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Glenny from DO

July 15 at 6:05 am
Papito Dios gracias te doy por tu misericordia por tu amor hacia mi vida perdóname por todo lo que te ofendido y escucha mis oraciones te lo ruego mi Dios. Te entrego mi familia mis hijos Isaac , David y Camila y A mi esposo Cesar te ruego misericordia por nuestras vidas ayúdanos a servirte en espíritu y en verdad a congregarnos y hacer la familia más agradecida del mundo para contigo papito Dios te ruego salud y larga vida para cada uno de nosotros ayúdanos a estar bajo tu cobertura de tus santas manos que ninguna alma forjada y prosperes contra nuestra vida que sean cancelada toda traba del enemigo en contra de nuestras vidas Por el poder de tu palabra Mi Dios En el nombre de Jesucristo declaro por el poder de tu palabra padre celestial prosperidad alegría gozo paz y tranquilidad para mi familia en el nombre de Jesucristo amén papito Dios bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos los que bendigamos tu tierra en el nombre de Jesucristo amé

Leonie from US

July 15 at 6:02 am
Please pray for my daughter Breana. She is a law student. Pray for favor that she is invited back for an internship at Barnes and Thornburg law firm for summer 2025. She will start her 2nd year of law school. That the Lord’s uncommon favor will be on her as she starts her studies for the upcoming year.

glenn from PH

July 15 at 5:53 am
Im Glenn, please pray for me that all my debts will be paid because I have a lot of debts and please pray that our small business is enough to pay all my debts and to support the schooling of my 2 kids. Our Father in Heaven forgive me please hear my prayers help me to support my family and pay all my debts in Jesus name Amen.

Glenny from DO

July 15 at 5:53 am
Papito Dios gracias por tu misericordia, perdóname todo lo que te ofendido te ruego que tengas misericordia de mí y escuche mis oraciones y la conteste conforme tu santa y bendita voluntad. Papito Dios te entrego mi carga académica de la Universidad autónoma de Santo Domingo ayúdame con mis asignaturas ponme gracias Y permite que los estudiantes seleccionen las asignaturas mías, tú la conoces mi Dios por favor no permitas que se me caiga ninguna asignatura por falta de estudiante y que tampoco ningún maestro Y ninguna autoridad directiva me la puedan quitar ayúdame mi Dios que mi carga académica permanezca con mi 40 crédito siempre y ayúdame a que sea tú que me pongan en tu en la Universidad autónoma de Santo Domingo ábreme las puertas de los cielos a mi favor y bendice En el nombre de Jesucristo te lo pido mi Dios gracias gracias bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos los que bendigamos tu tierra en el nombre de Jesucristo amén.

Glenny from DO

July 15 at 5:43 am
Papito Dios perdóname todo lo que te ofendido ten misericordia de mí te ruego que escuches mis oraciones y me conteste conforme a tu santa voluntad, estoy pasando por una situación que tú conoces y que solamente tú me puedes ayudar Te ruego que me dé sabiduría y me ayudes te lo ruego papito Dios mi finanza estás en tus manos, misericordia mi Dios necesito que me des una oportunidad y me ayude a tener un milagro financiero te lo ruego 🙏 mismo mi padre celestial estoy en tus manos en el nombre de Jesucristo amén papito Dios bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos lo que bendigamos a tu tierra en el nombre Jesús amén

Glenny from DO

July 15 at 5:39 am
Papito Dios perdóname en todo lo que te ofendido, y por por favor escucha mis oraciones hasta el trono de tu gracia y contéstame conforme A tu santa y bendita. Papito Dios mira el proceso que estoy haciendo para cambio de trabajo en el Ministerio de Educación haz tu voluntad Dios te lo presento a ti ,si es tu voluntad abre todas las puertas de los cielos a mi favor y permite que yo pueda entrar antes de iniciar el año escolar 2024-2025 Te ruego papito Dios que me ayude a que me salga de una vez en este mismo año 2024 el nombramiento como técnico Nacional, ayúdame papito Dios en el nombre de Jesucristo te ruego misericordia por mi vida todo eso te lo pido en el nombre de Jesucristo amén papito Dios bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos los que Bendigamos tu tierra en el nombre de Jesucristo amén.

Glenny from DO

July 15 at 5:35 am
Papito Dios te pido que me perdones y tengas misericordia de mi vida, te ruego que escuche mi oraciones te amo mi Dios, ten misericordia mi Dios te entrego la vida de mi hijo Isaac Pineda Veras en en nombre de Jesucristo te ruego que le de salud y larga vida que tú presencia lo acompañe en donde quieras que él se encuentre, mi hijo Isaac está en tus manos por el poder de tus palabras cancelo toda agenda del enemigo en contra de su vida y declaro en el nombre de Jesucristo que ninguna alma forjada prosperará contra su vida, quita de su lado las amistades que no son de tú agrado mi Dios y trae a su lado personas de bendiciones para nuestra familia, ayúdanos a servirte y honrarte con en todo momento que mi hijo sea prosperado en tú camino y un ángel tuyo este asignado a mi hijo siempre protegiendo su vida lo pongas en gracias delante de sus jefes, compañeros y maestros, que nada malo le pase bendícelo siempre mi Dios en el nombre de Jesucristo 🙏 amén. Papito Dios bendice a tú pueblo I

Anynonymous from ZM

July 15 at 4:25 am
Greetings in Jesus Christ Name please pray for me to receive money today In Jesus Christ Name to be kind and good my partner and I to start communicating favour to go to the us,all the machinery and other properties to be sold In Jesus Christ Name so that I clear the debt my helper and partner to buy me a car he should think about this while his in the office and also help me finish the house my sister to be called for work today favor my nephews function to be very private my partner to love me like before he should be communicating no cheating and I should also trust him he should never go out with any of my friends miracle to locate me today people should stop stealing from me restoration in our relationship whatever was Robbed off from me to be given back to me job creation in the family all those who don’t answer my calls to call me today favor upon me untimely death and poverty to be broken in the family reconciliation my sister to be called for we work today or anyday soon

Fernando from US

July 15 at 12:10 am
Pray for my wife, her name is Kasandra, she leaved me, we went to service this morning, but at night she told me horrible things and she leaved, I didn't cheat on her, I only Ask you if you can pray so God would touch her heart.

Out of LEASE from US

July 14 at 8:09 pm
Urgently pray 🙏 or our daughter Rhiannon to get OUT of CURRENT LEASE, Move into same apt complex where family lives. It's more affordable.. Her Lease isn't up until October. Pray for divine help, favor that she can get out of her legally. Without no issues

Anonymous from US

July 14 at 8:06 pm
Continual prayers 🙏 🙏for a relative named Tyler who was in a long distance relationship for a few months. He moved far away from our family. We miss, love him very much.. His Dad is in Home Hospice. We need each other.. Pray God's will Pray God's will to heal, restore him completely

Miguel from US

July 14 at 6:58 pm
Please pray for a hedge of protection and covering for condomium tower and me. And pray for divine favor and blessings with the bosses, coworkers, residents guests , etc

Miguel from US

July 14 at 3:53 pm
Please pray for a hedge of protection for me from two females coworkers who are plotting and scheming against me and setting traps, snares and pitfalls against me.And pray no weapon formed against me will not prosper.And pray I get the victory over my enemies.

Miguel from US

July 14 at 3:45 pm
Please pray for salvation, healing peace, restoration, prosperity and deliverance for Roberto. Pray for good believers to minister to him about salvation.

Rebecca from US

July 14 at 2:57 pm
Please pray for my dad. He’s 87 n having swollen pain on side of face. He’s at dr now. He’s also had bad angina heart pain several times in last month. Very concerned about him. Praying for healing and whole ness. Thank you.

Mary N from CA

July 14 at 2:13 pm
I ask for united prayers for a good life-partner/husband/companion, a senior gentleman who will share the rest of my life on earth restoring and recovering what I missed and lost. I need someone. I have waited so long and cannot imagine living more years, (5 or 10 or even 15 ) alone. I am desperately lonesome and cannot die this way. Nothing is impossible with God. Please agree in prayer for me.

Chaplain Gloria ✝️ from US

July 14 at 10:25 am
Lord God, bless our peace and our prayers. We ask for blessing to DJT and that all ungodly thoughts, prayers, spiritual and physical attacks, wicked words, evil suggestions, anger, hate, confusion, unstable thoughts don't take root and if so they're uprooted in Jesus name amen.

Andrew and Nicole from US

July 14 at 10:24 am
Prayer for Andrew and Nicole God to draw himself close to us and protection in our marriage also Happiness and God to remove people from our life that is causing us harm spiritual and physical and speaking negative words slandering our name God to move us away from these people or God to move them away from us in Jesus name amen also please pray for us prepared for Jesus return and pray to let God know we want him to return it means alot to us praise God

Andrew from US

July 14 at 10:24 am
Prayer against spiritual robbers and protection from spiritual robbers stealing from me pray God restoration everything stolen in Jesus name amen

Andrew from US

July 14 at 10:24 am
To get on a healthy schedule live healthy lifestyle for my mental health Healing from depression bipolar disorder symptoms Healing from mental torment and protection over my mind and mental health

Gloria Jean from US

July 14 at 8:51 am
Father God thank you for bringing to my remembrance your counsel; Do not envy wicked men, do not desire their company; for their hearts plot violence, and their lips talk about making trouble. Proverbs 24:1-2 FATHER GOD BLESS BE YOUR SOVEREIGN HOLY NAME JEHOVAH NOW AND FOREVER AMEN.

Gloria Jean from US

July 14 at 8:44 am
I decree and declare " for the righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity. Proverbs 24:16 To the called and chosen by God the men and women (leaders) worldwide 🌏 🙏in Jesus name ♥️ hallelujah amen.

Joseph Salim Ouseph from IN

July 14 at 8:37 am
Blessed are you O LORD our GOD King of the universe you have sanctified us by your word you have commanded us to be a light unto the nations and given us Yeshua our Messiah who is the light of the world. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming.Jesus'

GJR from US

July 14 at 8:34 am
Hallelujah glory be to God, thank you heavenly Father God for birthday blessings to Juan from Job 28:18 and Job 28:18, I decree and declare them today in Jesus name amen.

Anynonymous from ZM

July 14 at 3:23 am
Greetings in Jesus Name please pray for me to be celebrated by so many colleagues friends and family and receive so many presents I should be honored by the blood of Jesus Christ to receive big gifts even a car may I be remembered by my good connections and I should reconcile with my sisters forgive all and be a better person long life and untimely death to be broken completely May I not be rejected by anyone all lord let me be kind and be a blessing to others my daughter to finish her career as soon as possible thank you so much no accidents spirit of poverty to be broken by the blood of Jesus Christ promotion my sister to go to UK to have more time for Gods work and let me not differ with anyone let me not be quick to anger may be more attractive than before divine protection In Jesus Christ Name to finish my projects

Miguel from US

July 13 at 4:24 pm
Please pray for restoration and healing for me.And pray for me to have vibrant health. And pray for healing in my memory, eyes, stomach,colon,and feet

Miguel from US

July 13 at 4:14 pm
Please pray for peace and harmony with my roommate Roberto.Pray for him to behave himself.And pray for good changes and transformation in her life.And pray for Almighty to touch and save him.

Monica from US

July 13 at 2:04 pm
To obtain money so I can pay a knowledgeable lawyer to properly defend me . Praying to God to be exonerated of all charges . Praying for God to say me free In Jesus name.

William from US

July 13 at 1:36 pm
Yes, my name is William Howard. I have a Doctor's appointment on the 19th of July. I'm asking the Lord to let that appointment. Be a good appointment everything positive in the healing of my broke leg healing better than the doctors expect.

Janet from US

July 13 at 12:13 pm
I would like to ask for prayer for Frank he has throat cancer and doesn't have enough weight to get chemo or radiation.He has a feeding tube to help him gain weight and is having migraine headaches.Asking God for a complete healing.

Janet from US

July 13 at 12:10 pm
I would like to ask for prayer for Bobby he fell down a flight of stairs broke his neck and has had 2 heart attacks since.Please keep his family in your prayers also.

Shon from US

July 13 at 8:43 am
I like to give my prayers to a friend of mine named Rodney I too have known him on a streaming site for quite some time he's a very sweet guy who I think of as a brother is a recovering drug addict and going through a lot of health issues mainly having issues getting dizzy when standing Etc he's also applying for disability and I hope he receives it please pray for Rodney and Hope he gets the best treatment and care as well as disability please pray thank you and God bless

Miguel from US

July 13 at 8:28 am
Please pray for salvation, peace, blessings, restoration for John, Barbara,Thice, Yanick, Roberto, Chris,Gloria, Renette, George,Nilda, Anthony,Andro,Raphael,Gene,Shannah,Hannah,Wilna,Th resa,Kia,Anette,ClaudetteVictor,Michael,Tracy,Christina,Steve,Connie, Amber,Max,and Landan.

Joseph Salim Ouseph from IN

July 13 at 6:52 am
To GOD be the glory. Thank you LORD for another day thank you LORD for your wisdom thank you LORD for all the help given to me and my family in the past thank you LORD Jesus Christ for forgiving our sins. Thank you LORD blessing Alex Abner Joseph with a girl, Tanya Fernandes, they want to marry, I surrender both of them into your hands, all things work together for good for those who love the LORD, May Your will be done. LORD Jesus, bless Arpita Issac, bless Sunny Joseph,heal him from his indigestion problems, heal Benny Chandy from hernia and complicated problems.LORD Jesus Christ heal Grace Joseph from sciatica,blood pressure, arthritis problems. Thank you LORD Jesus Alex Abner Joseph want to go and see a plot tomorrow afternoon, bless us when we come in and go out. Bless me LORD indeed and enlarge my territory that thy hand might be with me that thou would keep me from all evil that it may not grieve me and God granted me my requests. In Jesus'name

Gloria Jean from US

July 13 at 4:19 am
My Father God, thank you for a new morning and thank you for joy comes in the morning. Blessings of Peace be established in Jerusalem in Jesus name amen.

Anynonymous from ZM

July 13 at 4:11 am
Greetings in Jesus Name please pray for me to receive a car on my birthday my partner to respect me financial breakthrough divine blessing health and protection my partner to respect me he should find happiness in me no fighting when he comes he should remember me in my good ways all those who fight me at work to be exposed promotion at work and I shouldn’t be transferred to keep away from bad people at work and to stop Gossiping my daughter to finish her school as soon as possible reconciliation between her and her cousin long life for all of us family unity to be loved and not rejected my enemies to see me excel no accidents or charms to work for me in Jesus Name poverty to be broken be in the family job creation my sister and myself to to clea

Joseph Salim Ouseph from IN

July 13 at 3:28 am
Give thanks to the LORD for He is good and His mercies endures forever towards Israel and Jerusalem prayer team. The LORD bless Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and keep you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon Joseph Salim Ouseph Grace Joseph Alex Abner Joseph Sonia Sarah Joseph Jason Kishander Naomi Lydia Kishander and give you peace shallom success unity restoration joy good health wisdom may His favour be upon you to a thousand generations your family and your children your generations after you may His presence go before you behind you beside you all around you within you He is with you in the morning in the evening in your going and your coming in your weeping and rejoicing He is for you He is for us He is with you.In Jesus'name

Miguel from US

July 12 at 9:49 pm
Please pray for a hedge of protection for me from coworker who is doing evil against me.She is setting snares, traps,and pitfalls against me.Please pray for Almighty to send his angels to protect from this woman and other coworkers at the job.And pray no weapon formed against me will not prosper.

Siona Vaelaa from AU

July 12 at 7:38 pm
Please pray for our Sunday Service tomorrow morning that the Holy Spirit manifest his powerful anointing in our service, the Holy Spirit encounter his people, healing sick bodies, save souls, bring liberty in the lives of his people, deliver and release them from the bondage and deception and evil weakness in Jesus name. Pray that God through the Holy Spirit release new people to visit and meet Jesus in his service, Pray that God will blessing every parts of his service that the people will be encouraged and set on fire for Jesus. Pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on my life to share his word effectively through wisdom and revelation to bless his people, pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on me to pray for the people to heal, encounter Jesus and bless people, pray for the impartation of the anointing of the Holy Spirit on People for his glory. God bless you and thank you for your prayers.

Eleanor from AU

July 12 at 6:34 pm
Heavenly Father I struggle being on my own with no family with me. They are all busy with their own lives and are not walking with You. Please convict them and bring them to your knees. Lord may someone in my family take me in their home as I am getting very old. I Love You Lord and cannot live without you in my Life. Thank You Jesus I wait patiently on you for your direction and Will for my life. In the Precious and Wonderful Name of Jesus, Amen!

Rosemarie from US

July 12 at 2:43 pm
For to make away where the big timers do not want to make away to clean up this type of CRIME of terrorism, cyber crimes, and lots more compromises in California to the additional American States + Third World Countries + more Human Beings do not deserve what people have done me periodically over a lifetime. Victims of Terrorism is a Crime that most people would never agree too lack of discovery destroys without the Truth (and/or) Right Changes.


July 12 at 11:57 am
Update I was shut down on fb was not able to pray or donate or interact ....all I did wrong was mention I am defender of zion and friend and supporter so I make a brand new fresh en stilling to join in praying with you all Please agree with me for God to protect me while I keep doing g what I am called to help Israel as best I can.....I and lead to stay clear of fb all together

Betty from US

July 12 at 11:46 am
😇From: Betty United States Lord, make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me sow love where there is injury, pardon, where there is doubt faith where there is despair, hope where there is sadness joy oh, divine master grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood, as to be understood to be loved as to love, for it is in giving that we receive it is in pardoning that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. God bless you and keep you peace be with you, my peace, I give you amen in the name of the father and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit Espiritu Santo💯❣️🙏🙏🙏 God bless us all🙏💯💯💯💜💜💜🤍😇


July 12 at 10:41 am
Please join me in praying for the Lord's guidance and protection of the people of Israel, and for Jewish people throughout the world, in particular. Also, please pray that they do not lose hope and that believers everywhere continue to encourage them and show them true Christian love. Also, I am praying for the lost souls in my hometown, Pueblo, and especially for one person, J. Q., in particular who is currently in the hospital and in critical condition. He is a juvenile who was shot and it is uncertain if he will recover. I pray that he recovers, but if not, please pray that the Lord will have mercy on his soul and that his family receives peace from the Lord. Shalom to all who read these prayers and let's pray for one another. Thank you.

Millie Mae from US

July 12 at 9:07 am
I pray Lord surround Israel with favor as you help them fight this battle just like you did for David your beloved and Jehoshaphat in Jesus name l pray AMEN AMEN!!!

Teresa from GB

July 12 at 7:48 am
Lord I come before you. My heart is heavy in my break up. I do not understand how this happened nor the persons true feeling for me. Lord I ask for this to be manifested over the next few days and help me Lord to accept it if it already has . Help me to see what has happened. Help me Lord to forgive and help me to confront this person and tell them what has angered me, help to release me energetically as those words are written , understood and heard. Help Lord to allow me to have impact on this persons life. I feel wronged, unloved and under valued. Help me Lord to reclaim my value in you and shine. Help to release me from the chain of my love for this person who is submissive in toxicity. Lord, show me a kind man who loves me for me . Protect me Lord from any evil plan and give me astute wisdom in my contacts and handlings with this person. You know our hearts Lord. Give me insight and not deluded hope. Help me Lord and bless this contact in the next few days and weeks. In Jesusname


July 12 at 7:35 am
So one day this very good friend came over with his daughter that about 17 getting ready to turn 18 years old and getting ready to find a husband. So he had adopted this blond who had been born to some alcoholics that they could not take care of. She was a slow learner, and had the disfigurement of the wide bridge nose that is common to the children born of alcoholic parents. So she turned her face at me, and walked away. I was in no way insulted. For I could tell she and I were just not compatible. How ever a few months went by maybe a year or more, when suddenly as I was alone at work this MEXICAN MALE who sounded like a teenager in Spanish yelled out in my head somehow??? He said in Spanish basically this. I took your wife away from you, I cheated you out of your wife. So in Spanish he basically said, I took your wife that HASHEM HAD INTENDED FOR YOU TO HAVE away from you? Then he basically said that she was now about to give birth to his first child, that should have been my child

Gabriel ajak from KE

July 12 at 7:10 am
Join me to pray and agree for me to be delivered from spirits bondages,sickness, blood covenants,against evil altars fighting my life in Jesus Christ name amen.

glenn from PH

July 12 at 6:58 am
I am still asking for your prayers I have a lot of debts and I want to settle it. My mother inlaw house is still for sale and please pray it will sell because she will help us also and give some comission that will help a lot for my family and our expenses and for my debts thank you.

Glenny from DO

July 12 at 5:14 am
Papito Dios perdóname todo lo que te ofendido ten misericordia de mí te ruego que escuches mis oraciones y me conteste conforme a tu santa voluntad, estoy pasando por una situación que tú conoces y que solamente tú me puedes ayudar Te ruego que me dé sabiduría y me ayudes te lo ruego papito Dios mi finanza está en tus manos en el nombre de Jesucristo amén papito Dios bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos lo que bendigamos a tu tierra en el nombre Jesús amén

stephen from AU

July 12 at 5:14 am
we cast that spirit of Death in James o my brothers body down to the foot of the cross and declare: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you (James), says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Glenny from DO

July 12 at 5:08 am
Papito Dios te pido que me perdones y tengas misericordia de mi vida, te ruego que escuche mi oraciones te amo mi Dios, ten misericordia mi Dios te entrego la vida de mi hijo Isaac Pineda Veras en en nombre de Jesucristo te ruego que le de salud y larga vida que tú presencia lo acompañe en donde quieras que él se encuentre, mi hijo Isaac está en tus manos por el poder de tus palabras cancelo toda agenda del enemigo en contra de su vida y declaro en el nombre de Jesucristo que ninguna alma forjada prosperará contra su vida, quita de su lado las amistades que no son de tú agrado mi Dios y trae a su lado personas de bendiciones para nuestra familia, ayúdanos a servirte y honrarte con en todo momento que mi hijo sea prosperado en tú camino y un ángel tuyo este asignado a mi hijo siempre protegiendo su vida lo pongas en gracias delante de sus jefes, compañeros y maestros, que nada malo le pase bendícelo siempre mi Dios en el nombre de Jesucristo 🙏 amén. Papito Dios bendice a tú pueblo

Glenny from DO

July 12 at 5:01 am
Papito Dios perdóname en todo lo que te ofendido, y por por favor escucha mis oraciones hasta el trono de tu gracia y contéstame conforme A tu santa y bendita. Papito Dios mira el proceso que estoy haciendo para cambio de trabajo en el Ministerio de Educación haz tu voluntad Dios te lo presento a ti ,si es tu voluntad abre todas las puertas de los cielos a mi favor y permite que yo pueda enterrar antes de iniciar el año escolar 2024-2025 Te ruego papito Dios que me ayude a que me salga de una vez en este mismo año 2024 el nombramiento como técnico Nacional, ayúdame papito Dios en el nombre de Jesucristo te ruego misericordia por mi vida todo eso te lo pido en el nombre de Jesús amén papito Dios bendice a tu pueblo Israel y dale paz a Jerusalén seamos bendecidos y prosperados todos los que Bendigamos tu tierra en el nombre de Jesucristo amén.

Nunda from US

July 11 at 10:31 pm
More females that do colon hydrotherapy will open up on oahu at every rail station stop a buessness that does colon hydrotherapy . That more people on oahu go into that field

Nunda from US

July 11 at 10:29 pm
That the medical supply company accepts nunda rx for all medical supplys and they ship out all medical supplys that they go down in price. That nunda kidney test has favorable test results good news that dr kim will write nunda a rx for medical supplys .

deloreszeman from US

July 11 at 8:53 pm
I really do have ❤️ for you inside of my life and inside of my heart ❤️ my love for you is a rose 🌹 ❤️ flowers 💐 💕 that will never die my love is for ever and I do have the key two your heart love youI love you so do you want me two go online pick us a new house 🏠 place for us you and me here inside of the state of Texas two send you a copy of the house 🏠 home so you can get the house 🏠 home so you can get it the house 🏠 home 🏡 for us No I don't do not love you for your cash money love is free you can not buy love come s from inside of the heart and have two pay monthly bìlls pay it with cash money wise rent electronic heat and air gas water lights wash close s with washer dryer stove cooking cook on and freezer keep food inside of heating and internet for laptop computers and cable watch TV 📺 and food two eat and telephone service cellphone service and I want two marry a real true very true a very rich sugar daddy king 🤴 😀 😋 two get married marrying marry have a wedding

Tan from TH

July 11 at 7:01 pm
I and my family need money and a job. I need to stop medicine, I need brain healing, restoration, rejuvenation, replenishment, and revive quadruple and sevenfold. I confess my masturbation. It is really serious. I confess all my sins and bad karma. I confess all they hold against me. I confess all he holds against me. I confess all she, her, her, her, and his hold against me. I confess all have diety half devil hold against me. I confess I have said bad things, done bad things, think bad things or destructive things about them and about Thailand and the country. I confess all wrongdoings, wrong thoughts, and wrong speech I did against half diety half devil, him, her, her, her, her, her, her, him, him, her, her, her, and all of them. I have way too many nemeses, devils, and enemies. I need all of them to forgive me from the bottom of their heart. Please forgive my masturbation and all my sins and bad karma. Dear Lord, please forgive my sins and bad karma, wash my sins and bad karma, an

Roger from US

July 11 at 6:40 pm
Pray for revival in my life. Pray that I will make it to the North Georgia Revival in Dawsonville, GA. this summer. Pray for the healing of my overactive bladder & genital pain. Pray that I will be baptized with the Holy Spirit & with fire. Thanks & God bless you.

Sarah from US

July 11 at 6:38 pm
Praying that my daughters heart murmur goes away and she is healthy and strong. Also, that my aunts heart condition goes away and she can get her hip replaced. She's in great pain. And my eyes are healed. In the name of Jesus amen

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By posting to the FOZ Prayer Wall, you understand and agree that your entered name, selected location, and prayer request will be publicly visible. FOZ is not responsible for any user content posted to the Prayer Wall, but reserves the right to moderate and remove any content for any reason. Furthermore, FOZ reserves the right to block IPs of users who post offensive, abusive, or spam content.

The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.