful L🌼RD Jesus! Amen!

Marie from the United States

September 3 at 6:32 pm
Pleasemhelp me pray.for my 24 yo son. He is struggling, unemployed and unable to provide for his 4yo daughter. He.needs.miracles and God is the God of Miracles. Please touch and agree.for Miracles for Malik. In

Evelyn from the United States

September 3 at 6:24 pm
I pray for Peace in the Middle East, may the hostages be returned unharmed and blessing the Lord of host! I pray for my children to return the Lord! I pray for healing for my aging Mother! I pray for my future job! I pray for my finances to be in order!

Abraham from the United States

September 3 at 6:00 pm
I pray that I get a sales related job for the oil and gas sector now that I moved to a different state. May I be a blessing to those around me as well as my family. Amen.

An from the United States

September 3 at 12:49 pm

Rene from the United States

September 3 at 10:02 am
I had a mammogram, it came back normal Thank God 🙏 , My anxiety is getting the worst of me. I. I'm having discomfort in my left armpit.. My name is Rene.., Pray for divine healing, health, restoration Please pray

Arletta from the United States

September 3 at 8:10 am
Good morning all, My name is Arletta and I have mentioned before, if I have to come on here EVERY day to beseech your prayers for 3 witches that have reeked havoc on me and my daughter's life for the last 3 years, I will. We need a FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH that will lead to FINANCIAL STABILITY! I have over $20,000 in debt. These witches have sought to destroy our lives through financial lack, death, and chaos! They need to be PERMANENTLY destroyed. My prayer is GOD will show them he is our protector and provider. And what the devil meant for evil he is turning it for our good! In the Name of Jesus!!!!! Thank you in advance for your prayers!

Gloria Jean from the United States

September 3 at 7:14 am
Lord God, make a way for the homeless and hungry today worldwide in Jesus Christ Messiah Yeshua Hamaschiach name, all be for your perfect glory hallelujah, thank you amen.

Glenny from the Dominican Republic

September 3 at 6:50 am
Papito perdóname en todo lo que te he ofendido, te ruego que me escuche, Dios Gracias por tu infinita misericordia hacia mi vida. Papito Dios ten misericordia de mi vida te ruego por mis empleos tanto de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo como del Ministerio de Educación líbrame de todo mal, dame sabiduría para hacer siempre tu voluntad, ponme en gracia delante de mis superiores, te ruego que me ayude a que en este año 2024 me pueda salir mi nombramiento como Técnico Docente Nacional en este año 2024, te ruego que abras las puertas de los cielos a mi favor y tu nombre sea glorificado en mi vida siempre te lo ruego mi papito Dios en el nombre de Jesucristo, Papito Dios bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos los que bendigamos tu tierra en el nombre de Jesucristo amen.

Rob from the United States

September 3 at 6:15 am
Praying that God will bless me with a compatible mate very soon. I feel like as I get older this will become harder to happen. Also praying for dental healing and a way to pay for very expensive dental near future dental needs. God also know what I am dealing with regarding my house and property and praying that I get to keep it and this issue gets resolved.

Glenny from the Dominican Republic

September 3 at 6:09 am
Papito Dios perdóname ten misericordia de mi vida, perdóname en todo lo que te he ofendido, ten misericordia de mi vida, ayúdame te ruego que escuchen mis oraciones en el nombre de Jesucristo, necesito mi Dios que te encargues de la vida espiritual de mis hijos Isaac, David y Camila, ayúdalos hacer tu voluntad, que mis hijos te vean en cada área de sus vidas y sean temeroso de ti mi Dios, bendícelos y prospéralos, asigna ángeles para que los guíen y los guarden librándolos de todo mal, te ruego mi DIOS que mis hijos sea adoradores tuyo mi Dios y deseen orar y estar en tu presencia, te ruego que sean agradecidos de ti mi Dios, en el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen, Papito Dios bendice a tú pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos los que bendigamos tú tierra en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amén Gracias papito Dios gracias te amo.

Jonathan from the United Kingdom

September 3 at 4:06 am
Please Lord Jesus Christ rescue Divine Favour from quicksand. She has joined a small church which has now foolishly joined a false prophet, false apostle, false teaching organisation which is replacement theology, hostile/indifferent to Jews and Israel and Jerusalem, and clueless on Bible prophesy and the signs of the end times. Clueless on the rapture. Please Divine free by the power of your Name and power of Your Blood Lord Jesus Christ. She is enthusiastic to study the Bible but they are teaching her doctrines of demons and handing her over to seducing spirits. Please intervene in mountain moving power Lord Jesus Christ. We command this spiritual demonic mountain to move in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ. Set this hostage/captive free Lord Jesus Christ. Give us victory as You gave David victory over Goliath. Please let Divine be given access to correct teaching on Israel, Jerusalem and Bible prophesy. Please bless Mike Evans and The Jerusalem Prayer Team.

Launa from the United States

September 3 at 1:14 am
Removal of an individual that has damaged my eyes so that surgery has to be done now after years of torture. Military sent to help since he is a gov. contractor. Requires strong show of force. Lawlessness needs to turn to lawfulness

Miguel from the United States

September 2 at 7:24 pm
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, restoration, repentance, and protection for Roberto.Pray for his deliverance from mental issues and substance addiction.Pray for good believers to come and minister to him.And pray for good changes and transformation in his life.

Miguel from the United States

September 2 at 7:15 pm
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, restoration, repentance, protection, and deliverance for Roberto, Yanick, Thice, Barbara, John, Connie, Renette, Tessa, Natasha, Joyce, Raphael, Andro, Steve, Nilda , George, Jacqueline, Aria,Majid,Dianna, Victor.

Miguel from the United States

September 2 at 6:52 pm
Please pray for a hedge of protection for me at work in the weekdays.And pray for blessings, peace, healing, protection and prosperity for me .And pray for healing in my upper back, eyes, stomach, colon,and health.

Tom from the United States

September 2 at 5:19 pm
Heavenly Father, Please shield Israel and its people from all baneful systems. Let your deflection turn aside every thought pattern that harms Israel and the Jewish people. Add component collections facilitating explosive device delivery. May redirection await any other system that injures Israel. Amen.

stephen from Australia

September 2 at 4:43 pm
But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does."

Relocate closer to Family from the United States

September 2 at 4:33 pm
Pray for our daughter Alexa, her family to Relocate to be closer to Family members in Tri Cities WA. They need a fresh start. Pray for favor, affordable housing, God's will,mercy 🙏

Rene from the United States

September 2 at 4:31 pm
I'm Reposting this prayer request 🙏. I recently had a doctor's Appt. It went well. My thyroid is improving.🙏 Thank God. I'm mindful about what I eat, I go on daily walks with a friend. My doctor said that I have high cholesterol. I was shocked.. My doctor wasn't surprised with everything I have going on God is the ultimate healer 🙏. My doctor put me on low dose cholesterol medication for my high cholesterol.. My name is Rene. Pray for divine healing, restoration health

Misty from the United States

September 2 at 12:08 pm
Please pray for complete healing of my brother in law, and that him and his wife will accept Jesus Christ into their hearts. Also, please pray for a love one who is dependent on alcohol.

Glenny from the Dominican Republic

September 2 at 12:04 pm
Papito DIOS ten misericordia de mi vida perdóname en lo que te he ofendido te ruego que escucha mis oraciones, oro rogándote por la vida de mi hijo Cesar Isaac Pineda Veras pido padre celestial que la bendición suya papito Dios lo acompañe siempre, protégeme a mi hijo Isaac te lo ruego, no permitas que el enemigo se salga con la suya, te ruego mi Dios que reprenda por el poder de tu palabra mi DIOS toda agenda del enemigo en contra de mi hijo, declaro a mi hijo que es tuyo mi DIOS que ángeles me lo acompañan en donde quiera que él se encuentre, declaro que ángeles tuyos están asignados a mi hijo Isaac, mi Dios te pido que lo traiga a tu camino y sea un hombre temeroso a ti y él te pueda verte en cada área de su vida, declaro larga vida, salud, bendecido y prosperado en tu camino mi DIOS en el nombre de tu hijo amado Jesucristo. Amén Papito DIOS bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos los que bendigamos tu tierra en el nombre de Jesucristo.

Rosemarie from the United States

September 2 at 8:11 am
For GOD to make all the WRONG things Right for me. All the contracts and deals made with anyone on a story, information, civil cases, and lawsuits from my investigations for those things to be made right with me. All immigration issues with Aunt Helen Rosfeld and Second Cousins to be resolved + any Money they have received + anything else they did in correlation to me. I believe they were approached under The Biden Administration and paid to do stuff on behalf of a Politician or Entire Political Family. They did not ask me anything all stuff in relation to me is illegal activity. Filipino Family Members are trying to leave me broke hoping that I will run to them or end up homeless they have been paid lots of money to screw and cheat their own relative that is me.

Freda from the United States

September 2 at 8:02 am
Father, I pray that all of Israel, the IDF, and all Israel's leaders would walk in the truth of Deuteronomy 31:6, that they would "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." Make Your presence and Your salvation real to them and the world.. Amen!

Rebecca from the United States

September 2 at 7:50 am
Father, You know my heart How I love Israel and all her people. The hostages & their loved ones. I love my country too and pray that soon (11-4) my country can once again return to being more help and support as Israel's greatest ally. I share my heart and love with the JPT, the personal relationship, and source of my everyday being! Amen

Angela from Singapore

September 2 at 7:42 am
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to pray for Israel and our dear brothers and sisters. We pray that You will comfort those who have lost their loved ones in the war fronts. Hostages who have lost their lives in the senseless, brutal attacks in Gaza and Israel, comfort their families. Lord save the remaining hostages who are still alive. We await their returns Lord Amen! Lord protect us from all terrorism. Expose their evil deeds and thwart off all harmful plans to be unsuccessful. Lord Jesus is the Mighty Healer. Let Your healing touch to be upon those who are sick, injured and rejected. Lord we believe You are the One and Only One in control. We surrender ourselves fully to You Lord! Draw us near to You.. please do not forsake us.. Have mercy on us Lord your precious children🇮🇱Amen Thank You Lord, Thank You Jesus✨️ Hallelujah! In Lord Yeshua's Precious Name we pray Amen 🙌

J from the United States

September 2 at 7:15 am
Please pray for God’s mercy and intervention. In a marriage that is not in God’s will. Please pray for His mercy and deliverance and grace.

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

September 2 at 6:32 am
Give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever towards Israel and Jerusalem prayer team. Thank you LORD for your grace thank you LORD for your mercy thank you LORD for your wisdom thank you LORD for forgiving all our Sins thank you LORD for your faithfulness thank you LORD for protecting us all these years. Thank you LORD for the availability of Alex Church for 1st March 2025 for Alex Abner Joseph and Tanya Fernandes marriage, only Your grace is sufficient, bless the marriage and provide the finances for the staying of guest in resort and hotels, bless the Heritage hotel where the party will be held after marriage, bless us with good rate to book the hall and we trust in you for the finances. Thank you LORD for your blessing upon Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander Alex Abner Joseph Grace Joseph Joseph Salim Ouseph.In Jesus'name

Dawn from the United States

September 1 at 8:47 pm
Please pray that I will be delivered by Jesus Christ from copd and a very painful bunion of my left foot. Thank you for praying for me!

Miguel from the United States

September 1 at 6:26 pm
Please pray for a hedge of protection for the condomium tower and me at nights.Pray there is no water leak, fire,etc And pray for blessings, peace, protection, and prosperity for me.

Quincy from the United States

September 1 at 5:19 pm
I’m praying that God protects all innocent people and children and help end the war in Israel and Ukraine . Bless me to be a millionaire to donate to different charities to help others and help get the gospel of Jesus Christ out

norma from the United States

September 1 at 4:44 pm
please pray for Lisa tallent she had too high blood pressure last under a lot of stress running her mother to the doctors all the time LINDA ROGERS she needs prayer . taking her of a dying father in-law Lisa has bad sinus AND her face is swollen. thanks for praying Norma Eblen

Teresa from the United Kingdom

September 1 at 4:10 pm
Lord, I come before you and present my prayer: Christ be with me during this house sale and issues with damp that it may be quickly resolved and blessed under your name. I lift my son up to you .I pray he will come back to you and re find all the joys of being a disciple- I ask you Lord that he may have the confidence to seek a church and fellowship. Bless and guide him in his steps that he may seek help where he needs it. I pray the HS will descend up on him and protect us. I lift my broken relationship up to you and ask for deeper reflection. I ask Lord to keep giving me insight and discourse and help me to choose right action that you would want for me as a loving father whether that is t continue to cut off all ties and contact or whether not to . Is this all all you need to show me Lord in my decision. Thank you Christ for holding me together in this and for your guidance/ protection. I pray the other party will have the courage to go deeper and align with truth and healing.

Anthony from the United States

September 1 at 4:02 pm
Pray for me heavy( blessings and covering over my life Anthony Roberts) By the authority of the Word of God, I strip the enemy of his weapons over my family, health, finances, children, education, relationships, and loved ones. I deploy the hunters of Jehovah to recover and secure all that concerns me in, Jesus’s name. (Isaiah 54:17)

Franco from the United States

September 1 at 3:00 pm
Greetings and Shalom The peace of Jerusalem Divine grace and protection for the Jewish people A new job with a company I recently applied with.

Brandon from the United States

September 1 at 2:01 pm
Please pray for a 22-year-old lady named Jenna who was recently injured in an ATV accident. Her back is broken and will need to wear a back brace for several months. She also has a five-mo. old daughter. Please pray that God blesses this family with everything they need during this difficult time and please pray for a full recovery!

Angelina from the United States

September 1 at 1:56 pm
Regarding several family members' travel plans in September, October and December, making special mention of my mother, Shirley (92) - For the blood of Jesus and God's supernatural grace, mercy, favor, protection, provision, victory and the promises of Psalm 23, 91 and Isaiah 54:17 cover and surround each family member, our transportation, pathways, required accommodations, and all activities, and also our homes and properties while were are away.

Landress from the United States

September 1 at 12:29 pm
Matt 28:19-20 christ Program of mission make disciples of all nations it involves three steps go baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything. Christ has commanded God bless you amen

Freda from the United States

September 1 at 7:47 am
Oh Father, comfort those who mourn over the deaths of the six hostages. Oh, Father, avenge their deaths. "Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness as an ever flowing stream." (Amos 5:24). In Psalm 33:5 You say that You "love righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD." Strengthen the leaders of Israel to stand strong and eliminate Hamas. Grant them favor and show Yourself strong on their behalf. Thank You that Your favor surrounds Your people as the mountains surround Jerusalem. Psalm 125.

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

September 1 at 6:42 am
Blessed are you O LORD our GOD King of the universe you have sanctified us by your word you have commanded us to be a light unto the nations and given us Yeshua our Messiah who is the light of the world. Thank you LORD for you have a plan for me a plan for my good and not evil a plan for my prosperity and not calamity a plan for my future and hope. Thank you LORD for me and wife has to go to GOA to see the church and hall for Alex Abner Joseph, Tanya Fernandes marriage during the month of February and finalize the venue. May Your will be done. Thank you LORD for making me the way I am, bless all the work of my hands, open doors of abundance finances businesses wisdom knowledge understanding for Joseph Salim Ouseph, direct my paths provide all my needs. Thank you LORD for the down payment made for flat at Tranquil Heights chanasandra Kalkere Horamavu, trusting in you for the full amount,thank you LORD for 10cents from Cherangara Chacko Ouseph land in my name. In Jesus'name

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.