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Gloria from US

April 1 at 4:54 am
Hallelujahs, Easter is a fact that Jesus has been there and done that, has been here and done it and shall return soon! He which testifies these things says, surely I come quickly. Amen. Even, so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20 Love & Shalom to Jerusalem, USA, and all the Saints

Feleta from KE

April 1 at 4:42 am
Praying for PEACE of my Heart. Praying for Favor . Praying for Financial Breakthrough. Praying for Wisdom. May ALMIGTY GOD fulfill my 2022 heart desire. Thank you Emmanuel for Answering my Prayers.

Lakshminarayan B K from IN

March 31 at 9:30 pm
Praise the lord. Today iam going infront of judges for ear my sins for taking judgement for my sins. Please pray for me for gods will should come that plase. No evil tought should not work in that plase. God is good all the time today is very good day god has raisen for save us.

Jackie Lou P. Dordas from PH

March 31 at 8:16 pm
Lord God, thank you for your grace and mercy for your continued blessings to us, for answering our prayer in your most precious time. You are our Lord and Savoiur. Come into our hearts and minds, lead us with your Spirit Lord God.And us the end times comes near give us the grace to become one of your Christian Warrior. Let all your creations come together to praise and worship your Holy name. AMEN AND AMEN.

Mark from US

March 31 at 5:26 pm
New beginnings & all things made new this Passover & Resurrection Day for Mark & for Lisa in Jesus name amen! The peace & protection of Israel & Jerusalem for the Jews amen Jesus amen!

Miss pill yagar yagni from IN

March 31 at 4:46 pm
Prayer for healing my throat pain, and protection my family members papa mum brother and sisters and my all family members and my friends protection every time every day and everywhere and protection to all kinds of disease Lord Jesus Christ name, I want win the lottery ticket because I really need money so many problems on my family God knows my problems. Thanks

Mindy from US

March 31 at 3:00 pm
Please pray for my job. I am suffering from bullies, sexual harassment, and accusations that are untrue. Please pray that I will find another job so that I can escape this environment. In the name of Jesus Christ, thank-you.

Pilirani from MW

March 31 at 1:46 pm
Please pray for me. I cry almost everyday. I am the last but one in my family. I lost my parents and my siblings to death. I prayed to God but I felt my prayers were not answered. I was left with all the responsibility of my elder siblings children. I have done everything for them, but I have met so many difficult challenges on the way. Every bad thing seems was designed for me. I just feel I have a curse. Nothing seems to work for me. Sometimes I feel like commuting suicide, but I have kids, nephews, nieces and even two babies who lost their parents to death. Nothing seems to work for me at work, financially and even my spiritual life. Please pray for me.

joseph from US

March 31 at 12:47 pm
please kindly pray that the back of my right leg won't bother me at the gym on Sunday, in jesus name I ask amen, God bless you all, and Happy Easter!!

F from US

March 31 at 10:49 am
My pregnancy text came back negative. I did not handle the situation with grace and trust and leaning into God with my disappointment and grief. I accused was confused and shut down my feelings. God revealed that He wants me to trust Him with my grief so I may receive Him and His comfort. My prayer is that my heart will reopen to hope and allow God to heal my wounds that I would not fear my compassionate womb and heart but be filled with His Spirit and over-following with His love for others in suffering. Lord what-ever it takes! Please help me get past myself, my self-protection, help to be unafraid to love others like Jesus! Praying for God to have mercy and grace for me that I can’t imagine right now to get my heart back to love for others, receiving love from other, a heart of hope, and a mind of faith. Healing for my body and womb. Lord that I would fullfil my purpose and bring much Glory to You through Christ in me. I welcome You Jesus with open arms and an open heart come in.

KIM from US

March 31 at 10:42 am
Please pray that me and my daughter can get help to buy a home we need one soon and desperately, and pray for my daughter she is under a lot of stress with school and worrying about me all the time about my lupus, she has such a good soul and I do not like see her like this, God Bless.

Jim from US

March 31 at 8:35 am
Pray for my daughter for her mind to be healed. She is battling with a disease of the mind. I know that God can heal her please in me in prayer for a healing of her mind. Thank you

Dorita from US

March 31 at 5:38 am
Father God Lord Jesus: Thank you for a wonderful morning! Please heal my husband Paul. Please bring some life back to his arm. Any improvement would help us. We both LOVE you so much. Please give both of us the strength to keep going and to keep exercising his arm. Satan be gone in Jesus mighty name. Amen and Amen.

Dorita from US

March 31 at 5:26 am
Father God Lord Jesus: Please put your hand of protection on Israel and the Israeli people! The UN is getting ready to meet today to discuss the latest Palestinian uprising. Please guide Nickie Haley's hand as she travels through the minefields of the bias that is always against Israel! Let the people know what is really going on! Amen and Amen!

Young Soul from PH

March 30 at 11:46 pm
Holy father thank you for the gifts of life. Heal me and take away this virus inside of me. Bless my family. Protect us and give us strength everyday to continue our lives on earth.

Domenic from GB

March 30 at 10:39 pm
Holy Father you know and see all are troubles please help me in mine deliver me from tbe hand of my enemy ,have your hand on my life as I go through these troubled times ,I ask your protection over my life in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .thank you Lord

Christopher Cross from US

March 30 at 5:22 pm
That GOD will give me the desires of my heart in bringing me a young Beautiful Lady that has a heart for ministry like myself to be my wife! Ephesians 3:20

Patricia Archer from US

March 30 at 12:24 pm
Please join me in praying to Jesus to save my son Randy and my grandsons Charlie and Robert. They need to follow Jesus so their lives will be fulfilled and can also help the lost find their way.

Brenda from ZA

March 30 at 1:43 am
Thank you for prayers. Please pray for my husband and I as we seek God's direction for our lives. Had a dream I was praying at the Wall of Jerusalem. Went on a mission trip to central Africa. Our hearts are for the Will of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Chenamin. A. Sangma from IN

March 29 at 10:31 pm
Pray for my upcoming exam to do well,for my family to protect from troubles n dangers,For good health so that I can prepare n achieve whatever I do, in God's guidance ,Thank you

Kock David from US

March 29 at 8:26 pm
Please pray for me. On October 3, 2017 I was charged with criminal threat as a felony. I regret that I make a threat to my family and I was very wrong and I am sorry for it and I feel so shame and now I come before the Lord to ask for forgiveness of all my wrong doing and forgive of all my sins. My court date is on for April 24, 2018. Please pray for me that God will grant me supernatural favor with the prosecutor and the judge. Please pray for me that the judge will rule in my favor and not to sentence me to prison and the judge will give me second chance to change. Please pray for me that God will have mercy on me and deliver me from the court trail. Please pray me that God will give me second chance to be a good husband and a good dad and bring my family back together again. Thank you all so much.

Tikum from US

March 29 at 8:14 pm
I wish god to intervene in carriers and business and irregular finance investment disorders beyond my control for too affects family harmony and sustainable business carrier. Only god can do this for me.

Patricia Geiger from US

March 29 at 12:00 pm
Please pray for my son Patrick. He was diagnosed and under attack with diabetes and sever neuropathy in his feet. He is save but needs to surrender his life and follow Jesus. Also for Pam. Cancer survivor for years but may be reoccurring

Lonnie from US

March 29 at 11:44 am
Need Prayer for My Wife Diane And I, She has Diabetes and Joint problems and I have C O P D and Bladder and Prostate problems . And I also have 2 Brothers that have a certain type of Bone Cancer, Their Names are Charles and Luther, Diane also has a Sister n Law that has Lung Cancer, her Name is Vanessa, Also Remember All of my Brothers and sisters In Jesus, My Jewish Brothers and Sisters and all the others too. And always remember to Pray For Presedent Trump And vice Presedent Pence and their Families God Bless the Country of Israel, We love You All.

Mo from US

March 29 at 10:31 am
Humbly I come before you Lord to ask for complete healing body, mind, and soul for my daughter, Kaeli, my son, Ryan, and my husband, Joe. Please bring Your miracle of healing to our home and protect us from the schemes of the devil who has been after our family for a long time. I also pray for healing for Ryan’s girlfriend. Bring her the joy of a body without pain, and please bring her to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Maureen from US

March 29 at 10:25 am
I pray in Jesus name for peace in Jerusalem: “May all who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.” For the sake of my brothers and friends I will say, “Peace be within you.” For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity.

Calvin BROOKS from US

March 29 at 9:47 am
Please pray for Calvin Brooks that God will give him Supernatural memory to memorize the whole Bible & to become a walking Bible for God spreading the word of God to all people Believers and unbelievers with conviction from the holy spirit that God's word is faithful and true

Glory kamei from IN

March 29 at 7:34 am
I was born in christian family bt i married to non christian family n now i ve 1 baby boy n he is only 6 months.i luv my husband n my son i dnt want dem to leave..i want dem to convert into a days m vry worried abt for my son if he doesnt accept jesus in his life.i will nt 4gt myself cz of me it hpn. So plz pray for my family to convert into christian. Thanks you

Aslam Masih from TH

March 29 at 6:38 am
PRAY REQUEST.. Greeting in Mighty Name of Jesus. Dearest...We are From Pakistan and we are belong to one Pakistani Christian family which consists of {7} seven family Members (I, my wife 4 daughters and 1 son). Due to the Religious Persecution that we faced in our homeland we had To leave our Country and flee to Thailand Bangkok where we Reside now as Asylum Seekers since last 52 Months Problems in Thailand For Years and Years we Lived under the Fear of Islamic Radicals in Pakistan and now in Thailand where we thought We shall be Protected and heard, we are forced to live under The Constant Fear of being Arrested by the Police and Immigration and later on treated like criminals. In case of Being Arrested, there is a Clear risk of being deported back to The nation where our Fundamental human rights will be Violated and we shall be Subject to torture and death. We cannot work and feed our family, our Children cannot go To School and we have no Medical Assistance at all. Although We Appl

Donna from US

March 28 at 10:23 pm
Please pray for me. As I just recently got diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I know I got a long journey through it, and the pain sometimes is barely bearable. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

jpb from US

March 28 at 9:39 pm
please kindly pray that Jack will at least say hello to me at the gym, its been many years but I want peace with everybody there, in jesus name amen

GJR from US

March 28 at 8:14 pm
Supernatural Lord God, this holy week release healing joy into every emotional scar in every child named Ricky, Theresa, Jane, Solomon, Lisa, Joel, Julissa, Abigail, Christopher and Steve, Scott, Carlos, and Michael in Jesus set these free. Thank You and send the Holy Spirit to send a healthy fear of God in them. Make them wise, mold them into the perfect image of Jesus Christ, amen.

Grace from US

March 28 at 5:51 pm
Heavenly Father, please remove the spiritual blindness of my mom, grandma, and my brother. I ask Your blood to cover all iniquity and sins, and bring their salvation in Your timing. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


March 28 at 5:48 pm

Fe from US

March 28 at 5:34 pm
Lord, it is hard to realize that many Jewish people no longer observe Passover. Of those who do, it saddens us that most cannot see it is a prophetic revelation of their Deliverer, Yeshua. Abba, please remove the spiritual blindness so that they would see that the sacrifice of Yeshua covers the sin of all who believe and receive Him. May they be delivered into salvation by Your mighty hand and outstretched arm. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

samuel from NG

March 28 at 3:00 pm
I want God to bless and provide for me for the trip of Jerusalem celebration, this year 2018. I want to be there and join the prayer team I need God blesses in my ministry . Thank you Jesus.


March 28 at 1:25 pm
I need help Lord, I need you're favor against tx and people wanting to ruin .y business. And also bless israel and the Jewish people and protect them. In Jesus name. AMEN

Jena from US

March 28 at 10:13 am
Prayers for a buyer for my house to sell for financial blessings for repairs for Jerusalem oeace and handful for Easter time for sons John for him to be delivered of mental illness for help for him etc for James for gods protection physically m spiritually n mentally n for reconciliation for us thankx

Dinesh kumar from IN

March 28 at 4:41 am
Praise the Lord Please pray for My brother-in-law (his name devadanam) suffering with glioblastoma brain cancer 4 th stage. Tomorrow doctors operating operation to his brain and removing tumor from his head, this is his second operation. Doctors told us Surviving chances are less. So please pray for him in the name of Jesus Christ. God will heal him from cancer. Amen.

rex lawrence from PH

March 28 at 3:58 am
Pray for exam and success. Last March 25 2018 I took the Licensure Examination for teacher, Philippines. Thankyou god i know you will give my license, Im claiming it already. The results will be on May 2018, Thankgod. I know you will include my name, Rex Lawrence Ocampo Lopez, LPT March 2018. Thankyou GOD!

Nancy Knox from US

March 27 at 11:26 pm
Please pray for my daughter-law Ronda and my grandson Thomas whom sadly took his own life tonight. I know he’s with the Lord now. Please send prayers. He also has a daughter (8yrs old) that is grieving. Thank you and God Bless

Karan Joyson Crasta from IN

March 27 at 10:39 pm
Pls pray for me that, I become successful in my career. And I get good modelling and acting assignments in abundance. Pls pray that let the financial inflow be in abundance in my life so that I don't have to depend on anyone for finance.

Ruthie from US

March 27 at 7:06 pm
Pray for Troy Cole for peace, deliverance of fear, hindrance, mental torment, deceit, hiding, no communication with those who love him, witchcraft

Fe from US

March 27 at 6:24 pm
Dear God please protect my family from the devil atack .He wants to destroy us but please put your hedge of protection around us . Fill us with love and forgiveness . To God be the glory ! I’m praying for the Peace of Jerusalem ! Amen

Dorita from US

March 27 at 3:51 pm
Father God Lord Jesus: Please help my sister Linita close her sales tomorrow and Thursday. She needs the funds to pay her bills. Thank you for all your Blessings! We love you! Amen and Amen!

Mildred from VE

March 27 at 2:50 pm
Hola estoy orando y pido su oraciones por mi y mis tres hijos estoy sin empleo desperdicie mi vida y hoy no tengo nada con que salir adelante con mis niños la mayor tiene trece la segunda siete y el bebe cinco solo confió en Dios porque ya con mis fuerza no puedo. Estoy creyendo que iré a Isrrael. Les amo.

Dorita from US

March 27 at 1:45 pm
Please pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu. He has been rushed to the hospital with a High Fever. Israel needs him! Please pray for President Trump. There is so much evil around him. He needs ALL our PRAYERS!! This is the season of miracles! In Jesus Mighty name! Amen and Amen!

Mrs Rev. E. West from US

March 27 at 10:46 am
Prayer for deliverance for son Jeremiah and that he begins eating again more food and gain weight back. He will live and not die. That God would show him the errors of this new teaching he has gotten. Open his eyes and hers. And any brothers or his sisters also that need it. For his girl friend Denise to be heal and delivered too. Deliverance for sons Siah and my other son and daughters God's blessings on them also. May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob deliver and open his eye's and theirs. May the plan of Satan be stop forever on him and all the them and the family! Amen thank you for praying with us. God's hands on us also the parents. Thank you

prayers for son from US

March 27 at 10:20 am
Jesus, show your miracle for my son today, bless with acceptance letter for seat in medical school today, start med.schl this yr. Amen. Your word says - Mark 11:24, When you ask, believe that you already have it and it will be yours. I believe and declare this favor upon my son. I ask, pray and receive it, in Your mighty name, Amen. Bless me with an opportunity to come back here with praise report and thanksgiving. Amen.

Alfred from US

March 27 at 8:56 am
Lord, giving you praise and thanks for all the gifts you have given, I ask you again to accompany Eric McDonald at this time. Touch him with your healing hand to heal whatever needs to be healed, whether spiritual, mental or physical. Send your Holy Spirit upon him to enlighten and teach him, to give him the knowledge, wisdom, right judgement and courage to turn to you and accept your love for him. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Vimanbha Phawa from IN

March 27 at 6:20 am
Prayer request please pray for my sister Delight Phawa and my mom Nicoret Phawa to get heal please my mom she is backbone problem and my sister she is paining in all over body and breast paining please pray for them to get heal in Jesus name Amen.

Bertha from NA

March 27 at 3:13 am
A very Good morning to you brothers and sisters in Christ! First and foremost I would love to give honour praise to the man above Jesus Christ as I always wish to exalt him in everything that I do and say. Brothers and sisters ,once again I ask you yo please pray for Joseph Amunime to win the interview he is going to attend tomorrow ,please let us pray for him and help him get what his heart desired.. Please let's help a brother in Christ.


March 27 at 2:32 am

GJR from US

March 27 at 1:40 am
Hallelujah glory be to the Father, blessed be the name of the Lord my God, who supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, the peace of God shall guard that passes all understanding shall guard my heart and my mind, I shall do greater things in Jesus name, I shall overcome by the blood of the Lamb of God, no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against me in judgment shall be condemned, I shall love the Lord my God above all with all my heart and strength and mind and my neighbor as myself, thank YOU LORD! I bless my enemies, I forgive my enemies, I believe & receive by faith answers to my prayers, I delight myself and entertain myself in the word and ways of the Lord, I am forgiven and abundant grace surrounds me and over flows into my community to bless and reach the lost souls changing curses to blessing, breaking chains, because LOVE COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SINS, HALLELUJAH AMEN

j from ID

March 27 at 12:43 am
Please intervene god please pray for Damianus aditya christie and me. I have been waiting for reconciliation and peace for us, i feel so traumatized, I have been struggling with depressed and suffering for the past 3 years. if God deign, please God soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can't touch his heart, only God can change people's hearts. I can't touch his heart, only God can change people's hearts. i know that prayer is a powerful thing, please help me face things that are beyond my capabilities. because God, You have power to help me.

Benjamin Prince from US

March 26 at 9:19 pm
Heavenly Father, I come to you humbly asking for you to bless my new mother Stephanie J. H. and my new grandmother Acqua and grandpa Joe C. to continue to be with me as I move forward in growing as a youth, young adult, and professional basketball player in my future journey and goal....I am now 8 years old and want angels to protect me as I get good grades in school, and be a good person in life to all the people of the world and bless other kids in the foster homes to find new parents to help them grown in life as you have blessed be to be with my new family you JESUS have chosen for me. I thank you so much for keeping me safe and my new family too. Please bless my grandmother for a BIG financial blessing for she loves me so much she takes care of me....and keep bad things away from me....In the Name of Christ JESUS. Amen!

Carmen from US

March 26 at 8:55 pm
ABBA, thank you for blessing me with my. Children and grandchildren. Father I ask that you bless me with what I need to be a blessing to my children and to those in need. I pray that I can be a witness to your Greatness..,,Amen.

Kathi from US

March 26 at 7:11 pm
Papa God, We love you heart and soul. Thank you for all you have done. Yes and Amen🙏. Please watch over the Apple of Your Eye, your precious Israel. Yes and Amen🙏. God bless all🙏🙏🙏. Yes and Amen🙏.

jpb from US

March 26 at 6:48 pm
loving father, thank you for all your help today!! please that my car won't cause anymore problems underneath for a while, and that my refridgerator will keep working properly, in jesus name amen, God bless you and thank you for praying!!!

Martin Malekia Kilewo from TZ

March 26 at 1:32 pm
Pray that I will meet Juma Rajabu in his office tomorrow Tuesday March 27, 2018 and he will agree to give me a job in his company Maxcom Africa. Pray that I will get God's favor before Juma and all his management team and all staffs. Pray that I will speak well and express well and answer very well all questions I will be asked by them so that I will secure a best job in Maxcom Africa. I am in great need of best job; currently i am jobless and I have children and family members depending on me.

Melinda from US

March 26 at 11:03 am
Lord, Please bring a fire of awakening upon the United States and its many liberal and immoral leaders. Please raise up a strong flood of support for our sister nation of Israel. God, please continue to protect your people. As they deal with the hatred from so many other countries, please give them an incredible strength, wisdom and faith in you. Help them see the One True Light in Your Son. Amen.

joseph from US

March 26 at 9:55 am
Father God, please keep me from any anxiety, stress or worry for a long time, in jesus name amen. God bless you all and thank you for praying!!! jpb

Patricia from US

March 26 at 8:53 am
Prayers for my son Joshua. For him to have a closer walk with Jesus. Also for his finances. He does construction and his work has been slowing down. He works very hard to feed his family of two small babies and a wife. And to pay all his bills. He is a Forman who has a crew he runs. Also for peace of mind due to over worked and tired and depressed. His trying also to get a home to buy for his family. I thank you for lifting him up in prayers. God Bless You

Annette from US

March 26 at 8:12 am
Asking for prayer that my son received employment for his field and that I can find a pediatric rotation for my program. I appreciate your prayers.

F from US

March 26 at 5:14 am
Dear Abba, Papa God, Daddy, Your tender-love for me and new mercies never-cease! Great is YOUR faithfulness Lord unto me. Daddy I had a nightmare and my body still seems to fight. My praise is I believe YOU are doing a miracle and that I am pregnant. I pray protection over my womb- YOU have won the war I declare in Jesus name it is Finished! May I bring you GREAT GLORY and fulfill my purpose! I ask that You would heal my heart that it would love again intensely without fear. For freedom You have set me free! May my heart be set free from 100% TOTAL victory over the wounds and lies. I break agreement and choose to hold Your hand and partner with YOU and who YOU say YOU are- I AM and who YOU say I AM Your beloved bearer of Your image. I look forward to more revealed love and I pray that I am open to You fully surrendered to do Your will trusting. Expectant. All Glory and honor and praise go to You-You are the Only Worthy, Righteous One, good through-and through!

Tammy from US

March 25 at 8:37 pm
Plz pray 4 a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit.   Deliverance from satanic  n evil nightmares, harassing neighbors,  pests, n mice.  Protection, provision, sleep, peace, His wisdom, clarity. Good Dr care n healing all areas. Restoration.  Wisdom n provision with buying a used car n selling one.  Repair n restoration of all things broken. 

Dale Mcghee from US

March 25 at 7:31 pm
I ask all of my brothers and sisters ask in Christ Jesus name that he heel my wife from the sickness of cancer and all who are under this curse. In the healing tradition of the church, and through our obedience to your written word, I hereby take authority over all forms of sickness and disease that have been attacking our health I rebuke all pain in the name of Jesus and I command it to get out of our bodies right now. I rebuke all spirit of ingirmetics nerve disorder, lung disorder, brain disorder, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, leukemia, tumors, diabetes and all forms of sickness, to leave our bodies now in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus I thank you for your healing Power. I ask you to send forth your ministering, medical and surgical angles, to repair and restore any damage that was caused in our bodies by the presence of sin and sickness. Lord Jesus keep us covered with your blood… In the name of Jesus we Pray, Thank God –Amen

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.