Israel Under Attack! - Our Rapid Response Team Needs YOUR Help! - Donate Now

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Siona Vaelaa from Australia

September 20 at 6:46 pm
Please pray for our Sunday morning service tomorrow that God visit us through the Holy Spirit.that the Holy Ghost shall manifest the glory of Jesus, his power shall release on his people, his anointing shall encounter everyone who are coming tomorrow in Jesus name.pray that he Holy Ghost shall bring people to his service in Jesus name. pray for the anointing of the Holy Ghost to come healing the sickness and set them free, deliver people from curse and demonic power in Jesus name. pray that the Holy willGhost

naveed from Pakistan

September 20 at 6:30 pm
ameen paryr for my gharend son Suleiman musa Duod Zakaria and my beg son Sakeel and aqeel my daughter zunaira and my wife jomela Mr kaleem and my health wealth and my homs and my job offs pourablams by Mr muneb Mr Alla Yar

Andrea from the United States

September 20 at 4:30 pm
Dearest Lord of our Fathers, please stop the forces of evil & protect Israel at all costs. Save the innocent ones who love you & bless them that they may live. In the name of Yeshua, I pray. Amen 🙏🏼

Jessie from the United States

September 20 at 4:01 pm
pray for Jessie for a clear direction in life. prayer for Michael to accept the holy spirit to work inside him completely.

Anonymous from the United States

September 20 at 12:39 pm
Went looking for a p.t job or volunteer position today and filled ut application for one. I'm desperate to find something to do.Please pray for me . Also, against constant attacks of the enemy

Stephanie from the United States

September 20 at 11:42 am
I have a rare blood condition - need the Lord to heal me. My sister Alicia and brother John needs to be saved. My relationship with my brother has been severed because of a trust issue - a lot of healing between both siblings and myself. Thank you

Sherry from the United States

September 20 at 8:54 am
  B"H Please intervene for me and save my life please! Dear God !😭😭😭😭Please Dear God save me and send me a complete healing of my entire body. Please send me the miracle of health that I've been praying for 37 years. Non stop suffering burning on fire in my cranial nerves supplying my entire mouth throat and neck into my digestive system, breathing ...causing paralysis. Please save me please!!😭😭😭😭 Only you HaShem can help me and I'm begging you to please intervene for me. I cannot keep suffering like this and keep begging. I beg not to be forsaken. Please send Moshiach Now for all life on earth bringing health and peace to all life on earth please!! Save me , help me, intervene for me , don't forsake me and my family and pets who need me and I need them please!!! I beg of you with tears!!I love life so much! I love you HaShem so much! I beg for a second chance at life please!! I have so much to give and will!! Please save me!!😭😭😭😭 Chaya Shaina Chana Bas Itcha

Stephen Raymond from Australia

September 20 at 5:08 am
the pope, saying all religions lead to God, (bewildering comment by our faith), Lord, you said only one way to the Father, Jesus, God pleaded with the Israelites to give up their other God. take away the confusion among believers

Stephen from Australia

September 20 at 4:46 am
The Lord be might in his /plans for Israel, mercy on us Lord, bring us to knowledge of you completely- inc friends and family, before you appear in Jerusalem your will done in my life this weekend

Ekeswar from India

September 20 at 1:14 am
Glory be to the Lord, I am Ekeswar Harijan from India, a 26-year-old believer in Christ. I come from a very humble background, and despite our financial struggles, I have big visions for my life. I aspire to become a successful businessman so that I can help the needy and feed the poor. Currently, I have no funds to work on my business ideas, so I depend solely on investors. Over the past few months, I have reached out to more than 30 investors for my dairy and café concepts, but unfortunately, I have not received any responses. Today, I am reaching out to café, restaurant, and coffee shop owners to seek funding. I kindly ask for your prayers that my ideas will receive support from these owners as soon as possible. My Promises: If I receive the funds by September 30, 2024, I will visit Jerusalem in 2027. I will send Christmas gifts to 150 churches in 2025. Starting in 2028, I will build one church each year in any country, city, or village.Once I turn 50, I will donate 50% of my wealth

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

September 20 at 12:08 am
Blessed are you O LORD our GOD King of the universe you have sanctified us by your word you have commanded us to be a light unto the nations and given us Yeshua our Messiah who is the light of the world. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, the house of Cherangara Chacko Ouseph Saramma Ouseph and their descendants Joseph Salim Ouseph, Sunny Joseph, Sajee Joseph and families am redeemed out of the hand of the devil all our sins are forgiven we are continually cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ we are justified and sanctified. LORD Jesus Christ, bless Reina s mother,heal her hip shoulder and hand fractures, bless her to walk without walker. Thank you LORD for blessing Alex Abner Joseph, with a job in PG Shipping Maritime company,ship Pacific Rizhao, bless all the work of his hands protect him from all evil for all times to come. I pray for your blessing upon Sonia Sarah Joseph, Naomi Lydia Kishander, Jason Kishander, bless them and protect them.

Andrew from the United States

September 19 at 8:07 pm
Spiritual joy God to work in my life Also show me I'm saved and remove evil spirits causing me depression low energy health issues pray God gives me peace and remove spiritual baggage heaviness brightend up days

Carol from Papua New Guinea

September 19 at 7:12 pm
Father, I commit my children into your hands. I know you are their Father. You created them and you plan everything that will happen in their lives. Help them to trust you always and accept you as their Lord and Saviour. Hand in hand as you open each chapter of their lives. In Jesus name I prayed 🙏.

Stephanie from the United States

September 19 at 6:40 pm
Prayers for myself and loved one's for God's continous hand of protection over our lives, homes, healing, and prosperity and give us favor in all we do. AMEN!

Arletta from the United States

September 19 at 6:38 pm
For the last 3 years 3 witches from my old Church have been wreaking havoc in me and my daughter’s life! We have faced trouble and financial setback's. We need a FINANCIAL MIRACLE

T from the United States

September 19 at 5:54 pm
Praying Gods divine intervention & miracle breakthroughs for Immediate safe shelter/steady housing for Leland. Praying the blood of Jesus, Gods protection & provision & him to be freed from homelessness, the fiery darts of the enemy & Everything not of God. Praying for a divine turnaround in his life. Praying for mental/physical healing & Godly friends/mentors to help him get on his feet & stay in alignment with Gods Will.

Donna from the United States

September 19 at 3:19 pm
I request that you pray for my brother's Eternal Salvation. He lives in Arizona. I long for him and my sister both to be saved. His name is Gene. My sister's name is Linda.

Gene from the United States

September 19 at 3:01 pm
I would like to humbly ask for continued restoration of my health and healing from various medical issues and conditions. And to also ask for blessing on my Scripture studies, my educational and career studies, my career, my relationships, my family, my friends, and my finances. I entrust them all to You. As it says in Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not look around, for I am your Elohim. I shall fortify you, I shall also help you, I shall also uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.”

Steven from the United States

September 19 at 3:00 pm
May our GOD direct and guide you. May HE bless you and your efforts to serve HIM. HE is our sovereign. And our GUIDE. Thank you for praying with me. May GOD richly bless you! In HIS name I pray. Steve Turoski

Jonathan from the United Kingdom

September 19 at 11:52 am
Thank You Father God that Tom encouraged me today in my prayer battle. Other people have agreed to pray. Thank You Lord. Please encourage me further and give me a powerful testimony of Your Greatness and Awesome Love and Power. Please send angels to fight for me and overpower the strongman. I declare God will give me Divine Favour by the power of The Blood of Lord Jesus Christ. I bless Israel and Jerusalem with peace and prosperity.

Anonymous from the United States

September 19 at 9:33 am
Please pray restoration and healing for my health.Please pray for me to have vibrant and good health.And pray for healing in my upper back, skin,y, stomach, colon, liver, kidneys, bladder, feet and memory.And pray for my hosptal medical debts to be forgiven and cancelled.

Gabriel from Indonesia

September 19 at 9:27 am
Lord Jesus, I come before You with a humble heart, lifting up my former colleague, Nabila, into Your loving hands. Lord, she has not yet come to know You as her Lord and Savior. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will visit her and work in her life, that she may have a personal encounter with You. Touch her heart, Lord, and open her eyes to see Your truth. I ask that You reveal Yourself to her in a way she cannot deny, so that she may come to believe in You, trust in You, and receive the gift of salvation. In Your holy name, I pray, Amen.

M. from the United States

September 19 at 9:24 am
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, blessing, and prosperity for Roberto.Please pray for Roberto to have divine favor with his social worker and home Manager

Freda from the United States

September 19 at 7:04 am
Thank You, Father, for your Word in Psalm 55:9 which says, "Lord, confuse the wicked, confound their words, for I see violence and strife in the city." Thank You, Father, for confusing the enemy of Hezbolah. Thank You for fighting for Your chosen people. Give Prime Minister Netanyahu, Major General Halevi, and each member of the IDF Your strength to stay the course. Show Yourself strong on behalf of Your people, bring peace to Jerusalem and keep Your people in peace. Amen.

Pamela from the United Kingdom

September 19 at 12:39 am
God bless . Please pray for my daughter in law. That she will seek the help she need to get well. At the moment she is in denial. Her name is Victoria. And pushes everyone. Away that want to help. In Jesus Name Amen

Pamela from the United Kingdom

September 19 at 12:32 am
God bless. Please pray for son that he gets custody of his children. And the is partner give home the right to change school. Which is nearer for him. Give him strength OLord to go through this Amen. Thank you Lord 🙏🏾

Chaplain Gloria ✝️ from the United States

September 18 at 11:22 pm
Lord God, I choose to surrender everything that is in me to you. I surrender all my fears, my doubts, my insecurities and my anxieties to You Father God now and ask for the Holy Spirit to help me in Jesus name amen

Chaplain Gloria ✝️ from the United States

September 18 at 11:09 pm
Lord God, help me draw people closer to Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ 🙏 that they may receive the saving knowledge of the good news of the gospel truth amen

Gloria Jean from the United States

September 18 at 11:04 pm
I decree and declare that I'm more than a conqueror according to Romans 8:37 in the name of Jesus Christ Messiah Yeshua Hamaschiach amen

Gloria Jean from the United States

September 18 at 10:57 pm
I decree and declare the favor of God follows and finds, me, my children and my grandchildren and family lineage wherever we go in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Gloria Jean from the United States

September 18 at 10:49 pm
I decree and declare supernatural provision is loosen from heaven to me, my children and grandchildren and family lineage in Jesus name amen

Gloria Jean from the United States

September 18 at 10:46 pm
I decree and declare that I shall not lack my daily bread, God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory amen

Joseph Salim Ouseph from India

September 18 at 10:44 pm
Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yeshua our Messiah. Through the blood of Jesus Christ the house of Cherangara Chacko Ouseph, Saramma Ouseph and their descendants Joseph Salim Ouseph, Sunny Joseph,Sajee Joseph am redeemed out of the hand of the devil, all our sins are forgiven we are continually cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ we are justified and sanctified. Father in heaven I come to you in the name of Yeshua our Messiah,I plead the blood of Jesus Christ for the redemption from any sin or curse upon the 10 cents belonging to Joseph Salim Ouseph at Cherangara Chacko Ouseph land in Kuruppampadi behind Kuruppampadi Bus stand from any source whatever. Thank you LORD I want to sell the land, trusting in you LORD for a good customer. Thank you LORD for the flat booked at Tranquil Heights, chanasandra Kalkere Horamavu Bangalore, thank you LORD for the down payment made trusting in you for the full payment to be done by December ,our help is in the name of Yeshua our Messiah.Yesu

Gloria Jean from the United States

September 18 at 10:41 pm
I decree and declare I receive supernatural abundance in Jesus name amen. I decree and declare I receive supernatural favor in Jesus name amen. I decree and declare no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against me in judgment shall be condemned in Jesus name amen.

Gloria Jean from the United States

September 18 at 10:32 pm
I decree and declare, I'm protected in the lions den and the lions mouths are shut in Jesus name, no lion attack against me shall prosper

Gloria Jean from the United States

September 18 at 10:23 pm
In Jesus name, I decree and declare the divine protection of God over myself this day, week, month and year. I seal this declaration with the blood of Jesus.

Nunda from the United States

September 18 at 8:21 pm
Nunda starts haveing regular bowlmovements every day multiple xs aday that her cronic constapation goes away that she can find a supplement that'll make her have regular bowls movements like her mom does that god imediatly on oahu puts more buesness that do colon hydrotherapy not on neighbor Islands but on oahu

Lany from Indonesia

September 18 at 4:32 pm
Dear my prayers team❤️ Please pray, my students will compete on September 28th. Please pray for them so that they can win in basketball, debate, social and natural sciences, English, robotics, mathematics. God bless them and give them mercy and favor. Pray that through this victory many students will enroll at the MDC Elementary Christian School so that we can disciple them to become disciples of Christ. Thank you for your support and prayer

Janet from the United States

September 18 at 4:01 pm
I would like pray that God will help my husband and me financially.We are trying to put an addition on for my 87 yr.old Mother,so that we don't have to run back and forth to her house.

Hank from the United States

September 18 at 2:55 pm
Shalom, please pray for favor and direction on some car stuff, also for Good health, healing, encouragment and Finances for myself and family members

Parker from the United States

September 18 at 2:26 pm
Please pray for my daughter battling addiction and depression. Please pray she will bring God into her heart and ask for His guidance. Please pray for her loneliness emptiness fears and isolation. Please pray God will send her a godly husband and friends that lift her up out of depression and loneliness. Please pray for safety protection health happiness relationships finances and salvation for my daughter, grandson, and mother. Please pray for our finances and home to be repaired right and need no more repairs. Thank you and God bless you.

Barbara from the United States

September 18 at 2:03 pm
Given the latest attempt on Trump’s life, I request that the Lord (continue) to put a hedge of protection about him (Job 1:10. Thank you so much and may the Lord bless you.

Andrew from the United States

September 18 at 12:51 pm
Spiritual joy God to work in my life Also show me I'm saved and remove evil spirits causing me depression low energy health issues pray God gives me peace and remove spiritual baggage heaviness brightend up days

Rodney from the United States

September 18 at 11:58 am
9/18/2024 Update: Greetings good afternoon. My PCP Office just called me this morning and said he looked over all the paperwork and pathology reports and said that what that Endocrinologist recommended was the standard treatment for this type of Thyroid cancer. However I could do a second opinion if I wanted to. But the second opinion may take several months to schedule one. So I agree to do the two CT Scan and probably will go through the removal of the left side thyroid with surgery for complete thyroid ectomy removal the right side was removed on August 28,2024. So they have scheduled two CT scan for Tuesday September 24,2024 at 11:30 am. 1 scan is CT Scan Chest w and wo contrast 2 bd scan us CT Neck soft Tissue w and wo contrast. Then I’ll have to schedule surgery again for the left side of my thyroid gland to be removed. Then will have to take the radio active R-131 iodine capsule followed by lifetime of thyroid medication. Please pray this hasn’t spread to other parts of my body

M from the United States

September 18 at 9:20 am
Please pray for healing and restoration for my upper back, eyes, skin, stomach, colon, liver, kidneys, bladder, feet and memory.And pray for me to have vibrant health.

Anonymous from the United States

September 18 at 9:18 am
Please pray for peace and harmony with my roommate.He is erractic behavior.And pray for salvation, healing, peace and restoration for my Rooommate

M from the United States

September 18 at 9:16 am
Please pray for salvation, healing, peace, blessing, restoration and deliverance for Roberto.And pray for divine favor and blessings for Roberto with his social worker and pray that he will keep his place to live.

Jonathan from the United Kingdom

September 18 at 7:56 am
Father God please encourage me and give me total victory in my prayer battle for Your Glory. I want a powerful testimony of Your Greatness and Awesome Love and Power. Please send angels to fight for me and overpower the strongman. I declare God will give me Divine Favour by the power of The Blood of Lord Jesus Christ. I bless Israel and Jerusalem with peace and prosperity.

Hank from the United States

September 18 at 7:53 am
Shalom, please pray for Denise and that God would provide her a car and income favor and peace, also for financial issues and better health for me

Roger from the United States

September 18 at 7:19 am
Please pray for the salvation of my entire family. Let them seek the Lord while he is near. let them change their ways and turn to the Lord

Nicole from the United States

September 18 at 4:54 am
May you please pray that what's in the dark will come to light and that God will get the glory out of my life. May also pray that the Lord deliver me out of a situation that I am currently in and restore my life. May you also pray that the Lord will show favor on all of my family members lives and help them in every aspect of their lives. Last but not least may you please pray that the Lord will give me another chance to make an impact on people lives by indwelling me with the Holy Spirit again. May you please plead my case on my behalf. I genuinely and earnestly need and want Jesus in sincerely. Thank you so much. May you please pray that the Lord will step into my situation. I lifted up a prayer that I should not have gotten involved with because it was too intense for me in earnest. I sincerely and desire the Lord with all of my heart in sincerely. May you please lift this up before the Lord on my behalf. Thank you I earnestly and sincerely do appreciate it

Chaplain Gloria ✝️ from the United States

September 18 at 4:35 am
Praying for Israel 🙏🇮🇱 Pay back into the laps of our neighbors seven times the reproach they have hurled at you, O Lord. Psalms 79:10 Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise 👏 🙌 👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌

Jose from the United States

September 18 at 12:20 am
Praying for obtain my full certification,have the preparation and the oportunity to get my certificate from the school in argentina or other or other school and country,to take my skills to other level improving it,have the economic to take those courses, heliski training,nivology level instructor,have new gear and sponsors my sport and profesion.That buy a land where to produce,and have the money to buy a house.New projects and new business to make.That leading and do well with the new clients have the soport and people that work with me in 2025.Excell in all.Have a good health insurance for me and my family.Obtain a scholarshipr from a university to keep going with my studies.Amen.

Arletta from the United States

September 17 at 8:47 pm
I am burnt out at my job. Been working in a stressful environment for over 12 years! No growth and no change in pay in 3 years! Had to work through the Pandemic.

Arletta from the United States

September 17 at 8:45 pm
I have $20k in credit card debt. My job dropped my health insurance and I have hypertension. I am only covered by The Blood Of Jesus! I need a MIRACLE from God!

GJR from the United States

September 17 at 7:12 pm
Father God in highest heaven above thank you for your mercy and grace everyday Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah 🙌 🙌🙌🙌🙌🇺🇸🙌🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥🔥AMEN

GJR from the United States

September 17 at 7:07 pm
Father God in highest heaven above I send the judgment of God to those who plan deception against America 🇺🇸 in Jesus name amen

GJR from the United States

September 17 at 7:01 pm
Father God in highest heaven above, from East to West and North to South bless America 🇺🇸 above and beyond in Jesus name Thank you Amen.

Doneta from the United States

September 17 at 6:34 pm
Dear Father in Heaven, please protect & provide for every Israeli in Israel! Keep the enemy away from their door, give peace to each one, especially the children. I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ! Amen

Gloria Jean from the United States

September 17 at 6:11 pm
My Lord God bless be your sovereign holy name. Forgive me of all my sins. Release Israel 🇮🇱 from wars and rumors of wars in Jesus name, thank you and be glorified forever amen

Linda from the United States

September 17 at 4:01 pm
Salvation for my whole family my 7 grown children my 17 grandchildren n all my great grandchildren 🙌🏼🙋🏻‍♀️🙏🏼🙏🏼my friends and siblings n there children

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.